Down at the Twist and Shout Ch. 01


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"Your turn, honey..." she prompted, and John's gaze flashed guiltily from her pert little breasts to her face, to see the amused smile on her perfect lips.

"It's OK John-boy, really; look as much as you like; it's all for you now, baby; I'm all yours, I promise..."

Johnny swallowed nervously, and reached tentatively for her, gently cupping her face and brushing her hair back as he gazed into her eyes.

"Johnny, I meant what I said..." she murmured as she traced his features and the line of his jaw with a single finger, finally slipping her finger gently between his lips. Johnny caught her fingertip lightly between his teeth, watching her smile as he suckled her fingertip with the lightest possible pressure.

"It's a start, baby, but now there's more; you ready, baby?" murmured Justine, before smiling as Johnny ran his hands gently over her smooth shoulders and down her upper arms, holding her gently but firmly astride him.

"No regrets, John-boy; we're here now, and this is how it's gonna be from now on, understand?" she murmured, and Johnny slowly nodded as he realized that yes, she was his baby sister, but now that didn't matter; she wanted him, and he wanted her, their world had changed, and all bets were off.

Justine saw the understanding dawn in his eyes, and smiled as she slid off his lap, to stand and hook her thumbs in the waistband of her leggings.

"Well, you want me to do all the work, or are you gonna help me get these things off, baby?" she challenged, and Johnny's heart fluttered in his chest as he understood that this was it; he was going to strip and see naked the most beautiful girl he knew, and after that...

Justine flirted her hips at him in a sexy little wriggle, conveying impatience and her own need and Johnny took the hint, hesitantly cradling her hips with his big hands, feeling the curve of her pelvic girdle with his thumbs before sliding them around to cup and gently squeeze her firm little behind. Justine giggled softly and preened as he explored the two soft globes of her taut little apple bottom, then cleared her throat meaningfully as he showed no sign of taking things any further.

Johnny was in a world of his own; holding the forbidden fruit in the palms of his hands was playing havoc with his mind and senses, not to mention certain other parts of him, but her reminder of where he was brought him back to reality with a bump.

"Help me get this thing off, baby; plenty of time for sittin' and gazin' later, big boy!" murmured Justine, and John bit his lip as he caught the waistband of her leggings and slowly tugged them down, savoring every last second of the experience. As her leggings slid down, he registered for the first time she wasn't wearing regular panties; instead, she was wearing the smallest of thongs, barely a few square inches of soft satiny material and some shoelaces; whatever it was, it was the sexiest thing he'd ever seen, and his body was responding to it in the usual way; suddenly, his pants felt too tight, and the ache in his groin intensified as his cock struggled to come to full mast.

Justine kicked off her leggings and now she was almost naked, her small, lacy bra and thong panties all that stood between her and the world. John drank her in as she posed for him in her underwear, his eyes taking in every inch of her her pale, flawless skin, her long black hair tumbled around her shoulders and down her back, her huge eyes, and her sweet, rose-petal lips. She looked like one of the girls in a 70's soft-core men's magazine; pretty, innocent, cute, and sexy as hell, and his heart hammered as he reached out to her.

Justine took his hand between hers and stepped closer, astride his knee where he sat on the bed, and placed his hand on her breast.

"Hold me, Johnny, feel what I'm feeling..." she murmured, then gasped softly as his hand closed around her small breast in the cup of her bra, brushing her stiff nipple where it made a peak in the soft material.

"That's what you do to me, baby," she smiled, and then she was kissing him, and Johnny was kissing her back, his hands holding her as he pulled her closer, to slip down and hold and squeeze her taut little bottom even as their tongues swirled and tasted each other.

Justine's breathing quickened as she sank into the kiss, at the same time squirming where she sat astride Johnny's thigh, posting herself against him, feelings and sensations she'd almost forgotten coursing through her as she made out with a man for the first time in what seemed like forever.

Justine broke their kiss to smile as she nudged his hands further up her back.

"Take it off, please..." she murmured, and smiled wider as he fumbled, his big fingers unable to grasp the intricacies of a simple bra hook.

"Like this, baby..." she smiled, popping the garment open and smiling at his expression.

"You do know what to do, don't you, Country-Boy?" she mocked him gently, and Johnny smiled back as he slowly pulled the straps down her arms, savoring the moment her breasts would peek out of the loosened bra-cups. Justine shook her arms and her bra slipped off, to leave Johnny staring in frank, disbelieving wonder at his first sight of those pink-tipped delights he'd fantasized and dreamed of for so long.

How long he sat motionless, staring at her he didn't know, until Justine shimmied her shoulders, making her nipples dance in front of his eyes, before moving closer until her stiff nipples were a hairsbreadth from his parted lips.

