Don't Mess With Texas


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The next day I saw a news report from overnight. Apparently, the top floor of a 5 story office building downtown had caught on fire. The sprinkler system kept the lower 4 floors from being destroyed, but the top floor was gutted. I just smiled.

Ken came to see me the next day and told me that the law firm's offsite server had had a meltdown. All of their data was lost. Again, I just smiled.

A couple weeks later I had another visitor. It was Gina. She must have bugged her mother to bring her. She walked in with the biggest smile that I had ever seen.

"Gina!" I called to her. "You seem unbelievably happy. What gives?"

"I have finally been able to finish my surprise for you. You'll never guess what it is."

"Well, I know from our last conversation that it has something to do with the Oak Forest house. Don't tell me that you and your mom moved back there. I know she would rather live anywhere than there."

"You're half right." She said.

I looked at here puzzled.

"Mom is being evicted from the Wilmete house, and I am moving to the Oak Forest house."

"How can you do that? The court order gave her primary custody until you become an adult?" I asked.

"That's the surprise! I am legally an adult."

Now I was really puzzled. "Huh?"

"I got myself emancipated. That is what Alex and I have been working on for the last 2 months. Once you put the house in trust for me it was a slam dunk. I needed someplace to stay that would be safe, and our old neighborhood is perfect for that."

"So, let me get this straight. You are considered a legal adult now?"

"Yes, when I started having all the problems with school, due mainly to problems at home, Dr. Hodges helped me to alleviate that problem. Once you get out of here you can move back home. I can't wait to go back to high school in Oak Forest. I've already talked to a number of my old friends. They can't wait for the summer to be over so school will start up."

"Mom did say you were spending time with your counselor. I'd like to meet this Alex." I said. I was still leery about this older guy paying so much attention to my daughter.

"Well you're in luck. Alex brought me here today."

Now I was really getting concerned. He's driving her around Chicago?

"I'll be right back." She said as she headed toward the door.

I had to assess the situation. How should I tactfully let Alex know that he's walking a thin line when it comes to his intentions with my daughter. I didn't want to upset my daughter, but I did want to put the fear of God into him.

When Gina walked back through the door she was followed, not by a man, but by a gorgeous raven haired woman. She smiled at me with a smile that said, "How have you been?"

I took a closer look at her and said, "Freddie?"

She responded with, "I haven't heard that name in about 20 years."

Freddie, or more correctly Alexandria Frederico, was from my neighborhood. She didn't hang out with my "gang", but we went to school together.

Gina looked at both of us, confused. "Dad, how do you know Dr. Hodges?"

Freddie, or Alex now I guess, answered for me. "We used to live in the same neighborhood. He wouldn't give me the time of day back then though."

I turned to Gina, "She was a couple of years behind me in school, and we didn't really run in the same circles."

"And you were a juvenile delinquent back then." She said with a smile on her face. "I see you haven't changed much, pushing 40 and in jail."

My face turned red, then I said, "I still can't keep my mouth shut when it's appropriate."

"That sounds about right." She said. "I've heard that I should probably be calling you Tex?"

"Huh?" Gina said. "Why would you call him that?"

"That was his nickname when he was a teenager. He was never afraid to take revenge when someone did him wrong. Your Mom definitely has done him wrong and, unless I'm totally wrong, I bet the news about the law firm is all Tex's doing."

"I plead the Fifth." I said.

"Before we go on, I wanted to say that I hope you don't mind that I've been spending time with Regina?"

"It's Gina!" Regina said.

"Sorry, I forgot." She said. Then she looked at me again and said, "When I first started talking to Gina, about 9 months ago, she was pretty upset about everything that was going on in her life. I wondered if maybe she was related to you and Ken, D'Angelo isn't a very common name. When I looked up her records and found out her father's name was Kurt, I still wasn't sure. I always knew you as Tex. When she told me you were in jail, I was pretty sure it was you."

