Diss Functional 2


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I kissed Pammy and listened for sounds that Teresa was heading back down the hall. It was amazing how stealthy she was when she wanted to be. I gave up trying to hear my wife and slid my cock in and out of my niece's pussy a few more times, enjoying being with her - and inside of her.

Pammy was still mounted on my cock - hanging from my body - as we left the spare bedroom, shutting off the light on the way out. I stepped out of my shorts and we left our clothes there as I carried her down the hall to my (our) room.

I pulled back the covers, rolled us onto the bed, and then rolled her on top of me. She went right back to slowly fucking me.

"You still horny, baby?" I asked her.

"You feel so good inside of me, Uncle John," she purred. "I just want to shove a little more of your naughty sauce at my uterus. I'm ready to be pregnant."

We kissed and cuddled as she continued working my cock in and out of her grasping cunt. I was still hard enough that she was able to get herself another small climax. I kissed her hard as her body tumbled through it. It felt amazing to make her cum. In the afterglow of her orgasm, I surrendered to the peace that suffused my body and fell asleep.


Teresa made spaghetti-bake for dinner. It was one of her favorites. Pammy seemed to like it too. I liked it well enough - but was trying to cut down on carbs - so I only took a bit. After dinner, the three of us walked - a little more slowly since it was Teresa's first time out. As we came back around towards the house, I caught her hand and held it. I'd already been holding Pammy's. She scowled at me, but she didn't order me to let go. I didn't stroke her fingers or anything - I already knew I was pushing her boundaries - so I just held her hand.

"Thanks for walking with us," I told her, as we headed up the walk.

"Gotta get in shape before the babies get here," she said.

"I love you," I told her.

"Whatever," she replied.

"Pammy's going to pick her classes out if you wanna sit in," I said.

"She should probably check in with her advisor and see if anything's changed," she suggested.

"I emailed them," Pammy interjected.

"No shit?!" my wife said, obviously surprised.

Pammy ignored the mild jab and said, "There's an online resource that they just released that guides you through. She said I just needed to sign in and it would pretty much give me a roadmap and tell me what choices I have for electives - with recommendations for things that people normally take."

"That sounds way more helpful than what we had," I said, squeezing Teresa's fingers.

"No shit," she agreed. "You want a soda?" she asked as we got to the door.

I released Pammy's hand, caught Teresa's cheeks in my palms, and gave her a peck on the lips.

"Knock that shit off," she growled, pulling free, opening the door, and heading inside.

Normally - when I tried that shit - she smacked me. I was pretty sure - in her own weird way - Teresa was loosening up. That didn't mean we were going to be having three-way sex any time soon - but she was already making big strides from her "norm".

We gathered around my computer, pulled up the website, and got Pammy logged in. The system asked her how many hours she was going to be taking and then slotted her required courses and offered a couple electives.

With her working full-time, she couldn't take a full course-load - but any progress we made towards finishing her degree would be way more than she'd accomplished in the last two years. Pammy wanted to be a little aggressive but Teresa and I both counseled her to ease back into things a little to start with. We compromised in the end. I let her take one more class than we thought was really a good idea - with the understanding that Teresa and I would be checking her homework each night before she submitted her assignments. Two of her classes were online-only. That made those more flexible and helped with her work-schedule and her study schedule.

Surprise of surprises, when we'd submitted the class selections and had gotten tentative confirmation, Teresa reached an arm around Pammy's neck and gave her a squeeze.

"Aww," Pammy said.

"You're still a whore," Teresa snickered.

"And you're still a bitch," Pammy shot back.

"You know it," my wife said, releasing my niece, standing up, and moving the chair back out of the way.

"You want to celebrate with us," I offered, in jest.

"Maybe next time," she said, heading out of the door and down the hall.

Pammy and I looked at each other - our eyes as big as saucers.

It was a little early for us to call it a night so we headed down to the spare room to work on putting the changing table together. Pammy picked up our dirty laundry as I looked over the plans. In the end, I decided to tackle the shelves instead - they looked much easier. An hour later, we finished putting that piece together and got it placed roughly where Pammy wanted it. Teresa stuck her head in long enough to give the layout a critical eye - and left without saying anything. Again, Pammy and I just looked at one another.

I headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth, looking forward to sexy-time with my favorite niece. When I came out, Pammy was returning from the front room. At the same time, Teresa turned off the television and started getting off of the couch. It was a little early for her to be heading to bed - but not too abnormal.

All thoughts of what my wife was up to disappeared as my lusty lover ordered me to get naked and then ducked into my room. She was already shedding her clothing as I entered.

"Bend over the bed and hold this pillow in place at the sides," she ordered.

When I did, she adjusted my stance a little and placed the wastebasket between my ankles.

"What are you ..."

"Head up," she ordered.

My face was just over the edge of the mattress, my arms were stretched towards the far wall, and I was holding the pillow as instructed. Pammy sat between my arms and dropped her thighs over my elbows. She leaned back and rocked her hips - moving forwards until the lower half of my face was buried in her snatch. My nose was shoved against her bare mons.

"Eat my pussy, Uncle John," she ordered. "Make me cum on your naughty tongue."

I had been looking forward to fucking her for most of the day. My balls were already full, and my cock was already hard. I was up for a little foreplay, though, although I really wanted my arms free so that I could grab her firm plump ass and pull her against me - not that I could get my face any farther into her slippery slit than it currently was. I tried to twist my arms free, but she just grabbed my head and pulled me more tightly against her twat.

"Stop teasing me and eat my cunt, Uncle John," she growled.

I gave up and began. She leaned back against the pillow. My upper body was completely locked in place and my ass was in the air with my legs spread apart. The damned trashcan was preventing me from shifting my hips or changing my stance. I finally decided that she wasn't going to let me up until I gave her an orgasm - so I licked her slit and tongued her fuck-hole and tried to reach her clit - but my face was trapped where it was. Pammy moaned a little as I began to take my job more seriously.

Teresa (or somebody) stepped into the room, and I heard their weight settle into my computer chair. Fingertips tickled around my ass and then worked their way down - across my taint - over my ball-sack ... Fingers massaged my balls and then they took a firm hold of my cock - slowly beginning to stroke my aching prick.

"You can stop, Teresa," she said. "He's just fucking laying there."

"He's always been an unmotivated shit," my wife growled.

Her hand came off of my cock and she smacked her palm across my bare ass hard enough that I could feel the prints of where her fingers had landed turning into welts.

"Get busy, man-whore," she snarled, "or I'll beat your ass some more."

I started lapping and licking - working harder than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest.

Teresa returned to stroking my cock. She either had some lotion with her or she licked her other palm because - even as her first hand kept busy - her second grabbed my cock-knob and twisted in a most delicious way. Soon both of her hands were working my cock and balls, milking me, coaxing my testes to produce more and more semen. My dick was so hard it hurt, and my balls were aching for release.

When I forgot what I was supposed to be doing, Teresa's hands came away and I tensed just before another handprint was laid across my trembling ass - this time on the other cheek. I moaned and my niece pulled my mouth harder onto her slippery cunny.

"Eat my twat, Uncle John," she demanded. "I want to cum. You're not cumming until I do."

I was motivated. I was definitely tired of getting my ass beat and - when my wife returned to milking my cock - I was in heaven. Up and down my length, massaging my balls, teasing my cock-knob, pressing against my taint, brushing fingertips along the crack of my ass - threatening to violate my most personal space.

I gobbled and sucked and licked and lapped - and Teresa brought me so close to the edge - and then stopped. I moaned and she swatted my ass - less hard this time - but just enough to tell me to quit worrying about myself and to make my niece cum.

Here we were - my wife molesting my cock and balls - as I ate my niece's cunt. If it was possible, my balls began to ache even more. Over and over, again and again, my wife stroked and milked my cock until just before I would be able to get my release - and then her hands came away and she just sat there.

Finally, Pammy's breathing grew ragged. Her body began trembling. Teresa's hands worked at me feverishly. Just as my niece gasped and her body tensed, my wife groped my ball-sack and milked me - finally letting me cum. She continued milking the semen from my aching cock but she must have been catching it in her hands - because she began lathering it up and down my cock - and onto my balls. She rubbed it in like it was lotion. The steamy, creamy spunk turned my jewels into a gooey, sensual mess.

Pammy reached down, pressed on her clit and purred. She held it down and rubbed her vulva against my face a few more times.

"You owe me, little whore," Teresa snarled, standing and leaving the room.

