Diss Functional


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"What a dumbass," I heard Teresa say from the doorway. "I suppose you're paying her for the privilege of licking that diseased twat. Fucking trailer trash."

My pants were already unzipped. I felt my wife grab the bottoms of my pants' legs and pull. My pants came off and my cock stood up straight - trying to escape from my underwear. She squeezed the head of my prick, grabbed the waistband of my briefs, and pulled them off as well.

"Hard as a nail - and not much bigger," she growled. "Fucking pervert! Probably blow your load if you actually get her to cum with that pitiful tongue of yours."

Teresa's hand wrapped around my cock and I got worried. It had been months since she'd touched me; years since we'd had sex. She said she was "too old" for that shit. I groaned into my niece's pussy as my wife began stroking my aching cock.

"Inconsiderate slut," Teresa spat. "If you're going to make the idiot clean your nasty cunt, the least you could do is return the favor and suck the smegma from his puny penis. Turn around, whore, I'm tired of looking at your shithole. Get that cock-sucking mouth busy, you lazy fuck."

Pammy wriggled loose of my grip, turned around, and settled her narrow slit back onto my mouth. Just before her sexy snatch blocked my view, I looked between our bodies to see my wife scowling at the girl.

Pammy took my cock in her hand, stroked it downwards until her palm got to my balls, and then she started massaging my fun-bag, as her amazing lips and mouth squeezed over my cock-knob and slid down my length.

"Fuck!" I gasped.

I cursed again when she shoved forward and the head of my prick settled into the tightness of her throat. She began swallowing rapidly - milking my cock - and I was in trouble. I hurried to reciprocate - placing my mouth over her mons and sucking her like a peach - as I flicked her clitoris with the tip of my tongue.

In seconds, we were both writhing, moaning, keening - and sucking.

"Fuck, bitch! Work that hooker mouth! I guess we finally found something that you're good at, you worthless whore. Keep working, slut. Earn your uncle's money."

I got worried that Pammy and I might climax at the same time. I didn't know what she would do if she was trying to endure her orgasm at the same time I started nutting down her throat. Thankfully, the situation resolved itself a second later.

Pammy's mouth came off of my cock and she laid her head on my thigh as her body began trembling and her cunt-hole began constricting around my tongue. I slid two fingers inside and held them still as I lapped up and down her slit. I brushed across her clit as well - but I didn't push hard and I didn't flick it - I just gave it the simple stimulation of the top of my tongue rubbing across it. She was already writhing and moaning as she suffered through her intense climax. I used my left hand and arm to keep her in place so that I could continue to give her some oral love.

"I'm surprised you didn't squirt, bitch," Teresa told her. "Your whole, fucking body was shaking. Must have got ya a good one, huh? Sick fucks - getting your jollies with your own blood - fucking twisted shits. Soon as you're done shakin', you should finish the old fucker off or he'll be raggin' my ass to deal with that hard-on you've given him. I'm not touchin' that shit so you'd better finish your fucking job before you go back to that dirty trailer park again."

A few seconds later, Pammy had my cock buried within her mouth and throat once more. She sucked and swallowed as she massaged my balls and teased my taint. A minute or two later, I was cumming straight down her throat. She kept me embedded in her gullet this time and I spewed my jizz straight into her tummy.

As we lay, recovering, I heard Teresa's footsteps head down the hall. Soon, the volume on the living room TV came back up again.

I eased my tongue back into the entrance of my niece's vagina.

"What are you doing?" Pammy whispered, her face once more lying on my thigh.

"Seeing if I can get you to cum again," I replied.

"You don't have to do that, Uncle John," she said.

"What if I want to? What if I love hearing your sexy sounds and knowing that I made you feel good?"

Her hand wrapped around my prick. I took that as an indication that I was authorized to proceed. I licked, nipped, and sucked.

"I like making you feel good too," she whispered, stroking my cock - which had to be just inches from her face.

I worked my way back to her clitoris again but just to say 'hello'. I spent most of my time on her pussy - which was gaping slightly from my earlier efforts. Soon enough, she was hunching her hips onto my mouth and chin, cooing at me, building towards another small climax. I gripped her ass-cheeks hard and went after her cunt like a kid with a lemon ice-cream cone on a sunny, windy day.

