Dr. White's Code of Sluts Ch. 01 Pt. 02


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Not that I didn't want this. If anything, I was loving it too much. And with Eddie in my bed, having some of the best sex of my life, I couldn't help but think of the future. Hey, I'm a girl... it's hard for your mind not to go there. With him and me naked between the sheets, all I could think about was throwing it all away for a lifetime of this, and the prospect sounded mighty tempting. Throwing it all away just to be this married man's slut for life... Fuck, it sounded so hot! I wanted to be Eddie's ultimate 'big-titty girl'! Haha! That would so amazing! Getting that dick literally every day would be a dream. The prospect of it really was tempting.

Too tempting.

As much as every fiber of my being wanted that... I just couldn't. The work I was doing, the discoveries I had just made... they were incredible. Unethical, sinful, but incredible, nonetheless. I was willing to push those boundaries. I was willing to make those sacrifices. I was willing to take that risk in order to discover new depths of understanding about human sexuality. Not just the surface level stuff, but the real nitty gritty, fucked up shit they don't like to talk about. The truths that aren't so pretty, that don't paint the rosiest pictures of marriage and human nature. I was willing to go there.

That's why I wasn't able to take things any further with Eddie. You don't start a marathon, and stop after mile one because you meet a cute boy. No, the marathon, the work... that was the goal, and I was gonna take it all the way. Eddie was amazing, and he would be more than worth it... but I had to see this through. It was my purpose.

Then again, I was not about to leave Eddie out in the cold.

"Dr. White?" Ashely, my receptionist said, poking her head in my office and getting my attention. "Krystal's here for her appointment."

"Send her in!" I said with a smile. Ashley stepped aside, and in stepped Krystal. Even as another woman, I was always taken aback by how stunning she was. Long, straight black hair, gorgeous face, smooth pale skin, an ass so hot it could melt steel, and tits that were fucking melons. Even bigger than mine. They were that big. Even her sleeve of tattoos, which I normally wasn't a huge fan of... it's a look that really worked on her. It fit her to a T.

I mentioned her to Eddie during our fateful second appointment. She's a recovering sex addict. In her prime, she was fucking multiple times a day, every day. Absolutely insatiable, she went from man to man, driven solely by pure sexual need, using her luscious body in the most sinful manner possible. She was the one who had the idea to always fuck on the first date, to cut to the chase and see if there was sexual chemistry before even pursuing a relationship further.

She'd spent years consumed with sexual desires, a textbook sex addict, shamelessly fucking around with any man or woman she could sink her claws into. But she eventually wanted more. As much fun as she was having fucking two or three times a day, it wasn't enough for her. She did have a drive to get married and start a family, and all that fucking she was doing was getting in the way of that. Not that she didn't like it, not that she wanted to stop all the fucking, it was just proving to be an obstacle to one of her other goals. And after years of yearning for it, she had decided to make the healthy, mature decision to put her sinful pursuits aside and try to be a better person, in order to achieve the other major goals she wanted. She had gone to school and was trained as a nurse, and she was doing well for herself thanks to my help. But I just knew that if she could somehow circle that square, if she could weave that narrow path to get a fulfilling life with a husband and a family, while still getting all that nasty, fucked up sex she clearly loved, the intense all-consuming level of fucking that she wished she could have... she would do it. Krystal would throw it all away if she could find that one perfect scenario, that one dream man who would put a ring on her finger, spoil her rotten, fuck her three or four times a day, and pump her full of babies.

In fact, I was banking on it.

After we finished our initial greetings, Krystal sat down on the couch and I sat across from her in my chair. I then moved in with the first of the weekly questions I always asked her.

"So, Krystal, have there been any moments since we last met where you found your old feelings rising back up?" I asked casually. She usually answered that she was doing well, but when those feelings did rise up, she always admitted to it. A handsome doctor at work. A patient she found incredibly sexy. Some guy she ran into while shopping. And again, I was banking on that honesty.

