Dr. White's Code of Sluts Ch. 02 Pt. 01


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She wished she could be as calm and unbothered as her husband was. Ryan had no reason to be nervous, as for him, this was just another night. He didn't know how badly Elizabeth had been catastrophizing this whole thing, although he was empathetic enough to sense that she wasn't exactly pumped about the whole thing. So, although he would never admit to it directly, perhaps he was trying to keep a chill, cool enough head for the both of them. While she had been a nervous wreck all afternoon, he'd been at his computer, playing games online with his friends, to the point where he was so unconcerned with the events of the night that he was actually running behind on getting ready.

As Elizabeth sat at the end of her bed, fussing with her phone, a tangle of nervous energy, her head lifted as the bathroom door opened. Steam cascaded out as her husband's image appeared to her through the fog. And as she got a good look at him, a pleasing tingle coursed through her.

She didn't know how someone like her could have gotten so lucky.

Her hungry eyes drunk him in. Fresh out of the shower, clad only in a towel around his waist, he looked fantastic. His bare upper half was exposed to her. His fit, masculine chest and belly, showcasing his commitment to working out. To her, he was just perfect. His fit, muscular arms, strong enough to both sweep her off her feet and also succeed at any household task that required pure strength, but not so bloated and over-defined as to be off-putting. Elizabeth loved how strong he'd gotten, especially knowing where he'd started, a lanky, skinny young man. One time, she got so worked up watching him use his muscles to change a flat tire on the car that she practically jumped his bones as soon as they got home. She just loved seeing how much the boy she'd first met at college had become a man.

But she didn't want to forget about the young man he used to be.

Looking up at his face, she admired his strong jaw and his nice, smooth lips. His hair used to be far lighter, but it had gone from blonde to closer to brown. She missed his cute blonde hair, as it reminded her of their youthful romance, but she held onto that side of him in other ways. He had piercing blue eyes, and while she knew deep down he'd prefer to have long gotten rid of the glasses he still wore and sub in contacts, he knew how much she loved the boyishness his glasses added to him, so he kept them. That's also why he stayed clean shaven. He'd become so much more manly in the years they'd known each other... she liked holding onto a bit of the young man she'd first fallen in love with.

He'd really sprouted in the time they'd known each other. He'd always been tall, a hair over six feet, but he used to be a beanpole, skinny and nerdy. One final growth spurt, combined with a commitment to fitness, caused him to really fill out and become a real man. He often joked self-deprecatingly that she'd bought low with him, underselling himself as not quite a catch when they first met. It sounded like a mean thing to say about himself, but it felt kinda true. If she'd tried to date him a year or two later, she probably wouldn't have been able to compete. From the point he'd blossomed into the man he'd become, he'd gotten a lot more female attention than he used to. Each little giggle or small flirtation towards Ryan was a dagger into Elizabeth's heart, striking close to her deepest fears, especially earlier on in their relationship. But he'd never given her any reason to doubt him, and as time wore on, those fears cooled over, that raw nerve of shame having simmered until it was nothing.

At least until recently.

As he stepped into the bedroom, he glanced down at his seated wife and smiled.

"You don't have to be nervous," he said calmly, sensing her apprehension about this event.

"I know," she said with a light smile, eyeing up her husband. His bare upper half still had a slight layer of moisture from his shower, his pale skin glowing in the dim light of their bedroom.

"It'll be okay," he said comfortingly.

"I know," she repeated. While he certainly didn't know the full extent of her issues with Stacy, he had definitely gleaned that she hated her boss, and that she made her life at work difficult. He certainly didn't know the role he occupied in those fears. He just knew she had a rough, intense environment at work, and it wore on her even when she wasn't there.

He walked past her towards the far wall, where his dresser was. As he did so, he pulled off his towel with a flourish, something he always did. It was something that always made his wife laugh. But this time, it made her breath catch in her throat. Even though she was facing away from him, she was facing the mirror, giving her a great view of her now naked husband.

Facing away from her, she let her eyes stare down his long, strong back, letting her eyes travel down to his eye-catching rear end, his butt one of her favorite features on him. And speaking of favorite features, as he rotated to the side and pulled on his snug black boxer-briefs, she gained a primo view of his first-class manhood.

