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I was in the shower, getting ready to go out for a six-month celebration of Donna's and my relationship, when my phone rang. I heard it ring. Donna picked my phone and answered the call. A scant minute later, she was handing me the phone through the shower door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"A woman," Donna said.

"Did she give you a name?" I asked.

"Elaine," she said and left the room.

Elaine? I only knew one Elaine. My ex-wife. I hadn't talked to her in over six months. I turned off the shower and, leaning naked against the wall, I said, "Hello."

"Hello, Roger," the woman said, confirming that it was indeed my ex-wife.

"Hello, Elaine."

"Who was the woman?" she asked.

"If that's why you called, you've wasted a phone call and both our time," I told her.

"That's not why I called. I was just curious," Elaine said.

"So why did you call?" I asked.

"I want to talk to you," she responded.

"I'm here. Talk," I said peevishly.

"Not on the phone. I want to talk to you in person."

"Elaine," I said. "That's not going to happen. You walked out of my life almost two years ago. I've got a new life and it doesn't include you, either in person or on the phone."

"And a new woman," she stated.

"Elaine, that's none..."

"I understand," Elaine interrupted. "I can hear the hurt in your voice. I'm sorry and I'm glad it's worked out so well for you. She sounds really nice on the phone."

"Elaine, I don't know why I'm saying this, but your apology sounds authentic. I accept your apology and your kind words. I hoped it's worked out okay for you as well," I told her.

"That's what I wanted to talk about," Elaine said.

That was the point I should have said "Goodbye" and hung up the phone. Instead, I listened to her. If I had hung up, nothing that followed would have happened.

When I didn't respond, Elaine continued. "It hasn't been all that good for me," she shared. "I need someone to talk to and you were the first person I thought of."

"I was the last person you thought of when you left and now that things are going sour, I'm the first person you need. You must realize how unrealistic that sounds to me," I stated.

"It's unrealistic to me as well but it's the truth. You were always easy for me to talk to. You listened without judging me and I always found that to be valuable. I didn't realize how valuable until you weren't there anymore. I'm messed up and I need someone to listen to me. You."

"Given what you did and how you did it, I can't believe you actually think I'd be willing to listen," I stressed.

"You have every right to feel as you do about me. I can't express how sorry I am about what I did. You're a kind soul and you've always been willing to listen to other's problems. I've sinned and you're the one I need to confess to."

"You should really talk to a priest," I suggested.

"I'm not asking forgiveness. Only a hearing. All the 'Hail Mary's' and 'Our Fathers' in the world won't help if you won't listen to me. Just one meeting. One hour. Anywhere you want. Please."

"Let me think about it," I said just to get off the phone.

"Thank you, Roger," she said relieved. "When can I call you again?"

"I'll call you," I said.


"I don't know. At least a day or two. I have a lot of thinking to do."

"Please don't take too long," she pleaded.

"I promise I'll call but I have to go now."

"Thanks, Roger," Elaine said.

"Goodbye Elaine, I said and hung up the phone.

I finished drying my body, combed my hair and got dressed.

Donna was waiting for me in the living room. "Who's Elaine?" she asked.

"My ex-wife," I answered.

"Really. What did she want?"

"To talk. She wanted to talk," I said.

"Strange. I mean, it seems strange she wanted to talk to you after all this time. What did she want to talk about?"

"I didn't ask about specifics. I got the sense things haven't been going so well for her and she needs some emotional support. It's strange that she thought of me when she needed support considering how she ended our relationship," I mused.

"So, what did she say?"

"Nothing specific. She wants to talk in person," I told Donna.


"Never," I responded.

"Why not talk to her? You were married to her for thirty-five years," asked Donna.

"And I'm not married to her anymore," I stated.

The short phone call from Elaine and the subsequent conversation with Donna put a damper on the planned celebratory nature of the evening. Dinner and dancing afterward didn't have the usual vigor of evenings out with Donna. Afterwards, we lay in bed together, holding each other without making love. I felt as if Donna was offering me the emotional support that Elaine was asking from me.

About a week later, Donna said, "You should talk to her."

"Who?" I asked.

"Elaine," Donna said.

"I thought that was a closed issue," I said.

"I've been thinking about it since last week," said Donna. "And I think you've been thinking about too."