"Bite them, Johnny B, you know you want to!" husked Justine. "Suck them, they're yours now, Johnny, make me feel good!" she purred, then gasped as his tongue-tip brushed a nipple. John's gaze flicked up to her eyes, checking once again that she was OK with this, but her eyes were closed as she slowly rubbed her nipple against his tongue-tip again and again. John responded by clamping down gently, trapping her nipple between his lips, his heart pounding at the soft "Ooohhh...ooohh..." she breathed with every flick of his tongue against the stiff, turgid little pillar of flesh he suckled so gently.

Without conscious thought, his hands slipped once more around her hips, to clutch and squeeze her taut little buttocks, holding her against him as he sucked and teased her nipple, before hooking his fingertips in the thong panties and sliding them down. Now she was naked for him, something he'd never believed could actually ever happen.

Justine stepped back out of his embrace and looked down at him, her expression stern, but a twinkle in her eyes.

"So mister, now you done got me all nekkid an' steamy, what you got for me, Country-Boy? Show me!"

John grinned at her expression, seeing right through it and thinking it was just the cutest thing he'd ever seen, before standing and popping the button on his cargo pants.

"Uh-uh, mine!" grinned Justine, batting his hands out of the way as she unbuttoned him, giving him a quick squeeze and grinning at his soft groan, before yanking his pants down and narrowing her eyes at the bulge in his shorts.

"Well, looks like someone's getting ideas!" she grinned, then squeaked in surprise as John yanked her close by her buttocks and crushed his lips to hers, while Justine rubbed her damp slit against the urgent hardness pressing against her. They kissed like this for long seconds, then Justine pulled away, her chest heaving and her eyes sparkling as she rubbed and fondled John's swollen, aching erection.

Quite without knowing how it happened, John was suddenly on his back on the bed, with Justine reared over him, her eyes darkly brilliant in the dim light of the loft's sleeping area. Her fingers hooked in his shorts, sliding them down, letting his thick cock spring upright, the head dark and shiny and angry-looking, drawing a gasp of wonder tinged with pure lust from her. John stared in her eyes, then gasped once again as she slowly squeezed and fisted the thick column of flesh, then slipped astride him.

"I waited so long for this, Country-Boy..." she whispered, "are you ready? Because I am..."

John pulled her closer, locking his arms across the small of her back as they kissed, her small hand gripping his upper arms as she kissed him voraciously, then her drawn-out, hissing intake of breath as she slid him into her hot inner depths.

"Oh God, so long...been so long, oh my God, yess...yess...Johnny, my Johnny...God..." she murmured, an endless, whispered litany as they moved together, all the love and longed-for connection coming to fruition as they finally did that one thing they'd been wanting, and dancing around for so long, long-anticipated pleasure and long-held emotions released at last.

The two of them moved together in complete unison, as though they had been doing it all their lives, pleasure and love mingling in an endless chord playing through and through them.

Their pace quickened as their inevitable mutual orgasms built, bigger and more intense with every passing second, until:

"Oh God, Johnny, yess, yess, oh yess, oooHHH GOOODDD YESSS!" screamed Justine, shuddering as the intensity of her release swept over her, her pussy tightening around John, and tipping him over the edge too; the sensation of Justine's hot inner-walls pulsating and milking him was more than human flesh could stand, and he roared like a bull as his aching cock gave a powerful, muscular throb, spraying spunk deep into his sister, long, endless streams of hot sperm filling her over and over again. John had never come so hard, or so copiously. It felt as if he was melting inside as he filled her, but it was such a joyous sensation he never wanted it to stop.

Justine slumped down on him as he slid from her, her heart hammering and chest heaving with her exertion, while John held her close, comforting and calming her as the aftershocks of her titanic orgasm rippled and surged through her before dying away, to leave her almost too exhausted for words. For long, still moments they lay in their sweat, their breath labored and their muscles stretched almost to breaking point. John was the first to recover, smiling as he brushed Justine's shoulder with his hand and heard her soft, mewing murmur, protesting at disturbing her as sleep threatened to overcome her.

"Baby-girl, don't y'all fall asleep jest yet, we got to talk some..." he whispered into her hair, and smiled once again as she wriggled against him with a small, discontented murmur; even with her face turned away from him, John could see in his mind's eye her pouting expression, one he'd seen so many times in the past when he'd tried to put his foot down with her.

They lay in silence, John revelling in the feel of her silky skin as she moved against him, the scent of her hair, her skin, and the thrill of her body heat baking through him; all those sensations were everything he'd imagined and hoped they'd be, so he let her lie in silence on him, her breathing slow and measured as she dozed after her exertions.

