Dragon Wars Book 1 Pt. 03


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Quen Goldeagle pulled out a memory Crystal and pointed it at the wall and showed them all the debate that took place on that provision.

Queen Quaranna stood and stated, "Enough! Until there is a lasting peace agreement all member's agreements under this contract are held to the same standard. Meaning these lands that the Elven people are giving us, the protection they are affording us, and promises that are made within this document only apply to those who remain until the end of this war, by Kingdom.

Until the Dragon's have A Draconic Peace Accord. One designed to keep them from being involved in the affairs of our world, that prevents them from subjugating us, and being involved in the wars of the other races of this world who are aligned against us currently or in the future.

This Alliance shall not fall, and those who abandon it do so knowing the costs and burdens of facing these enemies alone. To be seen as cattle and slaves to these Chromatic Dragons. As humanity came in as one block, with 3 leaders, they each will need to know what leaving would cost them.

An agreement that works only for those of us who fight to the finish. That we are not food for the Chromatic Dragons or their subjects to be ruled over. That our societies are not to be destroyed, raped, and burned by all Dragons of this world."

Queen Goldeagle smiled, "I saw this, the Dragons who were present including the Crystal King who is with us today could recall this memory as well. Any one of them could potentially show you that memory if it has not faded.

I remember it so vividly because she was one of only 3 Queens in the room, including myself. A very determined woman. Women were and are in the minority as the Dragons only had 1 out of 8 who had a Queen to represent them. 2 out of 9 but the Sapphire Queen left it to the Crystal King to represent the Gemstone Dragons with one voice and was not present for this meeting.

Your Queen stayed on the throne until our accord was completed and abdicated her throne to her son the following day having him sign a blood vow to follow the Accord until his dying days for the sake of her people. When they came, the Drow first, no rulers were untouched as we worked to close those breaches.

When she spoke, the other human Kings had no room to argue with her. She was the one who united the human contingent when the time came to join the Alliance. She led the human contingent. Worked the months after the attack and got the other 2 Kings to be ready to join.

When they arrived here, they did so as one and negotiated with us to be a part of this history and the protection it provided. A part of the non-draconic block if you will as it was dragons who were at war and we who were all suffering for that.

The Gnomes and Halflings were ready as well, but only if the Metallic Dragons agreed to an Alliance, they knew it would hinge on them and that part we agreed upon in the first few days. We left the land discussions until the Dragons arrived because they would need a new home. We had to figure out where to accommodate them as well.

To establish our bargaining position for when the Metallic and Neutral Dragons arrived. She never wanted to be that helpless again. To watch her city get partially destroyed, an Elven Flying City was totally destroyed just preceding it that could not hold its own against the onslaught of Tiamat and his horde.

The city ruled by my great grandmother, she watched as it was destroyed and then her own being attacked as a warning, 'we will be coming for you as you cannot stop us.'

We both lost many that day and in that, we were united. For those that do not remember, or were not told. I stood in this room, years later, and defended the protection of Valinta once I learned Chromatic Half-Dragon children worked to eat their ways out of their mothers.

Killing them or making them infertile in the process. As a mother, I did not want that happening to millions of females in a city we could defend. A human city that we deployed the bulk of our assets to defend and then to guard to keep an invasion from coming.

All when Tallion ordered the attack on the Armada that threatened the city. I am telling you if you leave, your land agreements in the Elven territory are subject to the abandonment provision of the treaty. What the Bronze King referred to as being revoked.

The Elves would have the right to reclaim that land. The agreements on the new land along the coastlines would be voided, to a point. We would not openly oppose or attack the two Kingdoms who moved into that area.

But we could and would look to expand our hold over portions of that new land as well as our restrictions into doing so would be gone. Especially those along the waterways leading to the return of our existing port city we will have to dredge and create a cove to make it viable again. We have the time to do that now.

We have the forces to do that now. As well as to rebuild some damaged cities. For the most part, we would revert to the Elven borders on this land and work to set up fortifications and battle lines for the return of the Chromatic Dragons who have consumed and bred the remains of your people dry.

Chromatic Half-Dragons could simply teleport you out to their stronghold and breed your people while taking over as the rulers of your lands. Without our aid to stop them or knowing of it, until the map changes. Then we would have to formulate a response without dragons to attack those on our borders.

The dragons would be defending those borders if you or the Chromatic Dragons come to attack us in the future as we remain with the Alliance. You would be setting yourself up to stare into the face of Tiamat's followers as they consume your men, and rape your women.

For the individuals who wish to migrate and establish new Kingdoms further off in the Far East coastlines, we will not stop them from making that tragic mistake. It would not be directly on our borders in Elven given or held lands. We would not pursue them. Especially if the 3 human Kingdoms remained as our agreements would keep us from expanding into those areas."

Tallion looked at them, "You would potentially be standing against me if you turned upon us. The Grand Field Marshal that worked the extinction-level event of the Duergar and the killing of over 180 million of the Drow. This truce impacts me and the Half-Dragons of the future the greatest. With no voice in this matter from any higher power.

