All Comments on 'Discovery in Charleston'

by ttt59

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  • 174 Comments (Page 2)
AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Following the obvious leads, detectives discovered they were lovers, but Corey was getting some on the side.

Um... so what? Following the leads and finding this info is a reach to "and she obviously pushed him down the stairs."

"Yeah? Prove it. Cause if you had witnesses or actual *proof* you wouldn't have to follow leads."

AngelRiderAngelRiderover 1 year ago

Can't kick the spouse out of the home before the final decree. Doesn't matter if your name is on the mortgage and it doesn't matter if you owned the home outright before the marriage took place. It's marital property to be split by the court or decided by the parties prior and signed off by the magistrate. Even if there is an iron clad prenump, the house is owned by a 3rd party or trust, the spouse cannot be prevented immediate access.

I know this bit of reality offends the btb crowd but life is not literotica

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I wish Will could have personally gotten more revenge on Corey and ruined him completely. I also wish Ellie suffered more. (Despite going to jail.)

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I don't see how Ellie would be okay continuing her affair this long if she loved Will. Wish he had punished her more. Also wish Will found someone new.

OvercriticalOvercriticalover 1 year ago

Sort of ordinary, but I guess if you read Literotica regularly you get jaded with the same hum-drum adultery and discovery of such by the husband. There ain't nothing new under the sun. I do wonder why the adulterous woman and her paramour seem to get such nasty things happen to them. In the real world people are discovered and get legally punished, but in Literotica the wrong-doers have the whole world descend on them. You fuck around, get discovered, go through a nasty divorce and off you go to try again in the real world. In Literotica all the crap in the world descends on the wrong doers, thus proving that if you're a bad guy or gal you will get terribly punished so you, the reader, should not do such nasty things. Too trite. 3*

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

You have good stories up to the ending.... Having read all of them, I can honestly say you cannot stick the ending. Work on that part of your story telling more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

"... but life is not literotica."??? But...but...what is it then?

cookingwithgascookingwithgasover 1 year ago

This is tough. WTH, why not - 5*. you hit all the edicts of the LW category. The story is well written, and most of your characters are developed. Along with other commenters, I too, felt the story a bit too sanitary. But you do that straightforward approach in most of your works, so I shouldn't be expecting something else. I think what's missing for me is the emotions of the characters.

Look, people get divorced over things like this everyday. The cheating spouse is almost always going to cheat with someone they know well. someone they see often. Probably, someone the aggrieved spouse also knows. Only 10% of married people in America can afford an attorney like Simmons, and even less could afford to put a PI on retainer. 47% of Americans now live below the poverty line. I'm guessing many just suck up being a cuckold because they simply can't afford to split what little they have. All that said, we both do similar things in our stories and both generally score above 4*.

The difference being obvious. I'll put one or two little lines in there about the revenge, deciding rather to focus the meat of the story on how the characters 'feel' throughout. It's not a better strategy than yours, just different. I may even push myself to write a story like this one, focusing on the 'facts' instead of feelings.

Here, I kept waiting for Will to crack a little bit, in his effort to flush Ellie. I kept waiting to see how she was going to weaponize remorse in an effort to get him back. Cory, in the beginning, seemed in his warped mind to care about his friend Will, and I suppose reading on we are to understand that he only 'thinks' he cares about others. I won't use the 'N' word (Narcissistic) because 80% of the commenters on Lit who use it, don't even know WTF the definition of the word means.

Overall, it was good, but not overly satisfying. I guess that's the best way I can describe it. Don't stop honing your skills, and please keep writing. You're a very good writer, and both the number of comments and your ratings on all of your stories prove that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Your stories are very good... until the endings. Your ending are too abrupt and brief.

SunnyU2SunnyU2over 1 year ago

Ellie wouldn’t go to prison. At worst she'd get probation. Corey was intoxicated. Lover's quarrel. Police don't care about that crap

BlueEyd2BlueEyd2over 1 year ago

The ending/wrap-up was poor and ill thought out. And it should have been Will who provided payback to Corey. Big time. They were supposedly best friends. Corey deserved pain.

skruff101skruff101over 1 year ago

God this author loves bullet points.

Helen1899Helen1899over 1 year ago

Rushed finish made a story that should have been 5* 4. Why do so many good author's let their readers down like this.

Wildbill1964Wildbill1964over 1 year ago

A well written, and fantastic story indeed. 5 big shiny 💥💥💥💥💥 That is truly a story that could be so very true.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

So many critics. Just give the author his due. It is well done and a very worthwhile read!