"Guilty as charged," I admitted. "I can't believe the audacity she had calling me."

"I don't think it was audacity," stated Donna. "I think it was courage."


"Yes courage," confirmed Donna. "Think about it. You haven't talked to her for as long as I've known you and you never talk about her. She hurt you severely and she knows it. Knowing how you feel about her, she had to courage to call you when she needed help. You. She still has feelings for you."

"She killed all that when she left," I said defensively.

"I think she hopes that wasn't the case," Donna said.

"How could you know that?" I asked.

"A woman knows these things," Donna stated.

"There's something more going on," I mused. "Wait. You've talked to her, haven't you?"

"I have," Donna confirmed.

"Why would you do such a thing?" I demanded.

"It's a woman thing. We have to support each other and, besides, we have you in common. I know you're not the type of man you're pretending to be about her. You're kind and gentle. The Roger I know would talk to her."

Donna was right. I wanted to talk to Elaine. I wanted to listen to her and maybe even offer her support and help. I was afraid I might not be able to contain my anger with her about how our relationship ended and I didn't want to jeopardize my relationship with Donna. Donna hadn't said either of those things but, somehow, I knew she was aware of both of them.

"You're right. That Roger would talk to her. This Roger has too much at stake if he does," I said.

"Say more," prompted Donna.

"I'm concerned that I'll dump all my hurt and anger on her instead of listening to her and, no way in hell am I risking our relationship to help my ex-wife."

"Roger," Donna suggested. "I know you pretty well. You're not going to vent your anger on her. You're remembering the anger when she left, not the anger you no longer have toward her. It's dissipated over time. Let the rest go and talk to her. And, as far as our relationship goes, we're on solid ground together. I support your talking to her. It has nothing to do with us. Call her. Go talk to her. I'll still be here when you come back."

"You know, I love you," I said.

"I do and you know I love you as well," Donna said.

"I don't deserve you," I said.

"Yes you do," insisted Donna. "And Elaine deserves you too," she added.

"Okay," I said.

I called Elaine that evening. I sensed the relief in her voice. We agreed to have dinner on Thursday evening. Donna was genuinely upbeat about it. I picked up Elaine at our daughter's house. I didn't know she was staying there. I carefully avoided any restaurants we had frequented when we were married. I took a chance that she would like Thai food.

By the time dinner was over and Elaine had shared her recent life with me, I no longer felt anger toward her. She had made a mistake. A life changing decision that hadn't worked out for her. I realized I still had feelings for her. Not the love I had while we were married but positive feelings and I wanted to help her if I could.

Donna and I talked that night until the early hours of the morning. I started by filling Donna in on Elaine's situation and how she got there.

"I already know the details," Donna said. "The question is: how do you feel about helping her and what does helping her mean?"

"You already know? Have you been talking to her?" I asked.

"We had lunch on Tuesday," Donna admitted.

"I didn't know."

"I didn't tell you. I wasn't keeping secrets. I didn't want to influence how you heard her story or how you might react. I apologize but insuring you were acting independently of any influences seemed more important," Donna said. "So, how do you feel about her?"

"So, you know the grass wasn't greener for her?" I asked.

"I do. Things fell apart in about two months and her life was miserable after that. She told me he was a fraud from the beginning. He didn't have a real job or any money. Everything she saw, and believed, was on credit, from the house to the car to the suits to the restaurants," Donna elaborated.

"And it all came apart when he told her to pay the bills," I added.

"Yep," agreed Donna. "She's been living with her daughter ever since," she added.

"Why are we having this conversation?" asked Donna.

"Just to be certain that Elaine had been honest with us and told us the same story," I replied.

"Okay. I think we agree. Elaine has had a bad time, she made a horrendous mistake; she knows it and she wants to make it right as best as she can," Donna summarized.

"True but things can never go back to where they were. That ship has sailed," I said.

"She knows that too but she can't live with your daughter forever," opined Donna.

"She needs to find someone new to spend her life with," I suggested.

"I don't think she trusts her judgment any longer, at least when evaluating men in her life. She has only one man she trusts and that man is you," Donna told me.

"How is that my, or our, problem?" I asked.