Being a Half-Dragon or a Half-Elf, depending on how you wish to look upon me. We had no divine support in these decisions as we are lesser creatures to all of you and the Gods above us. I still follow Corellon as one of his Blade Singers. I have turned my back on Dragon Deities as a whole because of their actions in this matter.

I will either be beyond being elderly, or dead when the end of this truce comes about. Likely dead as I do not have 500 years of life projected under the best of circumstances. How does an enemy take a champion off of the field they do not wish to face in battle?

They delay the battle until he has died or is too old to fight. I am 254 years old, I will not be here in 500 years as Elven Half-Dragons live 600-700 typically, until now. Your human champion will be dead before this occurs as well.

They will likely lead raids into Chromatic lands to pursue these human settlements. Working to free them, leading your people to distant islands in the south or the Far East in the hopes they are not found. Hoping to find sanctuary before their food supplies run out, or they will be in the same situation.

Champions dying of old age under this sudden truce. A new Grand Field Marshal will take to the field and the sky, likely a Dragon Champion still on the board and still producing heirs, as all of the Dragons will be doing these next 500 years. Not just across our people to help with Half-Dragons for when this restarts.

But for the dragons themselves to increase their population which is more important to them. This truce puts them at a stalemate, but not us. We cross those borders and we are on our own against the Chromatic Dragons and the forces that they have if we enter Chromatic Dragon-controlled lands.

Those of their allies that are not part of their Dark Alliance yet. Forces not displayed upon this map. Else the fights will be like the Storm Giants and the giants in the mountains. All of the dragons holding back and watching as the battle unfolded with neither side entering the field. All being observers and letting others fight their battles."

The Bronze King looked over and was extremely annoyed at Tallion's depiction of the past, but he could not argue with it either, "New kingdoms or those that move into the areas will be allowed to remain in the Alliance and receive the benefits if they do not withdraw. On the practical side, keep in mind, you have new lands.

Yet they have no trees, they might be suitable for farming, once the salt is cleared from the land. You will need food and resources that can only come from Elven lands currently. Areas you have already signed into. Those you expand into across the ocean we would not be able to aid directly."

Queen Goldeagle looked at them, "In 450 years we will send our ambassadors to find those new settlements, to get them to join the alliance on their existing lands. Once that happens the dragons can teleport to those locations and help those pockets of the Alliance to help them to be protected. They would be far away, and the limits of what could be done is another matter for them. But we would try."

King Andrew of Vilinta nodded, "We will remain, the Kingdom will be what it is currently in elven lands and expand into the new lands as it will take time to build our next cities, make the land viable, and reach a coast in which to build new ports potentially. Else we are likely looking at a vast lifeless desert until the druids make changes. Our Capital and Palace will sit in Elven lands and extend to the sea. We will define its borders as such."

He went to the map and outlined a massive area he held and the areas they would expand into. King Quaranna did the same. It left a very large buffer around the cove to the west as he looked to everything along the Eastern Coast they would look to expand into as part of his Kingdom.

Until they broke off into other Kingdoms and became unaligned potentially. Then the area Queen Goldeagle drew out. The Dragon's map of the world got updated to reflect the lands controlled by the Alliance.

Bahamut spoke to the Bronze King, "You did well in keeping them united for now. Time will tell if it holds but the map reflects what you are seeing. The Chromatic Dragons will be scrambling to establish alliances with these races instead of all-out subjection to expand their borders to feed their population. You nearly doubled the lands your dragons can aid within."

The Bronze King thought back, "Queen Goldeagle and Tallion did the majority of the work. Tallion is crushed, not by the truce, but by his actions leading to the shorter lives of Half-Dragons. The impact on House Silvertree going forward.

He saved his sharpest criticisms for you, but also all Gods as Half-Dragons are not fairly represented. The humans also did not wish to be standing opposite him on the battlefield. Queen Goldeagle playing that memory of hers cooled off the most likely dissenter.

Then my reminder that the fact they might have lands does not mean they have resources. They would need druids to help them and the elves have the lions share to make those viable farming lands with standard forests nearest them.

Then more who are humans along with the champion of Mielikki, who will rally druids to support what is needed during this truce. For the other lands that form to feed and protect the humans as they move further out."

King Quaranna of Avlora sighed, "We will remain to establish the kingdom but ours will be at the port and extending back to the farms in elven land. We hold no objections to the elves reopening their port as it is in the treaty and this cove you now have time to make and build around.

It is far enough from us. New settlements will be free to make up their minds on distant shores headed in the directions of the Far East coastline that I now rule over. Many will look to build cities and Kingdoms out from the yoke of the Alliance and await your diplomats in the years to come.

Those will fall out, we will work to make those peaceful transitions, but for now, it makes it so the Dragons and the Elves could aid in those areas. Those who came from the southern continent are the most likely to take to the seas again and are the voice of the people who would ask us to withdraw.

I parroted their words as they are over half our population currently and not a part of this founding of the Alliance. Food and breeding stock to our enemies. Same with their forces. That puts large-scale invasions into the realm of possibility but the Metallic Dragons might have the forces to protect those distant strongholds. Only time will tell."

