Dr. White's Code of Sluts Ch. 02 Pt. 01


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"I'm fine," Stacy replied, giving her friend an annoyed side-eye as she smoothed out the material along her sides.

Kendall knew Stacy well enough to know she would never show weakness, but that didn't stop Kendall from poking at her. Stacy was normally very fit and annoyingly skinny, but like a fighter making weight before a fight by eating the bare minimum, she clearly had done the same to fit in this extra-tight dress, somehow looking even more trim than usual. She looked amazing, of course, but it was probably not the healthiest approach. Therein lies the perils of being a sexy modern woman.

"When was the last time you had a real meal?" Kendall asked sympathetically.

"Like... two weeks, maybe more..." Stacy admitted. Kendall shook her head.

"Aren't you hungry?" the taller woman asked.

"I'm fine!" Stacy repeated, again not wanting to show any vulnerability. Kendall paused then smirked.

"Well, look at it this way," Kendall began with a grin. "If all goes well, you'll be chugging Elizabeth's husband's cum for dinner tonight, so you won't be hungry for much longer!" Stacy laughed at this, and the couple that walked in at the end of Kendall's sentence gave them both an odd look, having heard half of what she'd said. Stacy watched the entranceway, clearly waiting for Elizabeth and her husband to appear. Kendall gave her a knowing look.

"So... what if he's not as hot as your doctor friend said he was?" Kendall asked, curious about what would happen if Elizabeth's husband was not worth all the build-up.

"I think I'll have to fuck him on principle, at this point," Stacy said, taking a sip from Kendall's champagne flute. Kendall laughed. "And if he sucks... I'll just fuck one of the other husbands," she said, scanning the slowly filling office. Kendall winced at this as she saw the lackluster prospects, including the chubby, slightly balding husband of one of their employees front and center, probably the best of the bunch in terms of sexual potential. Stacy rolled her eyes as she realized the same. The most appealing men were employees, and she'd already fucked the ones worth fucking. Sure, she could fuck one of them again, but the idea didn't terribly appeal to her. Some were quite good at sex, but they wouldn't give her that extra oomph she was looking for. And besides... most of them were probably too scared of Stacy by this point to let her have her way with them. Smirking, an idea hitting her, she then looked up at her taller, brunette friend. "Well, if all else fails, I'll let you live out your dream and let you go to town on me." Kendall laughed.

"Don't tempt me with a good time," Kendall replied, a slight heat in her tone that let Stacy know that she wouldn't be altogether opposed to going toe-to-toe with her in bed. She was about to say something else when the ping of the elevator arriving hit their ears, and they both turned in unison to look at the new arrivals.

It was them.

Both of the women's eyes went right past the mousy blonde Elizabeth, finally laying eyes on the man whose level of appeal had been the million-dollar question. Chatting amiably with his wife, laughing and grinning, one hand resting gently on her back as they approached the office, the women had free reign to check him out.

Stacy was somewhat taken aback, as he wasn't exactly what she expected. But as soon as she thought about it, she realized how foolish her initial expectation was. After all the build-up, part of her had expected him to be some sort of confident, swaggering giga-stud, a model out of some cologne ad, a tall square-jawed hunk with perfect hair, a closely shorn beard, shredded abs, a great ass and a huge swinging cock. But such a thing was impossible... a man like that would never marry a woman like Elizabeth. He could do so much better.

But the man she was seeing... she could understand someone like him ending up with a girl like Lizzy. Not that he didn't have a high level of appeal, quite the opposite in fact. He was dressed well, a flattering, green button-up top, some stylish grey slacks that fit him just right. He was tall, and very well-built, both positives in Stacy's eyes. And his well-fitted pants seemed to portent very good things in regards of what he was working with downstairs, which was very promising to the petite, cock-hungry size-queen. But there was something very boyish about him. A purity and optimism and genuine friendliness that she rarely encountered in her day-to-day life. He was very handsome and clean-cut, with glasses that gave him a somewhat more intellectual vibe than his frame might imply. There was something very... wholesome... about him, to a degree that didn't exactly click for her. It was just... he seemed like a guy any girl's parents would love. The type of guy your parents would think is perfect boyfriend material, ignoring the types of things that actually appeal to young women. Her initial vibe of him made her think that he was kind of just too good. A nice, friendly, good-looking guy with little to no edge whatsoever. Nothing objectionable. Nothing disrespectful. He'd probably be a perfect gentleman to any girl he was interested in.

