Donald's Harem

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Six women at once. Every man's dream, right? Right?!
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This is quick little something that I wrote a while ago and expanded a bit. There may be future additions to it as Donald deals with each of the ladies, but for now, I think it’s best as a piece where the resolution is left to the reader’s imagination. Please enjoy, and feel free to comment!


Donald strained at the bindings that kept him eagle-spread on the bed, the leather cuffs biting into his wrists and ankles as Theresa and her girlfriends watched on in amusement. His was a heavy body, tall and thick with equal amounts of fat and muscle, typical for a man his age and height. A thick ring gag had been forced between his teeth. At some point while he had been unconscious, his body had been shaved smooth save for his head and eyebrows, but other than that, they had done nothing to him as of yet.

The operative word there was ‘yet.’ As the six ladies stood or sat around the bed, leering at him, Donald didn’t think that ‘yet’ was going to last much longer. Sipping drinks and whispering and giggling, the women’s excited anticipation looked to be at the breaking point. He knew each of them; they were all friends or coworkers of his wife. Unfamiliar to him were the predatory smirks and the intense scrutiny of his bared flesh.

He squirmed again in a futile attempt to either escape or at least cover himself. Someone cooed in mock sympathy for his plight, although he couldn’t have said who.

His memory from what he suspected had been only a few hours earlier had been pleasant. Hell, it had been fantastic! Coming home from work, Donald had found Theresa waiting for him in their living room with a bottle of wine in one hand and two wine glasses in the other, and she had been wearing a tight little bit of black satin lingerie that was more air than fabric. It had been an unexpected but welcome discovery for him! Their marriage of 12 years had been having... a few troubles. Nothing severe, neither of them were cheating on the other, but a tension had developed between them that no amount of gifts and dinners and planned nights out had been able to dissolve. Communication, not to mention sex, just hadn’t been happening no matter how hard they had tried.

So to have come home and found Theresa standing there with a sultry smile and a suggestion that they try something different was promising! She’d always been a sexy woman. But at that moment? His wife had never looked so desirable, so sensual, so... willing! She had poured the wine, guided him to the couch, curled up with him sensually, almost kittenishly, urged him to drink, and after he’d had a few sips...

That’s where it all went fuzzy. He’d gone from sitting on the couch with his shoes kicked off and his tie loosened to being strapped down to their bed completely naked with a half-dozen women standing around him, ogling him and murmuring to each other. Each woman was dressed in her finest cocktail gown. The fabric clung to the curves of their bodies. Their makeup and hair were Sunday perfect, and they’d donned gloves, shoes, and pearls to create auras of sophistication and authority as they drank from their fluted champagne glasses.

Theresa herself was sitting on the edge of the bed, running her fingers tenderly through Donald’s hair when he awoke. A damp cloth was held daintily in one hand from where she had been dabbing away his drool. Gone was the lacy lingerie she had greeted him in. It had been replaced by an outfit of emerald green, one similar to what the other women wore. It was a dress that revealed plenty of leg and exposed an impressive amount of cleavage. Theresa had donned matching gloves, and the strand of pearls that he’d given her for their tenth wedding anniversary hung about her slender neck. His wife hadn’t moved since he’d first started to come around. She casually chatted with the other women about inconsequential things until she noticed that he’d fully regained consciousness. Only once he had started to try and speak through the gag and frantically pull on the leather straps, only then she had smiled like an angel down at him.

Was that relief in her face, too?

“You’re up! Oh, good, we can get started. The ladies were getting impatient. Really, Donald, you’d sleep all day if you could get away with it.” Leaning over, her auburn hair falling around his face like a curtain, she smiled lovingly but with mischief in her hazel eyes. “You know how the counselor said we should spice things up a bit, Donald? That we should be more spontaneous? I thought I’d surprise you with something a little different.”

Her gloved hand reached down to take up his limp shaft, and with wicked intent, she began to stroke him to hardness with her satin-gloved hand. The soft green material was a sharp contrast to her firm grip. Involuntarily, he let out a groan through the open ring of the gag, the sound making the women present grin all the wider. Someone laughed outright. “Some of my friends are having the same problems with their husbands and boyfriends, you see. Things getting stale, getting comfortable, not making any progress... and Jill had the best idea ever. We’re trying it on you first.”

A quick glance towards Jill revealed the athletic blonde licking her lips at him in rapacious anticipation. Donald felt his cheeks grow hot from the scrutiny. It felt as though his heart had skipped several beats as Jill carved him up with her eyes.

Donald’s brow furrowed as he tried to figure out what the hell was going on. He wasn’t all that sure he was going to like what he was about to hear, but he couldn’t keep that dubious expression for long, not with how Theresa was so expertly manipulating him! Fear was starting to set in behind the confusion. It was a fear, however, that was tempered with rising lust as Theresa pumped him cruelly; he could feel his member grow hot and heavy in her hand.

