Dr. White's Code of Sluts Ch. 02 Pt. 04


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For what felt like an eternity, they were together in the water like this, pressed together, his cock hard even in the water, wedged between her round, juicy ass-cheeks. While this was an accidental collision, she didn't seem to be terribly desperate to reject this closeness, melting into his body, wiggling her butt ever so slightly against his straining crotch. As he 'caught' her against him, his hands fell to her hips, and together in the water, they shared a moment which could only be described as intimate, these two attractive people pressed against each other, alone in the water, each staying silent as they savored this moment. This experience, this closeness with a young woman who was very clearly not his wife... it sent his mind careening into some wicked places.

Catching himself, he pulled himself back, apologizing. But she simply grinned, saying she didn't mind, acting as if nothing untoward had happened between them. He offered to support her as they walked back to the beach, aiding her hurt ankle. She happily accepted this offer, putting her arm on his shoulder, which came as a challenge since he was far taller than her. She joked that he should just throw her over his shoulder and carry her, doing so in just a way that made it clear she would totally be happy if he did just that. But he played it off as a joke, supporting her as they stepped out of the water. Luckily, her ankle seemed totally fine as soon as they reached the sand, no longer requiring his help. But she was super thankful, to the point of her inviting him out for dinner as thanks. He was on alert enough at this point to realize this was a bad idea, his mind flashing to him and Kendall getting 'drinks'. Her face flashed a look of extreme disappointment before recovering, playing it off as if it was fine, returning to her Zen, chill, normal self.

Jake jacked off thinking about this moment as soon as he got home, already regretting this missed opportunity.

Things like this just kept happening. After taking a work lunch with some clients, he got stuck behind at the restaurant because of their credit card system was having issues. As he waited at the register to pay, the hot blonde cashier began chatting him up to the point where he realized quickly she was flirting with him. And when the card seemingly went through, she made sure to put her personal cell phone on the receipt, just in case there was an issue, that he could call or text her anytime.

She was hot, for sure, but he was baffled that things like this kept happening again and again seemingly out of nowhere. Was he giving off some sort of energy as if he were available? Or down for more extra-marital action? What was going on?

This encounter was still on his mind as he made his way back to his office, only getting stopped in his tracks by his secretary getting his attention.

"Hey, that woman that was here a few weeks ago... the one that did that sexual harassment seminar..." she began. Jake began to panic.

"Kendall?" he questioned. The secretary grinned.

"Yeah!" she replied. "So, she's in your office. She said she'd received a complaint about someone here. She wanted to talk to you about it, so I let her in. I hope that's okay..."

Jake looked up at his closed office. She was in there... right there. The woman of his dreams... his nightmares. She'd been tormenting him in his memories, and he was shocked she'd been so silent since. But now, she was in his office. Fuck! What was he gonna do? Maybe the given reason was genuine... or maybe she was here for something else. Jake's already stiff prick jumped in his pants, and he had to shake his head clear.

"That's fine..." he croaked out, not even looking at his secretary as he stepped past her into his office. He'd have to deal with this at some point. Time to test his resolve. To see if his life as he knew it could continue. Stepping into his office, he couldn't deny the thrill that went through him at the sight of Kendall seated in front of his desk. She looked up from her phone upon his entrance, her gorgeous face lighting up as she saw him, standing up to greet him.

She looked amazing, of course. But whereas before, when she did her seminar, she was dressed totally professionally in the office, today... she was letting her true self out a bit more. Her skirt was a little shorter and tighter, showing more thigh. Her legs were adorned with stockings that were a little more sexy, silky black stockings that flattered her taut calves. And her white top was a little more unbuttoned than it had been last time, enough to showcase a fair bit more cleavage than would be proper for someone conducting a sexual harassment seminar. His eyes went straight to that smooth cleavage between her massive full orbs, letting his gaze stay there far beyond what could be considered proper. Ryan shook his head clear as he shut the door behind him.

And it was just in time.