"I was pretty bad back then." I admitted.

"You must have changed and gotten successful to have a home in Wilmette." She stated.

"It's just a house, it was never my home." I said.

Then Gina spoke up. "Yeah, our real home is in Oak Forest."

"South side, but in a much better neighborhood than where we grew up." Alex said.

"Yeah, if only we'd stayed there, maybe we wouldn't be where we are today." I said, then became somber.

It was probably true. If Lilly would have been satisfied with our loving home we would still be happily married.

We talked for a little while longer and then I pulled Freddie aside and said, "I really appreciate you taking time away from your family to help her out. Thank you also for helping her become emancipated. That is going to change everything."

"That's okay, Tex, she is like family to me. I've become quite attached to her."

"Well. Thank you again."

"When you get out of here you can take us all out for dinner somewhere." She said.

"That I will do, if I ever get out of here."

The next two weeks went by with no new developments, just daily routine in the jail. Gina and Freddie did stop by on both of the Sundays for a visit though. I really appreciated Freddie taking Gina under her wing. Gina told me that Alex helped her decorate the house. They bought all new furniture and other décor items. When I asked where they were getting the money she said, "From Uncle Ken, of course, I do have money set aside for my needs right?"

"Yes, I just didn't want to find out that Freddie had been paying for anything."

"She's been a great help, but no she hasn't bought any of it."

"I hope it isn't all girly stuff. I would like to feel at home there."

"Don't worry, your man cave is still a man cave." She was talking about the basement. I had fixed it up for a refuge for me. Living in a house with 2 females can get to you after a while. You just need somewhere to retreat to.

After they left, I was lying there thinking about how my daughter was growing up. Now she was a legal adult. I would be on my own soon enough. In a couple of years, she'd be heading off to college, and then who knows where. I hoped that I could meet someone that appreciated the simpler things in life.

Then on Monday I got another visitor, it was Lilly, again. When I saw her, I turned around and almost got back out the door.

Then she said, "Kurt, wait, we need to talk."

I turned back around. "Now what." I thought.

"Do you know what our daughter did?"

"What are you talking about, Lilly?" I asked.

"She went and had herself emancipated. She no longer has to live with either of us. In fact, she has already moved out, and I don't know where she's gone."

"Oh that." I said.

"So, you know?? Did you put her up to this?" She accused.

"No, she did it herself, her school counselor helped her."

"So where is she staying, with the counselor?"

"No, she's moved back home."

"She's moved back to the Southside?? What about school?" She asked.

"She'll be going back to Oak Forest in the Fall." I said. "She hated that Wilmette school, Lilly. She was always put down for being a kid from "the projects" as they called it. She was never one of the upper-crust. You took her out of a school she liked, and had a lot of good friends, and put her in a situation that hurt her self-esteem and gave her an inferiority complex. You did her more harm than good by moving her up there."

"I was just trying to insure she got a good education." She proclaimed.

"Kids learn more from their parent's example than they do in a classroom. We were her teachers for what she will face in her life. What do you think your example is going to teach her? I hope it teaches her what not to do. Our job, as parents, is to raise law abiding, responsible adults. I hope we have accomplished that, and I hope she'll overlook our failures, especially our marriage."

"It wasn't all bad." She said.

"No, but it sure ended up that way. Lilly, I hope you find what you're looking for. Obviously, I didn't have it."

She looked at me. I could see the sorrow and regret in her eyes.

I got up from the table and walked out. Again, I felt sorry for her.

The day finally came when I was to be let out. I was summoned to actual court this time. Gina and Freddie, as well as Lilly were there. As I sat there waiting for the Judge, I was wondering what he would have to say this time? I was still not going to apologize.

The Bailiff directed us to "All Rise". We stood as the Judge walked in. It was not the same Judge. Hmmm, I wonder if he did lose his job.

The Judge looked at all the facts presented to him in regards to my situation. Then he looked at me. "So, Mr. D'Angelo, what do you have to say for yourself?"

