Dragonborn Rising Ch. 10


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The conversation had helped us both recover, as after a few minutes of making out, I was hard again and my hand slid down to her pussy, where she was already wet and willing to go. She kept me on my back, flinging a leg over my body and running her pussy up and down my cock. She was a natural brunette, with rather pretty hazel eyes. Watching her sit up and place her cock my entrance, it was mesmerising watching it disappear inside her little body. I keep mentioning little, because I was around six foot, maybe an inch above, and she was no more than five-two at most, and I was probably overestimating.

But my whole cock disappeared inside her this time, feeling her groin touch mine. She had a good shuffle to adjust before leaning forward to kiss me. I bent my knees and grabbed her arse as I slowly started to thrust up into her, simply watching her eyes. "Gods, you feel enormous," she breathed.

"And you feel extremely tight, Muiri. Do you do exercises or something?"

That made her giggle. "No, all natural, Ragnar. Do you like my tight pussy?"

"I have a great reason to return to Markarth constantly now."

"I wouldn't complain if you did," she whispered before we resumed kissing.

I was soon giving it to her a little harder, and she had to break the kiss, resting her forehead against mine, her eyes alive with all the feelings and sensations of the moment. "Fuck me," she cried quietly, "Fuck me."

So I did. Not too hard. Not like I did with some of the others. But she got fucked like she wanted. And she loved it, eventually sitting up, still allowing me to keep control though she grabbed one of my hands for balance as she started to bounce, meeting my thrusts, her other hand trying to fondle herself. "I'll cum anyway, but this will help make it even better," she said.

I lasted a little longer than our first time, mostly because I'd cum so hard, but watching her ride me was a pleasure for both my eyes and my cock. I think men are visual creatures at times, which is why I loved it when women rode me, because I could see everything. I was trying to hold on so she could have another orgasm. There is no greater feeling than watching a woman cum as she's sitting on your cock. Well, to me anyway.

Thankfully she did, and as she was climaxing, I pumped her a few times. She was aware of what I was doing, and although she fell forward onto my chest, she told me to keep going until I came again. My second was just as good as my first, and once it was finished, I wrapped my arms around her and had a little nap.

Little did I know that would be the last time I would have sex for... I'm not sure how long...


The shit well and truly hit the fan the next day. My visit to confront Thonar Silver-Blood went worse than I expected. He lived, but his wife was killed by Forsworn agents, and it was only after we killed them did he admit the whole, horrible truth. A traitor to the city. A traitor to the Empire. Frankly, I should have killed him then and there, but something stopped me. Probably the thought that I wasn't a cold-blooded murdered.

Next on the list was Nepos the Nose. I grabbed Karliah from the Silver Blood Inn for back up before walking up to his front door. The woman who answered didn't want to let me, but Nepos called out, inviting me in. I wasted no time on ceremony, flat out accusing him of being a Forsworn agent. To my amazement, he didn't deny it. In fact, he seemed... pleased.

"Ah, yes. You've proven to be a real bloodhound. Well, you've sniffed me out. I've been playing this game for almost 20 years. Sending the young to their deaths. All in the name of the Forsworn. And I'm tired. So tired."

"Why? Why all the senseless deaths?"

He looked at me as if I were an idiot. "Because my king told me to do it. Madanach. When the uprising ended at the hands of the Nords, they threw him in the mines. I don't know how, but he still lives. I get his messages, and I hand out his orders without question."

He went on and on about Ulfric, the uprising and Madanach, but in the end, all I could ask was, "Why are you telling me all this? You will join Madanach in the mines."

The old bastard laughed at me. "My dear boy, what makes you think you're getting out of here alive? You were seen coming in. The girl at the door is a Forsworn agent masquerading as a maid. You aren't the first one to have gotten this far. You won't be the last."

Bullshit, I thought. And I'd come armed for a reason. Before his maid could strike, Karliah already had blade in hand. I didn't want to, but the first to die was Nepos. He barely had weapon in hand as my blade found his neck, watching blood spurt out in an arc as he spun to the ground. Two more Forsworn agents ran into the room, two against three. They were good, probably some of the better opponents Karliah and I had faced. We both took wounds but we somehow walked out of the house alive.

I knew I had to speak to Eltrys straight away. Karliah stayed out of sight as I entered the shrine. Ever have that feeling in the pit of the stomach that something is wrong. The first thing that grabbed my attention was the body of Eltrys. His lifeless eyes stared into nothing, his body covered in blood, numerous wounds across his chest and stomach. Crouching down over his body to close his eyes, I knew I wasn't alone, but by then, it was already too late.

"You were warned, both of you, but you just had to go and cause trouble. Now we have to pin all these recent murders on you. Silence witnesses. Work. Work. Work."

"You didn't have to kill him," I muttered, "Why? What's the bloody point?"

"We had a nice little deal going between Thonar and Madanach until you and Eltrys started snooping around. Well, you wanted to find the man responsible for those killings? You'll have plenty of time with the 'King in Rags' when you're in Cidhna Mine."

My hand went to the hilt of my sword without thinking. I heard their blades unsheathed in response. "There are six of us in here, and more outside. I would think very carefully about what you do in the next few seconds."

I removed my hand and spread my arms wide, feeling a guard each take an arm. Hauled to my feet, one of the guards looked me up and down before putting a fist into my gut. He had put all the power he could into it, so despite my best efforts, I still wanted to collapse. I was then dragged out, noticing even more guards outside. I made I shook my head as no doubt Karliah was watching, and I didn't want us going on a killing spree of guards. We could kiss goodbye to any hope of ever establishing influence if we did that. Our current predicament was bad enough.