When he judged she'd rested enough, his hands slid down her smooth back to cup and squeeze her taut little buttocks, jiggling them ever so slightly, waking her as gently as he could.

"Wakey-wakey, li'l snoring-gal..." he murmured into her hair, and was rewarded with a gently playful punch on his upper arm.

"I do not snore, you liar!" she yawned, before scooching up him to plant her lips square on his.

"This is the way to wake-up, baby!" she murmured, grinning as she felt him beginning to stir and harden against her, and smiled to herself at the realization that she could excite him with just a kiss; how 'bout that; she really was all he needed...

John folded his arms across the small of her back, holding her gently but firmly against him as he kissed her back as lovingly as she kissed him.

"Justy, we got to talk about...this, here, what we just done..." he began, shaking his head slightly as she would speak.

"Baby, you still a married woman, I know you and that...Carlo, you say you done, an' I believe you, but we still cheatin' on him, never mind if he already checked-out, so we got to do this the right way; Carlo deserves that, at least. You tell him, then you can leave an' it'll be over an' you'll be free."

Justine stared into his eyes, rebellion flaring, then dying down as she reluctantly nodded her head.

"You're right, baby, I should have seen that. Okay, tell you what, let me go and tell him I'm leaving him, get some of my things together, and I'll be back in a snap and a whistle."

She climbed off the bed and retrieved her clothes, grinning at John as he watched her every movement, drinking her in with his eyes.

"I'll be quick, baby. I don't have anything much left; all mama's jewellery is gone, courtesy of Carlo," she murmured, her voice tinged with bitterness. "I just want a couple things Daddy gave me when I was a kid, so you wait here for me, I'll be back quick as I can."


Even as Johnny and Justine finally consummated what had been growing between them for so long, another pair of ears listened outside the loft door Johnny had left ajar in his surprise then shock at seeing Justine.

Carlo had followed Justine back to the loft, hoping to discover where exactly the stack of money he knew she had was hidden. All he wanted was the cash he was certain she'd stashed somewhere in John's loft. His original plan had been to grab her, force her to hand it over, then fade away before that redneck turd showed up. If he had to hurt her, then tough, them's the breaks; she shouldn't have been keeping secrets from him.

Once he had the money he and Gina could start a new life a long, long way from New York, Justine, John Bastine, his debts and the kind of people he owed money to, and every other reminder of his old life.

But now he'd heard every single second of his wife and her brother making love. Now he knew, and even though there was nothing between Justine and him, had never in fact been anything, still he burned with jealous fury; no-one touched his possessions, not even his worthless wife. That it was her brother made it all the more galling. Carlo hated John, but more than that, he feared him. Very well, Justine and her brother were obviously planning on living high with all the money she was earning, so he was going to take it from them, leave them as broke as he was, and laugh while he spent his wife's money with a real woman by his side, not a simpering, spoiled brat like that worthless, adulterous, incestuous wife of his.


John watched his sister dressing, admiring how effortlessly elegant and poised she was even when doing something as mundane as dressing, her every movement as unconsciously graceful as a trained dancer. When she was done dressing, John pulled on his pants and tee and walked her down to the elevator, pressing the keys to his beat-up old Blazer into her hands and smiling through the grille as the big old converted service elevator clanged shut. He caught the kiss she blew him, before padding in his bare feet back to his loft, a happy, faraway smile on his face, unaware that his secret was out, and trouble was on the way.

Justine exited the building and climbed into the Blazer, blissfully unaware that Carlo was watching her from the shaded doorway of Tonino's deli. Already his plan was taking shape, and Gina, with her ready willingness to do the things Carlo only dreamed of, her beguiling lips and smile that never reached her eyes, something he'd never noticed, so enthralled was he with her paying so much attention to him, Gina with her inventive mind and quick intellect, she was going to help him; together they'd make that faithless slut and her shitkicker brother pay for what they'd done. Oh yes, he was going to make those two fuckers pay, and if they had to bleed a little, wha'fuck, this was New York, bad shit happens all the time...

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drycreeksdrycreeks4 days ago

Great story so far. It has been enjoyed n appreciated.

