Don and Deb Siblings Reunited Find Love


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I immediately responded, "Yeah, big Sis, they are but, not when it comes to remembering their sweet, beloved Mom who loved them unconditionally and visiting her grave."

After we said good bye to our Mom we left the cemetery and since it was late in the day we found a motel room and spent the night there. The next morning we left our hometown and drove to Jerry's hometown and found Fran's home. We knocked on her door and Fran answered the door. She invited us into her home. Fran was very happy to see the both of us and greeted us both very warmly.

We told her, "Fran, we have just come from our hometown where we had visited our Mom's grave and have come to visit with you and to visit Jerry's grave as well while she are her. And we want you to go with us to visit Jerry's grave."

Fran responded to us, "How thoughtful it is of you to stop by and visit with me and to visit Jerry's grave, as well. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your coming here to see me and visit Jerry's grave."

Then we told her, "We could not visit Jerry's grave without taking you with us, Fran."

She hugged the both of us and said, "How nice it is of you two to think of me and include me in your visit here and to Jerry's grave." We all got in the car and again we stopped by a flower shop and Deb bought a bouquet of flowers to place on Jerry's grave.

When we got to the cemetery and found Jerry's grave site Deb handed the bouquet to Fran, "Here, Fran would you place the bouquet on Jerry's grave on behalf of all of us, please?" This time we could see the tears begin to gather in the corners of Fran's eyes.

We could see a tear form in the corners of Fran's eyes at our giving her the honor of placing the bouquet on her son's, Jerry's, grave. Fran quietly said, "Hi, honey, I miss you so much and I'll love you, always, baby!"

Then Deb said, "Hi, Jerry, I know that it has been a long time since I have last visited with you but, I still love you very much, Sweetheart. And it is really special that we have brought your Mom with us this time, as well as your buddy, Don."

Then I said, "Hey, pal, I made it back here sooner than I thought but, I still wanted to say to you Semper Fi, man, Uuuuraaahhhh. I'll try to get back here to visit with you again. Rest in peace, Marine."

With that, we left Jerry's grave and we all got back into the car and drove back to Fran's home. On the return to her home Fran told us, "I won't let you two leave until you come in and visit with me and let me fix you your supper tonight." Then Fran said, "I really want you two to spend the night with me in my home before you get in your car and start back to Denver tomorrow morning."

Deb and I replied, "We'll accept your invitation on two conditions: One: is that you have to let us buy the groceries for the meal you cook for us. And two: is that you let us help you prepare it."

Fran accepted our conditions and said, "Thank you for all of your kindness and your generosity, Deb and Don."

Upon our return to Fran's home, Fran and Deb made out a list of the things that we were to get at the grocery store. Deb and I went to the grocery store and returned with all the items on the list and a whole lot more for Fran. She and Deb with some help from me prepared our supper.

After having eaten the fine supper that Fran and Deb had prepared for us we sat and talked and visited with Fran. Fran said, "This is such a real treat having you two in my home and to be able to visit with you. I certainly wish that I could get together more often with you two."

Deb told her "Fran, I had asked our Mom to move to Kansas City to live with me before she passed away and I really regretted that our Mom chose to live alone until she passed away." Then Deb continued, "Fran, you remind me so much of our Mom I would love to have you move to Denver and live near us so that we could see you much more often and help you if and when you need our help."

Deb asked Fran, "Would you like to come home with us and stay with us in my home for a couple of weeks and see what Denver is like?"

Fran thought about it for a couple of minutes and she said, "Yes, Deb, I would love to come and stay with you for a while and see what Denver is like since I've never been there before." Thank you for your generous and gracious invitation."

Deb and I stayed over a couple more days with Fran until she could make arrangements to go with us. Then we all got into the car and returned to Denver. When we got back to Deb's condo Fran was very excited with how nice Deb's condo was. Deb told Fran, "There are some very nice and affordable apartments across the street from my condo and I can take you over there to look at them if you would like to see them."

They are very nice apartments and Deb was sure that Fran would like them and would be very comfortable in one of them. The next day Deb took Fran over to see the apartments and she said, "I'd love to live in one of these apartments and to be close to such good friends like you and Don are, Deb."