For someone as mild mannered and lowkey as Ryan, it was somewhat surprising to find out that he had a really big dick. Like... a VERY big dick. There were far more confident, braggadocious guys out there who claimed they were packing and had far less than what quiet, friendly, even-keeled Ryan had hanging between his legs. About 9 and a half inches, and thick enough that her fingers couldn't fully grasp it, a nice, prominent mushroom tip with a flared head that had a good habit of hitting all the right spots. The shaft was smooth and unblemished, with a sizable tube along the underside running from the head down to his large, heavy, almost lemon-sized balls, each so large that Elizabeth couldn't fit both in one of her palms. Soft, his sizable manhood was still impressive, hanging down between his legs, giving anyone lucky enough to see it a hint of what was to come when it was ready to go. And when it was fully in action mode, it was sizable enough to almost be intimidating.

And to Elizabeth, it still was intimidating, even after being together for years. She always did her best with him, to accept him completely, to take as much of him as she could. But... he was just so big! Certainly, too big for her. Too big for most women, no doubt. Elizabeth hated to think of the idea that there was some other woman out there who'd be far better equipped to handle a penis of such size, especially when she couldn't take half of it. But there were moments, especially lately, where she couldn't prevent her mind from going there.


Suddenly, she was seeing Stacy, completely naked, legs spread, seated on the edge of her desk. And in front of her, Ryan, as naked as she was, driving his impressive, lengthy penis into her as hard as he could.

"Fuck me, baby! Fuck me!" Stacy moaned out. She looked incredible. Her tanned, olive skin looking amazing, and her breasts looked absolutely massive on her tiny frame. Ryan was palming one of them greedily as he heaved himself into the Asian woman.

"Oh FUCK! It feels so fucking good!" Ryan groaned loudly, his fucking showing a ferocity he'd never once shown with his wife. He drove his hips into her roughly, without care or mercy.

"Give it to me, Ryan! Ugh! Yes! Give me every fucking inch of that big, perfect married dick!" the slut moaned loudly, urging him on. And he was doing just that. Glancing between their legs, Elizabeth couldn't believe what she was seeing. Stacy's small, snug, tight pussy was stretched to the max around Ryan's thick, meaty weapon. And somehow, someway, that pussy of hers absolutely inhaled Ryan's thick, lengthy dick, taking it from the tip to the base on every go, his heavy balls bouncing off her ass as he thrust into her. She was built for that dick. Her experienced pussy could handle a cock that size. Jesus, what a fucking slut...


"Honey?" Ryan called out, just as he pulled up his underwear and let them snap into place, his penis disappearing out of view. Looking through the reflection, her eyes rose to meet his.

"What?" she asked, confused.

"Eyes up here," he said with a smile, pointing to his eyes. Embarrassed at having been caught, her cheeks went red as she smiled.

"Sorry," she said, mortified, putting her head in her hands, horrified both at being caught and at the images her mind had conjured up.

"Jesus..." he began, with a knowing smirk on his face. "You always look at me like a piece of meat. I have thoughts and feelings!" he said with a grin.

"I know!" she said with an embarrassed laugh. "It just... got my attention."

"Jeez, lady... grow up," he stated, shaking his head in mock annoyance while giving her an affectionate, amused look, stepping towards the closet in just his underwear to grab some pants. Nonetheless, the embarrassment she was feeling persisted, and as the weight of what had passed across her mind fully hit her, she opted to step away.

"I'll, uh... wait in the living room. Don't want any more distractions," she said with a smile, still blushing. He smiled and nodded as she walked out.

Once out of his sight, her smile dropped and she shook her head, the images of Ryan fucking that bitch burned in her mind's eye. She always did her best to push those intrusive thoughts away, but it was getting harder and harder to do so. Once she'd made the internal connection between Kayla and Stacy, she couldn't stop her mind from jumping to the same outcome, to her man betraying her for her bully, the woman who made her life hell. She'd discussed it with Dr. White, and the doctor gave her exercises that would supposedly help prevent these intrusive thoughts, but if anything, it only made them worse. It had happened a lot lately, to the point where it was affecting her life. She and Ryan hadn't had sex in weeks, because experiencing her handsome hubby in action only made her imagine him doing the same with Stacy. Not just the same, but going at it with that bitch like an animal. Stuff like that just took the fun out of having sex with her husband, and it certainly spoiled the mood. She had no doubt that Ryan wasn't exactly pumped about having not had sex on the regular. But he never complained. He was a good husband.

