Down the Staircase Ch. 02


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Julie told me later her son split the money evenly with his two siblings, funding their college funds as well. The Danvers boys were honest, at least with each other.


Justice is slow. My divorce with Judy was over months before her criminal trial. Her trial was linked with Mark's. She was accused of helping him hide his part in my attack. Julie had seen to it his resources were limited. He still had his thirty percent of their community assets but that was not much. His real estate agents were ready to quit on him because of his ruined reputation. Julie got Mark to agree to sign off and sell the franchise. She could have forced the issue but him signing expedited things. As part of that agreement, he gave up the right to start another brokerage within fifty miles for five years. I loved it.

He needed the money for his defense so he agreed. While we waited for the criminal trial, I propositioned Julie for a little roll in the hay. Her initial response was to call me a sick mother f...... Then a few seconds later she grinned and said. "You really want to stick it to them, don't ya?" We laughed about staging a fake video but then she said if she did anything at all she go for "the whole enchilada." In the end we decided against it.

The week before he would get the money to make bail, she went to visit him. I went with her. We talked through a plexiglass window. He asked why I was there and Julie said because I deserved to be. She winked at Mark and grinned. I held my index and middle finger over my mouth and flicked my tongue. Then subtly I pushed my index finger through the circle made by my other index finger and thumb. Mark glared and turned red. He paused a few seconds before he reacted. I thought he'd get angry but I was astonished by his actions.

He went apeshit. I found out later there are many rules when in lockup. One of the main ones was about losing one's temper. Mark picked up his chair and swung it repeatedly against the plexiglass window. He was immediately, and I'm sure painfully subdued. I heard later he was put into segregation for hree weeks. His bail got delayed. It was almost denied altogether because he now posed a threat to both Julie and me. He really should learn to control his mouth.

At his trial, he spent half his time glaring at me rather than following the testimony. He should never have got on the stand. Not after I claimed he wanted to kill me having called me a cuck repeatedly. When asked if he threatened to kill me he said, "I don't remember saying it at first but right now I'd make sure of it." Then he began to rant. He called me a lying bastard, a cuck and a few other things that cast aspersions on my father's identity and my mother's species.

I have to admit I had deliberately antagonized the man a bit. Careful to not be seen, I had just repeated the gestures of pushing one index finger into a circle of the other index finger and thumb. I had held my index and middle finger in a vee and flicked my tongue between just a few seconds before. I did it subtly so nobody else noticed. The man was now livid despite being carefully reserved a few minutes before. His lawyer looked stricken.

The forensics bore out the fact he had indeed attacked me and moved me some fifteen feet to the top of the stairs where he threw me to my "death". Now saying he would kill me if he could did not help his case.

Mark's lawyer was fairly good. The lawyer tried to convince the jury Mark was justifiably upset as his only real crime was having sex with a married woman and defending himself from an angry husband with a gun. Mark had lost his career, his marriage and his freedom. He had been beaten a few times in jail. His present state of mind was influenced by PTSD so his actions should be forgiven. The lawyer managed to cast enough doubt Mark only got sentenced to ten years in jail rather than a possible fifteen even after he got angry at me in court.

Judy was called back to the stand to repeat her testimony she never heard Mark threaten to kill me in the apartment but on cross by the DA she admitted he had said he might hire somebody to kill me. She was very upset at Mark's violent rant in the court room. She had said earlier that it was Mark who had originally concocted the story how he was merely visiting her and I over-reacted then ran when Mark stood up to confront me. She admitted the fall was not accidental but a very deliberate action on Mark's part.

At her own trial she repeated that testimony saying she was terrified at the time and thinking I was dead, she agreed to support Mark's lies. She was sentenced to a year in the parish jail that the DA suggested be suspended. The judge disagreed and wanted her to serve three months at least considering her original false statement to the police.

Judy came to see me when she got out. She wanted to apologize for cheating on me. We had not talked in private since the day we talked at the fish camp. "I also want to thank you for not spreading the video you took when we talked. It was bad enough you gave Mom the audio portion. I was a slut to strip and beg like that but I wanted to be your slut. Mom gave me a little crap about that. But she really read me the riot act for cheating on you and destroying our marriage. It was bad enough just knowing what I did, but she saw the video Cheryl's mom took. She told me if you weren't such a gentleman you'd have let everybody see me naked and freshly fucked, disgracing the whole family.."

As I knew she would, she asked, "Is there any way we can get back together? I was hoping with counseling or a post nup.. well it would be a pre nup now." I shook my head saying a pre-nup did not stop Mark. "I'm not Mark. I got stupid. I should have talked to you. Can we stay friends? I mean we'll need to if you date my sister. Rachael told me she wants to get with you someday." I told her I had written that off as well. While I liked Rachael and the whole family, there was no way it would work. It would only cause friction in the family sooner or later and while I was still hurt at her disrespect, I did not want her family damaged.

