Doing a Favor Gets Me in Trouble


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Mr. Ken jumped in and said, "Now when you're on stage this time I want you two to give each other sincere heartfelt looks.......eye to eye. Jim, look at your friend here like he's the most important person in your life. Pretend you're madly in love with him."

Troy snickered and had a huge smile on his face. "Oh, my one and only, my everything," and then gave Jim a nig hug and an air kiss.

Jim's knees nearly gave out while Troy was hugging him. He now knew the meaning of swooning. He also felt his penis move and start to swell.

But just then Mr. Ken handed them their underwear for this next stage performance.

Jim grabbed them and quickly ran behind the screen hoping no one noticed his growing bulge. He had to stand there for a bit to calm himself down. That hug from Troy really got to him. He could feel his mostly naked body and his smell, that wonderful smell of a man. He couldn't describe it other than it smelled like Troy and it was intimidating.

Finally calmed down again he slipped the boxers off and started to put on the next pair and stopped cold. They were a bikini cut extremely thin white cotton brief. He'd swear that they were cut smaller than a speedo. They seemed tiny to him.

He called out to Mr. Ken and Jen, "Hey guys these must be the wrong pair I've got here there's.......not a lot to them."

Mr. Ken announced, "No those are the right ones, they're a French cut brief and are supposed to fit that way."

Jen seconded Mr. Ken's answer and added, "Yes Jim the European fit is always more tailored to the body."

"But I into them.....everything is kinda squished....... together," Jim relayed.

A big chuckle came from behind Troy's screen and then he added, "Jim buddy I know exactly what you're saying. It's a real 'tight' fit up in here." Troy continued snickering like a high school sophomore.

"Well come on out here, it's almost your time to go on." Mr. Ken barked.

The two boys slowly eased out from behind their individual screens with sheepish faces not knowing what kind of reaction awaited them.

"Oh damn," Jen said. "Don't think I've ever seen two sexier men in my whole life. WOW!"

Mr. Ken's face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Perfect, absolutely perfect!" He said. "You two look like you were made for each other in those. You actually look like a real couple."

Troy looked at Jen and gave a 'is he crazy or what' look.

Jen just smiled and shrugged her shoulders as if to imply, whatever.

Jim hadn't looked up from his own body until he heard Troy's voice. Oh fuck! was his only thought seeing his crush in nearly nothing. Oh Jesus he was a god. His face, his chiseled chest, his V shaped body, his............. He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Tony in those nearly nothing briefs. They were jam packed with, with Troy! The briefs looked as if they might explode at any time. The flimsy cotton was barely holding back what looked like a trapped monster.

Jim knew he had to stop looking at Troy or his penis would rise so fast it would pop right out of his tiny briefs.

He turned his head and thought of dead members of his family picturing them in their coffins. Pets that he had that had died. Anything to get the picture of Troy out of his head.

"Ok guys you're on,"Mr. Ken announced and guided them toward the stage entrance. "Now remember you're deeply in love with each other and you're not afraid for the whole world to know it." With that he pushed them onto the stage.

There were audible gasps when the lights hit them. Neither really knew how to start to show affection towards each other. They were just standing there like deer caught in headlights.

From backstage yet again Mr. Ken whispered, "Guys turn so that you're facing each other and keep eye to eye contact."

They slowly complied with Mr. Ken's instructions.

"Great, you're doing great!," Mr. Ken encouraged. "Now ease yourselfs closer together until you're almost touching but not quite. Stay like that until I tell you what to do next."

They were standing so close Jim could feel the heat radiating from Troy's body, especially the warmth from his penis. He had no idea how long he could keep his composure standing like this. His penis already threatening to swell at any time.

More direction was whispered from Mr. Ken, "Jim gently lay your head on Troy's shoulder with your face toward his neck. Now hold that for one minute. After that Troy pretend to kiss Jim's forehead..........then slowly turn and exit the stage."

Jim followed his instruction and laid his head on Troy's shoulder giving him skin contact and that enthralling man scent of Troy.

Jim felt his penis react and start to swell more. His only thought was, 'has it been a minute yet.......please let the minute be over before he's sporting a full on erection.'

Troy must have read Jim's mind because just at that moment Jim felt Troy's head move toward his. More shockingly Jim then felt Troy's lips on his forehead. He remembered Mr. Ken's direction to Troy to, "pretend" to kiss his forehead. Troy had actually planted a real kiss on Jim.

Jim was still stunned when Troy started turning to leave the stage. He clumsily followed Troy's lead until they were backstage again.

Mr. Ken ran up to Jim grabbing him and praising his performance. He turned Jim toward the wall away from everyone and looking at Jim pointed to his crotch.

Jim glanced down and nearly fainted. Jim's swelling penis head was sticking up and over the waistband of the tiny briefs.

"Get a grip kid," Mr. Ken whispered. "You can't be flashing that thing around. It's a beauty, what I can see of it that is, but I don't think Troy's girlfriend would appreciate your being turned on by him."

Mr. Ken handed Jim a towel to conceal his problem before dashing off to get the last wardrobe change.