"Hello, lover..." Kendall greeted him, grinning wickedly. Before he could stop her, she stepped forward into his arms, hugging him and planting a kiss on his lips. He stepped back, despite how good that felt, giving her a warning look at this, pleading with her not to go down this road again. But then he caught a whiff of her sexy, girly scent, and he found his body suddenly willing itself to surrender to her again. Shaking out the cobwebs in his head, he stepped around her and sat behind his desk.

"What are you doing here, Kendall?" he said, barely hiding his displeasure at her presence. But she didn't mind, grinning at him, unaffected by his stiff tone. "Is there actually a harassment complaint?"

"Yes!" she said, smiling, her tone light and jovial. "The complaint comes from me, about you, wondering why you haven't called me!" Jake rolled his eyes. She was really doing this.

"Kendall..." he began with a stern tone. "That was... a one-time mistake. I'm not like that. I'm not looking for more of that. I mean... we had a good time, but I can't do that again." Her eyes narrowed a bit as some annoyance showed through.

"Mistake?" she questioned. She shook her head and smiled again. "No. No. That was the furthest thing from a mistake. By the end of that night, you were fucking me with confidence. You didn't want to be anywhere else but in bed, with me." Jake shook his head.

"I don't know what else to say," he replied. "It was a... weak moment. I'm honestly not that kind of guy." She gave him an amused look at this.

"So, let me step back and paint the picture of this whole thing," she began. "Years ago, I made a move on you, and you turned me away. I respected that choice, even if I didn't like it. But... my feelings were known. Years later, I return, having bettered myself in multiple ways..." she stated as his eyes flicked down to her huge fake boobs, not even pretending to be thinking about her professional growth. Only the fantastic growth of her cup size. "I return. I keep things totally professional. I learned from my mistakes and warned others against going down that road. And I leave it at that. Then... we run into each other. Outside the office. I'm on the beach in a bikini asking you to meet up for drinks... what did you seriously think was gonna happen? You had to know! You had to realize that if you said yes, there was a really good chance we'd be having sex that night. Because I made my feelings known, that I very much wanted to have sex with you..."

"Well, forgive me for thinking you'd matured..." he replied spitefully.

"And forgive me for thinking you wanted to fuck my brains out when you said yes!" she replied. "And you did! We had the best sex I've ever had... and trust me, I've had a lot of sex!" His cock jolted at hearing this, both the knowledge that she was so experienced and a pride that he was the best she'd ever had. "And then, you just ghost me. You don't call, you don't text... nothing."

"Kendall..." he began, calming himself down. "I'm a married man. It was a one-time lapse of judgment. I won't deny that I had a good time, but that's all it can be."

"You realize how bad this looks for you... right?" she began. "The boss in an office like this shouldn't host a sexual harassment seminar only to bang the woman who gave the presentation. You shouldn't comment so much about her breasts in front of her. You shouldn't take her out for drinks. You shouldn't fuck her as hard you can and then ghost her. That almost makes it worse. You shouldn't treat her like a SLUT... even if she is one..."

"I... that wasn't..." he stammered.

"If this all came out..." she started. "This would all be really bad for you! None of this makes you look good. If there was litigation... you'd probably lose. Big time! Your reputation... your job... your family... it would all go in the tank." A sinking feeling consumed Jakes's stomach.

"Are you threating me, Kendall?" he asked, a feeling of dread filling him.

"No. No! I'm not blackmailing you... why does everyone think I'm blackmailing them...?" she paused, catching herself. "Listen, I'm just saying you've been behaving VERY badly... and you shouldn't be treating your slut like this... Daddy."

"Oh!" he couldn't help but groan, that word again driving him crazy, making his cock jump in his pants. Grinning, she poked at him further.

"I really hope I'm not wasting my time here," she began. "I got the same hotel room as last time, right on the beach. I brought an even tinier bikini than last time. And right now... I'm wearing some very, VERY slutty lingerie..." Kendall crossed her legs, causing her skirt to rise up her thighs, revealing the suspenders holding up her stockings. Jake gulped. "Black mesh... totally see-through, my tits just pouring out... my cunt barely covered by the tiniest fucking g-string you can imagine..." Jake shuddered.