But Stacy wasn't looking for a gentleman. She wasn't looking to be respected. She was looking to be worshipped. She was looking to have her juicy body worshipped in the way it deserved by a guy built to handle it. This guy... he seemed too nice for that.

An immediate wave of panicked disappointment started to rush through Stacy, wondering how the doctor could have been so wrong. He was cute, sure. He was actually really cute, to be honest, studying him quickly. Maybe if he threw away those glasses, didn't shave for a few days... that would definitely cut through that boyishness and give him an overt masculine edge that he really needed. He sort of looked like he was in a movie where they tried to make the handsome movie star look like a nerd, only for the third act reveal that he was actually a super hunk. And the guy in those movies would reach that point after falling in love with his cute, sweet future soulmate, and it was only that world-altering feeling that compelled him to change his looks.

But this was real life, and men weren't actually programmed like that. In her experience, no matter how professional and mature they were, no matter how much they might claim otherwise, men didn't want love. Not really. They wanted sex! Hot, nasty sex with beautiful women. There were some who did their best to pretend they were above all that, but in the end, none where. All these so-called saints and gentlemen were no better than a nasty, wicked slut like her. She'd experienced it far too many times to ignore. There were men in her past who she genuinely liked and respected, and without fail they eventually revealed their true nature. Their true desires. Their desperate need to experience Stacy's hot body above all else. Guys wanted to fuck hot women. Men wanted to fuck her. And no number of denials or claims otherwise would prevent that.

So, in that sense, this pure, boyish, handsome husband of Elizabeth did want to fuck Stacy. He just hadn't admitted it yet.

God, what would a guy like him be like in bed? He was probably so loving and kind and patient and gentle with Elizabeth. Ugh! Boring! He probably claimed to enjoy 'making love.' Gross. He wouldn't know the first thing to do with someone like Stacy. It was almost laughable to imagine someone like him in bed with a stone-cold slut like her. He would be terrified! With the type of dismal experience a girl like Elizabeth probably gave him, he'd probably barely ever had to try with her. Which was a damn shame, because he had a tall, fit, strong-looking body. And with the glances she kept stealing at the married man's bulge, his equipment was very impressive. Like... REALLY impressive. With the proper training, namely egregious amounts of sex, he could be something special. Really special. Elizabeth's lowly efforts at sex meant he'd only had to use 1% of his true potential. If another had gotten to him first, a real nasty whore like her, he'd be an entirely different man. A real fucking stud. That giga-stud of her dreams.

A wave of excitement suddenly passed through her. He wasn't a full-out stud. Not yet. But he could be. He could be made that way. A slut like her could change him. No... a slut like her would TOTALLY change him. Warp his good nature. Corrupt him. That was it! That was the juice! That was the appeal. He wasn't coming to her fully formed, ripe for the plucking. No...he had potential. He was pure. Untainted by the darkness of the world. A moldable ball of clay, to be formed and warped at will. Perhaps that's what the doctor saw here. She knew Elizabeth was such a shy little mouse that she couldn't possibly hold onto a man, and she'd no doubt gleaned that her husband had the potential to be used for some very wicked things. If a slut with a strong enough will, with an aggressive enough sexuality were to meet a man like him, she could sink her claws in him. She could dig those claws into that moldable mind of his and really fuck him up. She could destroy that boyishness... that purity... that kind spirit... She could warp it all and corrupt his soul. Change him forever into something both so much worse and something WAY better! That's definitely what the doctor saw in him. A handsome, kind, pure-hearted soul that could be sent into a viper's nest and not even see it coming.

Stacy could demolish him! She could warp that pure mind, corrupt his soul like that! Wasn't that so much better than the simple seduction of a regular guy? Instead of a one-time encounter, she could change a man's heart, change him permanently. She could impose her wickedness into someone pure. Not only would that transform him into someone far worse yet far more appealing, but it would also absolutely destroy his wife. What could be worse than seeing another woman change your man beyond anything you could ever manage? Fuck... this was pretty exciting...