Her stroking hand faltered as she moaned through another climax. I wrapped my mouth around her mons and chewed on her fuzz-covered mound - indirectly stimulating her clitoris and extending the endorphin rush of her orgasm. Her legs gave out and her body collapsed onto me. I could feel my cock stiffening in her stuttering grip. I wouldn't be able to cum again, yet, but I loved the feeling of her body pressing down on mine. I got a tremendous amount of satisfaction out of knowing that I'd given a beautiful young woman two orgasms. I didn't care that she was my niece. As my wife had told her, I was almost incessantly horny. This chance to satisfy and share intimacy with a young, willing female was a dream come true.

"Enough," she panted. "Please. I love it but you're killing me."

She climbed off of me, turned, and lay on top of me - nestling my semi-rigid cock between her legs - in her gap - pressed up against her slippery vulva and vaginal entrance. Her young, tender lips found mine and her arms went around my neck. She kissed me over and over. I was in love - in love with the amazing feelings inside - with the hot girl in my arms - and with the thought that I might be allowed to do this again.

"Thank you," she whispered, huskily, when she stopped to breathe. She stared into my eyes.

"I loved it," I told her. "I love you. I hope you'll let me do it again."

"You hope I'll let you eat me through two orgasms?" she asked, snickering. "That's a fucking first. All any of my boyfriends have wanted was to nut in one of my holes and then sleep, play video games, or eat."

"We can sleep, if you want," I said, smirking.

She kissed my lips again and chuckled.

"I'm becoming addicted to this," she said, "and we haven't even had sex."

"You want to have sex with me?" I asked.

"Why not? I've loved everything we've done so far. Who cares if we're related? None of my one night stands compare to what you just did. I'd be stupid to even think about going back to the hog-trough, trolling for slop, when I've got a five-course-meal right here."

She kissed me a little longer and I just did my best to keep up with her and give her back what she was offering. That seemed to be what she wanted.

"You fucking him now, whore?" Teresa snarled, " - or are you coming back to do that? I'm surprised the old git hasn't had a heart-attack yet. He's usually a one-pump-chump."

Pammy ignored my wife's taunts, gave me another hard kiss, and stood up to slide the T-shirt dress back onto her body.

On the way to the door, she glanced at me and said, "I'll be back when I need some more."

Teresa eased out of the way and told her, "We all know you'll be broke by tomorrow."

A minute later, I heard the front door open and close.

"You enjoy yourself, pervert?"

"Immensely," I replied, tiredly.

"You should probably check that thing for lesions, you ignorant putz - I have no doubt that you're going to end up with some debilitating venereal disease before this is over. I'll be wiping your shitty ass because your muscles don't work anymore cuz you caught the clap from your sick-ass fuckery with your prostitute of a niece."

My better-half disappeared from the doorway and soon I could hear the TV blaring again. I stood, pulled my underwear back into place, turned the light off, and crawled into bed. I dreamed of warm, soft skin snuggled up against my aging ill-maintained body.


I spent the workday thinking about the taste of my niece's tender pussy - and the feeling of her thighs wrapping around my face as she trembled through the orgasm that I had given her.

In the bathroom, I looked in the mirror. There wasn't much to turn a woman away - but there wasn't much to attract one either. I looked at the spare-tire I was carrying around my middle. There was no guarantee that Pammy would be back, but it wouldn't hurt for me to lose a few pounds.

A coworker came in and I looked into the mirror to see who it was. It was Bob. He'd be able to retire a year before me. I should probably feel guilty that there was pre-cum leaking from my cock - from thinking about the things I'd done with my niece - and the things I wanted to do - but I didn't. I dried my hands and went back to my desk.

At lunch-time, I skipped the bag of chips that I normally grabbed from the vending machine. I ate my sandwich and wondered if Pammy would be back tonight. I was already aching for her - and not just the sex. Teresa wasn't a cuddler. My niece liked to touch and kiss. I liked it a lot. There was no denying that I had an intense desire to nut inside of her pussy - but hugging and kissing was pretty fucking amazing in and of itself.

Finding that my sandwich had long since disappeared, I cleared away the trash and turned back to my screen. A few more spreadsheets and it would be time to head home to see what the evening would hold.


Pammy wasn't waiting at the house. I couldn't remember which of her days were longer and which were shorter. Covid had fucked her schedule pretty hard. She'd been lucky to keep her job. Now that everybody was back to the routine of getting their teeth cleaned and keeping their smiles maintained, she was as busy as ever. I still wanted to see her finish her degree and get her license.