"Actually, when I was leaving here a week ago, I ran into the hottest fucking guy. Oh my God!" she effused, her rising nipples apparent beneath her thin purple top. "He was tall and handsome, and just like a fucking man, you know? He was married, of course, but damn... the old me would have practically jumped him. I barely held myself back a week ago. Seriously, I wanted to fuck his brains out! But..." she paused, breathing deep. "I held back. I was a good girl! But fuck... all I could think about was that this was a guy I would throw it all away for. I swear I'm right. He was that fucking hot! All I could think about was riding his big dick, cause I just know a guy like him has a huge cock. I wanted to ride his big dick, swallow it down my throat, take it up my ass, the whole deal! I couldn't stop thinking about him that whole night. This whole last week, really. But especially at night... when I'm alone... with my dildo. But like I said, I was a good girl. I really... fuck... I really wanted to be a bad girl, but I held back. Barely." She held my gaze, her eyes blazing with heat.

I acted like I was searching my memories for who she was talking about, but I knew the answer. I knew the answer because I'd planned it that way. I'd moved Eddie's appointment that week for just such a run-in. I wanted Krystal to meet Eddie. I wanted him to meet her.

I wanted them to be together.

"Oh!" I said, as if a revelation just hit me. "I know who you're talking about." I said with a smile.

"You do?" she asked.

"He... well, I can't talk too many specifics, of course," I began, before pausing. "But... actually... he wouldn't be so bad for you. He's put together, has a great job, has money, has... well... I shouldn't say that..."

"Oh my God! What? Tell me everything!" she demanded, eyes blazing, loving everything she was hearing.

"I can't get too specific about another patient," I began, but her insistent stare was enough to convince me. Smiling, I continued. "Let's just say... he's on a similar journey as you," I said, holding her gaze. Quickly, she put it together.

"Is he a sex addict, like me?" she asked. I could then see the pieces click in her mind. "Oh! He is an addict! And he came here without his wife because he's trying to be a good man. He's trying not to fuck around! Oh my God, he is just like me, isn't he?" she asked excitedly. I smiled and shrugged my shoulders.

"Oh my God, THAT guy can't stop fucking? Holy shit!" she effused.

"I can neither confirm nor deny," I said vaguely, a small smile creeping up my lips. But she got the message, pursing her lips as she smirked, her darker edge rising to the surface.

"You gotta tell me more... tell me everything! What's his name? What's his social security number? I want to know everything!" she gushed, clearly excited. I held up my hands to talk her down.

"Like I said, it would be irresponsible for me to tell you anymore," I said, with a sad smile. She opened her mouth to reply quickly, but she stopped and caught herself, opting to take a different tact.

"Well..." she began. "If he is such a good match for me, wouldn't the responsible thing for you to do would be to match us up together? Wouldn't that kill two birds with one stone? Throw two sex addicts in a room... everyone leaves satisfied!" she joked.

"Krystal," I began, smiling patiently. "I can't support you regressing on all the progress you've made."

"I mean... it's not like I'm not allowed to have sex," she replied. "I still like fucking! It's just... putting things in their proper place. Right? If this guy can give me everything I want, and he can fuck me like crazy as well... then what's the problem?"

I smiled proudly. She'd done it. She'd made the connection I'd hoped she would. She was right, her and Eddie made so much sense together that it was impossible to ignore. But still... I had to maintain some sort of professional decorum.

"Krystal, I can't formally give you any privileged information," I began, and her expression fell ever so slightly. "But..." I said, making her eyes flash with excitement. "What I can do is tell you that he has an appointment here on Friday at 4:30. So if you happened to be here for, say... to handle some sort of billing issue, or whatever, and you were to run into him like you did last week, then what happens next is entirely out of my control."

I looked at her, and she looked back at me, her eyes twinkling in appreciation for me helping her. Her face lit up with a fire and determination that I hadn't seen in a long time, and her nipples quite visibly stiffened beneath her top. She had a target, and she had a purpose.

Eddie didn't stand a chance.


I was watching two days later from that same spot by the window. Krystal had showed up to my office in her slutty best, wearing flip flops, stretchy black booty shorts that barely covered her ass, the tight material molding to her rear like a second skin. This left her long legs exposed, showing off a few more tattoos there. Up higher, she was exposing a very prominent whale-tail, her red thong pulled up lewdly above the hem of her shorts and over her hips. Her tight, flimsy black top with some band logo on the front exposed a healthy amount of midriff and an obscene amount of cleavage, using an extra tight bra to push her boobs up and make them look pornographic. Her arms were exposed as well, showcasing her sleeve of tats again, completing the slut goddess look she was going for.