"I know," Pammy said, "I'll pay up."

Pammy sat up and scooted back, finally letting me breathe. She threw her leg over my shoulders and stood beside me. My muscles were so cramped that I couldn't move. She helped me stand up and then moved the trashcan and dropped to her knees where it had been.

For the next five minutes, she licked and sucked my gooey spend from my cock, balls, thighs, and groin. It almost hurt as she sucked me into her mouth, but I grabbed her hair in my fists and fucked her face, intent on giving her a little payback for what the two of them had done to me.

She sucked hard and the stimulation was too much. I pushed her off. She giggled, stood to her feet, and wiped her mouth. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed my lips, mouth, and face.

"Did you like that?" she asked, grinning.

"No," I snarled.

"Really?" cuz I'm pretty sure I heard you whimper when you came.

"He's just a fucking pussy," Teresa said, walking by as she moved from the bathroom back to the couch.

Pammy giggled and kissed me some more. I contented myself with abusing her breasts for a bit. She let me until I calmed down. We climbed into bed, still naked, and cuddled and kissed until we fell asleep.


I spent the next day, at work, trying to think about spreadsheets - and not about the intense fuck-session that I'd had with my niece - with a little help from my wife.

Just before lunch, I got a text - a picture - a picture of Pammy standing, surrounded by trees and bushes. Her workpants were pulled to her knees and her hands were pulling her shirt and bra up. She was naked from her thighs to her chest, smiling broadly. The picture had, obviously, been taken by someone else.

"Where are you?"

"Park near work."

"Who took the picture?"


"What are you doing?"

"Shortcut to lunch. I wanted to show you my bare coochie. Katie helped me shave it during break."


"Do you like it?"

"I can't wait to show you how much I like it," I told her.

She texted back a string of red hearts - along with the message, "Send me a dick-pic."

"Don't show it to anybody else," I told her.

"I won't," she replied. "I'm going to finger my bald twat during the afternoon break, and I want a picture of you to look at while I do."

If my cock hadn't been aching before, it was now. I headed for the bathroom, slipped into the stall, dropped my pants, and snapped a picture of my rigid prick. I sent it off to her.

"Katie says it's nice."


"I'm just fucking with you. I'm not sharing you."

"You did last night," I replied.

"That's different," she said. "Teresa is the one sharing you."

"I guess."

"I called dad. I told him we were stopping by tonight to grab my school totes."

My guts dropped into my feet. I used some toilet paper to wipe the excessive pre-cum from my dick, threw it into the toilet, and flushed it down. I went to the sink, washed and dried my hands, and then headed for my cubicle.

"What'd you tell him?" I asked.

"Not much - just that I was staying with you guys and that I'd decided to go back to school."

"Okay," I replied.

The rest of the afternoon, I chewed off all of my fingernails and fidgeted without ceasing as I spent half of my time thinking about all of the ways my brother might choose to kill me.

Pammy pulled into the driveway just ahead of me. I parked in line behind her - leaving room for Teresa to pull out so that I wouldn't get bitched at (again). My heart-rate lurched as I saw her climb out of her car, wearing her work-clothes, and remembered that she'd been wearing those when she sent me that naughty picture earlier in the day.

"Why are your eyes red?" she asked me, as she collected a hug and a kiss.

"Probably from worrying about your dad," I replied.

"Stop worrying. We'll eat, walk, fuck, and then go see him."

"You really think it's a good idea for me to go to my brother's house smelling like sex? Sex with his daughter?"

"I really think you need to loosen up and getting your rocks off will help," she said, palming my tented crotch and stealing another kiss.

We were barely in the house before Teresa started in on me.

"'Bout fuckin' time!"

"Can we not?" I asked.

"'Fraid your brother's gonna bust your balls for ballin' his little girl?" she snickered.

"Yes," I said, simply.

"Time to pay the piper, motherfucker," she chuckled.

"He's not fucking his mother; he's fucking his niece," Pammy argued.

"Probably THOUGHT about fucking her; horny old goat," Teresa shot back.

We settled into our seats and started passing dishes around. Teresa had made meatloaf (one of my favorites). She'd also made Stove Topped Stuffing (another favorite) and mashed potatoes (#3). Traditionally, you wouldn't have the stuffing AND the potatoes but I'm a carb-hound.

