Dr. White's Code of Sluts Ch. 02 Pt. 01


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"Nice to meet you," he croaked out, a little taken aback by what just happened. For a moment, he feared this woman, based solely on the effect she'd had on him, as he'd never felt anything like that before. He glanced at Kendall just to look away from his wife's boss, and the beautiful, busty brunette smiled warmly at him, too.

Her senses highly attuned in this moment, Elizabeth sensed something off with her husband's response. He was so empathetic that perhaps in that mere handshake he could sense something deeply wicked in Stacy. For such a good-hearted man, perhaps coming across an evil bitch like her shook him to his core. He suddenly seemed somewhat intimidated by her. In a way, this was the best possible outcome. He wasn't blind to her tricks. He wasn't naïve to her true nature. He was on guard.

This was perfect, right?

Ryan re-gathered himself, shaking off that strange moment, centering himself once more. He'd always been good at re-establishing his equilibrium whenever it got upset, and he did the same now. Putting back on that warm smile and rubbing his wife's back, he acted as if nothing at all had happened. He'd figure out what had actually gone on here later.

"Well," Stacy said, staring only at Ryan, ignoring Elizabeth. "I hope you have fun! Feel free to get drinks. I'm buying, so go ahead and get blasted on my dime. And just... go crazy! I want this party to be one of legend, haha! And, of course... Merry Christmas!" she said with pep, grinning at him.

"Thanks! Merry Christmas!" they said in unison, Ryan nodding at the two women and walking past them into the office proper.

Elizabeth glanced at her husband, waiting to see what he'd say. She would, of course, often unload to her husband about the somewhat negative environment at work, with Stacy usually the star of the show, so he knew her feelings on Stacy. But now, after weeks of dread about this moment, she wanted to hear what he was thinking. Glancing at his wife to see her already looking at him, he simply smiled warmly at Elizabeth.

"Well..." he began with a smile. "She seems nice."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and elbowed him lightly in the ribs as he laughed. She knew her husband's tone, and she now knew for sure that he saw Stacy in the same way she did. He saw that she was an evil, wicked bully. He didn't let anything she did actually affect him. While the night wasn't over, she could now breathe a little easier, as her nightmare scenario of Stacy seducing and fucking Ryan now seemed far more unlikely. She relaxed as she entered the party, clutching her husband's hand as she cuddled up against him.

Stacy's eyes stayed on Ryan as he walked away, looking at him possessively, ready to sink her claws in him this instant. Fuck... her body was screaming for it already! She'd felt the same thing he did, her body lighting up as if struck by an electric charge upon their first skin-to-skin contact. She was already very, very wet.

"Oh my God, you guys totally just had a moment together, didn't you?" Kendall asked, grinning. Stacy nodded emphatically.

"I mean, there's no doubt now," Stacy began. "By the end of the night, me and Ryan are gonna be fucking!"

"You know," Kendall began, no one else waiting in line to enter the party to overhear. "I didn't see it at first, but now... I kinda get it. He's hot!"

Stacy turned to look up at her friend.

"He's hot," she began, eyes locked on his back. "And he's mine!"


As Ryan and his wife settled into the party, grabbing a drink and chatting with some of the other attendees, his mind was on what had just happened.

He went over what he knew about Stacy. From his wife's stories, it sounded like she was a real piece of work, being rude and demanding, running things like she was the cool girl in high school and being super cliquey with those she liked and dismissive to those she didn't, to the point of being downright mean. Elizabeth said that the higher ups all loved her, so there was zero chance of her getting in trouble for her bad behavior.

Ryan knew the type. So, when he walked into the office and met her for the first time, he was not surprised to find her to be all smiles and friendly. Women like her knew how to evade trouble, how to put on a friendly face to hide their true intentions. At an event like this, he knew someone like her wouldn't dare show the same face she showed her employees on a daily basis. Of course, she wanted all the guests to think she was this great, amazing, perfect boss, but Ryan wasn't fooled. He could see right through her act. While he obviously believed his wife in all her negative stories about Stacy, no one was above overexaggerating about someone they didn't like, so he couldn't t say for sure to what degree she actually was as bad as his wife claimed. But he certainly knew she wasn't as perfect as she was trying to portray, so his first impression of her didn't fully shatter his expectations.

