Donna Next Door


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In the mean time, I'm having coffee with Nami on my front porch each morning, listening to her talk about what a putz her man can be and how he isn't taking care of things at home like he used to. Her husband Lee has already thanked me for taking care of his wife while he's sailing. Like my Anika and then Donna, she wears skirts and dresses most of the time, if he only knew how well I intended to look after his wife in the months ahead.

Marti was kind enough to tell the new folks that I had helped Donna with home repairs for years and could probably answer any maintenance questions they might have. With a house that age there are bound to be things that need to be looked at sooner than later. First and foremost in my mind is making sure Nami's body parts were well lubricated and functional. Such as legs spread, feet in the air, my cock buried deep in her young pussy.

This morning I found myself thinking I may have to get some of those little blue pills. There's nothing saying a 67 year old man can't pleasure a 50 year old woman. So far, I've had no issues, but with a gal as young as Nami I might need to go a little longer, I'm sure I'll know in the next few months. She may not know it, but she's giving me all the info I need to coax her out of her panties and into my bed.

I was taking her eggs every other week and when the oranges in my back yard began to ripen I would have fresh juice on the porch each morning. She loved the fresh juice as much as I did, we both lamented when they were done. They had been in the neighborhood a bit over three months when Nami came scampering over to my wood shop asking me to please hurry, she could smell burning but couldn't find anything hot or overheated.

Walking in through the garage service door I knew what it was right away, in the part of Florida where I live they like to put the breaker panel in the garage. Burning or overheated wiring has a very distinct smell, I walked directly to the panel, popped the cover and there lay the culprit. Two breakers were fatigued enough through age that they were no longer tight on the buss bar, therefore causing it to arc. Neither carried a heavy load so I moved the wires to another pair of breakers and pulled the bad ones. Next morning I pulled power to the house, cleaned up the buss bar lugs and put in two new breakers with no-krode (an antioxidant) to help prevent further oxidization.

I gave the sales slip to Nami who reimbursed me immediately. In our county the home owner can still pull a permit for electrical or plumbing other than waste or septic. I recommended she replace the panel right away, if she wanted I'd go with her to the Escambia public works building and help her fill out the paperwork for a permit. The homeowner is supposed to do the work themselves so when she was asked who would be doing the work, she hooked her arm through mine, gave me a peck on the lips and said, "My husband, right honey."

Like a bumbling idiot I grinned and nodded my head. On the way home we stopped at Home Depot where I picked out a new panel and the breakers needed to match the old circuits. It was mid-day, Nami suggested we go to lunch at an out of the way fish place. It was small, but clean and excellent food, a pair of brothers ran it with their wives doing the cooking, while one brother took orders, the other one brought the food to tables.

We had walked in at 11:20 and by the time we got our food the place was full. Not wanting to tie up a table with small talk we walked across the street to a small neighborhood park, found a bench in the shade and carried on a conversation for over an hour. Time and again she would pat or touch my hand to make a point, just before we were ready to leave she took hold of my hand making a point about something and didn't let go. It all seemed very natural to her, I figured she was just one of those touchy feely people who can't talk without their hands moving. I used to tease my late wife telling her if her hands were bound she wouldn't be able to speak.

All through our conversation she smiled and laughed and seemed to be enjoying time with another adult who listened. When Lee was around everything was about him, I sensed she craved someone who would simply pay attention to her and her needs. I told her I'd be at her house early to start changing out the panel. I knocked on the door at 7:30 but got no answer, another thing they did a lot in the older homes was put the laundry in the garage space. As I sat on a lawn chair waiting to hear Olivia moving around inside, the door opened and out stepped Nami in bra and panties tossing laundry in the basket. She shrieked as she saw me and dashed back inside, feeling like a fool I walked outside and stood in the yard.

"Innis, I'm so sorry, I should have put a robe on, I'm so used to simply opening the door and tossing the laundry in the basket. Please forgive me. Thank God I had my undies on."

As I'm contemplating if I should walk through that open door I decide, what the hell, nothing to lose.

"Don't be sorry Nami, I enjoyed the show, you're quite a looker."