Normally, my wife would only make one or the other. Making both and specifically NOT giving me shit about it meant that she knew I was going to be moping - and she was doing a little bit extra to make me feel better.

"Thank you," I told her.

"For what?" she asked, with a mouthful of mashed potatoes.

"You know," I said, glancing at the dishes on the table.

"Whatever, pussy," she said.

She didn't smirk; the corner of her mouth didn't even hint at a smile hiding there. Pammy reached over and squeezed my dick. Guess I could fucking get over myself if they're all feeling obligated to try to make me feel better. Still pretty sure my brother's going to hit me.

"Knock that shit off or I'm making you run the whole way," Pammy growled.

"Ha!" Teresa laughed.

"You can run with us," Pammy told her.

"Sidewalk's not weight-rated for my fat-ass to run," Teresa snarled.

"You drop a pant-size?" Pammy asked her.

"Maybe. This shit won't help," Teresa growled, looking away when she caught me looking.

"I love you," I told my wife.

"Whatever. Stop worrying," she snarled.

"You walking with us?" Pammy asked her.

"I ain't runnin'," she said.

"Okay," my niece replied.

The girls went to change while I put up the leftovers and dropped the dishes into the dishwasher. I grabbed a T-shirt and shorts from my room and joined them in the front room. Teresa had on a new pair of those leggings things that show every contour of your ass. They looked amazing on Pammy; on my wife, well, we needed to walk a few more miles. I chose not to say anything.

"What?" she growled.

"Thanks for walking with us," I said.

"I'd kill my own mother for a box of Ho Ho's right now," she said, matter-of-factly.

We'd buried my mother-in-law a couple years back. Teresa and her mother had squabbled a lot - mostly because they were so similar - but she must've REALLY been craving a snack cake at that moment to say that.

"Walk fast and we'll get Fro-Yo on the way back from dad's," Pammy offered.

"Frozen yogurt?" I asked.

"Make it a jumbo Blizzard from Dairy Queen and I'll fucking race your ass," Teresa said, laughing.

With that, we headed out of the door, chattering about nothing important as we walked. Well, Pammy chattered. Teresa and I tried to keep from sounding like we were completely out of breath the whole time we walked. We were getting better.

An hour later, we were back at the house. I could have used a shower, but Pammy had said we were having sex. Teresa headed for the couch like it was a desert oasis.

"Come get naked with us and I'll buy you a Blizzard," Pammy offered.

"Fuck you. You should already owe me one for the other day," Teresa snarled.

"You got your leggings. Do you like them?"

"Yes," my wife admitted.

"Come do some cardio with us and we'll celebrate at DQ," my niece told her.

"Pass," Teresa said - although not as angrily as I had expected.

"A Blizzard and another pair of leggings," Pammy countered.

"What do I have to do?" my wife asked.

I froze. Time stopped. There was no way that my wife was actually considering joining the two of us in the bedroom. Well. She had - sort of. It was still unimaginable.

"I'll hold your legs up. Uncle John will fuck you and finger me and we'll all cum together. You work your abs while he's fucking you and your body will be ready for the Blizzard when we're done."

"How are you going to hold my legs?" she asked.

I couldn't believe Pammy had my wife this far into this discussion. I headed off to my room to stay out of the range of flying objects.

"Come on," Pammy said. "I'll show you."

It took a couple minutes to get everyone situated but Teresa ended up on her back with her legs spread. Pammy was on her knees over Teresa's stomach. There wasn't a lot of room to spare but don't say anything to my wife about it.

Pammy hooked her elbows behind Teresa's knees and leaned forward a little. My wife's hips (and cunt) raised off of the mattress. I was kneeling behind Pammy, holding her waist. I lined my cock up with my wife's pussy-hole and slid inside. She squirmed a little, but she didn't complain. The fact that her twat was already lubricated amazed the loving fuck out of me.

I wrapped my left arm around Pammy's waist and started thrusting into my wife's pussy. I couldn't think of the last time we'd had sex. Her twat was a lot looser than Pammy's - three kids will do that - but my balls were tensing because my brain was totally amazed that I was fucking my wife, and she wasn't bitching.

"Uncle John," Pammy called, reminding me that I was supposed to be fingering her.

"He's useless," Teresa complained.