Theresa’s smile became wider as she watched her husband struggle mentally and physically, a smug look of pride on her lovely features as she dabbed away another trail of drool from his cheeks.

“We’re taking bets, you see,” she explained, kissing his forehead. The other women giggled again as a group. “Each of them is going to do her very best to make you cum, Donald. The one who does gets to keep you for the rest of the weekend to use as she wants. We all agreed. Whatever she wants, you have to do.”

There was no missing the implications in that statement, not when Theresa’s words were also marked by her pointed expression. Donald’s eyes boggled at her. Where was his agreement in all of this?!

Did her grip then get tighter, more possessive? The hard metal of the gag scraped against the back of his teeth as he clenched from the increased pressure around his thick member. Another sharp groan was wrung out of him.

“I don’t want you to cum, though, Donald. I want you to hold out. I want you to prove that you’re made of sterner stuff, that you’re all mine. But if you can’t?”

Theresa raised her head away from his, reached over to the nightstand and exchanged the cloth in her other hand for something else that rested on the nightstand. Donald’s eyes went wide in fear as she displayed it before him. The metal of it was bright and cold, unyielding and clearly painful in its purpose. He’d never actually seen a male chastity cage before, but seeing one for the first time, he instantly knew its purpose. “If you cum, Donald, then you have to wear this the whole time while you’re with the winner. I’m keeping the key, by the way. If she tells me you were anything less than respectful or obedient, I might not let you out even after you come back, so you should behave yourself. I can put spikes inside of this, too. That’s something you might want to think about.”

What the hell sort of sick game was this?!

Setting the device aside, she leaned back against him and ran her other hand over his chest. The hand on his primed cock loosened a little and slowed to a torturous pace. “You’re probably wondering what you get out of this. That’s the best part, Donald. If you win, if you can hold out against all five of my friends and whatever they do to you?” Theresa leaned forward, hot breath tickling his ear as she whispered sensually. Her full, painted lips brushed his ear. “Then you...Donald... get all of us... the whole weekend... all six of us and you can do... anything...”

The way she said ‘anything’ was enough to melt butter into a puddle instantly, yet it made him all the harder. He could feel his shaft throbbing with need in her grasping fingers. His gaze went to each of the women in attendance: Jill, athletic and blond; Annie, waifish and openly bisexual; Jasmine, dark and elegant; Valerie, short and curvy; and finally Catherine, nineteen and demure. Or so she seemed to be with her head bowed and her eyes cast to the floor. When her eyes did come up to meet his, however, there was a smoldering intensity in her expression that made Donald’s breath catch in his throat.

“Anything, Donald,” Theresa continued to coax, “anything you want to do to us or have us do to each other? All. Weekend. Long. Just think about it. Six women on you at once, serving you, devoted to you, fulfilling every desire that you’ve ever had? Isn’t that every man’s dream?”

Her stroking of his cock became even more relaxed to the point of being idle. The purr in her voice kept him hard as a rock, though, as she continued to whisper into his ear. “Blowjobs... anal... bondage... have us do each other for your entertainment, Annie there would be up for that, you know...”

Donald glanced over to the manic pixie girl with the rainbow hair and red dress just in time to see her beam at him. Annie raised her glass to him in salutation before taking another sip from it.

Theresa leaned in just that much closer, her voice barely audible as she added one last suggestion. “... Breeding...”

Donald thought he felt his heart stop. His neck nearly snapped as he whipped his focus back to his wife. Theresa wasn’t able to bear children, something that he had known going into the marriage and regretfully accepted. Was that what this was really about? Had she really just said-

He frantically looked back at Catherine just in time to see her biting her lower lip.

“It’s going to be a long night for you, my love. Try to enjoy yourself?” His wife’s voice held a note of sincere concern, surprising him yet again. Another kiss to his forehead and Theresa stood up, smiling benevolently down at him. Given the situation, it was startling as to how tender expression was. “It’s really for the best,” she told him honestly. “I do love you, Donald. Only you. But I think this is just the thing to figure out which of us should really be in charge, don’t you?”

Something in the tone of her voice made his skin flush and goose-pimple at the same time. Fear and expectation, lust and panic, the humiliation of his helplessness clashing with outrageous hopes of if he could last through what was about to come... all of it swirled in his still woozy consciousness. Donald gurgled, still trying to speak through the damned ring. He didn’t even know if he was pleading or demanding with his wife! Parts of him were equally curious and terrified. Sure, it definitely sounded like a sexual escapade worthy of exploration! Yet there had been no consent involved. His own wife had drugged him, tied him up, and was essentially going to allow her friends to sexually abuse him. In a way, she had betrayed him.