I hesitated, and then said, "I guess I have to say for myself that I have fulfilled my initial 6 months plus an additional 2 more."

"At any time you could have apologized and been set free." He said.

"I did not feel that the other Judge deserved my apology, so I fulfilled his sentences."

"You are a stubborn man, Mr. D'Angelo."

"I prefer to call it strong-willed, and it helped me to succeed in business and in life." I replied.

"In regards to your divorce settlement, that still stands, and you will need to pay restitution for the months that you did not fulfill them."

Then my lawyer spoke up. "Your Honor, my client will gladly pay what he owes. By our figures that is a little under $20,000. He will generously pay her the full $20,000 today with the understanding that he has fulfilled his financial obligations and will not pay her any more."

With that Lilly stood up and said, "What?? You owe me more than that and need to continue to pay me until Regina turns 18."

"Miss," the Judge said. "I will handle all transactions in my courtroom! Now, councilor, how did you come up with that figure?"

"Your Honor, my client paid the first installment of spousal support, mortgage, and insurance, as well as supplying his daughter money for her support. He continued to pay for the insurance and his daughter's support throughout his incarceration. He did not pay his ex-wife her spousal support nor the mortgage payment because he was not working and therefore could not draw a salary. Now that he is again able to work, he can start earning money."

The Judge looked at the figures and then said, "Your client was incarcerated for 8 months, just the spousal support alone would be $16,000, not to mention the mortgage payment."

"Your Honor, if you will read the transcript of the court judgement it states that 'until minor child has become a legal adult.' Your honor, the child in question has been emancipated for the last 3 months, the legal documentation is before you, and the house was foreclosed on 3 months ago also. Thus, there could be no payments made on a loan that no longer existed. Therefore, we have the breakdown in front of you as to the amount owed as $19,782. He will gladly pay her a full $20,000 and consider his relationship with her terminated in every way."

He looked at the transcript and then back at our figures. He couldn't see how he could get around what was plainly in black and white in front of him. "I will have to do a little more research on this, but if what you have given me is correct then I will accept this figure."

Then he looked at both Lilly and I and said, "You have a child together. Yes, she is legally an adult in the eyes of the court, however, she is still a teenager with teenager problems and needs. She will need both of you to be civil to one another so that she can continue to mature in a healthy manner. You should all be civil to each other." Then looking directly at me he said, "And you should be civil to the others involved in the events that led to your divorce. Can I get your word on that, Mr. D'Angelo?"

"Yes, your Honor." I said.

"Mrs. D'Angelo?" He asked.

"Yes, your Honor." She said.

"And Regina?" He said, looking into the gallery.

"It's Gina, but yes your Honor." She said.

"Then, unless these figures turn out to be false, I will close this case and Mr. D'Angelo you are free to go."

"Thank You, your Honor." My lawyer responded.

As we stood and started heading out, Gina ran up to me and gave me a HUGE hug. Freddie stood by with a smile on her face. I could see Lilly glare at us as we were talking. Then Lilly came over to me and said, "$20,000??! That's it! That's bullshit!"

"Why? You chose your new men over me. They can help you to get off your back and back on your feet."

"You son of a bitch, you can't do this to me!"

"Lilly, the Judge asked us to be civil to one another. Let's do this, for Gina."

"It's Regina!" Lilly spat.

"Our daughter, okay?"

"What am I supposed to do? I have no job, no place to live, nothing!"

"You can get another job, and as far as a place to live, I can help you out there. I can put you into one of my rentals, rent free for 6 months. That way you can concentrate on getting your life back in order."

"You want me to move back to the Southside??" She whined.

"It's free rent. How can that be wrong?"

"Ughhh ..." She exclaimed.

Then I turned toward Gina and Freddie, "Ladies, are you ready to go?"

"Sure!" they both said.

"Freddie, I believe I owe you a nice dinner."