"Wake up a little and look around. Elaine will always be part of your and our lives. You have children together. She'll be at all the family functions or you risk losing contact with your kids as well as her. Don't go there," Donna insisted.

"What about us?" I asked. "You and I are together and, I hope, for a long time. You're asking me to make a choice I can't make," I said.

"There's only one choice to make. We all have to become one family. You, your son, your daughter, Elaine, me and my family. One family," Donna suggested. "I know you pretty well and I know you can do that."

"How about you?" I asked. "Can you do that?"

"I can. I like Elaine. A lot. She's like the sister I never had," Donna insisted.

"How could you know her that well?" I asked.

"We've spent a lot of time talking," Donna said.

"Seems like you've already started the family thing," I stated.

"In a sense, we have although it can't really happen without you."

"And you're making her case with me," I said.

"No. I'm making our case, for all of us."

"I'm beginning to think you're right but I'm unclear as to how to do it," I questioned.

"It's easier than you think. We just start to live as a family. Birthdays, anniversaries, holidays. Family dinners and activities. Even vacations. It will just happen if we don't resist and I think we'll all find it natural and easier over time."

"Okay. I can do that, I think. It will take time to feel natural but I can do it," I agreed.

"Swell. I'll be there with you all the way. First, Elaine can't live with your daughter forever," Donna said.

"Then where?" I asked hesitantly knowing where she was heading but I wasn't going there myself without her committing first.

"We have room," Donna said simply.

"You think Elaine could live with us?" I asked. "We had an intense sexual relationship before she left and I'm concerned that continuous proximity with her might lead to a rekindling of that with her," I offered. "Not by me," I quickly added. "I don't feel that way about her anymore. You're the only woman I want in my bed but I'm concerned that may not be enough for Elaine and she may be unable to contain her feelings in the same house that we shared for decades."

"You can't leave me out of the equation," stated Donna. "Sharing space with Elaine, even a bed, isn't all that intimidating for me."

"This is quickly going off the rails," I stated. "Are you suggesting that you'd be open to sleeping with Elaine?"


"Don't be disingenuous. You know exactly what I mean."

"I do. You have to agree with me. Elaine is an attractive woman. She has a wonderful personality and a nice body. I can imagine the possibility."

"I didn't know you had lesbian tendencies," I said.

"I didn't either but I also didn't know I was capable of the love I feel for you and the intense and varied sex we have. Everything is new and everything is possible," Donna shared.

"Where does that leave me?" I asked.

"How about between us in bed," said Donna.

"Wha... Whoa. That came from nowhere," I said.

"You can't convince me you haven't thought about it," questioned Donna.

"Not in any realistic way," I countered.

"Then tell me about the unrealistic ways you've thought about it," suggested Donna.

"Okay. You've got me. I'm a guy. I fantasize about a lot of things. Sleeping between two beautiful women is one of them. However, I never dreamed that it would be you and Elaine," I explained.

"Well, fantasize no longer. Invite Elaine to move in. You'll make everyone happy and happiness only begets more happiness."

"Shit. How did we get here?"

"One day at a time," Donna explained. "Reality has a way of throwing us curve balls. I know you can hit a curve ball out of the park.

I made the call the next morning.

Within a week, Elaine and Donna had transformed the guest bedroom into Elaine's boudoir, very feminine and very sexual. My home office was now in the smallest bedroom and the new guest bedroom filled the space that had formally been my office.

Having Elaine back in the house was less stressful than I had feared and more pleasant than I thought possible. Elaine was over cautious in her interactions with Donna and especially me. I'm sure she didn't want to make waves or create a situation that might involve us, actually me, rescinding the invitation to live with us. It was almost two weeks before she sat next to me on the sofa while we watched a movie together and then it was only because Donna maneuvered her to sit there.

Sitting next to Elaine, with her warmth and the sweet smell of her hair brought back ancient memories. I wasn't swooning over her presence but enough so that Donna forced us to move over and she sat next to me on the side opposite Elaine.

Donna took the controls away from me and tuned to a different movie, one with a more personal relationship between the protagonists. We sat silently, watching the movie. When the first personal encounter between the actors came on the screen, Donna put her hand on my thigh. A few minutes later Elaine put her hand on my other thigh.