When he finally emerged fully dressed, Elizabeth couldn't help but admire how good he looked. Dressed in a dapper, seasonally appropriate green button up shirt that fit him really well. On his lower half was a pair of slacks made out of a dark, thin, gray material, leading down to his feet where he had a sensible pair of black business shoes. Dressed-up and classy, he looked great. He didn't often have to get this dressed up, but she always loved it when he did. He looked great. The outfit was very flattering to his well-built frame.

She'd kept it simple. Wearing a pair of tight, flattering black pants on her lower half, with some cute black shoes on her feet. Up top, she was wearing a puffy Christmas sweater. She had asked Kendall about a few things, and she was told this event was gonna be business-casual, but festive. This outfit seemed to fit the bill. She loved Christmas, and this outfit indicated that.

"Ready?" Ryan asked, holding out his arm in a loop to his side, waiting for her to interlock hers with his own. Smiling, and taking a deep breath, she approached her husband, and hooked her arm in his. Looking up at him, she nodded.

"I'm ready."


Riding up the elevator with his wife towards her office, rising from ground level to the heights of the tall building she worked in, Ryan didn't let slip that he had an ulterior motive for the night. A mission.

His wife had often compared her workplace to high school, with the social politics and the cliques and the bad behavior. And while Elizabeth understandably hated that aspect of her job, her husband strangely felt empowered by that knowledge as he readied himself to enter her office for the first time. Because in high school, while Ryan wasn't Mr. Popular, he wasn't disliked either. He was neither a social pariah nor a social outcast. He rode the middle, in good terms with all sides. You'd never identify him as one of the popular kids, but most of them really liked him. And he had many friends on the lower end of the social ladder, as they had many shared interests.

Being in that middle area between social castes, he fashioned himself as a bit of a peacemaker. If there were disagreements, he'd be the one to leap to action, trying to cool their anger and settle things peacefully. If things progressed to an out-and-out fight, he'd be in the middle trying to separate warring parties. When his peers would be running down people on the other side of the social order, he'd stand up for them, claiming truthfully that things weren't as bad as it was being made out. He never picked a side, looking for the best in people everywhere.

This kind of became the role he carved out for himself, not just in school but in life. If he'd be playing pick-up basketball, he was the one trusted to make the foul calls, trusted to enough to call things fairly and down the middle. At work, he was able to navigate through deftly, maintaining a high standing with all, even with people on opposite ends of the social spectrum.

He knew Elizabeth didn't like her bosses, and from the sound of it, the feeling was mutual. His mission tonight was to cool some of that tension. Her bosses probably hadn't given Elizabeth a chance. He understood that his wife was shy and quiet and good-hearted, and he also understood that some people would view such qualities as vulnerabilities. Points to attack, to pick at, to take advantage of and test the limits of. They didn't understand his wife's strength of character. Her quirky sense of humor. Her beautiful heart. They didn't give her a chance, opting to take the easy route and just poke fun. Perhaps here, seeing her husband, a bit of her life outside the office, would allow them to see Elizabeth more as an actual, three-dimensional person, and not just someone to pick on. And if they didn't, Ryan would turn on the charm and try to win them over on his wife's behalf, cooling their feelings towards her by forming a real human connection on her behalf.

Ryan was confident he could get the job done. He wouldn't dare tell Elizabeth of his plan, as she would definitely try to warn him off, telling him that her boss and her boss's friends were not worth the effort. That they were irredeemable, and that he shouldn't even try. But no one was irredeemable. There wasn't a person alive who wasn't worth making the effort to forge a real human connection. And while he hadn't gotten the best impression of Elizabeth's boss, deep down he suspected that she probably wasn't quite as evil and wicked as his wife might claim. But even if she was as big of a piece of work as Elizabeth said, he was confident that his social ability would be enough to smooth over any hard feelings on her end, and make his wife's work life easier in the process.