"I seem to remember something like that." She said.

"Well, let's go to RPM Italian, I made a reservation when I got confirmation of my release date. I really need to cleanse my palette of the jail food."

I saw Lilly out of the corner of my eye. I could tell she was furious. That was "our" restaurant. We went there together for special occasions.

"The reservation is for 6:30 so we have a little time. Do you mind if we drive around for a bit, I just need to get used to being free." I said. Then I said to Freddie, "I made the reservation for 4, can you call your husband and see if he's available?"

She became silent, and her face went expressionless. Then Gina said, "Dad, she doesn't have a husband, not anymore." Then she said to Alex, "I'm sorry Dr Hodges, I never told him."

I didn't understand. The few times we talked she always wore a wedding ring set, even now she was wearing it. What was I missing?"

"I'm sorry, Freddie, if I offended you." I offered.

"No, don't be, you didn't know. My husband was killed on the Eisenhower about 5 years ago. Some big rig changed lanes and drove Mike into the divider. They say he died instantly."

"I am so sorry, Freddie, I didn't know. I just assumed since your wearing rings that you were married."

"Yeah, I just haven't been able to take them off yet. Somehow, I feel if I do then I will be throwing him away. I know, "psychologist with a mental problem". I've heard it before."

"Well, I'm sorry. Will you join us so I can try to make it up to you?"

She looked somber, but said, "I think that will be okay."

I had been so focused on my problems and my revenge that I never even asked her about her life. I felt like such an ass. I would have to change that. Starting tonight I would be open to hear whatever she wanted to tell me about who she is now and how she got there. I would be a better friend.

The meal was great. It felt so nice to be wearing regular clothes and not have to worry about always watching my back. The freedom felt a little odd to me though. Eight months will do that to you.

By the end of the meal I was feeling better about everything. I took a chance and said to Freddie, "Alexandria, when you're ready, would you allow me to take you out on a real date. I don't care how long that takes, whenever you feel comfortable, in the meantime can we stay in touch?"

"Dad, of course we're staying in touch. She isn't getting rid of me that easy." My daughter said.

"And I wouldn't have it any other way." Freddie said to Gina. Then she turned to me and said, "Mike and I never had any kids, between my schooling and him starting up is financial planning business it just wasn't the right time, so having Gina as a surrogate daughter has been very therapeutic. I hope you don't mind."

"After all you've done for us both, I wouldn't have it any other way." I stated.

As we left the restaurant Gina said, "I hope you like the look of our old house."

"Anything is going to be better then where I've been for the last 8 months." I said and chuckled.

When we got there, I was surprised. The shutters had been painted and the bushes were all trimmed. It looked great from the outside, I was eager to see the inside. As I walked in it looked different than the way I had left it, but it felt more like a home than it ever had. I could see Freddie's touch on the place. I know it sounds cheesy but I started tearing up, this "hardened criminal" was crying.

"Kurt?" I heard Freddie say.

I wiped my eyes and said, "I feel at home."

"Kurt." Alex said.

I turned to her and she said, "I think I'm ready."

I looked at her puzzled. She took off her rings and smiled at me. I couldn't help it, I smiled back, then we hugged.


Ten lawyers, 4 paralegals, 6 politicians, and a Judge had their careers, and marriages, ruined by the events that led to my divorce, and the aftermath. Stubborn or strong willed, either way, sometimes it pays to stand by your principles.

On the bright side, Gina got a new mother, and also a new brother and sister. Albeit they were about 18 years younger than her when they came along. One is named Fredrick (the boy) and the girl is named Alexis. They were twins, and I loved the fact that I could name them both after the person that helped me start a new life.

Oh Lilly? She got married to a rich lawyer. I guess she finally got what she wanted. I thought we had it all; a loving family, a good home in good neighborhood, a healthy child, a thriving business that meant no real money worries. I guess to me we had it all, to her we didn't have one thing, status. Now she has her status, married to a rich lawyer, living in a big house in Winetka. What she also has is a husband that is a misogynist philanderer that doesn't love her, just keeps her around for appearance of a stable homelife. I hope she's happy, ... I know I am .

