Dominated By Wrestling Rival Pt. 01


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After ten or fifteen minutes between the hot water and steam, we both made our way back to the lockers. We chitchatted about our teams and the tournament—just two friendly studs hanging out.

"You really are a good wrestler," Diego said, as he slipped on a pair of Calvin Klein briefs that did a poor job concealing his bulge. "It'd be fun to train together sometime."

"That'd be great," I replied as I put on my own blue Abercrombie boxers. "Whatever you did for this match sure seemed to work."

"That reminds me," Diego added. "You still owe me that beer!"

"Oh yeah," I replied.

"How bout we go grab one right now?" Diego said.

"Well," I said, hesitantly. "I'm supposed to meet my girlfriend."

"No worries, man, I'd love to meet her too!"

I really didn't want Diego to meet Jasmine, but he seemed persuasive and persistent. "Come on," he told me. "We can all get a beer and then I'll bugger off."

"Okay," I relented. Diego and I left the locker room to go find Jasmine. At least she wouldn't have to see his enormous python, I thought, because it was now concealed beneath his jeans. At least for now, we were just two studs, grabbing a beer with my gorgeous girlfriend.


Jasmine was surprised to see me emerge from the locker room with Diego. She knew how competitive I was and how I absolutely hate losing. But here I was, walking next to my wrestling rival that had just kicked my ass in front of hundreds of people.

"Hey honey!" Jasmine said as she leaped into my arms and planted a kiss on my lips. "It's sooo good to see you!"

"Hi Jasmine," Diego said, as he reached in to kiss her cheek. I was sorta shocked that he had the audacity to go in for a kiss—even though it was just a peck on the cheek. Now that I saw Jasmine's sexy face and her perky tits spilling out of her blouse, I wanted to get her in bed right away.

"Let's get this show on the road," I said. "I promised Diego here that I'd buy him a drink."

"It's the price of losing," Diego quipped, as he gave my butt a quick slap. It was something that my masculine teammates often did, but usually not in front of our girlfriends. Something felt emasculating about my rival slapping my butt right in front of Jasmine.

"I almost thought your boyfriend had me for a minute," Diego continued, "but I don't think he had the stamina where it counts."

For some reason, Jasmine laughed at this joke, which made me slightly annoyed. Diego seemed so nice and cool in the locker room but was now acting like a jerk. I hoped that we could find beer soon and continue the rest of the night without him.

Unfortunately, we couldn't find any bars open in the small town where the tournament was hosted. The only option was a liquor store near the small hotel where Jasmine and I were staying.

"That's fine!" Diego said, when we discovered that no bars were open. "Let's just grab a six pack and drink in the hotel."

By this point, Jasmine seemed enamored by our handsome companion and the two of them were sharing jokes back and forth. As they stood outside to chat, I ducked into the liquor store and bought a six pack of beer. Even though the twelve packs were on sale, I didn't want to give Diego an excuse to stay any longer than needed.

As the three of us moseyed towards the hotel, Diego and Jasmine were both in fits of laughter; the two of them seemed to click right away. But I was becoming increasingly annoyed by Diego's presence. Not only had he dominated me at the tourney but now he was cock-blocking me with my girlfriend. The sooner that he chugged a beer and got out of here, the better.

But as we relaxed in my and Jasmine's hotel room, the two of them seemed to have other plans. They started talking about our respective colleges, the frat parties, and the bonafides of various sororities.

At one point, Jasmine asked Diego if he had a girlfriend. "No," he said. "It's impossible to find anyone who can keep up with me."

I had no idea what he meant by that but Jasmine laughed anyway. After we consumed the six pack, I assumed that Diego would quickly leave. Instead, he offered to run down to the liquor store and get another. Somewhat upset, I told Jasmine when he left that we should go to bed soon.

"But why, honey?" she asked. "We're having so much fun!"

Listening to Diego chat up my girlfriend was anything but fun for me. When he came back, I was shocked to see him carrying a bottle of tequila and a handful of shot glasses.

"Thanks for the winner's beer," Diego said, looking at me. "Now we gotta drink the real stuff."

Diego, Jasmine, and I each took a shot of tequila, complete with salt and lime. "Wow, Diego, you really thought of everything!" Jasmine said.

Somehow the tequila made me feel sick to my stomach and put me in even more of a foul mood. When Diego jokingly proposed that he take a body shot off Jasmine, I had heard enough.

"No way, man!" I yelled. "She's my girlfriend and the only reason you beat me is because you got lucky. I could take you in wrestling any day of the week."

Knocking back another shot, Diego smiled and looked at me. "Oh yeah?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said, cooley. The tequila had me feeling buzzed and full of liquid courage.

