Divine Poker Ch. 03

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Yet another girl for Phillip. And progress with Kennedy.
8.7k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/13/2020
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I've enjoyed writing this story. I realized as I was writing A Divine Gift that the power was just too open ended to make for a good story. It was sort of the Superman problem. A nice lesson for an author. So this is sort of revisiting the same world with a powered down and more limited protagonist. Hopefully you guys enjoy it as much as I've enjoyed writing it.


Kennedy and I hit it off very quickly. Turns out we had a lot in common. We'd come from relatively sheltered backgrounds but neither of us had succumbed to the "wild oats sewing" that was so prevalent in Las Vegas.

"I just needed to get away, you know."

I nodded, her husband had been a real piece of work but he'd made her sign a pre-nup that had ended up protecting her more than him as it turns out. Kennedy's family wasn't rich but they were pretty well off. And her ex-husband's embarrassment over the way he was caught got her to trade a non-disclosure agreement in exchange for a pretty healthy alimony check.

"Don't tell anyone though. I've already broken the NDA just by telling you," she said, leaning forward conspiratorially.

I made a zip and lock motion on my mouth and said, "Your secret is safe with me, ma'am."

She giggled then her soft brown eyes tracked behind me, suddenly distracted. I knew the look. I glanced over my shoulder and instantly saw the objection that stole her attention. It was a blonde waitress who was absolutely stacked. "She'd look good with her legs wrapped around you," Kennedy said.

It had taken some getting used to but Kennedy had a very odd sexuality brought out in her by God's quirky rules. She got off on dating someone and watching them with other women. Plus she liked girls herself. In truth, while I'd kissed Kennedy and we'd had intimate moments including sleeping together our first night. I'd yet to actually have sex with her. She seemed more turned on by the idea of me rejecting her in favor of other women. Okay, I say it had taken some getting used to but, honestly, I still wasn't used to it yet. It was weird. Hot... but weird.

Kennedy raised her hand and the waitress walked over, "Hi, I'm Harper, how can I help you?" she asked in a happy, perky voice. Something about it struck me as affected but this was no place to bore into her psyche.

"I just want a diet soda... what about you, honey?" Kennedy said, batting her eyes at me and stroking my hand.

"Two, I guess. Too early to start drinking," I said.

"We have screwdrivers and mimosas," Harper said helpfully.

"That's fine. Thank you though," I said. She looked slightly deflated, probably anticipating a small tip, but walked away without further incident.

"Wouldn't you like to just bury your face in those big ol' tits of hers?" Kennedy asked.

I looked her dead in the eye and said, "I'd rather titty fuck her. I don't think yours are big enough for that."

Kennedy rolled her eyes and moaned, squirming in her seat in frustration. One of the things I'd learned is that she really seemed to like it when I compared her unfavorably to other women. She drew the line at outright insults and she was very defensive about her intelligence. But mentioning a girl's bigger tits or tighter pussy got her really turned on. Still, I was finding it to be a slightly frustrating situation. She seemed like a really cool girl that I enjoyed hanging out with but her lack of interest in actual intimacy had me feeling weirdly rejected. I know... I know... It sounds ridiculous but trust me, when you like a girl, you want to have physical intimacy with her and even if she's actively throwing other girls at you, it still feels a bit like rejection. Like she's friend zoning you. A feeling made all the worse and more confusing by her insistence in calling me her boyfriend.

We got our drinks and made small talk. Kennedy told me about her ex and all the difficulties she had with him. He seemed like a real piece of work. Abusive and manipulative and, apparently, disloyal and dumb.

"It just pisses me off, you know. I mean... come to me and tell me, right? I'm your wife. Talk to me!" she said. She paused for a moment, lips wrapping seductively around her straw as she took a sip of her drink. She looked up at me through long eyelashes, teasing me with her every glance and gesture. "I mean... I've never done anything like that before. But it was hot, you know. I'm sure if he'd asked me, I'd have been up for it."

I took my own sip, thinking about her words, "You've never been with a girl before?"

She blushed and looked away for a moment, "I mean... I've thought about it... I guess... I never did it before because it just didn't do much for me. But thinking about him bringing her home and fucking her is just so damn hot."

"Too bad it went the other way," I said. Kennedy looked at me and a cute, crooked smile formed across her lips.