It probably wouldn't help her finances - she always seemed to be out of money - but I was sure she would easily double her salary. Maybe she'd be able to move out of that shit-hole she lived in.

"You might as well make three salads," Teresa told me, as I arrived in the kitchen, in answer to her bellowed summons to get off of my ass and do something to help. "I'm sure that slut will be back again. She goes through money faster than anybody I know. I think she might be a couple cards short of a full deck ... a few fries short of a Happy Meal ... a few sandwiches short of a picnic."

I didn't respond. I just started making another bowl of salad. Whether or not my wife ended up being correct about their being three of us for dinner, it was easier to just do as I was told. I could argue - and (at least in my mind) I'd be right - but sometimes (most times) it wasn't worth the fight.

It wasn't that we disagreed that often - hell - I was definitely hoping that Pammy showed up again - but when I opened my mouth it was usually to spout off. I didn't always plan my verbal assaults well and - in the end - I'd make Teresa angrier than she already was - and for no real gain. I'd be "right" but we'd go for a day without talking to each other. There was really no point. We'd been together long enough that we both knew what the other needed or wanted.

I was actually a little caught off-guard by the situation with my niece. I had expected the whole thing to turn into a repeat of her asking for money, me saying 'no', and her going away mad. In the end, I might have given in (again) and given her the money - despite my brother's admonitions not to appease her anymore.

Instead, somehow, Teresa had goaded the girl into sucking my dick. I was still trying to figure out if it was really her just being a total ass - or if it was some kind of backwards sign of affection for me. She didn't have to use her own lips but she was still giving me the knob-polishing that I'd been dreaming about (and, yes, begging her for) since we'd married.

"You should probably start eating better if you're going to try to keep up with that young slut," Teresa said, as if reading my thoughts from earlier in the day.

That shit tends to happen after you've been together as long as we have.

"Guess I need to buy more salad shit," her sermon continued. "You need to start doing sit-ups or something so you don't have to hold your stomach up to read the bathroom scale."

I didn't bother to retort that she had to do the same. She was, basically, informing me that - if I was going to chase younger pussy - I needed to lose some weight. Hard to take offense at the mild slight when she was, at the same time, almost encouraging me to push ahead.

Standing in front of the sink, Teresa pulled the curtain back and looked towards the street. "Cock-sleeve's here. You hard yet?"

"Yes," I said.

"Figures," she said, chuckling. "You've gotten more pussy in the last two days than you have in years."

I started to say that I hadn't gotten any pussy at all but she waved me towards the door.

"Go kiss your whore and get your ass to the table. It's time to eat."

I threw the rest of the salad-fixings back into the fridge and went to greet my niece.

As soon as I got the door open, Pammy was there - and in my arms - kissing me softly and purring at me. As she stepped back, she reached down and groped my dick - raising her eyebrows when she noticed that I was already rock-hard. I took her hand, pulled her inside, and closed the door. She kicked her shoes off. I switched hands and led her to the dining room - which was just the part of the kitchen were the table sat.

I thought about holding Pammy's chair for her but immediately realized that would elicit a comment that would turn into a discussion I didn't want to have yet. Instead, I pulled out my chair and sat. Pammy sat and reached over to tease her fingertips across my tented pants.

"No playing with your food," Teresa growled.

Pammy laughed at her and put her hands on the table. We started passing dishes around. Pammy, like Teresa, preferred ranch dressing for her salad. I liked the French better.

"You know, if you're just going to live here," Teresa said, between bites, "you should move out of that crack-house you live in."

"You're inviting me to move in?" Pammy asked.

"Just saying it's stupid to pay for that dump if you're not there most of the time."

"Where would I sleep?"

"I expect your pervert of an uncle will find his way between your knees soon enough. I have no doubt that you'll be sleeping in his bed, cunt. If you need someplace to put your shit, we can shove some stuff around in the boys' old room and make it fit."

Pammy looked at me. I shrugged.

"Are you sure?" Pammy asked her.

"Do I look stupid, bitch? You're absolute shit at managing money. I don't know what you pay for rent but then maybe you wouldn't have to keep sucking your uncle's filthy dick every time you need money for something."

"Thanks, Aunt Teresa," she said.