"Well how 'bout a rematch?" Diego asked. "Do you think you'd beat me in a rematch?"

"Of course," I replied, quickly. "Just name the place and time."

Diego looked at me and then at Jasmine. "How bout now?" he asked.

Having had so much to drink, I was shocked by his suggestion. We were also in a small hotel room with very little space on the floor. But with Jasmine watching, I realized that I had backed myself into a corner.

"Okay," I said. "Let's do it."

"Woohooo!" Jasmine cheered. "This will be fun!"

"First, we need to take another shot," Diego said. "Then, we'll strip down to our underwear."


Any good judgment I had was gone by the time I downed the final shot. Jasmine, Diego, and I were now thoroughly buzzed, and Diego at least seemed intent on this rematch.

As Diego and I took off our shirts, Jasmine clapped her hands in delight. "Looking good, studs!" she yelled.

We then moved the queen-sized bed to the corner of the hotel room to make some room to wrestle. The carpet wouldn't be as soft as the mats in the tourney but it would do the trick nevertheless. Diego and I then stripped down to our undies: him, in his bulging Calvin Kleins; and me, in Abercrombie boxers with no bulge at all.

Jasmine and I openly stared at Diego's soft cock, which was poorly concealed by his briefs. The white briefs even perfectly outlined his dick against his tan, Latino skin.

"Wow," was all Jasmine had to say as she checked out this wrestling stud. "You guys are hot."

"Do you wanna strip to your undies too?" Diego asked her. "It's only fair with two hot guys here that you show us some skin too."

"What do you think, honey?" Jasmine asked me.

As I stared at my hot girlfriend sitting in the bed, I wanted nothing more than to see her over-flowing bra and skimpy thong. But I also didn't want my wrestling rival to have this same experience.

Before I could answer, however, Jasmine was already taking off her blouse. Apparently she had taken my hesitation as a "yes" and decided to give both of us a show. We watched in awe as she revealed the bright-red bra that barely held her tits, and the tiny thong that barely covered the lips of her vagina.

"Holy shit!" Diego exclaimed. "You're hotter than any woman at my entire school. You're literally perfect in every way."

Jasmine laughed as Diego said this, but he seemed serious. "You're so lucky, dude," he said to me. "I can't get over how hot she is!"

I was now increasingly annoyed by Diego's presence in our hotel room. Instead of having mind-blowing sex with my incredible girlfriend, I was standing in my boxers next to my rival who was better looking, stronger, and more hung than me. My only hope was to beat him at wrestling and put him in his place once and for all.

"Do you guys mind if I film this?" Jasmine asked, pulling out her phone. Although I wasn't keen on her recording us, I wouldn't mind having a record of dominating my rival.

"Sure!" Diego exclaimed.

"That's fine, babe," I said. Even though Diego was shredded beyond belief and had kicked my ass earlier today, I was confident that I would win. The only way to wrestle is to be completely certain that you will dominate your opponent into submission.


The match started quickly, with both me and Diego wrestling each other to the floor. Unlike the tournament, this was a no-holds-barred round with no stated rules. I therefore played dirty and immediately pushed his neck and back into the floor. Normally it's a penalty to push an opponent's neck into the floor for risk of injury, but here I was determined to win.

Diego seemed caught off guard by my maneuver and struggled against my tall, 6'3" frame. I had him just where I wanted, pinned against the floor and flailing around, as my boxer-clad cock planted itself on his ass. I loved feeling this shorter stud struggle beneath me.

But Diego was savvier than expected and managed to break free from my illegal hold. He then came at me with a vengeance and a force I had never felt while wrestling. Using all the power in his legs, he lifted me up and threw me back down to the floor—knocking me out of breath. As I was temporarily immobilized, Diego then used his right hand to swiftly pull down my boxers, catching both me and Jasmine off guard.

"Woo woo!" Jasmine screamed. "Show off his cock and ass!"

I couldn't believe that I was now butt naked on the floor with my rival on top of me. As I felt his huge, underwear-clad bulge grinding into my ass, I felt humiliated and naked like a little kid.

Rolling out from under Dieo, I managed to get free and stand up. I was short of breath and panting heavily but still in the fight. As I stood naked in front of Diego, my three-inch softie had shriveled up to barely hang over my balls. Meanwhile, the bulge in Diego's briefs looked simply obscene.

Jasmine, who had seen me naked hundreds of times, screamed and cheered from the bed. "Nice work, honey!" she yelled. "You're doing great!"

Diego then did something that caught us by surprise once again. As he watched Jasmine giving me attention, he pulled down his own Calvin Klein briefs. Jasmine's cheers for me turned into silence.