At the end of the two weeks Fran returned to her home and before she left she said, "I've thought very seriously about selling my house and moving here to Denver near to you, Deb, but, I haven't made up my mind yet. Later after she returned to her home she called Deb and told her, "Deb, I'd really love to move out there with you but, I just can't leave my home where my husband and I have raised our family and our lifelong friends. It was a really hard decision to make but, I have decided to stay here in my home for the time being."

Deb told her, "Fran, Don and I are disappointed but, if you change your mind all you have to do is to give me a call and Don and I are still willing to help you make the move out here to live near us. You're also welcome to come and visit with us at any time you chose to do so."

After Fran returned to her home Deb and I returned to our love making and we told each other that we had really missed one another's intimacy during the time that Fran was visiting with us. Deb said to me "That has all changed as of tonight my sweet, Little Brother."

In the meantime, Deb had visited the doctor and got a prescription for the pill and she asked the doctor, "Am I at any kind of risk if I get pregnant at my age?" The doctor told me, "Lots of women have babies at your age and they successfully deliver healthy babies and I think that you can, too. You can delay taking the contraceptive pills if you do want to get pregnant."

When Deb got back from the doctor's office she related her conversation with the doctor to me and she told me, "Honey, I want to have your baby for us and we can start trying to make our baby tonight."

"Deb, do you really want to do this? It is incest and it is against the law. Technically what we have been doing has been incest but, there is no one other than us who could prove it. However, if you and I have a baby, that is proof of our incestuous relationship."

Deb replied, "I don't care, Don, I'm not getting any younger, my biological clock is running you and I still want to have your baby. I'm coming into my fertile time of the month and we can make our baby over the next week or so. Besides, I want us to have a baby to carry on our family name."

I took her into my arms, kissed her tenderly and said, "Ok, Honey, we'll start on our baby tonight as I can see that you really want it, Sweetheart."

That night when Deb and I went to bed we made love without any contraceptive protection. Deb was thrilled at how good it felt to have my bare dick fully inside her pussy and feeling my hot cum squirting inside her pussy. My dick filled her so full with my cum it was running out of her pussy and down the crack of her ass onto the bedsheet below us. Deb along with having a huge orgasm loudly moaned, "I can feel your hot cum spurting inside me, Honey. It is wonderful to feel your love cream spurting and flowing into of my pussy and leaving your baby beginning to grow inside my tummy, Don."

I softly whispered back to her, "I'm so glad that you can feel it and we are going to have to do this for the next several nights to make sure that our baby is conceived. It is heaven having my bare dick inside your silky smooth pussy without a condom and being able to shoot my hot cum into your pussy for you to feel, Sweetheart."

We continued to make love with each other for several nights until Deb thought that she had passed the fertile time of her cycle. About a month later Deb sat down on the couch beside me, kissed me and said, "Don yesterday was the day that I should have started my period and if I miss one more period it is a good bet that our baby is on the way, Honey."

I just kissed her and replied, "Ok, Honey, we'll have to wait until this time next month to see what happens."

About a month after that Deb came to me and told me, "Honey, this last month has passed by very slowly for me and now that it has, I have missed my second period. I'm convinced that our baby is growing inside my tummy and is on its way."

"Ok, Baby. I think that you ought to go see your doctor and let the doctor confirm that you are pregnant." Deb made an appointment with her OBGYN who confirmed that she was indeed pregnant. Her doctor put her through a number of tests over the next couple of months and told her, "Our tests have shown that you have a healthy baby on the way, Deb. Do you want to know the gender of the baby?"

Deb said, "No, we would rather wait until the baby is born and find out then." At the end of her term Deb delivered a healthy baby boy and we both could not have been more proud and more pleased with the birth of our baby.

After the baby was born Deb and I discussed what to name our baby. Deb said, "Don, I really want to name him Jerry."

I agreed and said, "I can't think of a better name for him, Honey, and we need to call Fran and tell her about the baby." Later I called Fran and gave her the happy news. I told her, "Fran, Deb has delivered a healthy baby boy, and we wanted you to know about it."

Fran was so excited and asked, "What have you and Deb named him, Don?"

I replied, "We agreed to name him, Jerry and we want you to come out here and stay here with us for a while so that we can share our baby with you, Fran. Deb has said that is what she would have named her first baby boy with Jerry if he'd had the opportunity to give her his baby."

Fran traveled out to our home in Denver to stay with Deb and me and she was so happy to see our baby boy named after her own son, Jerry. Fran stayed with us for two weeks and at the end of that time she asked us, "Deb and Don, the last I came to visit with you here in your home you asked me to move out here and you both said anytime I wanted to come back I could. Does that invitation still stand?"