Tallion looked to Queen Goldeagle and took her to a side room and sealed it off, "We have no active battlefronts. We will seed scouting outposts into the wilds of the buffer lands to monitor and report back and give us early warning of activity for Orcs, Ogres, Giants, or whatever might approach. Beyond the wild elves. As they are now the front line for a large section of that map.

Our fortifications will be well within the lands we hold and we have to start building those now with the aid of our allies. We will have to work to build those as well. Enough room to give Dragon assets time to strafe invaders who will likely only come in small bands.

True seeing glasses will still be needed, but most efforts should be on the cove and rebuilding damaged cities. We have 3 of the royal compounds and 4 of the 5 towers from the destroyed cities. Rebuilding the ruins of Xantria would be a good idea. Establishing another not far off would be another, in the crater.

The dwarves said the likelihood of them ever coming up from under there again is remote with all of the collapses. Like tunneling in a pile of gravel. Keep true seeing up though as some Drow know how to teleport to it if they lived."

Queen Goldeagle nodded, "Teleport blockers of the old market would take that option away."

Tallion shook his head, "Not when they come in 2,000 feet above it. Where that land used to exist. Talk with Duchess Moon Bow about the Drow Scout that came in while she was there if you wish. Dragon patrols over that city for as long we still believe the Drow will return or the Dragon Wars come to an end."

She nodded, "It will take us to 4 towers in the Capital, it was a brilliant call to have us go after the others."

Tallion nodded, "The control crystals for the human Kingdoms should be destroyed as soon as the palace locations are settled. To be in line with the agreements you made with the enchanters who did the work.

To keep it from being an option in the future to leave the Alliance with those structures. When the Alliance gets 450 years out and you plan to send diplomats, send them 400-430 years out from now. Just in case any enemy ears were in the room as well.

It does no good to advertise our intentions to those who will be long dead, but the enemy dragons will know of the plans. Still early but gives you time to scout them first and know what we are facing. This map will help, but it does not help if they have a Chromatic Half-Dragon King instead, Your Majesty."

Queen Goldeagle sighed, "We can discuss that then."

Tallion shook his head, "No, we won't. You have to discuss it with your heir, they are not only taking me off the field but you as well. You are not likely to be on the throne then. My wives, Teresna in particular will pass well before me most likely. Branina, it will be close, we might surprise and die together in our bed.

I cannot help to think of the Bronze Dragon King's words about the Gold Dragon King's death. He felt it was better to go out in a truly noble battle against a worthy foe. I do not see that in my future now, not with this Truce. I will step off the field in 300 years regardless.

I will go back to training Blade Singers until death takes me beginning immediately. My job was to stem the flow, with the aid of our allies. I did my job and will continue to do so for 300 more years and prepare the battlefield for what I can see is coming.

Preparing the next generation of Blade Singers will be more important for an old warrior. Corellon will want a new Champion at some point and my day to die will occur. Living a close or a full measure of life, and taking the advice you stated I should take from Duke Golden Sword instead.

Live long enough to retire from the field. He died during the earthquakes of this last year as his home collapsed, not that he had much time left. That will give you time to learn to work with the next Grand Field Marshal and teach your son to do the same.

There will be tensions at times working with a Dragon Champion. But he will have to have your back and your son's when this truce ends and the battle begins again, else this Alliance will fall apart. Keep in mind the Dragons might want to move the War Room into Dragon lands.

Remind them if they are willing to open all of their intelligence sources to make that move, you will support the decision. Also moving all of the relevant and daily Ambassadors to their lands to go with it. They won't and it will be right here. The Gods can hold off on assigning 2 new champions until after I am gone. Maybe more even.

As the other will be much older if they don't die in skirmishes. It is the way of things. My job is here in this room and I will begin training Blade Singers again starting tomorrow, even as your Grand Field Marshal. Mostly Elven Blade Singers who will be alive for the next fight.

Half-Dragons as well but only when the time is closer. I hope to train another 10-12 to be ready over that time. Corellon knows I am disheartened by the fate of the Half-Dragons. His inability to stand up for us against what Bahamut did to those who are to follow. The fact my success has led to their shorter lives.

My penance for causing so much death on the field is how I look upon that and not even Corellon could change my mind on that matter. Yet I understand the tactical decision behind it and know Bahamut was behind the request. He stabbed Half-Dragons in the back as a whole and will likely do it again.

As a means to control them and to punish them for their obvious fear of facing me in battle. That was why they settled on 500 years and put in the poisoned pill to them amassing a Half-Dragon army right now in great numbers.

It is also why I have stopped praying to Bahamut as he ensured my actions were a punishment to all Half-Dragons in the future. Nothing he could say will change that fact and he knows that. They will have more females involved than males to create them.

I was given some insight into what was likely to happen with breeding in both Kingdoms. More females here, because they can only mate with one male for those 100 years. Half-Dragons are not restricted other than by elven law.

Our polygamy laws will allow for the additional wives, for a female dragon. I understand they do not have issues with same-sex relationships, even in a bonded relationship. Something I learned from a recent talk with my Mother who came here.

We had a heart-to-heart talk for several hours. It was unusual, but with my father gone she wanted me to understand my dragon heritage better as she had heard I felt isolated from family. We talked of relationships and my need for so many wives.