"And we don't even have to waste time, either. We could go back to my hotel room... RIGHT NOW... and spend the rest of the day fucking each other's brains out! You could spend the rest of the day squeezing these..." she said, jutting out her chest, her enormous fake tits straining at her top. Jake licked his lips before catching himself.

"Kendall... I have work to do..." he said weakly. She rolled her eyes and smiled.

"You've been working so hard for years! Just cut loose, Daddy..." she began, that word making him look away it was so potent to him. "Cut loose, blow off some steam, and just fuck your brains out! You had so much fun before... why not have some more? Is it really so much worse to cheat once than it would be to do it over and over again? You're either a cheater or not. And you are! You cheated on your wife already, and you loved it! I think it makes way more sense for you at this point to just let go and start demolishing pussy. You did a lot more than that with me. I mean... not only did you fuck your little slut's pussy and fill it up with that thick, sticky, daddy-cum to the point where I'm pretty sure I'm gonna end up pregnant..." she paused, his cock swelling up at hearing this, her words stoking a primal fire inside him. "Then you fucked my ass! You don't just accidentally fuck a girl up the ass unless you really want to! And you wanted it so bad! You came about ten inches deep in my fucking asshole. That means something! And then, not long after that... you came down my throat. You made your little slut swallow your cum! You don't get to just move on from that!"

As bad as this all sounded, there was a twisted logic to the point she was making. What they did was far more substantial than a one-time affair. Something had risen to the surface in him, a primal hunger being indulged. She understood this better than he did. She was simply putting words to what deep down he already knew. That he could never just move on from what he'd taken part in with Kendall. His entire world felt different now than it had before Kendall... and it was only getting more noticeable. He couldn't just undo what he'd done. He could never forget about it. How good it was. How alive he felt. How amazing Kendall was. How spectacular her body was in the flesh...

"What I was saying before..." Kendall resumed. "My point was... it looks really bad if you just rail my hot ass and walk away. If it comes out that the boss banged the sexual harassment presenter and treated her like a whore... it could get ugly for you. And I don't want that. But... if it comes out that the perfect, studly, handsome boss-man is such a hunk that he's having an ongoing affair with the smoking hot babe who warned against workplace affairs... you know what happens? You get 'atta-boy's' and knowing glances. Trust me... no one will be offended... they'll be impressed that you're hooking up with a piece of ass like me. They don't care that you're married. I don't care at all. And frankly... you shouldn't either. You deserve this. You deserve better! Don't you think I was so much better than your wife, Daddy?" she asked.

"Kendall..." he warned again for like the fifth time even as she kept pushing past his warnings. It was all he could do to not say 'YES!', to scream out how amazing she was and how much he enjoyed it. He hated how much she was immediately wearing him down. He hated how right it was starting to feel for him to think of her as his little slut. And he hated how much he loved hearing her call him 'Daddy'...

"I mean, you were screaming out how much you loved me... was that a lie? Or was that the most honest you've ever been?" she asked, knowing the answer even if he couldn't admit it just yet. She jutted out her chest, her stiff nipples very evident beneath her top. He looked into her eyes, his pained nervous gaze displaying the truth even as he tried to deny it. She grinned at his clear desire for her even as he tried to deny her.

"Kendall... we can't..." he forced out. She paused for a moment before rolling her eyes.

"I tell you what..." she started, sitting up straight. "Let's make this easy. I'm gonna leave. I'm gonna march my perfect ass out of here and head back to my hotel room, take off my clothes, and wait there in my slutty lingerie..." To punctuate this, she flipped up the front of her skirt, revealing a very tiny see-through patch of black material only barely covering her cunt. His mouth watered before she flipped her skirt back down. "If you decide to join me, I promise to not only give you the best day of your life, but offer you a future of that. But... if you deny me... that's it. Not only will this be done, but you will also never see me again. Never hear from me again. But most importantly... you will never see my body again. You will never see my ass... or my tits. You will never get to have sex with me again. You will never get to feel the type of pleasure I showed you ever again. You will live the rest of your life with boring old Nancy thinking about what-if... But if you want to live, if you want to have fun, if you want to experience the type of excitement you deserve... if there is even the smallest chance of me and you being a thing, and trust me, Daddy, there is nothing small about you... if you want that, you will come to my room. You will fuck my brains out and give us both what we so desperately need."