DrgwngDrgwngover 1 year ago

Ellie was typical modern entitled woman in todays world. Right up until the very end, she was blaming others for her failures. She would not go to jail, women rarely get convicted or sentenced in domestic violence, even when the man suffers bleeding and wound level injuries.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesover 1 year ago

Enjoyed the story. Thanks for your writing.

AstordatairAstordatairover 1 year ago

Excellent story. Very pleasant to read. Thank you!

Gumbo25Gumbo25over 1 year ago

I liked the writing style. It is sometimes hard to end stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It's Folly Beach, not Foley Beach, and Murray Boulevard, not Murry Blvd. Next time, run your addresses through Google Maps to verify the spelling.

peterb5740peterb5740over 1 year ago

Enjoyed the story. Looking forward to more.

hank_rosehank_roseover 1 year ago

Great story, really enjoyed the background and lead-up, but have to admit, as with most stories on this site, the ending fell a little flat for me. Great opportunity for a follow-up story.

UnassignedUnassignedover 1 year ago

I've enjoyed your other stories, but this one - not as much. Despite having the same framework as many other stories on this site it had potential, but there were just too many places where details blatantly failed the smell test and derail the story. In no particular order, why could she only hire a hack attorney? Divorce lawyers are going to bill on an hourly basis, not a contingency fee (which are not even allowed in many states for family law). She's likely in for a big settlement (see below) and should have no problem finding someone competent or paying the retainer.


Next, why such a lowball divorce settlement? Adultery isn't illegal and while IANAL I seriously doubt many judges would try to impose such as absurdly unfair division based on that reason. A bit of back-of-the-napkin math would put the company valuation at at least a couple of million dollars, likely closer to $3-5M (both partners are pulling in $250k/year post tax, so maybe $400k pre-tax; add in the employee and other costs, and you get over $1M in annual revenue even if they're not putting any money back into the company). Going by your timeline, they've been married for ~9 years, giving Ellie a very good claim for 1/4 of the company, so . . . $500K, maybe $1M? How could the judge pull off a worse than 90/10 split? $75k lump sum, and no maintenance from hubby's $400k annual income? Not remotely close to realistic. Then let's add the fact that in his initial "generous" offer, she had to agree to stipulate adultery as the grounds - offering her the chance to go with "irreconcilable differences" is pretty much the only carrot he has to offer, and he's just tossed that in the compost heap. She, and her competent attorney (see above) should have told hubby to pound sand with that offer.


Similarly, why would Corey settle for $0.28 on the dollar? What he did was evil and despicable but (again) the adultery is not illegal. He's going to give up three-quarters of a million (likely more) in value because of a couple of thousand in questionable/fraudulent expense reports? Good luck finding a DA who would take even 5 minutes before declining to pursue that. A civil case? Yeah, that one might well be a contingency fee . . . call it 1/3 of the $10k recovered (if not less). Good luck getting a lawyer to take that case! Further, why would Corey even bother to expense it? As you say, he's clearing a quarter-million a year so the cost of a handful of hotel stays is trivial (hell, both partners are swilling $250-500+ bottles of wine like they're water) and being single he doesn't have anyone to answer to regarding his personal credit card bills . . . well, unless he is brain-dead and expenses it, the only thing he could possibly do that exposes his stay.


Why would Will's legal team need to be 2 senior partners, 2 junior partners and support staff for a relatively routine divorce case? Must be that whole hourly billing thing. That and the team of "highly trained professional investigators", who have a whopping 30 years of experience between the six of them.


And to nit-pick, the little factoids are nice but if you're going to include them, please research them first. Chateau D'Yquem with dinner??? And the hotel is "St. Regis", not "Saint Regis". /snobmodeoff

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefover 1 year ago

Good story that just goes to show that what goes around sooner or later comes around. I kind of agree with other readers that Ellie probably wouldn't have gone to prison unless she had killed the asshole.

nixroxnixroxover 1 year ago

1 star - not a very good story.

ErotFanErotFanabout 1 year ago

This is my first read of one of your stories and I must say I enjoyed it very much. One of the points that required some suspension of disbelief was the precipitous fall from faithfulness of Ellie. Corey must be in possession of some voodoo charm. The last couple of paragraphs seemed poorly contrived. It's as if you finished the story but felt you had to punish the perps a bit. To assuage the commenters?? Still don't see how, if Cory's memory was wiped in the fall, that they could charge Ellie with assault, much less get a conviction.