"It's only fair," Diego said, as his white undies dropped to the floor. He then rested his hands on his hips so that Jasmine and I could both admire his colossal cock. Just as I remembered, it hung down a thick six or seven inches, but still seemed to be entirely soft. Diego's low-hanging balls were even bigger than I remembered, which lent weight and authority to his total package.

Standing just a few feet in front of me, Jasmine now had a clear view of both of us, and the comparison had shocked her into silence. Diego's manhood was twice as long as mine and twice as thick. Even though I had been winning this match, the power dynamic in the room immediately shifted after Diego slipped off his underwear. While my confidence was shot, his was at an all-time high.


As Diego approached me to resume wrestling, I tried to dodge his moves, but quickly found myself pinned into a corner. I then lunged at him with a punch, which is massively illegal in wrestling. Even though he was caught off guard, Diego deftly dodged my punch and used my momentum against me. Sticking his leg out, he tripped me to the floor and flipped me over. I was now on my back with Diego sitting on top of me, his massive cock hanging down and touching my chest.

"Holy fuck," Jasmine said from the bed. Even though Diego's dick was obstructing my view, I looked over and saw that Jasmine had removed her thong just like Diego did his underwear. She was now fingering her pussy as she watched us wrestle naked on the floor.

"You like this, Jasmine?" Diego said to her as he pinned my arms and legs. "You like me dominating your boyfriend?"

"Oh yes!" she exclaimed. "This is so hot!"

With Diego now exerting control, I knew that I needed to make a move fast. Using the strength of my legs, I bucked him off me for a fleeting second and slipped out from under him. I then grabbed him from behind and pushed him to the floor. From this position, my cock was now on his ass, and Diego flailed under me, completely helpless.

"How does it feel, loser?" I asked in a brief state of euphoria. "You like my cock on your ass?!"

Apparently this was the wrong thing to say, because it infuriated Diego. He managed to flip me over and put me in a chokehold. We were now lying next to each other on the floor just a few feet from the bed where Jasmine was furiously masturbating. Diego's arms were around my head and I couldn't get them off, no matter how hard I pulled. Despite being incapacitated, I could still move my hands, and there seemed to be only one thing for me to grab.

Lying right next to me on the floor was Diego's massive cock. Still soft, it hung a good six or seven inches, more than twice the length of mine right next to it. As Diego kept me locked down in the chokehold, I only had one option: to grab his penis and hope that it distracted him enough to let go. This move was clearly illegal in wrestling, but I figured that Diego would immediately let go as soon as I touched his cock.

As my hand reached for his anaconda, Diego didn't let go. He even laughed as I started squeezing his balls and pulling on his dick.

"You watching this, Jasmine?" he asked. "It looks like your boyfriend is hot for my cock!"

Stuck in a chokehold, I couldn't see Jasmine or Diego. All I could do was tug on his massive dick and pray that Diego would eventually relent. I squeezed that snake as hard as I could and also squeezed his lemon-sized balls. But instead of letting go, Diego held me tighter, and the manmeat that I was touching became even bigger and harder.

If I hadn't been drunk off tequila, I might've been more aware of what this looked like. In my mind, I was wrestling as hard as I could, and the only way to escape this hold was to distract Diego by hurting his cock. But to my cocky rival and drop-dead gorgeous girlfriend, it looked like I was submitting to Diego and wanting to stroke off his much-bigger cock.

"Oh my God," Jasmine moaned, now on the verge of orgasm. "Stroke his massive dick!"

"Keep going, bitch," Diego said, as I kept giving him an unintended hand job. His dick just kept growing bigger and thicker so that my hand could no longer fit around it. I just kept stroking and stroking—hoping that somehow Diego would give up his chokehold.

Finally, after his cock expanded to colossal lengths, Diego did what I wanted. He released the chokehold. Grasping for breath, I immediately stopped stroking Diego's dick. But as I caught my breath, he jumped on top of me and kept me pinned to the floor. And to my horror, this cocky stud's thick, gigantic dick was now hovering over my chest, dangerously close to my face and mouth.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

wow!! wow!! wow!!

just what I was looking for

great story

masterfully told

waiting for more

suggestion - cuck, crossdressing sissy

have him learn his place in the pecking order

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great, hit all my buttons, gay, cuck, small penis humiliation, dominated in front of girl. loved ir

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
great story

love it when a hot cocky older jock gets taken down. hope he gets turned into a slutty pussy bitch in heat.

RobJasperRobJasperover 3 years ago
So hot!

So hot! Love the descriptions and the hot wrestling! Looking forward to sex between the hot wrestling studs!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Glad you're back!

So good to see you writing again, you're one of my favorite authors on the site! Can't wait to see more of this story!

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