Stacy looked at him with new eyes. Where she once saw a cloying level of friendly boyishness, she now saw someone pure who was poised to be corrupted. Where she once saw someone so good-hearted that any attempts at seduction would be a dead end, she now saw raw potential in him. Beyond the boyish glasses, beyond the clean-cut appeal, beyond the friendly demeanor, there was a sex-crazy stud there bursting to get out. He was handsome, for sure. He had a great body. Full, masculine legs. A fit chest. Well-built. Strong arms. And stealing another glance at his crotch, she had no doubt he was packing some serious heat. Of course! How could she not have seen it before? The game was in the corruption. The poisoning of something pure. Changing someone in a permanent, real way. Imagine being so fucking hot that a man would warp his own soul just so he could have you. And doing the job so thoroughly that even his soulmate wouldn't recognize him. Fuck... that was really hot!

Dr. White had said something along these lines the first time they met, about it being so much better not to just fuck a guy willing to cheat, but fucking a guy who didn't want to cheat. Now she understood. Now she saw it with crystal clear vision, the beauty of it. And now, thanks to her scheming, the wicked evil slut was about to meet a kind-hearted man who was just oh so corruptible...

As he got closer in the line of people passing by her to enter the party, her feelings had completely flipped from her first impression. Sure, he looked like a guy that would let you copy his math homework, but she could see the man he could truly be. The giga-stud born out of the shell of someone so pure and kind. As he got closer, she saw what he could truly be, a confident, swaggering stud with a hot body and a massive cock. But instead of being lost in the trap that arrogant guys like that always fall into, he could still have that tinge of purity in his core, making his corruption not just a single act but a lifetime project. A man so desperate to be in the light but forever drawn to the darkness, trapped there. And instead of living a life of calm domestic peace with his wife, he'd be trapped in a constant vortex of sex so filthy that even someone as good as him couldn't resist it's pull. Instead of an easy life with his soulmate, he instead chooses to live a life where that same soul is constantly being corrupted by Stacy's perfect ass, tight pussy, and huge round tits! Yes! It sounded so good! He WAS the giga-stud of her dreams! But he needed her help to get there.

As Kendall and her greeted the incoming guests, she couldn't stop stealing glances at Elizabeth's husband. Her blood was rushing. Her nipples were stiffening. Her pussy was getting wet. The Asian slut's body was readying itself for sex, and the man she planned to do it with was finally standing right in front of her.

"Hi!" Stacy greeted them with a huge smile, putting her best foot forward upon her first meeting with Elizabeth's husband. Kendall did the same, smiling and greeting the happy couple.

"Hi..." Elizabeth replied with far less vigor. Ryan knew how nervous she was, and he'd done his best to pump her up and get her ready for this event that she was clearly dreading. Elizabeth had welcomed his guiding hand on her back, keeping her from freaking out and running away. And immediately upon entering the office, her alarm bells were freaking out. How could this bitch even pretend to be so friendly and peppy to her after the things she'd said mere hours prior? It was maddening! But most pressingly, beyond her evil boss acting like she was the friendly, happy boss greeting them with that fake grin of hers, Elizabeth finally took notice of her boss's outfit.

Stacy looked amazing! She looked like a fucking model! As much as she hated her boss, she couldn't deny her appeal. That was the problem. She was as hot as she was evil. That red dress of hers was glued to her slim, stacked body. Jesus... her boobs looked massive. Absolutely mammoth! Jesus... no, wait, there was no Jesus here, cause the Lord wouldn't reward a woman as evil as her with a body that perfect. She was showing SO much cleavage... fuck. Her tits looked like they were about to burst out of that dress, the soft, squeezable flesh pouring over the edges of her outfit. She was dressed as if this was a cocktail event, not a loose, fun Christmas party. No, that wasn't cocktail party dress... it was far too slutty for that. It was like she was wearing a prom dress, designed to both highlight her hot body and impress the guys. Kayla probably wore something like this when she went to prom, too. And she probably impressed a lot of guys as well...