She had no reason to be here, especially as early as she had arrived, but she was not gonna miss out on seeing Eddie again. She was attracting a lot of looks as well as she hung around the waiting room, but I supported the fiction enough, going along with her as we discussed a few made-up billing issues. The looks we shared, communicating both her excitement and my tacit support, made me feel like we were on the same level. Sisters in sluthood. Women helping women.

I made my way back to my office as she 'left', knowing Eddie would be there in minutes. And sure enough, by the time I got back to my spot by the window, I could see him approaching the building. And at the same time, I could see her approaching him, shaking her ass as she moved towards him with purpose. I saw the act she was putting up, as if it was just a coincidence that they had run into each other again. His eyes went wide as he saw her, and his eyes remained glued to her hot body as they began chatting.

I could see the few nervous glances he cast towards the building as they got to know each other, but that soon dissipated as I could see their connection forming within minutes. Their conversation got a little smoother and easier, and I could see her take one confident step closer to him. At this, I saw him take longer, more nakedly heated stares at her delicious body, unable to help himself. I saw her make light, teasing contact, the first bit of physical bonding in what was sure to get more frequent. As they got closer and closer, I could see that they were clearly on a one-way track to fucking, it was just a matter of time. Like, a matter of minutes. I only looked away when there was a knock at my door and Ashley poked her head in.

"Do you want me to stick around, or are you gonna close up on your own?" she asked.

"You can take off," I replied with a smile. She turned around and closed the door, and when I looked back at the parking lot, my eyes were wide.

Krystal's tongue was in Eddie's mouth.

Yes! They were going for it! She was all up on him, pushing him against a car, my car in fact, as they made out. She was practically humping against him, and I watched as his hands went down to cup her juicy ass. As it kept going on, their dry humping only got more obscene, his hands eagerly groping her ass, pulling her against him as they went at it.

I saw Ashley appear in the parking lot, sneaking a peek and hiding a shocked look at watching this couple making out so lewdly in the parking lot. She could barely contain her nervous grin as she walked by them. But if they recognized her presence, they didn't show it. If anything, things only got more heated, with him leaning down and rubbing his face against her massive tits, and as he did so he reached up and cupped them through her top, eagerly squeezing them. At the same time, I saw her reach down and begin squeezing his dick through his pants, making him shudder.

I kept watching as they went at it, curious as to how far they would go. I eventually saw her grab his scalp roughly and whisper something in his ear. Moments later, he practically carried her to his car. Instead of going at then and there, they clearly decided to retire to a place where they could really stretch out and go at it, most likely her place. But that didn't mean the ride there would be uneventful, as I saw her working over his crotch with her hands once he settled into the driver's seat, pulling out his big hard married cock from his pants. And just before they turned out of sight, I saw her leaning down face first to swallow that cock whole.

Once they were gone, I closed my eyes and sighed, my nipples stiffening. Jesus... knowing that those two people would never have met without me... knowing that those two were gonna be fucking because of me and my maneuvering... fuck! It was indescribably hot. Toying with their lives, manipulating it so those two would go to town on each other... Jesus fucking Christ! It was so hot.

Knowing I had warped Eddie's future to the point where I was fixing him up with a complete sex addict who would indulge all his worst impulses, the thought was almost enough to get me off without even touching myself. It was hot in a way I couldn't fully process yet. I had to put my hand on the glass to hold myself up. Playing God with their lives in order to get them to mutually indulge their darkest desires and my own in the process... fuck, I could do this over and over again and it would never get old.

Smiling proudly as the soon to be happy couple zoomed away, I took a deep calming breath and stepped back. Knowing Eddie had blown off our appointment to fuck this new slut of his, I whistled to myself as I closed up early.

My work was done.


I met with both Eddie and Krystal a few times in the subsequent weeks and months. As I worked on other projects, other people, other men, I kept one toe in their business to complete the story. Finalize their respective cases.