No comment, no scowl, just a soft smile and a brush of her hair away from her face. I asked when I could pull the disconnect for the house and start the panel replacement. She hadn't showered or anything yet, I suggested she take some clothes and use mine while I was working on the panel. I'd just put out fresh towels this morning and there was body wash etc in the shower. She smiled, grabbed her clothes and followed me to the house where I showed her the shower and went back to her place. I had the old panel out and the new one in place by ten, she was walking back over as I was tying the wires into the new panel.

"Hope you don't mind Innis, I took my time and dried my hair right away. I love that walk-in shower and your home is so clean, I thought bachelors were always messy."

"Not a bachelor, I'm a widower, our wives taught us how to keep the house in order. I simply do what Anika always did, why reinvent the wheel, besides, I can't stand clutter."

I was turning breakers back on as I terminated each circuit, bringing power back to appliances and lights. I was resetting digital clocks on appliances when she walked up behind me, spun me, hugged me tight and kissed me on the cheek.

"You're a good man Innis, thank you for helping me. What do I do with this permit thing now?"

"We need to call for an inspection. Once that passes, they'll slap a green sticker on the panel cover and you're legal."

Inspection would be on Friday between ten and noon, I puttered around her yard waiting, Lee hadn't been home for ten days and the yard needed attention. The guy pulled in just before 11, I went into the garage and stood beside Nami, who instantly played the housewife, kissing me, patting my chest and holding my arm. He asked one or two questions, checked all the connections, told me to put the panel cover back on, slapped a green sticker on the door and walked out.

"That's it?" She asked.

"That's it, do I get another kiss for being the dutiful husband?"

Not expecting anything but laughter she stood on tip toes, put her hand at the back of my neck and pulled me into a soft kiss. Breaking away she smiled, told me to get cleaned up and changed, she was taking me to Texas Road House, when I told her they didn't open until 4 she frowned.

"Here's an idea Nami, there are still things I need to do in your yard and mine, why don't I do those, we'll both get dressed up and go to Road House for supper."

She liked that idea, throughout the afternoon she brought me several glasses of iced tea or water, fresh chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk mid-afternoon. I was thinking I could get used to this real quick. As I was putting their lawn equipment away she stepped outside asking what I was going to wear.

"I'm going to be with a lovely lady, so I'll be dressing up."

"Thank You Innis, I have a new dress I've been wanting to wear, can't think of anyone I'd rather model it for than you."

Mmm, hmm, this is moving along nicely, I'll be in her panties before much longer, and a good thing, my balls are getting heavy. I wore a pair of dress slacks, dress shirt, tie and sport coat. She was ravishing in a pleated dress that ended four to five inches above the knee, not quite mid-thigh. The dress was a subtle shade of red with little splotches of white flowers throughout, combined with the white floral pattern stockings and three inch red heels she looked fantastic. Nami wasn't a show stopper, but she was no dog either, her makeup and coal black hair were the crowning touch, this gal looked hot.

We looked a little out of place the way we were dressed, we didn't care, we were there for the food, not the people around us. I had the New York strip, she the Filet Mignon. We had ordered one of those blooming onion things as an appetizer, it was a bit overwhelming for either of us. The booth across from us had six people, we asked if they'd like it, no problem, they scarfed it down thanking us again and again. Neither of us were ready to call it an evening, I knew of a night club that had a live trio each night, the place had a dance floor which made it all the better.

We arrived as they were about to begin playing, a mix of older rock and pop music with a country song tossed in here or there. We thought we'd be the only ones there when we arrived, but within ten minutes of them starting there were at least ten couples, all middle aged to older and dressed nicely. I don't think I saw more than two tatts in the crowd, and no faces full of hardware, those who had no hair were that way because they were bald, not because they shaved it off. We danced fast and slow, simply having fun, during a faster dance as I spun her she nearly had a Marilyn Monroe moment as her dress billowed out. She quickly put her hands down stopping the view, then falling into my arms giggling.