"I wouldn't say it's bad at all. I'd rather find out my asshole husband was also a liar sooner rather than later," she reached across the table and stroked my hand. "Besides, I'd rather have an open, honest relationship with a man like you. I think you get me, Phillip."

It seemed like whatever had happened to her fundamentally changed the way she was looking at men, sex, relationships... everything. When she talked about her ex, you could hear the difference. I looked at her and decided if she wanted an honest relationship then I needed to be honest with her too.

"Kennedy, can I tell you two things?"


"First, I like you. And I'm glad you want to be my girlfriend," I said.

"Me too," she said, staring at me with a weirdly adoring look. It was, frankly, unnerving.

"And don't get me wrong... your little... you know... kink... is hot."

"You like that don't you, stud," she said leaning forward. "You like that your girlfriend gets off watching you fuck little blonde sluts?"

My eyes darted up to Harper who was two tables away but she apparently didn't hear us. I looked back at Kennedy and said, "Yes... but I think a boyfriend and girlfriend should share some sort of physical intimacy, don't you?"

Kennedy looked at me then looked away. When she turned back, she looked almost scared. "Phillip, I don't know if I'm ready for that."

I was taken aback. Of all the reasons to give me, that wasn't the one I expected. "Truthfully, Kennedy, I'm not either. I know this is going to sound weird but I'm a pretty traditional guy."

She laughed but then stopped when she saw the look on my face. "Nothing about the last 48 hours has seemed very traditional to me. You some kind of bible thumper?"

Now I chuckled, "No... definitely not. My parents were, I guess... or are. I've had my eyes opened to a lot of worldly delights... especially since meeting Jaime and now you. You'd probably call me a lapsed Catholic... if I was Catholic."

"So you want me to be... what?"

"My girlfriend. I like you. I want to get to know you... and... well... I want to get to KNOW you if you know what I mean." Kennedy looked at me and blushed, averting her gaze again. She bit her lip then looked back at me, seeming to make up her mind about something. I watched as she pushed her plate over to my side of the table then sexily slid out of her side and onto mine. She snuggled up next to me, pressing her warm, smooth legs against mine as she nuzzled under my arm, guiding it over her shoulder.

"Better?" she said, purring into my ear.

"Yes," I said, my eyes unable to tear themselves away from the wide expanse of cleavage that her tight, black v-neck was revealing. She looked up, seeing where my eyes were and smiled.

"See something you like?" she asked. Her finger reached up and pulled the v-neck down slightly, revealing the lacy white bra underneath. I could see her nipples poking through.

"Very much," I said. Then I considered her kink that I'd apparently given her somehow and whispered, "A woman's got to keep her man happy or he might stray."

She let out a little squeak of a whimper before whispering back, "What if I want my man to stray? Doesn't that mean I should hold out on him? Keep him horny and frustrated?"

"Sure.. if you want him to be unhappy and constantly annoyed with you. But then he wouldn't be your boyfriend very long would he? You don't want him to leave you for another woman, do you?"

She shook her head, biting her lip sexily as she did. "No... I want him to always come back to me," she said in a high pitched, innocent voice.

"Then you better keep him happy," I said, looking down at her. She nodded, still biting her lip. Again, she seemed to pause as she considered something then she glanced around for just a moment before sliding her hand onto my lap. Her fingers traced my hard cock through my shorts, stroking it gently. It surged under the touch of her fingers and my breath caught. Kennedy looked up at me and our lips in a gentle, soft kiss.

"I'm sorry... I'll do everything I can to keep you happy," she said softly.

"I don't want it to be a chore, Kennedy. I just think we're better off being friends and not boyfriend and girlfriend if you don't find me attractive."

She sniffed a little but kept stroking my cock, "I do find you attractive Phillip. Very attractive. It wouldn't be hot to me for you to cheat on me if I didn't also find you attractive."

"You're so weird," I said and gasped as she gripped my cock.

Her giggle arrived in my ear and moments later her hot, warm breath was whispering again, "I know. I wasn't like this before I met you. But, God, something about you just does it for me you big stud."

Her words reminded me of the other thing I wanted to tell her though it was pretty hard to concentrate at the moment. "About that, Kennedy. I just... well... I'm worried that I did this to you," I said.