We both said, "Yes it does, Fran, we would love to have you come live here near us and be a part of our little family."

"Since I was here that last time I have lost several of my close friends and it is just not the same at home anymore like it used to be. I would like to move out there to be near you two and to be able to see my new baby 'grandson' and see him begin to grow up. You two are the closest ones that I have to a family now and I want to be with you and be a part of your family."

Deb and I helped Fran relocate to a small low cost apartment of her own within a block of our condo. Fran spent a lot of time at our condo with Deb and helping her with Jerry. Fran really loved being with Deb and really loved holding and taking care of Jerry, too. One afternoon Fran said to Deb, "Deb, holding and looking after this precious little guy makes me feel like I'm thirty years younger when my own Jerry was just a little guy like the one I am holding now."

"I have a little secret for you, Fran, Jerry is going to have a little Brother or sister, soon. Please don't say anything to Don as I have not told him yet."

That night Deb told me, "I have missed my second period and I'm pretty certain that I'm pregnant again, Honey."

I was happy that my Sis, lover, was pregnant again as I kissed her and I began to make love with her that night. Deb went to the OBGYN again and found out for certain that she was pregnant again. At the end of her term Deb delivered a healthy baby girl. She and I agreed to name our baby girl, Fran.

When we told Fran what we had named our baby girl, we could see tears of Joy begin to form in her eyes. Then she said, "Deb and Don, I might just as well move into this condo with you as it sure looks like I am going to have my hands full looking after both of these sweet babies. I know that I'm going to spoil both of them very much as they grow up. And who knows, there may be another one or two on the way."

With a twinkle in her eyes, Deb responded, "Fran, you could be right. We never know now do we?"

The End MMMNo.12

Author's Note: All of the events and characters in this essay are purely fictional. They are totally a figment of the writer's imagination and may not be construed as anything other than as they are presented.

All characters in this essay who are directly or indirectly referred to and who think about, talk about and discuss sexual activity including request for and consent to sexual activity which includes but, is not limited to: passionate kissing of the lips, kissing, biting, sucking and fondling of breasts and manual or oral manipulation and penetration of either male or female genitalia or anal orifices shall be considered to be an absolute minimum of eighteen years of age. No reader shall infer, conclude or form the opinion that any of the characters of this essay are less than the age of eighteen before the time covered by this essay and all sexual activity that is described in the essay.

Category: Romantic, Sister-Brother Incest, Oral Sex, Erotic Couplings, Making Babies

Short Description: Sister and Brother Reunite after long separation and make love.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Agree about the timeline. When the dad leaves, it’s the mid 1960’s and the kids are in college. Shortly after, the son joins the Marines & is soon sent to Iraq & Afghanistan?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Good story but poorly written. Too much repitition in conversation when brother sister united. The whole Fran Jerry baby naming was fucking overkill.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

did not finish. infodump from the first page bored me to death so i jumped here to review. i think some stories will still work even if there aren't so much backstory (since the day they were born to what they ate at the family dinner at age 8 to the verrryyy slow pace of dumping the entire family's history in the beginning of the story) so many unnecessary info that aren't even useful to the actual story, yall just here to meet your word count instead of writing the actual story, convoluting yalls work just so you can say you posted something

prop69prop69almost 5 years ago
Nice tender story.Many gaps

Military could always find her brother.

Everyone knew they were brother and sister. Her group health would pay each claim.

You did not tell Fran about relationship.

Dry easy for Don to locate sister

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Did I read that wrong?

Ok so I have a question, in the story you said that the father left the mother and kids in the 60s, but the two guys were in boot camp and then got deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. So my question is what year did the main character graduate high school and what year did they go to boot camp, if I read that wrong somebody please help me out.

mcbtwsmcbtwsalmost 5 years ago

How in the hell can you take a perfectly good erotic story and make it sound like reading the goddamn dictionary. Terrible writing.

rmeyerhormeyerhoalmost 5 years ago
A description

You gave a description of a life of sister and brother, not a love story that it should have been. Put some feeling into your writing and make feel of love.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Sorry, It was probably a good story, but I couldn't make it past your writing style on the first page.

clearedtofuckclearedtofuckalmost 5 years ago
Nice story

...horribly written.

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