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kalash777kalash7771 day ago

I totally enjoyed reading it! Many thanks! Cons? None. Keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Read this once around the time it came out and loved it. Sadly, I lost track of the name and writer - I am a guy but found it again on Mothers Day. It was every bit as good the second time around (won't lose it THIS time! Thank you Ragnorok1 - 5 stars.

somewhere east of Omaha

JustplainjeffJustplainjeffabout 2 months ago

Read this gem, again, with my wife of nearly 54 years, who loved it even more than I did. We both wish we could give it more than 5*.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

It gets better every time I read it.


ttjbjr54ttjbjr543 months ago

Excellent story and well written.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

You nailed this one beautifully. I was crying from laughing so hard at some of the antics you put in this spectacular piece of work. I shall undoubtedly be reading and laughing from my rereads of this story for years to come. Thanks for giving me something to smile about.

JustplainjeffJustplainjeff3 months ago

I'm not sure what else I can add, except this hits every mark of an excellent story. Well written, with the necessary happy ending for our hero. 5* is a must.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I thought that the six guys that bet and raped Tex got off to lightly. They just lost a wife or girl friend but didn't physically suffer. Should have gotten what the bad convict in Shawshank Redemption got, a lifr time of soup threw a straw, lol. As for Lilly, she suffered a bit but got what she wanted in the end, even if it was just a smoke and mirrors marriage. Four stars.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago


LechemanLecheman4 months ago

Well you got the ANONs kicking, well done.

Personally, I enjoyed the story.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

THIS IS AWFUL, i gave up after page 2 and judging by the comments I wasn't the only one.

Simon_MastersSimon_Masters5 months ago

Honestly is the legal system that corrupt in the US?

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Hated it.

When my parents separated, they asked me who I wanted to live with. If I was "Tough Guy Tex," I would have said, "As I ponder all the changes forced upon me by the two people who, by their actions, have altered the course of my life, I elect, having giving great considerations to your fiendish failures as parents, to say that I choose to not live with either of you two who have caused me such pain." Yeah, I could have talked like Pussy Tex. I didn't. I kept it to a simple, "Neither." Then I set up with a friend to live with him and his family. No muss. No fuss. That's what actual tough guys do.

Weak blowhards use too many words They may say, "I have nothing to say to you," then run around in pointless conversational circles for thirty lines of dialogue. A strong man collects his thoughts, thinks about last weekend's football game, wonders what desert they'll serve at lunch, then, suddenly remembering his slut wife is still in the room, gives her a bored, "Fuck off."

A weak man moves his family to the North Side and stays there, despite both himself and his daughter hating it. He does this because he lacks a spine and is deathly afraid of his woman. A strong man walks into his house one day and says, "We're selling this house." Then his strong, faithful wife will ask, "How fast do we need to be out of here?" Trust me. I know from experience.

A weak man plays stupid name games with his slut wife (Gina). A strong man tells his daughter to document all the men having sexual activities in the house. A strong man tells his daughter to call Child Protective Services. A strong man tells his daughter to "accidentally" pour boiling water on her mother while cooking.

Since I know how actual strong men talk and act, Take It Up The Ass Tex annoyed the fuck out of me. One star.

EastCoaster1EastCoaster17 months ago

Loved it.

5 stars.


Nothing else to say...

uncle_muduncle_mud8 months ago

A Great yarn ... 5 Stars

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

if a judge asked me to be civil to the people who did this to me i would have his mother gang raped, tortured and burnt alive then ask him to be civil to me after that

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Tex is so gangsta! I wonder what made Lily pivot from sweet country girl to entitled, rapacious, perfidious bitch.

I pray I have a kid like Gina

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