Nami is not a big woman by any stretch of the imagination, her Oriental features are subtle and lovely, enhancing her natural beauty. She isn't very tall at about 5'5", might weigh all of 130 pounds, isn't flat chested, but isn't buxomy either, before I had ever looked at her bra I figured they were a solid B, after seeing her bra I was right. Her hair was black as coal, her dark almond shaped eyes always twinkled as she laughed or smiled. We didn't hold one another tightly, nor did we stand six inches apart, we were close enough to occasionally feel the others body brush against, but nothing more.

By 9:30 we'd been boogying over an hour and were ready to depart. The fresh yogurt place was only two blocks away and open until ten, my suggestion of dessert sounded appetizing to Nami. Instead of driving we had chosen to walk, hands brushing against the other from time to time, I think each of us wanted to show affection but not knowing how to without it being awkward. We got our yogurt and chose to sit in the warm night air at one of the tables outside the store, taking our time, chatting, solving the worlds woes with our witty banter.

On the walk back to the truck her hand brushed mine, she looped her tiny hand around my little finger much the way a small child does and left it there the entire way. At the truck I opened her door helping her inside, doing so I noticed she didn't try to hide the fact that her nylon top was showing on one leg until both legs were inside. She smiled lifted and adjusted her dress pulling it down. As I closed the door she smiled at me again.

Over the next two weeks we spent time together on a fairly regular basis when Lee wasn't home. He was having maintenance done on the sail boat and had looked at another boat, what he had now would sleep five, but only had one head and shower, Lee was serious about buying this older boat that had recently been refit and would sleep six with two cabins and two heads. One of the officers he served with had just bought in, Lee would have him do the shorter trips on his present boat and he would do the blue water runs on a larger boat. It was all Greek to me, I knew it would take him away from Nami for longer periods of time, and while I wasn't looking to ruin their marriage, the truth was they had no marriage to speak of.

I had to ask myself, would I have wanted to share Anika with another man? The answer was no, but then I never would have left her alone for two weeks and our love life was vibrant, not a quickie shag every month or so. No, I didn't feel the least bit guilty, if this guy was going to be as big an idiot as Marti had been, I was going to fill the void. I didn't need Tinder, or Craiglist or any other entity with its shady results, I'd concentrate on the disease free lady next door.

Two days later Lee was at the marina, Nami asked if I'd like to ride along with her to see the new boat. What the hell, I had nothing better to do. No kiss, no hug, just a Hi and told us he'd show us around. He gave us the nickel tour talking of this feature or that feature, again, it was all mumbo-jumbo to me, and I think Nami as well. More than once I looked at her seeking clarification, she shrugged her shoulders as we plodded on, listening but not comprehending. As we stood on the deck afterward he was explaining how with the blue water boat, as he called it, he could stay out longer periods of time and go more places.

Nami looked sad and disheartened as she listened to him espouse to me about living his dream, all the while I'm thinking what about her dreams. Exactly where does your wife fit into your dream? I had driven, as soon as we were out of the parking lot she broke down crying, I did my best to calm her, but she simply needed to cry it out. I suggested Sonny's for lunch, my treat, she thought that was a good idea, telling me I was hers for the afternoon so think of something we could do together. My dick jumped, although I knew it was too soon, she'd be in my arms soon enough, but I needed it to be her idea, not mine.

Having never been to the ruins at Fort Pickens we spent the afternoon together exploring, taking pictures with our phones, me holding out a hand to help her at times, she not letting go right away. At one point we had someone else take a picture of us together, arm around each other, smiling contentedly, looking like we were happy and pleased. We had an early supper at Denny's on the way home, seeing Lee's truck in their drive I swung in to let Nami out. Lee looked pissed.

"Where have you been? I've been home an hour already, there's nothing made for supper."

I slunk home but could hear the exchange through my bedroom window. She told him she'd eaten but would make something for him, he kept complaining she wasn't home when he got there. She finally threw it back at him,

"Oh, like you're here for me? You're gone for weeks on end and I'm supposed to sit here on pins and needles waiting? Screw you Lee, get you own f-ing supper."