But what Ryan didn't expect was for Stacy to be so hot.

Like any man, he'd of course come across many super-hot women through the years, in high school, college, and in his professional life. But he'd never met someone as insanely gorgeous and sexy as Stacy. Holy crap! She was stunning, but that felt like too pedestrian a word to describe someone like her. She was one of the most attractive women he'd ever seen. And while some women possessed a fresh-faced, pure beauty which brightened whichever room they were in, her style of beauty was the opposite. An intense, severe, aggressive style of not just beauty but sexiness, so insanely attractive that the pressure was turned up whenever you were near her. As hot as any model, probably hotter than most, and she had been right there in front of him, in the flesh, his wife's boss. And she clearly knew it, as she was dressed to impress, her tight red dress showcasing a lot of skin. Showcasing her gigantic round breasts, and a lot of her smooth, deep cleavage.

Ryan was no prude, and certainly no wilting flower regarding sexual things. While he didn't have an insane level of experience as a guy who was mostly single up till he met Elizabeth, he knew the way of things by finding an occasional outlet in porn throughout the years, like most guys his age did. But unlike some, who got REALLY into it, really into the big tits and the asses and the rough, nasty fucking; he enjoyed it in moderation, keeping it in its proper place, never getting TOO into it. That type of action had its place, and it was certainly fun to watch, but it wasn't something he truly aspired to partake in. As twee as it may sound, he saw more value in the real thing. Real connections. Real sex. Not the cartoon fucking involving women with cartoonish proportions and an insane hunger for sex.

So, to have someone like that, someone who could fit right into one of those movies, standing right in front of him, with her intense beauty and her insane measurements... it certainly caught him off guard. And this wasn't just any woman, but his wife's boss. Having someone like that in front of him, someone so insanely gorgeous, with such ridiculous curves... his body reacted before his mind could fully process what he was seeing. For a moment, she'd incited a base itch in his lizard brain before his thoughtful mind could reel his body back under control.

He prided himself on being steady and even-keeled, often being the mediator, the middleman between opposing forces, trusted enough to be unbiased and fair. It had been a long time since he'd lost his cool in a situation like this, a very long time. And while he didn't have the most extensive dating history, when he blossomed in his college years, he did start to get some female attention. At first, he did indeed get caught off guard by these interactions, this sort of thing so foreign to him that he didn't know what to make of it. Luckily, by that point, he was with Elizabeth, so he didn't make any mistakes and fall in with the wrong type of girl, but he was certainly flattered by the sudden attention. This thing became more and more common as he blossomed further, as he grew up and filled out and became the handsome and fit man he was now. And while some small part of him still felt flattered by the attention, he was always good about turning away such things gently, stifling any wayward thoughts, reinforcing his commitment to Elizabeth.

But while those women were all extremely attractive, Stacy was at a whole other level. So insanely hot that just being in her presence, shaking her hand, making eye contact... it was enough to send a rush through him that he'd never before experienced. Enough to make her touch cause goosebumps to rise on his forearm, enough to make his loyal eyes steal a glimpse at her impressive valley of cleavage. He wondered if she knew what she'd incited in him, as she'd technically not done anything untoward here. She'd held his gaze during their intros to each other, and he could see a playfulness and confidence in her gaze that let him know she seemed to genuinely be happy to meet him, despite her frosty reputation. It was probably a privilege few earned, and he could feel a weird sense of pride that he'd somehow made a good impression on someone with a history of liking so few.

It was almost no wonder someone as appealing as her saw herself as superior to others. It was almost no surprise she ran her office that way, with only her and people like her in the preferred caste. Hell, even the woman standing next to her, Kendall, would eclipse damn near all the other girls he'd ever met in terms of appeal. She was hot, too. But damn... she was no Stacy.