"Whatever, cocksucker. Your Uncle John worries about you. I don't want to hear his ass cryin'."

Pammy looked at me and smiled then went back to her food. I thought I might have seen a small tear in the corner of her eye for a moment.

"When's your lease up?" my wife asked her.

"End of the month," Pammy replied.

"Tell your landlord you're moving out. You pay cash rent or suck his dick?"

"Pay," Pammy told her.

"Would'a lost that bet," Teresa sighed, "but, then, I guess you'll basically be sucking dick to pay the rent when you move in here."

Pammy glanced at me and licked her lips, then reached over and felt the lump in my pants, smirking.

"Clean this shit up when you're done," Teresa growled as she headed to the front room.

"Thanks for dinner, Aunt Teresa," Pammy said.

"'Bachelor' is on tonight," she growled. "Try to be a little fucking quieter, will you?"

I stood and started clearing away the dishes and gathering up the leftovers. I pulled out some poor-man's-Tupperware and went ahead and made my lunch for the next day.

Pammy came over with her dishes and wrapped herself around me as I threw the leftovers into the containers. She wasn't even touching me in a sexual way and my cock was so hard that it ached. I turned towards the refrigerator and happened to glance over towards the couch. Teresa was watching us. Her eyebrows went up when she noticed how hard my cock was.

"I'm surprised there's still enough blood left for your big head to manage a clear train of thought," she chuckled.

Pammy reached around my body and wrapped her hand around my cock, squeezing.

My toe caught on the carpet and I fell against the refrigerator.

My wife cackled in laughter.

I ignored her. Pammy's lips were pressed to my cheek - and moving towards my mouth.

I got the leftovers put away, closed the refrigerator, and turned to take my niece into my arms.

"You make it hard for me to concentrate," I whispered.

"I make you hard?" she asked, giggling.

Teresa shook her head at us and turned the TV up.

Pammy took my hand and led me towards my bedroom. Once we were inside, she lay on the bed, still clothed. She pulled me down next to her.

"What do you think about me moving in?" she asked.

"You mean other than getting to spend even more time with you?" I asked.

She snickered.

"Is this something you want - or is my wife just goading you into it?"

She looked from my eyes to my lips and back to my eyes.

"I'm not sure I care either way," she said.

"You don't have to let her badger you into things," I replied.

She was pensive for a moment.

"I think I'm okay with it," she said.

"Okay with ...?"

"I was thinking about what I asked you and what you said. I realize she's kind of maneuvered me into your bed. I'm not sure I understand all of her reasons but I've discovered something."

"What have you discovered?"

"I've been looking in all the wrong places to find what I want," she said.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I want to be loved."

"Aunt Teresa loves you?" I asked, smirking.

She grinned and said, "It's like you said. She's crass and belligerent - but she's not wrong about me paying rent. She offered me a room without asking for payment."

I quirked an eyebrow at her.

She laughed quietly and said, "I think we both know that I would probably be sucking your dick anyway - so - from that point of view - she's not asking for anything above what I'd already planned."

"So you're moving in?"

She kissed me and said, "As long as it's okay with you."

"I get to set conditions?" I asked.

She grew serious and looked at me. "What conditions?"

"I want you to finish your degree," I said. "Aunt Teresa and I will help manage meals and housing and that shit. I want you to finish school and get your license."

She studied my face, thinking.

"I want a baby," she said.

"What?!" I gasped.

"I'll move in, suck your dick, and put up with Aunt Teresa's special brand of love - but I want a baby."

"From me?" I asked.

"Who else?" she said, smirking.

"I'm not sure that's a good ...," I said.

"Say 'yes', dumbass," Teresa ordered.

Pammy and I turned to see my wife standing in the doorway. I hadn't heard the TV go quiet again. Teresa was sneaky when she wanted to be.

"What?!" Pammy asked.

"I'll take care of the baby while the two of you work and you go to school," Teresa said.

"You're sure?" my niece asked her.

"If you let him fuck a second one into you - and get your license so you can afford a nicer house - we can move to someplace where both kids can have their own room."

"You're fucking serious!" Pammy gasped.

"Of course I am, you silly slut. I love babies. You'll get the kids you want, my husband will get his rocks off, and you can focus on making something worthwhile out of your life while your uncle and I take care of the rest of the bullshit."