How could anyone not notice how good she looked, let alone Ryan? No one could be blamed for sneaking a peek at all the juicy flesh she was showing, not even her husband. She slowly glanced at him, and luckily, he had passed the first test. He wasn't slobbering like a dog at the sight of Stacy. He was keeping his eyes straightforward, not budging when faced down with the insane temptation the bitch was offering. He was a good man, and he wouldn't be affected by a display this garish.

She was heartened by this, but then again, she had to reckon with her own inadequacy. She had an extremely flat chest, a point of shame both inward and outward, as friends, rivals, relatives, and idols had all poked fun at or made light of her tiny little breasts. When her friends poked fun at her small boobs, it was intended in good humor, even if the jokes cut her to the core. That was the intended outcome when her rivals ridiculed her mosquito bites, and they got their wish, as girls like Kayla called out her lack of a chest in a very public fashion, humiliating her in the eyes of those around her. Some of her female relatives, like her mom, made gentle but wise comments advising her about the added challenges a girl like her would face. While other relatives, like her busty, promiscuous older cousin, would make far more cutting remarks. Even women that she idolized, like her favorite professor in college, an acclaimed, intellectual and remarkable woman, made a passing remark about her petite boobies so offhand and without second thought that it was as if her small breasts were just a known, ingrained and accepted fact about her. It was so obvious and so without question that admirable, thoughtful women like her professor could say it and not even realize that it was a humiliating thing to point out.

And it was as if both Stacy and Kendall, who was standing next to Stacy wearing a dress that wasn't quite as slutty as Stacy's but damn near as proficient at showing off her big breasts, were pointing out without saying a word that they had big, round, perfect tits, and she didn't. That they were actual, hot-bodied women, and she was a girl, barely a woman, lesser than them in all the ways that count. Their outfits reflected that, showcasing their bodies and flattering themselves in all the right ways, leaving no doubt about their privileged state on the totem pole. And with her outfit, a pair of simple black pants and a big puffy sweater, she felt much more like a girl compared to these women. And she couldn't help from commenting on it.

"Oh..." she began, glancing down at herself. "I feel a little underdressed." Looking around the office, it felt like everyone was really dressed up, far more than she was. She'd gone to Kendall to ask to what the dress code for the party was, and she was told 'business-casual, but festive', and she'd thought her outfit fit the bill. But clearly, she'd misunderstood. For a moment, she wondered if this was all some elaborate plot on Stacy's part to make her look inferior compared to them, but she realized that was probably a step too far. She doubted Stacy gave her that much thought. Elizabeth had made her comment with a laugh, her comment seemingly innocent, but Stacy's eyes narrowed ever so slightly, and Elizabeth feared she'd already annoyed her in some way. But then her expression changed, morphing back into that brilliant grin.

"Oh, nonsense," Stacy began, waving away such a concern with her hand, making her giant boobs jiggle as she did so. "You look... cute." Kendall nodded in agreement. A pang of fear hit her, as this little comment hidden behind a smile hit right on her fears of what was actually going on here. But Stacy was quickly done with the young blonde, as her eyes immediately moved on to greet her husband. "Lizzy never told us she was married. And you are?"

"Ryan," he stated with a friendly grin, extending his hand to Stacy. Elizabeth's eyes went slightly wide, as now her husband and Stacy would be soon making physical contact for the first time.

"Stacy!" she stated with a hungry grin, sliding her palm into Ryan's grasp, shaking it. Almost immediately upon their hands clasping, his body reacted, goosebumps rising up his arm, a spark of excitement hitting him out of nowhere. His eyes widened ever so slightly at this, as he'd never felt anything like this. And as she held his gaze in hers, he wondered if she felt it too. Her skin felt so soft in his palm, and for an ever so brief moment his gaze flicked down despite himself, stealing a quick glimpse at her juicy, eye-catching cleavage. But it was just for a moment as he immediately caught himself. What the hell was that? He prided himself on his self-control and ability to stay unaffected and unbiased in his decision making. And for the shortest of moments, his mind had been clouded by a sensation he'd never encountered, and his wayward eyes had taken advantage.

There was a moment of heavy silence as Ryan and Stacy stood with hands clasped, looking at each other. Before it went on long enough as to raise his wife's alarms, Ryan pulled back, sliding his hand from hers.

"It's very nice to meet you, Ryan!" she greeted him, looking him straight in the eyes, never looking away.