She went into the house and he squealed his tires leaving. An hour later as the sun was setting I was on the porch with a beer when I noticed her coming across the lawn. I reached in the cooler, popped the top off another, handed it to her and patted the wicker love seat. Sitting next to me she smelled wonderful, she had showered and changed, to the point of putting on a little makeup.

"Will he calm down, or does he stay pissed and bear grudges?"

"He's already gone, set sale for Tampa where he'll pick up supplies and head for open water, told me he'd be gone three weeks this time. Edward, his new partner, is leaving port in the morning with four, going to the keys on a two week trip. His marriage won't suffer, he destroyed it about 5 years ago, much the same way Lee is destroying ours."

I reached over to take her hand, kind of a sympathy thing, she latched on tight and squeezed. We sat in the dusk about 45 minutes, sipping our beer, holding hands, saying nothing of any consequence. What little bit of light that filtered from the street light at the intersection was barely enough to see each other's face. I mentioned turning on the porch light, she asked me not to, she liked sitting in the dark with me. She let go of my hand, put my arm around her shoulder and leaned against my chest where we sat until she decided to go home.

As she stood she thanked me for a wonderful evening, then surprised me by leaning forward and kissing me, not a long kiss, a soft one, soft and sensual.

"You're a good man Innis, I really enjoy being with you."

I watched that slim little gal walk across the yards with the dim light of her security lamp showing the way, thinking to myself that I wanted to hold her little body to mine and show her true affection. At her garage door she turned, smiled and waved goodnight. My mind raced all night, sleep evading me until well after two in the morning. Sleeping a bit longer than normal I was on my second cup of coffee face timing with a nephew in Minnesota when Nami walked up the steps.

I gestured for her to grab some coffee, she nodded and went inside. When she came outside I was through talking with Josiah and welcomed her by patting the loveseat, she smiled but sat in the chair across from me. She looked absolutely gorgeous, a bright yellow sun dress with little blue flowers, her hair and makeup were perfect, a lovely necklace with a tiny locket, black flower pattern stockings and a pair of tan 2" wedge heels. I think that's what they're called.

I commented that she looked hot and if she was a meal I would consume her. Her head popped up immediately and I knew by the sly grin she was thinking along the same lines I was without uttering a word. When I told her she made the dress look fantastic she giggled and said it matched her panties.

I protested, "No it doesn't, they don't sell matching dress and pantie outfits."

Setting her coffee cup down she stood, turned to a three quarter profile and raised her dress high enough to see her lower butt cheek and the side of her leg. Sure enough, light yellow cotton bikini panties with little blue flowers. I smiled when I saw the yellow garter belt holding up the black hose.

As she was dropping the dress I pointed and said, "I like those, very sexy."

Another naughty grin, "I thought you might."

She said I thought you might, what the fuck, the train has left the station, better make sure you're ready Innis, just in case. Sitting back down she crossed her legs, not in a manner that anything was visible, but still seductively. Neither of us had ever been to see the USS Alabama battleship in Mobile, we decided that today was as good as any as she excused herself to get some shoes for walking. I could swear she put a little bit of extra swish in her stride as she walked away, knowing I was watching her.

You could easily spend a day touring that bit of Americana, we chose to wrap it up at four hours, it was time to go somewhere and sit comfortably. I had the air on as we sat in the parking lot cooling off and sharing a bottle of cold water. She asked if I minded her taking the hose off, the temp had warmed enough they were uncomfortable. She raised up, put her hands under the dress and removed her panties, handing them to me to hold she told me to look the other way.

A minute or so later the fidgeting stopped, she had looked at me for her panties just as I had lifted them to my face and breathed deeply. My eyes had been closed as her hand gently touched mine causing me to jump as she took them, bent down, slinked them back on and wiggled them into position without me seeing a thing. What happened next caught me completely off guard, leaning toward me she said very softly.

"You're a DIRTY little boy aren't you Innis?" I nodded yes. "Good, I like dirty little boys, the dirtier the better."

Then reached up, pulled me toward her and kissed me, a romantic kiss, not a friendly kiss. By the time I was going to kiss her back she had moved into her seat looking straight ahead.