Jake was shocked to see her live up to her word, standing up and moving to leave. Before he could stop her, she spun on her heel, giving him a glance at her round, shapely ass in that tight skirt. But if he thought she would leave without one last shot, he was sorely mistaken, pulling at the door just as she said...

"Bye, Daddy."

It was timed just right as to both let the secretary hear what she said while also make her wonder if she misheard. A die was cast, and word might get out. His dirty deeds might be exposed.

As Kendall sauntered out of the office, Jake was frozen in place. What should he do? Everything she said was right, not just about him, but about how this whole thing would come across. If word got out, it would be really bad for him. He'd look far more guilty of something than he actually was. That being said, while he wasn't as insidious as she made him sound, he was no innocent. Clearly. So, as it stood, word getting out would be really bad. But the out she presented... she was correct. A torrid affair would make him look better than a one-night mistake. That all being said, if he held true to his word, he had to have faith that if the word ever got out at work about his one-time mistake, his truth would get out. His strength of character would take precedence.

But that didn't matter. He was married. He loved his wife. That was the core factor here. Not his work reputation. Could he actually completely betray his wife like this? He'd already betrayed her once... would it really be any worse to do it again? He wouldn't be any less guilty than his initial affair made him. He loved his wife, but... he'd experienced something incredible. A large part of him wanted to give in to Kendall, to indulge his basest desires, as wrong as it was. Could he go his whole life never experiencing that body again? He thought he'd have time to figure that out, but now... she put a shot clock on him. He had to make his decision now, and all he could think about was the only way to prolong that final definitive choice was to surrender to her, to give her what she wanted, to keep the door open to sorting it all out later. He was in a panic, trying to talk himself out of it, despite the sense it made.

A second affair really wasn't any worse than one... right? Perhaps one more night with that juicy body of hers might allow him to get it all out of his system. For good this time. But could he actually do this? Could, after all this turmoil, this pillar of morals and leadership willingly cheat on his wife... again?

No... he couldn't. Right?


The door to the elevator didn't even close behind her before it was stopped, Jake appearing there, ready to join her for the trip down.

Kendall grinned at the married man, knowing she was victorious. This was what Dr. White told her. The best way at this point to convince him to join her again was to have him convince himself. To have him make the deliberate choice to fuck her again. And if he did that, it was game over. That was the final barrier to cross, and he could never truly come back from it. Once he made that choice, there was nothing to stop him from making it again.

But even Kendall didn't think he'd surrender quite so fast!

They hadn't even made it a few floors down before Jake had one of Kendall's stiff nipples in his mouth, the delightful sensation making her shiver with pleasure. Jake Lawrence, this pillar of a professional man who'd never compromise his integrity in a work setting, was in an office elevator sucking on her big fake tits. If that wasn't a sign of her victory, that she had finally truly broke him, she didn't know what would be.

She certainly felt victorious as the man of her dreams spent the rest of the day and into the night fucking her senseless. But that wasn't to imply that he drove the action, as Kendall was the one firmly in control. But if he held back in the slightest previously, this time, he was far more active, letting go of any pretense and fucking the younger woman with nothing restraining him. He fucked her doggy style, really going to town on her perfect ass. He fucked her against the wall as well. He even fucked her over the balcony overlooking the ocean.

This time, with it being the middle of the afternoon when they got started, they did get a noise warning. Kendall had to stop riding the handsome married man to answer the door. She was amused to see it was the woman who had worked the bar last time she visited who was giving her the warning. The bartender gave her a knowing grin even as she passed along the warning. Kendall promised her that they would quiet down... if and only if the bartender gave them ten minutes to finish each other off, and also if the blonde stayed and watched. With a hungry grin, the blonde bartender silently stepped into the room and shut the door, getting the show she'd wanted weeks prior while ensuring the noise complaint was taken care of. Impressed by what she'd seen, she gave Kendall a spank on her bare ass before leaving, telling the brunette thanks for the show, even calling Jake "Daddy" before she left.