But she had done so for the sake of their marriage? Or so it seemed? She and her friends were offering up their bodies if he won; willing and obedient women to serve carnally him for two days. How was any man supposed to process that?

Not that it mattered. Whether he agreed or not, they were going through with it.

Theresa ignored the frantic grunting of her husband as she turned to her friends with an angelic smile. “Shall we get started, ladies?”

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

If they're lucky, they might be left alive. But they'll never rape anyone again as long as they live.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

So far she’s earned an immediate divorce. Once when I was in my 20’s I was with a group of friends in a compound In Kingston Jamaica. One of the available women came up to my table, opened my fly and started to masturbate me. I wasn’t interested in sex with her so I remained totally soft & small. In this scenario I would have won & turned down the harem. Or even interested in fucking any of her group. 1 star.

Bill S.

RimmerdalRimmerdal5 months ago

. “Some of my friends are having the same problems with their husbands and boyfriends, you see. Things getting stale, getting comfortable, not making any progress... and Jill had the best idea ever. WE'RE TRYING IT ON YOU FIRST.”

Says it all.

Up to y'all to read the rest and figure how bad it is going to get.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

so where's the story? 1*

chasbo38chasbo388 months ago

Short story with no character development. What is his wife's problem ? She defintely has one. A big one.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

where the hell is the rest of it ???

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohio9 months ago

I realize it’s in non-consent, but putting that aside, it’s not erotic and it’s far from finished. One star.

NallusNallus11 months ago

Agree w/ another here 8 months ago. "What a crap situation."

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

This is no harem. No consent was given. All six should be arrested, prosecuted, and sentenced to prison…IF he survives his ordeal! This story might have been better named, “Donald’s Dilemma “. I’m not a fan of non-consensual literature, even fantasy. One star ⭐️ for this one.

DB71DB71over 1 year ago

Okay this is an interesting opening for a story. It is extremely light on character background. There’s no sense of what dynamics are involved in this relationship prior to this event. No understanding why the wife and her friends are taking this action other than “You know how the counselor said we should spice things up a bit, Donald? That we should be more spontaneous? I thought I’d surprise you with something a little different.” which does not justify this level of abuse.

Regarding how these women may try to get Donald to cum, I can see a variety of ways the wife’s friends might use to make him orgasm. And also several situations where Donald loses and wins. However, unless the drugs, restraints, sexual assault, etc are not addressed then it becomes a non-consent story which will not be accepted by the majority in the LW category

That said, I think it would be a good idea to send this to Randi and see if she can get a bunch of the top LW authors to write alternative endings

FseriesFseriesover 1 year ago

What a crap situation. Obviously can’t do anything while tied up. Wait till you’re free and seek revenge on them all. Including the wife. Divorce her and cause all the others to be divorced. Wreak havoc.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Not only was it too short to be fun to read, but cut off before the story could gain any momentum 1 ⭐️

Bill S.

nyteramblernyterambleralmost 2 years ago

If me they better never let me loose or all of the ladies would regret it. and wife would never be able to sleep again. And would find her shit burned.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Be warned wives, husbands, friends & relatives.

Don't even dream, contemplate ever drugging someone to put them in your power.

Tied down & gagged, there is a 20& chance they would chole and die before waking.

If they survive you will have PERMANENTLY

destroyed there trust in such everyday things like accepting food or drink from you or your family & friends. ONCE BITTEN, FOREVER SHY.

MarkT63MarkT63almost 2 years ago

DIVORCE and PRISON for wife as soon as he gets released!!!

not_a_viking_honestnot_a_viking_honestabout 2 years ago

Setting aside most everything else, I'm surprised he didn't focus more on the part where they were going to use the same procedure on the other husbands/boyfriends.

dawg997dawg997about 2 years ago

Good start, otherwise just a teaser.

MaximusTheMadMaximusTheMadover 2 years ago

I don't get it. I see why it got such low marks. It feels half-assed and unfinished. You're left wondering where the author is going with this but realize it doesn't matter since it could have gone any where just like any unfinished story would.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Whatever the outcome is of this “contest” is not so much the question. More important is the question how many women are going to survive or not be heavily mutilated after this enraged husband is released.

Janrene3Janrene3over 2 years ago

To tech4fun99

Its true its only a story (I hope), but if someone out there thinks drugging and then raping is “fun”; then we as a society are worse off!

Slowly, one small step at the time, perhaps some individual might think: “hey, that was a great way to pursuade him/her!”

If only there has been a description, that in some of the couples talks, he has hinted, it could be fun to be dominated by all the wiwes in the area - well, then he might have consented to be tied up, and THEN the other women could have shown themselves i.ex.

No, the drug and a “real” rape is not a thing to indulge in - even in a story! In my opinion, of course.

And please note: I’m not personally offended per se. I just really believe, stories like these, slowly, one tiny step at the time, undermines people’s morally compas

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