She laughed in my ear before gently licking the lobe with her moist tongue. Yup. Very hard to concentrate. "Why are you worried about that? I'm happy you did. I was miserable a couple days ago. Whatever you did to make me obsessed with watching you pound little blonde sluts like Jaime you can do anytime."

It was getting hard not to moan out as her stroking of my cock became more insistent. "Well... it's just... I think it's more than that. The poker game...,"

"Stop worrying," she said, interrupting me, "Go with it. I'm happy, Phillip. And very wet," she said. Her tongue tickled at my ear, sending shivers down my spine that ended surging into my cock. "Do you want to fuck your girlfriend?"

"Very much," I said.

"Even though my tits aren't big like that slut?"

I nodded as she continued to stroke my shaft.

"And my pussy isn't as tight as Jaime's?"

"No," I choked out. "Hers is so much tighter."

"And you even fucked that slut's ass and I'd be way too scared to let you do that to me," she said. She squeezed my cock tightly, reminding me about just how tight Jaime's perfect little ass had been around my cock. "So what can I offer you?," she asked. The tone change was marked. The sexy, flirtiness that had been there before had been replaced by a genuine earnestness.

"Affection, intimacy, companionship?" I said.

She paused her stroking to look at me, "That's not sex," she said. Her tone was neutral, searching.

"Intimacy is," I said.

"So you don't want to... you know... fuck me? You want to just... make love to me?" the words came out haltingly, as if the very idea of them left her confused and dismayed. It was like watching a robot short circuit right in front of my eyes.

I couldn't think of any words to say so I just did what seemed natural. I leaned forward and kissed her. My lips gently played along hers for a moment and I wasn't sure whether she was even going to reciprocate. Then I felt her mouth open slightly. My tongue slid along her lips and then felt hers. It was like electricity. She sighed softly into the kiss and her body melted into mine as we made out not like two lust fueled teenagers but rather as intimate lovers.

The waitress, long forgotten, came back with our drinks. I saw her watching us quietly for a moment. She had an almost longing look to her. She opted not to say anything and simply walked away, leaving us to enjoy our private intimacy in a very public location. Kennedy finally placed her hands on my chest and pushed me gently away. I took some pride in the fact that she was breathing quite heavily as she tried to replenish her oxygen levels. Frankly, the heavy breathing was pretty pleasant to look at as well.

"That was... wow...," she said.

"That's how a boyfriend should kiss a girlfriend."

"Yeah?... Yeah...," she said, still struggling for words. I smiled, taking a sip of my drink and looking around at the casino. Kennedy followed my gaze as we looked out across the sea of people. For all the glam and glitz of Vegas, if you lived there long enough, you started to become inured to it. The loud, fat lady with a glittering cowboy hat didn't grab your attention anymore. Your eyes skipped right past the 70 year old man wearing a leisure suit and showing off more chest hair than Magnum PI. Even the gorgeous 22 year old red head on the old man's arm didn't hold your attention for much longer.

No, what stood out was the almost ordinary. The casual. The thing you missed seeing from your hometown. That's why my gaze fell on the couple sitting only a few tables away. I couldn't tell much about the man. He looked to be about my height with well coiffed hair that looked like it was encased in hair spray. He was built about my size though his taste in clothes clearly trended towards the preppy with a purple polo shirt and khakis.

It was his girlfriend... or wife... or sister? That caught my eye, however. Beautiful long blonde hair framed her face. She had high cheekbones that made me think of conquering Vikings. She was dressed much more casually than the man and looked like she was either coming from or heading to a workout. The two were in some sort of rather animated discussion at the moment but I was unable to make out much of the conversation. As I watched, the conversation seemed to grow more animated until finally the man's voice elevated to the point where I could hear him say, "Piper... I just don't know what you want from me. Tell me what you want."

He took her hands in his and raised them up, cupping them with his own. I couldn't hear the blonde's response but her lips were easy to read. "I don't know."

He stood up and started to walk away from her and towards our table. Most of the eyes in the dining area were turned to the couple now. He looked nervously before saying, "Call me when you figure it out Piper. I love you. I'll do anything you want." I couldn't help glancing around and noting the varied reactions. Several guys of varying ages were shaking their heads. One little old lady clutched her hands to her chest and seemed to melt at the lovestruck words. Another girl wearing a leather jacket and a giant nose ring rolled her eyes and laughed with her friends.