That was his plan. His mission for the evening. There were moments in his life where he'd vowed to win someone over. And with his good heart, appealing personality, and pugnacious spirit, he'd never failed at getting on someone's good side. and now, he planned to use that skill on his wife's behalf.

And he couldn't imagine anything on the planet that would get in his way of achieving that goal.


"Jesus, Stacy," Kendall called out, gawking at her friend. "Your tits look incredible!"

Stacy wasn't leaving anything to chance. She was dressed to the nines, her hot body clad in a figure-hugging blood-red dress that was so tight it looked painted on. The lower hem of it was a mere couple inches below her ass, leaving a large amount of her bare, firm legs exposed. The thin material of the red dress clung to her taut thighs, leaving her the barest range of movement it was so slim. And if it was clinging to her thighs, it was absolutely glued to her luscious ass, showcasing its immaculate shape perfectly, leaving little to the imagination. She worked hard at the gym to have an ass this round and shapely, and she took every opportunity to showcase it, her butt jutting out from her skinny frame like a shelf. Any man lucky enough to end up behind her tonight would get an amazing show, seeing every subtle movement and jiggle of her firm rear end. The dress was so tight that her ass could barely be contained by it, the garment clearly not designed to restrain a booty like hers.

And speaking of things the tight dress could barely contain...

The dress clung to her hips. It hugged her flat, trim belly. But her giant round boobs were absolutely exploding out of it, the red material of the dress straining to keep her double-E breasts in place. It was almost obscene how tightly packed her big boobs were within the dress, and in truth, they weren't fully being contained. The dress was low-cut down to nearly halfway down her chest, meaning almost the entire expanse of her cleavage was on display. And with her breasts stuffed tightly in the dress, pressed together firmly, there was a lot of cleavage to see. The golden orbs of her soft, tanned breasts looked amazing, the curves of the upper slopes looking almost artful in its immaculate smooth roundness, while the manner in which the soft flesh poured over the edges of the tight red dress looked almost obscene.

The slim straps of the red dress dug into her shoulders from the colossal force her massive breasts were exerting upon it, bursting to escape, held in place by those stretched bands of material. Her lithe, smooth arms were left completely exposed, the skin there looking smooth and soft, eager to be touched. The back of the dress exposed almost as much flesh as the front, her upper back left bare by the slinky garment.

She'd left from work early, making sure she was primped and plucked and perfect in every way. Her nails were perfect. Her makeup was on point, her eyes looking smoky and entrancing, and her lips adorned with a matching, glossy red lipstick that was undeniably sexy. Her long black hair was cascading down her back in waves. And to complete the look, she'd picked out a matching pair of very sexy, VERY expensive red high heels. They made her legs look amazing, and her perfect ass look even better.

Even as someone who was well aware of how hot her friend was, Kendall was taken aback at how unbelievably sexy she looked. Kendall wasn't far behind, wearing a slim, sexy black cocktail dress, not quite as tight as her friend's, but not far behind. The statuesque brunette's body looked amazing, the knee-length dress clinging to her round juicy ass and mammoth, full double-F cup breasts. While her dress wasn't as obscene as Stacy's, she was still showing a lot of skin, showcasing a fair amount of the valley between her big fake tits. She had been in charge of getting everything together for the party, so she hadn't left the office, not having as much time as her boss to get ready-to-go, opting to prep quickly in her own office. But considering how much less time she'd had to get ready, she looked damn near as hot as her friend. Her makeup was great, her hair looked great. She'd even gotten a little more festive than Stacy, putting a cute Christmassy bow in her hair.

Kendall hadn't seen Stacy walk in, the boss-lady taking her things straight to her office as soon as she returned. It was only when she stepped out from her office to the open area of the workspace, sashaying to the entrance where Kendall was welcoming guests, did the brunette see how incredible her boss looked.

"Stacy..." Kendall said, smiling and shaking her head, impressed. "You'd better hope this guy's worth all the trouble." She couldn't take her eyes off that insanely tight dress. "You look great, but that dress can't be very comfortable."