The story played out so well that the sex scenes seemed overkill. They confirmed that Cory was an amoral predator and further destroyed the hope that there was _some_ redeeming character left in Ellie.

Ed was the best lawyer portrayal I've read in all of Literotica!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Kind of formulaic. And Ellie just goes full slut.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Caught and action taken immediately

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


you idiot, this is fiction, not a court transcript

Ocker53Ocker53about 1 year ago

A good read⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

HighBrowHighBrowabout 1 year ago

Over-the-top Femdom agitprop fantasy, but well-written and enjoyable. Bitch!

CindyTVCindyTVabout 1 year ago

Loved it, 5 Stars!

RimmerdalRimmerdalabout 1 year ago

Well just chock full of cliches. Highly simplistic.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Haha, the poorly named "HighBrow" (you should stop using that name until you at least complete 7th grade in a few weeks) cut'n'paste his usual "Femdom agitprop" comment. Buddy, you shouldn't use words that are far beyond your intellectual paygrade.

MattblackUKMattblackUKabout 1 year ago

An interesting story. It had typos? So? shut happens, falks. 5* story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Really, she gets an ambulance chaser for a lawyer. Would have been nice if Ellie got a lawyer that fought the divorce that would have added to the pain and suffering, she so aptly deserved. I have to agree with ErotFan that the sex was overkill.

Elias1Elias1about 1 year ago

Very nice story....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

They would not give a woman 3 years for aggregated assault when there was no proof according to the author..He was drunk and slipped. Dumb story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A good story despite some flaws. I think the 3 year prison sentence for Ellies aggravated assault charge may have been a little harsh, after all this didn't take place in a communist country.

slowhand21slowhand21about 1 year ago

This story got to me and I’m having trouble finding the right words. I can’t help but think letting a man like Corey stay in your life as a best friend, even though you know what kind of person he is, is asking for trouble. Maybe a little bit of Karma—Will didn’t have too much of a problem with Corey’s behavior until he came after Ellie.

shadrachtshadrachtabout 1 year ago

The lack of any hope, any bright spot other than pain and anger leave this story with nothing but a bitter taste.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

5 pages of nonsense....too long for cuck husband to get rid of the cheating bitch and the judge takes 3 fucking months to review the!!!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Corey and Elle the cheating sluts got off too easily

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

All the elements of a great tale. A 10 year upcoming anniversary trip but the authur doesn't use this in any way for story development. Then he sets the drama up for an ultimate betrayal between wife and best friend with well written sex scenes but no instead writing about the actions and emotions the story just goes into pages and pages of how he protected his wealth - who cares? Could of, should of, would of been a great story but just a bunch of boring stuff about a team of lawyers and a mans wealth. Side note, why not write about a normal mc like most of us just living pay-check-to pay-check with little invested in retirment. Who can identify with someone who can drop 6k just-like-that for a deposit on a PI? Also, this is a comment for all LW writers - get real - NO ONE has 2 or 3 great, wonderful, beautiful, genius children who are so understanding and supportive of the aggrevied parent like the MC has in this and every single LW story. That's not real life and after reading repeadelty it becomes a nausiating and irratating bit of BS that takes away the credibility of a story. Most REAL parents have kids with lots of problems that are acted out with disrespect. Please think about write about normal people.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

North Carolina is an at fault state, it's the only state where you can sue for alienation of affection

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Ellie going to prison was a bit much.

nogravynogravy9 months ago

Great story demonstrating the true potential of this author. The last paragraph was extraneous, but did not detract enough from the whole to make it fatal. Five stars from me.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

ellie didnt suffer enough.

2 stars for letting the whore off so easy

pummel187pummel1878 months ago

Dirtball alright 😄

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

The commenters in LW scream, rant, and rail against "stupid" writers who don't dismember anyone with stained hands. They call them names, down-vote their stories, and write comments that may be here long after their own demise. All over a fictional story. Think about how emotionally invested they are in a FICTIONAL story, a free one, to elicit those types of responses. Pretty messed up, huh?

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Martian Slut Ray strikes again

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

This was very close to a 5 star story. The author seemed torn between making Ellie a sympathetic character and a desire to have here punished. Three years in prison was unnecessary.

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19696 months ago

ending didn't feel right to me... divorce yes, but the confrontations were not as satisfying as I'd hoped.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I agree with Oatmeal 1969 below. My exact feelings. 4 stars 🌟.