"I'm curious. Did you have a girlfriend in jail?" I asked. I could not help it. The image just popped into my head.

"Perv!" she said, as she blushed. "The answer is I had sexual contact once. A few days after I went in. I'd read those stories too and I panicked when one of the women asked me if I liked girls. I insulted her. I forget exactly what I said but it was bad. One of the other women took me aside and explained sex was not allowed but it happened. And at least in their unit it was consensual. I should have just said no. But my disrespect pissed people off. I was at risk of getting beaten up and nobody would see a thing. I needed to apologize and accept some kind of punishment. I might have to give up some of my commissary, which is the stuff you buy, hygiene products or whatever. Or do something else."

"Well, the woman did not want my commissary. She wanted her apology. But it was to be to her "skanky cunt". That's what I'd called it. So in front of three other women, I put my lips on her pussy and apologized while she held her lips open. Then she told me to give it a few licks to see if it was skanky. Then they let me up and let me go. I was scared shitless I would be seen as weak and be everybody's bitch. But they acted like it never happened and I was treated well afterwards. The woman even teased me later on before I was released. She told me she had never touched a girl before going to jail either."

I had an obvious hard on hearing the story. Judy said, "One thing that is NOT exaggerated is the strip search thing. I didn't get full cavity searches but I had to get naked, show every inch of my body and then squat, spread my legs, pull my buttcheeks as far apart as possible and cough. That was almost daily. Almost any time I went out of the unit. Before and after I had visits. I almost got used to it. Well not really, but it became the new normal."

"I wonder how Mark is dealing with something like that." I laughed. "I bet he got into a fight or two. I'm trying to find out how he is doing. Julie says she is going to go visit with her boys. Two are under eighteen so she has to go along. She wants to ask him if he is giving blowjobs when the boys can't hear."

Judy left after wishing me well and saying she hopes I will forgive her some day.

I did hear about Mark a few months later. He got moved to a new unit after being in segregation. I had no idea what he did, but they apparently did not take kindly to his attitude. He was found unconscious in a corner of the shower room. He had obviously been kicked repeatedly in the groin. He had most of his toiletries pushed up his rectum. A full bar of soap went first followed by his toothbrush and tube of toothpaste. Once those items had been removed it became apparent he had been sodomized first. I sent him a smiley face greeting card.


Although she called me several times trying to get me to change my mind, I never did date Rachael, Judy's sister. She argued her parents thought it would not be a problem and Judy was on board with us getting together. But I knew it would eventually cause friction. I broke off all contact although I did see one of them around town on occasion. Judy moved to Shreveport and got a job as a sales rep for a small manufacturing company. I imagine a woman as hot as her had an active sex life.

I also had an active sex life with a nurse. Cheryl and I dated and then she moved in with me. A year later we got married and immediately decided to have a baby. Good communication is a big issue with us and she shares my thoughts of fidelity. I know someday I am going to have to be careful when Mark gets out of prison. I half hope he gets shivved. Okay, I'm still a bit of a prick but only to those who try to hurt me.

======== And now a 'cool your jets' and lighten up moment:

A couple goes to court to get a divorce. The judge is a big pro-family man and thinks it is a good idea for the couple to stay together for their 3 kids. Maybe they can see past their differences and reconcile. The judge says, "I can let you divorce, and split all your assets. But how can I split up the children? If I give 2 to one parent and and one to the other, that is not fair. Why don't you stay together for a little longer, have another child and then if you still want to divorce you can both get 2 kids". The woman says she is willing to stay with her husband for another year to try.

The guy goes along with the plan for a bit and then asks the judge." But what happens if we have twins? Then we have will still have an odd number of children, so there will still be no even split."

The wife says "Listen to this guy, the big twin maker! That's a laugh. If I had to rely on him, I wouldn't have had the first three!"..... courtesy of Buddy Hackett

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TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos25 days ago

I liked the story, but I have to agree with some of the other commentators here - this main character is absolutely a sissy. This Mark guy fucks his wife in his bed, then almost kills him, seemingly seriously considers hiring a hitman to kill him, and then his reaction is like, "I hope he gets knifed... haha, just kidding."


Huh??? This guy should have been a lot angrier than the way you portrayed him and because of this it made him really difficult to relate to. And don't even get me started on how he treats his wife with absolute kid gloves after what she's done - not just the adultery, but protecting Mark, the cover up, then colluding with him after the fact to get Rob to recant his testimony. It's just betrayal after betrayal with this woman, and he's offering to buy her groceries? That was like... Why? Why? Why? It made no sense, especially after you had him coldly set her up for the cops with that recording. I just felt like his character was all over the place!!


