All Comments on 'Doctors Without Morals'

by qhml1

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  • 208 Comments (Page 3)
desecrationdesecrationabout 1 month ago

I am skeptical of the idea that narcissists ever change.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

@ ‘xhristianj’, I just read your latest diatribe. You evidently despise everything this author writes.

And yet you keep on reading his work. What does that say about you? Hmm?

Good story, Q, thanks for posting it here.

5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

AnonymousAnonymous28 days ago

Only thing to changewould be to create fictional news agency cnn is trusted by o one except hard core leftest

AnonymousAnonymous24 days ago

*rolls eyes at previous comment*

While I do agree that fictional news agencies would have seperated the story from that potential baggage, the "cnn is trusted by o one except har core leftest" spout would put you as leaning into the close minded hard core right leaning spectrum.

If you are well enough removed from the labeling game to rationally begin to label the big three (fox, cnn and msnbc) then it is obvious that it is: fox - hard core left, msnbc - hard core right, and then cnn - varying degrees of centrist, of course factoring in variances to the shows and leading faces personalities.

Now, does cnn seem to lean a bit more right? Duh, of course, but there is an easy and rational reason why and it is in the nature of the excessively wrong hard core mentalities of both sides.

Hard core left is blinded with the very moral superiority based god complex that is touched on by this very story where they focus on those select 'morally superior' (to them) facts and don't factor in many of the even most basic broad stroke ones - so that they get blinded by their own rightnesses and the right wings own wrongness to see that they are endin up wondering mostly alone waaaaaay out in left field to where they are hardly still mindful of the ball game.

Meanwhile, the hard core left does the same thing, but with the methodology of treating any conflicting facts as opinions instead or just 'fake news' and wallowing excedding hard into rosy tinted nostalgia and willful disillusionment.

So to complete the circle, of course cnn would seem to lean (at least some) towards the blindly self rightious, arrogant left extreamist that can still be reached more potentially and quickly than the nostalgia mired, willfully ignorant right extreamist. Real journalism should be goal oriented towards anti-ignorance and thus the leanings of who can be enlightend.

That said, I'm not pro cnn or really into any non-stop news networks, because if it's a choice between quantity or quality I'd rather have quality. And while I won't say there isn't quality in any of the big three listed it is surrounded by a whole lot of quantity to be lost in the masses. And of course, even the more centrist of the three being cnn doesn't mean they 'get it right' more often, because absolutely noone gets it right. The absolute, complete and unvarnished truth of even the most smallest scale of stories can never be reached, but working towards impossible goals can lead towards greaterthings.

AnonymousAnonymous24 days ago

Nice, she learned her lesson eventually, took her punishment, grew up into a better person.

KiwihunterKiwihunter17 days ago

What is it with these fuck wits that shit on MSF. It is nb organisation ( note the correct spelling with an s a instead of a zed) that does so much good in the world. OK there are a couple of instances of racism and sexual harassment but none that involve extramarital affairs. It seems to be that it is a particularly American bias against any international organisation that tries to help the world. Sag , just very sad.

AnonymousAnonymous7 days ago

Congratulations to the husband for being a real man. Take no shit and excuses from nobody. Definitely 💯 percent five star ⭐✨⭐✨⭐✨⭐✨⭐

SignedBTWSignedBTW2 days ago

One Thing

That almost all hacks, writers, Authors and Story Tellers on Lit get wrong is the statement "...could care less...". Q is one of the best Story Tellers here and he still got it wrong, not once, but twice. Think about it, if you don't care, then the correct phrase is "...couldn't care less...". But I didn't let that lower my score. I'd have bumped it up even higher if I had been able to just for the burning of the child molester. *****'s Signed: BTW

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