Most would take this response as a warning, that perhaps it wasn't a good idea for a guy like him to be in a woman like Stacy's presence. But Ryan was not like most. He'd taken in this new information, this new danger, he'd noted it internally and learned from it. He was not one to run from his problems. He was one to face them. He was on a mission to cool Stacy's feelings towards his wife. To make his wife's work life easier so she didn't have to come home most nights with a new complaint about her boss making her life a nightmare. To do that, he'd not only have to interact with her again, but win her over. She'd clearly taken some sort of liking to him, so he was halfway there. And now that he'd reckoned with her insane appeal, he could talk with her again without being so strongly affected by her. He would encourage those positive feelings she felt towards him, and in doing so, she'd feel warm enough towards him that perhaps those feelings would extend to Elizabeth as well. They didn't need to be best friends, but if he could at least make Stacy cordial towards his wife he'd count that as a victory.

Ryan went over all this in his head as he stood next to his wife. As she talked to a coworker, he took in the expanse of the office space. Whoever had put this together had done a good job, decorations hanging from the ceiling, white Christmas lights providing the only light, giving the whole event a classy, moody feel. Christmas music was playing as the DJ they'd hired controlled the music. In the center of the office space was a large Christmas tree, fully adorned, lit with white Christmas lights as well, even with presents underneath. Despite showing up roughly on time, a lot of people were already here, workers and spouses, all dressed up nice, all seeming to be chatting amiably, sipping on drinks and snacking on finger foods. His stomach rumbled, stirring him into the present. Re-entering the moment, he looked across at his wife's coworker's husband and nodded, before making small talk, going to an old, safe standby.


In his younger years, when he was a bit gawkier and dorkier, this was one of the ways he formed friendships with other guys. Ryan was a HUGE sports fan. Not the type that would tailgate and use it as an excuse to get wasted. No, he just loved the majesty of it. The competition. The epic feuds. The beautiful victories and heartbreaking defeats. When he was younger, he was into sports cards of all types, and that's where he got obsessed with stats. That carried over into adulthood where he was also into fantasy sports, and things as obsessive as sports analytics, the Moneyball type stuff. He certainly wasn't the type of insane fantasy guys who made it a main focus in life, but he loved it all the same. And he rarely got into conversations about analytics, as it was far too niche for most. In talking with someone he didn't know, he kept it basic, as he did here and now, talking about the basketball games from the previous night.

Elizabeth was happy to see her husband fitting in so easily among her office mates and their spouses. He was always far more social and extroverted than she was, so these things came far more easily to him than they ever did to her. She rolled her eyes as he talked sports, clearly happy to find someone he could talk to about stuff like that, since that type of thing didn't interest her in the slightest. As her husband talked sports-ball or whatever with the guy across from him, Elizabeth talked to her coworkers about Christmas plans. This went on until she suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned with a smile to see who was getting her attention, only for her stomach to drop as she realized it was Stacy, stepping in between her and Ryan, pushing her out of the way ever so slightly and looking right towards her husband, blocking out his wife from his sight with her delicious frame and almost matching her profile, except her firm, shapely ass jutting out far further out from her body than Elizabeth's did. And also, of course, her enormous breasts protruding out lewdly from her slim, fit, petite body, way more than Elizabeth's miniscule pair did

"You talking about the Warriors game?" she interjected, having overheard him talking.

"Yeah!" Ryan said, eyes lighting up in surprise, both by her sudden appearance and her interest in the conversation. He steeled himself as she entered his presence, hoping to avoid any more awkward moments where he let her intense looks and hot body catch him off guard.

"I was at that game!" Stacy stated proudly.

"Really?" Ryan asked in a friendly tone.

"My Dad has had box seats for Warriors games for thirty years!" Stacy told him. "I'm there all the time!"

"I'm jealous you were at the game last night," Ryan said genuinely. "I mean, triple overtime!"

"And the buzzer beater to tie it!" Stacy announced.

"It was crazy!" Ryan said with an excited grin.

He was excited about this development. He wouldn't have guessed Elizabeth's boss was a huge Warriors fan like him. But this was perfect! A way to bond. A way for him to possibly soften her feelings towards Elizabeth by creating a bond between her and him. He turned to face her directly as he continued the conversation.

"So, you're a big Warriors fan?" he asked. She gave him a slightly withering look along with her trademark stunning grin, as if he didn't know how badly he was underestimating her.