Eddie played coy at first, but I didn't have to twist him too much to get him to admit to the truth. He described his encounter with Krystal liked he'd endured a battle, a fearsome force of nature that he barely survived but would willingly endure again. I savored every juicy detail of what him and Krystal had done together, and I could admit I was impressed. I beamed with pride as he shared all these juicy details with me, knowing he never would have done so without my intervention.

We kept meeting, and we kept fucking, at least for a few more weeks, but I could quickly tell his attention was elsewhere. He was consumed with desire for Krystal, and frankly... he didn't need me anymore. And eventually, l let him know that. She was more than enough woman for him, and he didn't need any more guidance from me. My work with him was complete. I left the door open for him to come and meet with me if he ever wanted to, but I released him from his obligation. He seemed unsure at first as I finalized an ending for our weekly trysts, but sure enough, he didn't show up at my office again.

I met with Krystal for a little longer. She was happy to go into greater detail about the unholy amounts of fucking her and Eddie were taking part in. Even for me, some of the things she said and did almost made me blush. I kept up more of an act with her, playing a little more innocent. I warned her about trying to maintain a healthy devotion to her self-improvement despite having entered a relationship with Eddie, and to a point I meant it. I had been seeing her for a while and I did care about her and her growth. Then again, it would be way hotter to me if she succumbed to full-blown sex addiction again, all because of me, so I couldn't say for sure how strong my warnings were.

And at first she seemed receptive, telling me that she was still doing her best, that she was really trying to maintain the balance she'd discovered. But as the weeks went on, I could tell that this argument wasn't holding as much weight. Krystal told me how she really, really enjoyed fucking Eddie, and she was having trouble slowing down. She really didn't want to stop. A week or two later, she confessed that she had never been more in love with a man than she was with Eddie, the fucking was that good. And her desire to be a functioning member of society was clearly fading, as she started discussing with me all the reasons she didn't actually really need a job, and I could quickly surmise where this was all going. Sure enough, a week or two later, she admitted that she'd lost her job because she literally couldn't pull herself off of Eddie, and she really didn't seem to be bothered by that fact. She said that they'd been going for a record amount of fucking that day, doing it five or six times, and they'd achieved their goal and then some.

I got a few glimpses at where Eddie's head was at through these discussions. Based on what Krystal was saying, he was taking more and more time to be with her. Abandoning his obligations to his work by taking more time for himself, and his obligations towards Annie, taking literally more time away from her solely to be with another woman. He was playing with fire if he was hoping to keep Annie in the dark. She was a bit clueless, but she wasn't completely stupid. Knowing how paranoid Annie could be, she was gonna start asking questions.

Krystal seemed especially merciless whenever Annie came up, speaking her name with venom whenever she came up in conversation. She was an obstacle getting in the way of her pleasure, and that made the claws come out. Krystal had decisively become a nicer person in her journey of self-improvement, but as she regressed into her old ways, so did her attitude. Some of the things she said... she was callous, and cruel. But God damn was she a force to be reckoned with. I would not want to get on her bad side. Luckily, I was not, and neither was Eddie, judging by the worshipful tone she gushed about him in. I knew that just as well as she did, but I didn't let on too much. She was playing for keeps, and I had no doubt that things would reach a point where Annie would be cut of the picture. And soon.

It happened a few weeks later.

Annie came to my office, sobbing, in a truly crushed state. When I pushed through her tears and got to ask her what had happened, she finally was able to get the words out.

Sensing something off the previous few weeks, she'd snuck a peek at Eddie's phone when he was in the shower. And the evidence wasn't even well hidden. Annie had found texts from multiple women to Eddie, including nude photos. I played the role of a sympathetic party, but I knew way more than she let on, and I did my best to contain that knowledge. Annie had forwarded the texts to herself, so she was able to show me them, and I hid my smile when I saw some of the texts Eddie and I had shared, including some of the photos I sent his way. No names were attached to the phone number or any of our messages, thank goodness, so she didn't suspect me in the slightest. I wanted to be kind to Annie, as she was clearly crushed, but when the first bit of evidence I saw was a picture of my own tits that I had sent to her husband, it was hard not to smile. I really liked Annie, but seeing that she didn't suspect a thing... it was hard to see someone you like be so clueless. I confess it made me respect her even less.