I was immediately with the program. For over two weeks the three of us had been apprehensive in each other's presence. We were like teenagers, knowing what we wanted; knowing that it was possible and unwilling to make the first move.

As the scene in the movie unfolded, Donna stroked my right leg and Elaine stroked my left leg. I watched the movie, unable to look at either of them for fear of waking up. Donna stroked my leg even higher. Elaine put her head on my shoulder and moved her hand up my leg. The memories of nights just like this one with Elaine resting her head on my shoulder, the aroma of her shampoo flooding my senses, swept through my mind and I put my head back on the sofa and closed my eyes.

Donna put her head on my other shoulder and palmed my obvious erection through my trousers. Donna kissed my neck and stroked my erection with the flat of her hand. Elaine kissed my neck. Donna removed her hand. Elaine put her hand on my erection and continued stroking.

Heaven collapsed on top of me. I still can't explain why I didn't erupt in my pants when Elaine stroked me. God knows I wanted to. Everything I had felt about Elaine over the last years evaporated. It was almost as if she'd never left and Donna was an invited guest.

When the women changed places and Donna was stroking my erection, the love I had for her surged. How was it possible I could have the same feelings for two women at the same time? Was it just the sex, or the promise of sex, that brought these feelings to the surface? I didn't think so. I had the same feelings about Donna when we were together, without sex and I remembered having the same feelings about Elaine before her break with reality. No. It wasn't the sex alone. I truly loved both these women. The more I thought about it, I realized that none of this would have been possible without Elaine's lapse in judgment. I had a lot to be grateful for. Elaine's leaving had created the opportunity for me to meet Donna and her returning had created the opportunity for even greater love to evolve.

While I had been ruminating, Donna, with Elaine's help, managed to unzip my pants and pull my erection out. The sudden coolness broke my spell. I opened my eyes and watched, fascinated, while two of the most beautiful women in my experience negotiated what to do with my cock.

Donna stroked my erection several times and then offered it to Elaine. Elaine took my cock in her hand and stroked it. More memories flooded my mind. Elaine paused and looked at Donna. "May I?" her expression seemed to say. Donna responded, "Please," she whispered.

Elaine leaned over and my erection disappeared into her mouth. In all the years we had been married, blowjobs, where a rare event. I could recall only a half dozen times and then only when she was drunk. A spontaneous, sober, blowjob was something new and appreciated. I made a mental note to ask her about it but now wasn't the time.

I was understandably tense as Elaine skillfully used her tongue, teeth and lips on and around my erection. I struggled to contain myself as she relinquished my erection to Donna who promptly repeated Elaine's skill. The second time Elaine engulfed my cock, the dam burst and I pulsed several shots of semen into her mouth. Cumming in her mouth was unthinkable in our past lives but she didn't flinch. Instead, she sucked harder as she withdrew her mouth from my erection. Then she swallowed and leaned over to kiss Donna. Donna responded, kissed Elaine and licked her lips.

My world was spinning. A blowjob, a mouthful, a swallow and a lesbian kiss all in just ten seconds. I decided that I was never going to ask Elaine anything.

The women stood and offered me their hands. I stood up and they led me upstairs to Elaine's room. I sat in the center of the side of the queen bed with the women standing in front of me and my former erection hanging from the opening in my pants.

Donna and Elaine looked at each other as if deciding what to do next. Donna settled the matter when she began to unbutton her blouse. Elaine stepped closer to Donna and held her hand. "Let me," she said quietly.

Elaine unbuttoned Donna's blouse, pulled it from the waist of her slacks and slid it off her shoulders. Previously, I had a thought that the women had planned the evening between themselves. Donna wasn't wearing any of the 'special' bras she wore when we played strip games. I believed I was watching a genuine spontaneous event.

Donna reached behind her back and unhooked her bra. Elaine took hold of Donna's bra by the shoulder straps and lifted it from her body. Donna's breasts fell against her chest. Elaine stood mute, holding Donna's bra in one hand while she studied Donna's breasts for the first time.

Elaine broke her trance and stepped closer to Donna. Donna began to unbutton Elaine's blouse. A few moments later they were facing each other topless. Donna was the first to reach out to hold Elaine's breasts. The women hefted and squeezed each other's breasts for several seconds before turning to face me.