Piper simply stared at him, not able to say anything. She looked around at the eyes watching her personal life unfold in such a public way and couldn't think of anything to say. She just looked at him creating a horrible, awkward silence. He stood watching for almost a minute before finally turning and walking away.

"What was that all about?" Kennedy asked me.

I shrugged, "No idea. Seemed like a bad breakup though."

"That means she's single now," Kennedy said, eyes twinkling.

"Keep it in your pants," I said and Kennedy stuck her tongue out at me in response. "She just broke up. I don't like being a rebound."

"Why not? She probably needs a good lay and you already have a girlfriend. A rebound girl sounds perfect to me," she whispered in my ear. She also stroked my cock. She already knew how to get me in the mood. Her idea did have merit. I wasn't looking to date this girl. Simply to have a little fun.

I screwed up my courage and slid out of the booth. Kennedy started to follow and I turned back, "Nope. You just get to watch today."

She bit her lip and nodded. She wasn't the only one who's learned someone's buttons. I walked away, knowing that Kennedy was squirming in her seat as she watched me approach the young lady. As I got closer, I realized she was younger than I thought. She was probably 19 or 20. Definitely still in college. "Do you mind if I sit here?" I asked.

"Kinda," she said, "In case you're the only person that didn't notice my boyfriend just left me."

"Did he? It seemed like you didn't really give him a reason to stay," I said cautiously.

Her eyes snapped to mine and there was a fire there. "Is that what you think?"

"I don't really think anything. That's why I came over. To see if I could help."

"And how can you help," she asked, looking at me intently as she sipped on the mug in her hand.

I'm not sure what made me say it but suddenly I found myself holding the pack of cards that had been in my pocket, twirling them between my fingers. "I can be a very good listener. Tell you what, we'll play a hand of poker. If I win, you let me listen to your story. If you win, you can decide if I stay or go. Okay?"

"No date attached or something? Really shooting high with this one aren't you?" she said, her mouth curling into a snarky smile of disdain.

"Maybe I'm just confident in my powers of listening?"

She rolled her eyes but didn't turn me away. She watched me for a minute and I gave her my best smile. "Aren't you here with that girl over there?" she asked, finally.

"I am. That's my friend Kennedy. She wanted me to come over and talk to you," I said.

"Really?" Piper asked full of skepticism.

"Truly. Give her a little wave. You won't see any animosity or anger on her part," I said confidently. Piper raised her hand, wiggling her fingers in a tentative wave. I didn't bother to look behind me. I could imagine how Kennedy responded. "Satisfied?"

"I guess. She's really just a friend?"

"More of a 'it's complicated' situation," I said as I rifled through the cards, shuffling them quickly. I liked the rhythmic sounds of the shuffle and bridge. Piper seemed to accept my non-explanation and watched as the cards rose and fell in my hands. I'd made tens of thousands of shuffles with these kinds of cards and could probably do it blindfolded in my sleep while underwater. "Five card draw?" I asked.

"Are you a pro?" she asked, suddenly very skeptical.

"I'm trying to be. I'm not there yet though," I replied with a smile. Hopefully a disarming smile.

"How about we just play texas hold'em?" she asked. Without betting, hold'em was a completely luck based game. Not that five card draw had all that much skill involved but at least it was a little.

I shrugged, "Suit yourself," I said. Either God wanted me to win this or he didn't. That part was out of my hands. I finished dealing and offered her the cut.

She grabbed the cards in her long fingers and said, "Can I deal? I'd hate to get hustled by a card shark."

"Sure," I said. Boy she was cautious. Either that or a real control freak. I looked at her and watched as she dealt the cards carefully. She was clearly not practiced at it and nearly flipped over my second card. It wouldn't have mattered much since we weren't betting but it still made me grind my teeth a little bit. I slid my cards up and looked at them, a Jack and a deuce. Not the worst hold 'em hand but pretty bad.

"I guess we could just show them, huh?" she asked.

I shrugged again, "Sure. Takes away the excitement though."

"Nahh... the winning and losing is the fun," she replied, smirking at me and giving me a little wink.

I showed my cards and she laughed before revealing first one, then a second Ace. If you haven't played Texas Hold'em, this is what we would call a "bad beat" just waiting to happen. The odds were definitely not in my favor. She looked at me and smiled, "Want to raise the stakes?"