Bill S.

nixroxnixrox6 months ago

3 stars - although well written, I found the ending to be a waste of time.

Comments here a supposed to be about how much readers enjoyed the story, also offering pointers to encourage growth and ideas, plus there will always be those annons who just bitch about everything.

I am a septuagenarian and my advice is to consider only the positive or guiding responses, and disregard all the rest of the crap. Please keep writing, at this age I enjoy few pleasures more than reading.

WrickettsWricketts5 months ago

I don’t get why writers keep putting the ex in jail.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

wo is Stillman?

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

So she continued to fuck Corey during and after the divorce...christ. That woman is morally bankrupt. I guarantee Will's worst enemy isn't even a sliver as big a threat to him as his 'best friend'.

deependerdeepender4 months ago

The opening was very well done. The reader was led into three lives as if everything was straight forward. The background interplay between the two friends was well done as was the presentation of Ellie as a person of character (a personable character?). It seems as though the author could not let them go so his only recourse was to kick them out of his life. Some what abruptly, I think. Personable characters deserve closure.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Corey got off easy if you ask me. Don't do what he did to a close friend and partner. I still don't get how she could give in given her view on Corey. And the story has way too much sex written between the cheaters. I had to skip chunks of it. Disgusting!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

A very thorough legal tale. Highly recommended for fans of the genre.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Again, ruined a decent story at the very end. Just trying to throw in some rushed karma for shits and giggles.

Psychman24Psychman242 months ago

Good story. In this triangle of main characters who are everything to each other its crazy that two of them would turn on the other with no conscience. Their belief was that their adultery was just fine as long as they could keep it secret. Corey was particularly reprehensible, to deliberately do that to his best friend and partner. Hard to believe that MC was so clueless about his friends character, but I know it does happen. I had a friend who lost his wife to his best friend but in their case his wife went on to marry his ex-best friend. It was brutal! The last bit about Corey getting maimed and Ellie going to prison was over the top and should have been left out. Just move on and live your best life. In the real world people don't often have their whole lives blown up for cheating, and a more subtle karma works best IMO.

t8ntliklyt8ntlikly2 months ago

Good story, but I deducted a star, because you have him selling the house, which earlier in the story you stated was his and his alone. So why?

t8ntliklyt8ntlikly2 months ago

Also who's Stillman?

26thNC26thNC2 months ago

Great story. Great to see the cheating wife get trashed by the legal system. Too bad the burn wasn’t much worse on the cheaters.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

wo is Miller?


RuttweilerRuttweiler2 months ago
Intelligence test?

Of course, this is Loving Wives, so people, laws and reality are disposable. And so it doesn't matter that breaking into the lover's Charleston getaway cottage is a crime, as is recording within the cottage without their (obviously unobtainable) permission. The 'investigators' would be facing criminal charges, along with the loss of their licenses.

The recordings and photographs would NEVER be admissible in court, and the husband's case would fail for lack of evidence, if hubby's attorney was stupid enough to rely on it, which he wouldn't. And he would know that.

But, amazingly, your audience doesn't! Are they really that ignorant, or is it that they just don't give a shit when they want what they want, and decide to believe what they want to believe? The jury's out on that one.

Also, do you notice that hubby always gets the top lawyer around, and wifey gets an ambulance chaser? Why is that? Probably same reason as above.

We are faced with an apparent truth. Either the audience who loves this shit are morons, or they don't care that they look like morons.

shadrachtshadracht2 months ago

On the reread, it is no more enjoyable. Leaving the reader with nothing but a bitter taste, and not because of lack of realism, although apparently the poster a day ago is just upset that the cheaters don't get to be scum scott free.


As it is, there's no happiness to be had here, and no joy in reading the story either. 2*

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

By far this is your worst effort, just pathetic. Need to pull it as it will continue to pull you down in the eyes of the readers.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

It would have been good, but there was too much descriptive sex between the cheaters. It was disgusting to include it all.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Not sure what to think: The stories are supposed to be erotic but people complain because of the sex. This was a good story and I rated it appropriately. This is the second story of yours I have read and I believe I am seeing a trend of only BTB. I would encourage you to consider a reconciliation story. If you do there needs to be sorrow and repentance by the wife, and redemption and forgiveness. Consider some of Ohio's stories. Again a good story.


Ocker53Ocker533 days ago

A very good story, well written and I enjoyed the take no prisoners attitude of the main character, good to see a man standing up for himself instead of the common woke shit that is all too prevalent on literotica lately.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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