Burcham8Burcham8almost 3 years ago

LOVE IT! It’s like reading James Lee Burke with a sexy overlay. Love Louisiana, even though, as the saying goes, half of it’s underwater and the other half is under indictment…! But, I WAS born in Barksdale AFB hospital, so, I can pick a little fun from the inside!

beachbum1958beachbum1958over 4 years agoAuthor

Hi, you're right, I am English, but my wife isn't; she identifies as 'Cajun', her family live up and down through the Atchafalaya, but mostly in Houma and Thibodaux, with some as far South as Dulac, and some 'East Texians' around Ghost Lake in the west of the state. The places I've mentioned, with some minor name changes to aid the story, are real, the names I've used throughout are her cousins, aunts, and uncles (tantes and noncles) names, and when she comes home after a holiday with her family, it's usually a week before she starts speaking English that I can understand and stops talking and cussing in that unique Cajun Creole, loses that 'bayou' accent Johnny likes to use when he's being playful, and stops using both my first names when she addresses me.

goducks111goducks111over 4 years ago
5 stars!

Thanks for letting me know you had published the last chapter - i started reading from chapter 1. WOW. great opening chapter. well-written, like the cajun dialogue. well done for someone i think is a brit!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Re: Anon; 'Can't understand'

Maybe you should take a little more time to check your spelling and grammar before running-down those who don't have to; everyone else who commented and liked obviously didn't have a problem understanding anyything, so you're in a minority of 1. If you don't like a story, any story, why read it to the end then be a dick about it? If you don't like, move on, nothing and no-one's forcing you to read anything on this site.

Go away, dick-breath, BB, please delete this ignorant clown.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
can't understand

First principle in a movie or a book or a story, the language should be simple and clear and easy. I can't understand it. If I want to comment,first I have to understand. So first write a story in understandable way.

Hexdsword6Hexdsword6over 6 years ago

Thank you for the timely response! And as I said before you keep writing and I’ll keep reading!

beachbum1958beachbum1958over 6 years agoAuthor
@Hexdsword6; Continuing GrandTeton influence

In answer to your question, GrandTeton's Moonbeam, Tommy, Angie, and Cassie are all playing roles in the ongoing story, with GT's help and full permission; there's even a proposed reciprocal vignette from GrandTeton potentially in the pipeline giving some of Johnny's back-story and interactions with Jerome, Moonbeam, Kelly, and Baxter-Harkoff, and the finale will have guest appearances from Tommy, Angel, and Robin a-plenty, as well as some of their friends who've helped and supported Angel Graves over the years, all overseen by and congruent with what GT has already revealed about his characters' quirks and personalities.

My work is much more than just GT editing for me; his sense of story and narrative completeness, his urge to teach me the niceties of punctuation and calm, unhurried storytelling, and his restraint when he tells me I can't do something makes all my stories very much collaborative works, even if GT tries to step back and let me take any bows going. Any success my work has on this site would not have happened without his close input from synopsis stage all the way through to the version that appears on the site, helped along by the occasional pained sigh and discreet rap on the knuckles from him.

Hexdsword6Hexdsword6over 6 years ago
I love this story!

Big fan of your work and like always an awesome story to read. And I loved the references to GrandTeton’s Moonbeam! So does that mean Cold Cock or any other GT story and your next hit are going to continue this expanded universe? If so... you keep writing and I’ll keep reading!

rightbankrightbankover 6 years ago
What a delightful combination of cultures.

New York, Cajun, NOLA, England, celebrity, wealthy, street smart, ivy league, criminal, LEO, and those are just the major groups.

I don't think it would be in his character to send his sister off on her own to gather her possessions.

PapaMikePapaMikeover 6 years ago
To Anony (I like it but...)

"I know it may seem weird considering I’m fine with incest lol but the age difference to me is just too much. But I still like the story"

There is seven years' difference in their ages. So what??!! My parents were six years difference, and a friend and his wife were 18 years apart. What's your point?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Re the comment about age difference...

Justine's 23, Johnny was 7 when she was born, so he's 30; how is that a problematic age difference? Or can you only deal with a year or two differential? Smh

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Like it but...

I know it may seem weird considering I’m fine with incest lol but the age difference to me is just too much. But I still like the story

kurinaxkurinaxover 6 years ago
Love to see a new story

I love how you set your stories up. Carlo makes for a fantastic bad guy, and I cannot wait to see how he gets his comeuppance. Eagerly awaiting the next installment. Keep up the good work

Freddog6601Freddog6601over 6 years ago
Some points

First, Coo’yon is used by an uncle or godfather when addressing a young nephew who is acting in an ungentlemanly manner. This is unique to the Cajun culture. If used on the streets of Paris a knuckle sandwich would be the result.

Second point, I can’t fathom how Carlos could get into the apartment unnoticed. If he followed Justine, he was there for awhile as she spent some time in the apartment going through John’s stuff then entertaining herself. So we haveCarlos lurking outside and John does not see him when he comes home? This is an especially curious point considering what John does for a living where situational awareness is crucial.

No knocking the story, I like it.

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