Jim blushed with embarrassment over being caught like this. Not only was it the erection but now Mr. Ken knew Troy had caused it.

The embarrassment from knowing that Mr. Ken knew about his crush on Troy seemed to help deflate Jim's erection. That was a good thing since Mr. Ken was rounding the corner with the final item to model.

"Oh kid, it's the big finale. Here's your last item to model." Mr. Ken said as he handed Jim what looked like a cloth triangle.

"What the hell is this?" Jim exclaimed.

"It's a European pouch," he answered. "They're extremely popular on the beaches of Europe."

"It's a tiny piece of cloth with elastic around the bottom and a skinny piece of elastic for a waistband." Jim said.

"Exactly, it's a pouch that holds your junk and the waistband holds up the pouch." Mr. Ken said calmly.

"There's no back and your 'junk' is just encased with elastic and this tiny cloth." Jim pleaded.

"That's the point, it just covers the essentials, your man parts." Mr. Ken said. "It leaves the rest of the body free.

"In ten or so minutes, you're done here. You, Troy and mostly Jen will be done and out of here. Jen will get her A+ and Troy will get laid. Everybody will be happy and all this will be a memory." Mr. Ken explained.

Troy rounded the corner of Jim's screen in his pouch laughing. "Dude isn't this the weirdest thing ever?" He asked.

"I haven't tried mine on yet. I was about to complain that it revealed too much to wear in public,"Jim said.

Oh my god, Jim couldn't even believe his eyes. Troy was naked except for a scrap of cloth. His magnificent nearly naked body just feet away from him. He had to turn away or pop wood then and there.

"I know it's skimpy but it's the last thing we have to model. Jen gets her great review and grade and we never have to speak about this episode again," Troy said with a chuckle.

"Ok, ok, let's just get this over with, let me get changed," Jim said, ushering everyone away from behind his screen.

He slipped the tiny pouch on. It only covered his junk. His pubes were completely visible. His junk felt loose inside the pouch. He had no idea how it was supposed to feel so he assumed it fit right.

Mr. Ken started giving the boys instructions of what to do once they were on stage. "Similar to last time I want you two to stand facing each other very close but not touching. Then taking tiny steps slowly make a 360 degree circle so the audience can see how the pouch looks from all angles."

"But they're going to see our totally naked asses," Jim said.

"These folks are looking at the items being modeled, not your bodies," Mr. Ken replied.

Jen interrupted saying, "you're on guys."

They were shoved on stage causing gasps and aahs from the audience. They stood very close facing each other and started slowly turning. There were actual moans of pleasure as the viewers were treated to the spectacular naked asses of the two guys. Once they had made the complete circle they heard more instructions from Mr. Ken behind them.

"Now Troy, pull Jim into your body. Hold him as close as you can. Then wrap your arms around him slowly, running your hands down to cup his butt cheeks."

Troy followed the instructions as if he were a robot. Jim couldn't believe what was happening. He could feel all of Troy, his chest, his abdomen, his penis, everything. He felt so wonderful to be wrapped in his arms as close as any two people could be.

Immediately when Troy touched Jim's butt his penis sprang into action. It got rock hard in a matter of seconds. Being squeezed so close together Jim's swelling penis popped out of the pouch and climbed straight up between their abdomens.

Jim knew there's no way that Troy couldn't feel what was happening.

Troy whispered in Jim's ear, "Hey buddy, do I feel what I think I feel!"

Jim, turning beet red, could only muster, "I'm sorry......I .....I don't know why that's happening.......I'm sorry."

"It's ok buddy, stuff happens." Troy said.

As Troy was saying that Jim distantly felt other movement in the same area. It couldn't be but it was. Troy was getting erect. He could feel it snaking up between them.

Jim instinctively reached his arms around Troy and grabbed his ass cheeks, pulling them even closer and causing their hard penises to rub together.

Before either of them could react to what had just happened Jim started spewing hot creamy cum. Troy had to literally hold him up to keep him from collapsing to the floor from such an orgasm.

The audience thought the guys had been instructed to act as if an orgasm had just happened. They were mesmerized by the talented performers on stage. If the audience had only been a bit closer they could have seen the cum running down both boys legs.

"What the fuck," Troy whispered. "You just nutted on me, all over me dude!"

"I know, I know......I'm so sorry........I.........I've been in love with you for as long as I can remember," Jim sheepishly admitted. He shocked even himself by finally blurting out his longtime pent up feelings for his best friend.

Troy instinctively and reflectivity backed up from Jim revealing both their erections and Jim's dripping penis to the audience. Realizing instantly what he'd done Troy again slammed their bodies together and skirted them off the stage.

As soon as they cleared the stage Troy broke away letting everyone backstage see them, naked except for the useless pouches hanging off to their sides. Troy, still mostly erect. His penis and abdomen still wet with Jim's cum.

Jim stood there looking as if he'd lost his best friend, which is exactly what he thought he'd actually done. His more than still semi erect penis bobbing with strings of cum hanging from it.

Nobody backstage moved, taking in what they were seeing. Their mouths just hanging open.