If you could hit somewhere in between what you wrote here and his equally annoying opposite - the rage monkey former navy seal bad ass, then that would be perfect.

pummel187pummel1873 months ago

This guy is a fucking sissy, I'm sorry but he is..... Where's your self respect???? WEIRDO

bacchant2bacchant23 months ago

You have plenty of comments but i thought you had better continuity than other stories,

FillDirtWantedFillDirtWanted7 months ago

Love Buddy Hackett.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

So much wrong with this story in terms of emotional continuity. The MC seems to change his attitude as frequently as the weather.

Judy also seems to be a little off when it comes what she claims and what she actually does. One would accept this discrepancy if and only if it had been told to someone she wasn't expected to be honest with, but she had repeatedly told Mark that she loved her husband and would put him before Mark. She claims to love the MC yet she hasn't even broken communications with Mark. Worst of all is the phone conversation after her meeting with the MC which comes across as a complete betrayal and an admittance of collusion against her husband.


It seems to me that if this story had remained consistent, there really could have been a genuine sense that the MC actually wanted the best for his in-laws and his ex and maybe even a future reconciliation, but what we're left with is an unpleasant taste of betrayal left unpunished.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

The epilogue reminds me of a joke from the Blues Brothers movie, just lacking the "Bau, bau,bau" from Dan Akroyd.

t8ntliklyt8ntlikly11 months ago

Fell apart for me when he decided to pay half her rent, groceries, etc. Stupid I don't know why so many authors even go there

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This totally fell apart. The gratuitous, "sister, mother, Cheryl all want to fuck him" and the MC getting a hard on listening to his Ex prison sex history, is just mindless plot refuse. He'll, the writer took an initially VERY GOOD story line and turned into everyday LE mindless sex rambling. This is tragic because this had all the makings of a 5 star+ story.

Also, felony accessory after the fact to murder makes that individual as guilty as the the primary party. Lying about it during police interview further compounds the charge. The victim has NO INPUT on charge mitigation. This is a case of "The People v. Accused". She would have not gotten a slap on the wrist. She'd have served 5-10 years of hard time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Pretty juvenile

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Good story - well written. Enjoyed ch 2 also

larryisok1larryisok1about 1 year ago

WOW !!!one of the BEST stories I have read on any web site. and what was amazing it was well written and grammatically correct.

mariverzmariverzabout 1 year ago

Es ficcion, por si no lo habían notado .... No sé si son trolls solo psicópatas en línea...

davezqdavezqover 1 year ago

I enjoyed Buddy Hackett's joke also.

moultonknobmoultonknobover 1 year ago

He's just a pathetic cuckold wimpy fuckwit, offering to pay half her expenses after what she did, she didn't deserve fuck all

DrgwngDrgwngover 1 year ago

The fact that many men think the joke at the end is funny, illustrates the issue we have in society. Men raising non bio kids is far more common than is generally known, the 30 years of dna data banks we now have show this clearly. Women have been cucking men for centuries, just now we have proof, and yet women are still given the benefits, lack of suspicion and of course men act independently and so seal their own fate. Men fail to consider this a big problem, and stab each other in the back, while allowing popular opinion, media and societal attitudes to paint a false picture. Women cannot be tricked into being a parent, yet it happens to men everyday, the courts and state laws assist, and everybody smiles……

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Worse than the affair, was the wife's actions after he was pushed down the staircase. There is no excuse for not going to her husband and trying to see if he is alive, crying, screaming, calling 911. Her actions on thr neighbor's video is execrable and shows what she really felt and what love means to her. She purported to love her husband deeply when arguing with the asshole on audio, but her actions of putting on a robe, helping Mark purport a lie, etc, while her husband is possibly dying in front of the house, or in the ambulance or at the hospital is bonkers. Then we see shenis still conspiring with Mark after the fact. Wtf? The excuse that she thought her husband was dead is bogus. So what? Even then cry and scream and accuse Mark. This made no sense to me. According the video and audio and texts, she has no emotional attachment to Mark, doesn't kiss, give head or be intimate just rough fucking. Sure she is a head case and needs to be divorced. I can even see she us trying to prevent her husband from pulling a gun and doesn't believe that Mark will try to severely hurt him or kill him. But after he falls, everything she did was monstrous. If you ever loved your husband, you go to him / call 911 immediately regardless of whether your husband is dead or you are naked. That is the time to absolutely be a loving wife. And why does she suddenly care about Mark? According to the story, it is because her fate is tied to his. BS. Any woman who has half a brain would know that Mark is the one on the hotseat even if she didn't care for her husband. But it is all moot. If you ever loved your husband then go to him and call 911. Doesn't matter if you think he died and are worried about what police think. That is your husband you still claim to yourself that you love. Don't go back inside and put on a bath robe. That is an unbelievable series of actions and lies as he told. Unless the author wanted us to really believe she is a monster which is incongruous with the dialog on thr audio and her later talks with the MC.

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