"A HUGE fan!" she said, a champagne flute held between her fingers. "Name any major home game in the last 20 years and I was probably there."

"So, you've seen them win the title?" he asked.

"Yeah, like four times!" she stated proudly.

"Were you there when that big brawl happened a few years back?" he asked.

"I was looking down at them and cheering!" she claimed.

"Were you there when Walker hit that halfcourt shot in game 7?" he quizzed.

"I was sitting in the front row!" she said emphatically. He shook his head, almost in disbelief.

"I gotta say, I'm a little jealous," he stated truthfully, shaking his head and smiling, with just a hint of disbelief. This was something that her trained eye caught immediately.

"If you don't believe me, I can prove it," she said, smiling and shaking her head. She reached into her small red clutch to grab her phone.

In this moment, he was struck by the image in front of him. Moving to face Stacy had allowed him a view where she was to his right, and on the left was Elizabeth, looking on nervously as her boss and her husband chatted. He couldn't help but notice the contrast between the two women. On one side, his wife, standing there cutely and sheepishly, dressed in a puffy Christmas sweater and comfy fitted black pants. Dressed to be festive and fun, her outfit looking nice on her slim frame, something you'd wear to a family Christmas party with her folks. Then there was Stacy, the opposite of his wife in so many ways. Dark, well-styled hair, compared to his wife's blonde, casual, un-styled look. Stacy's makeup, perfectly applied, accentuating her incredible good looks, her immaculately applied eyeshadow, smoky mascara, glossy lipstick, and no doubt so many other things beyond his limited understanding to make her look hotter than most models. And Elizabeth, never one to put in a ton of time on such thing, yet nevertheless looking cute and lovely anyways, her snowy skin looking unblemished in the evening light. Stacy had a hot body, and she knew it, choosing a garment specifically designed to show her delicious frame off. A form-fitting red dress that hugged her slim yet stacked body, showcasing all her best assets, which for her were many. And it was doing just that, specifically in exposing so much of her enormous, round breasts, the golden flesh of her massive melons practically glowing in the dim evening light, the dark crevasse succeeding at drawing forth the gaze of any man in her radius.

Elizabeth looked cute and girlish and youthful, dressed to look comfortable and fun. Stacy, dressed to impress, establishing that she was no mere girl but all woman, with a woman's body, a woman's ass, a woman's breasts, unlike the woman next to her. Her tanned, golden skin suited her body perfectly, showing a great effort to make her delicious frame look as appealing as possible in every way. It indicated a confidence in herself and a lack of shyness about showing herself off, all qualities that were very attractive. At the same time, Elizabeth's pale skin indicated the opposite, showing that she was far shyer and reserved when it came to showing herself off or even simply putting herself out there in any way.

Ryan would be naïve to not noticed these things, this marked contrast between the two women. And while he was a little more shielded against the sudden impact of her insane appeal, he still found himself affected by how unbelievably sexy Stacy was. He'd never once had any thoughts of infidelity. Even in his past he'd never cheated, although part of that was because he didn't have the most active dating life in the world. And even in the moments where he was with Elizabeth, and he did get flirted with by other women, he'd been able to deftly and politely dissuade those women's pursuit. But he'd never been faced with someone as sexy as Stacy, so this was a whole other level of visual temptation. And despite keeping himself steady and even keeled, he couldn't just ignore how appealing she was. He couldn't look past the fact that she was sexier than any woman he'd ever seen, which by rule meant that Stacy was far more gorgeous and sexy than Elizabeth. But that didn't mean much in the grand scheme of things. He wasn't about to cheat on his wife, because as hot as Stacy was, there were more important things than overwhelming sexual appeal. And luckily, even though he was in her presence, it wasn't like she was hitting on him, because why would a girl like her hit on a guy like him?

She was just acting nice.

He watched as she pulled her phone from her purse and started scrolling through pictures. Finding what she was looking for, she crossed over the distance between them and suddenly stood next to him. Holding her phone out in front of her, she displayed a picture of her clearly at the Warriors arena, dispelling any doubts of her story. She started scrolling through pictures of her in the box seats, her on the floor, her celebrating Warriors victories, some pictures with some of the team execs, and even some of her with players.