Troy headed for the screen where his clothes were followed closely by Jen. When they were behind the screen, not private but at least out of sight, Jen asked, "What the hell happened?"

Troy slowly gathering his senses began by saying, "Jim just told me he's been in love with me basically all his life."

Jen looking down at his cum covered body said, "That doesn't explain all this........mess. Did he cum on you? Did you cum on him? What the Fuck happened, ON STAGE?"

"You heard Mr. Ken tell us to embrace each other as closely as we could. Then he told me to grab Jim's ass and squeeze him in close, right!" Troy explained. "When I did that Jim's penis started going crazy. He was rock hard in a few seconds. Then Jim grabbed my ass and the next thing I knew he was spraying cum, like I mean it seemed like gallons of cum. It shocked the hell out of me. I think I then pushed us apart and the audience probably saw both our boners."

"Wait a minute, you had an erection too!" Jen quipped.

"Aah...........ummmm........well I..........I guess I did, I didn't realize I'd popped one. We were all rubbed up together with no clothes betweenus, I guess. Hell I don't know but yes I was hard too." Troy admitted.

Jen stormed off leaving Troy sitting there just going over and over the events that just happened.

Jim, still naked, sat behind his screen dumbfounded. The realization that he'd just destroyed the most cherished friendship he'd ever had. Why oh why had he blurted out his true feelings. He'd been able to suppress these feelings for all these years. Why now, he wondered.

Not realizing it, Mr. Ken had been standing right beside him for a long time.

"Love is a cruel mistress my boy, I know from what I speak." Mr. Ken quietly spoke. "You love that man don't you?"

Jim looked up at him.

"You don't even have to answer that, I see it in your eyes. Unrequited love is the worst. It will tear you up every time," Mr. Ken said. "Now let's get you cleaned up and out of here."

Jim let Mr. Ken wipe all the drying cum off his body. He didn't even care that Mr. Ken took extra time and effort cleaning his penis and balls. Nothing really mattered anymore.

Before he was all cleaned up Troy rounded the corner and behind the screen.

"May we have a moment please," looking at Mr. Ken. Mr. Ken smiled and left them alone.

Still naked sitting there Jim couldn't bring himself to look up at Troy. He just started crying uncontrollably.

"Hey it's ok.........come on buddy stop's ok really." Troy spoke. Troy squatted down and put his arm around Gary's shoulder. Gary still couldn't stop sobbing. Troy pulled him in closer and held him tight till Jim stopped crying.

Jim finally spoke and said, "How can you be here with me now after........after what happened I mean. I've ruined everything for everybody."

"Wow I had no idea you were so powerful that you could wreck so much for so many, damn I'm impressed!" Troy laughed.

Jim looked up into Troy's eyes, "How can you joke about this?"

"That's nothing, I only wish I had balls the size of yours." Troy laughed.

"What the fuck are you talking about," Jim answered.

"According to you, you've been in love with me for most of our lives but you never once gave any indication of your real feelings. You knew I was straight and could never love you in the way you love me. But you chose our friendship over everything else. I'm pretty damn sure I wouldn't be able to do the same." Troy explained.

Troy continued, "I understand why what happened, happened. You were smashed together virtually naked with a guy you had feelings for grabbing your naked ass. Our dicks pressed together, hell I even got a boner. It was a highly sexual situation and just sent you over the top. I get it. In fact if we'd gone on much longer who's to say it wouldn't have gotten even messier."

"I can't believe I'm hearing this. It's unbelievable you understand everything!" Jim gasped.

"Hey buddy, what are best friends for?" Troy said meaningfully.

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dnsontndnsontnalmost 3 years ago

@ Michrick1: don't see any examples of your writing on your profile. Maybe go back to your glass house if you're not here to support and/or constructively critique? You're doing fine nudedude03. I certainly see improvement. Keep up the good, hard work! Your fan, Dan

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

That was actually a good read. I remember being very attracted to a few guys at high school, but never did anything about it at the time. I can only imagine what would have happened if I'd been in the same position as Jim; like most teenage lads, I got a boner with the slightest inspiration.

Please don't leave it there; we need to know how this developed. After all, Troy also got hard!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I was enjoying this story ... Even with the typos.... You need to edit. However, Changing names mid story really ruined it for me. You had such a good start.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

What’s up with the name change?!? Totally lost focus reading.. at first I thought we were giving the dicks a name then the dicks started talking.. consistency would make the story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Good story, but poorly constructed and filled with non-words (irregardless not even a word), main character's name changed, etc. Needs a proofread. But I loved the story and want more. If the author tries it could be awesome

Michrick1Michrick1almost 3 years ago

Pull the damn thing down, fix it and repost 🥺

Michrick1Michrick1almost 3 years ago

Is it Jim or Gary? The name switch was a huge turn off and you are a moron for not proofreading your story 😕

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

It made me rember my crush on my best friend at school. I can relate to this story completely. As others have said, I got a bit confused with the name change but it didn't detract too much from my enjoyment. By the way, my best friend was my best man at my wedding. He still gives me a frisson even though we are both in our early 70s.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Needs editing and the names switching mid story was a big turn off. Sorry

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