She was definitely watching and observing though as I was dragged to the entrance of the mine. Turning back, I simply yelled, "Do the job and go!" I doubt she'd do just that, but there was little she could actually do. I figured she might try and rescue me in the end, which wouldn't be so bad, so I added, "That's an order. Job and go."

I knew she'd ignore it. I hoped she did.

Dragged in front of an orc guard, one of the other guards detailed all the crimes I was guilty of. All lies. If they'd caught me for thieving, I wouldn't have happily complied, but at least there would have been truth. But no, instead I find myself accused of murdering Eltrys, finding out that he had a wife and small child. Nepos and his maids? Well, we did kill them, but primarily in self-defence. They added in a few other people they'd no doubt taken care of during the entire conspiracy. They even pinned the death of Thonar's wife on me. Bastards.

I was told I'd never see the sun again, smacked in the back of the head, and I'm not sure what happened after that, at least for a little while.

Waking up some time later, they'd stripped me of armour and weapons. The orc guard stood there, flinging me some thin clothing to dress myself in. Once I'd put those on, I was escorted at sword point into the mine. There were no guards inside, only prisoners, and they all seemed to know me, as I was immediately called 'The Lifer'. I learned quickly I wasn't the only one totally fucked over by the city guard.

"So what do we do?" I asked Uraccen, who was surprisingly friendly and full of information.

"We dig. We eat. We piss and shit. We sleep. And we do that seven days a week. If we don't dig enough silver in a week, we don't eat. More than enough bodies have been carried out of here due to hunger, exhaustion and murder. Try not to let yours be another."

"Subtle suggestion to earn my way?"

"There is only one other way out of here, and that's by talking to Madanach. But talking to Madanach means going through Borkul the Beast?"

"And I take it that the big cunt of an orc by that gate over there?"

"That's him. And," he looked me up and down, "While you're a big lad, he's bigger, stronger and meaner. And considering none of us have had sex in a long time down here, you could end up getting something somewhere you don't want it."


"Just giving you fair warning. Borkul will beat you senseless, then if he likes you that way, he'll fuck you for good measure. And like the fight, it won't be gentle."

"I take it that's happened before?"

"We generally head off down the tunnels when someone tries. You hear them when they're beaten. Then you hear them afterwards." He sighed, shaking his head, a slight shudder too. I guess it happened more often than I realised. "Take the rest of the day to meet everyone. Tomorrow, you dig."

That's what I did. The men were in there for a variety of crimes. Most were quiet but friendly enough. It was back-breaking work, sweating with minutes, so much that I removed my shirt. I had a few questions about the scars, figuring I'd been a bandit or mercenary. I admitted that I was a thief, though that's not what I'd been jailed for. Most of them already knew, and while sympathetic, they had their own problems.

Seeing as we never saw daylight, the mine worked to its own clock. We basically mined until we were exhausted, ate and drank, slept, then got up and did it all over again. It was always as a group, so we knew everyone was pulling the same weight. It was amazing at how everyone cooperated. While I worked, I thought of everything I'd done since arriving in Cyrodiil. Part of me thought I was just being punished for everything else I'd done. I tried not to think about all the girls I'd been with, though I did wonder what Karliah was up to. I figured there would be a lot of guards outside the gates to the mine, which is why she probably thought a rescue wasn't on the cards. At least a dozen entered the mine at the end of my first week to deliver food and take what we'd mined.

It was probably a fortnight at least before I finally decided I'd had enough. Uraccen tried to talk me out of it, but I needed out. I had shit to do. "I warned you, lad. You do know what will happen if you lose."

"I know. But he hasn't fought me before."

He probably thought I was being an arrogant bastard, but he didn't try and stop me again. I walked up to Borkul. "I want to see Madanach."

"To see Madanach, you have to pay the toll. You can either earn his favour, or you can go through me."

"Option two, please."

He looked me up and down, and I knew exactly why. "I prefer them when they're young. I'm going to make you squeal, boy."

I knew the fist was coming, swerving out of the way, immediately raising a foot to his groin. It was a quick, fast kick, but it did enough. It hurt, and it made him angry. An angry fighter made misjudgements and mistakes. That's how I wanted him. He remained circumspect to start with, but he only ever swung his fists. I replied with fists, elbows, kicks, knees, anything and everything I had learned. There was no honour in such fights like this. The only important thing was winning.

He continued to taunt me, about how he was going to make me bleed, about how he was going to fuck me for a long time afterwards, suggesting I might even enjoy it. I let him talk and concentrated on winning. When I managed to take out one of his knees, forcing him down on the other, I put a knee into his face. Frankly, it should have knocked him out, but although it stunned him, he didn't go down. But it was now he who was bleeding, and he knew this was serious, suddenly growing quieter, less taunts, more focus.

He was hurting, though, now hobbling on one leg. I got in close, a series of punches, deflecting his, feeling him weaken. Another knee and elbow to his head before I escaped his clutches had him wobbling. A sweep of his legs finally had him on his back. You never hit a man in the face with a fist, not unless you want to break your hand, particularly if said male is an orc. So I got in the right position and used my knee, busting his nose and mouth. Hand around his throat, I asked softly, "May I see Madanach now please?"

"Where the fuck did you learn to fight?"

"That's not important right now. What is important is that I don't want to have to kill you. Despite what I'm in here for, I'm not actually a murderer. But I will if I have to."

"Yeah, fuck, sure. Go on. Go see him. Just get the fuck off me."

Madanach was as I expected. An absolute fucking lunatic. Batshit insane. Knew exactly who I was, of course. He suggested that escape was possible, but he hadn't, simply due to the deal he had with Thonar. But he suggested that the situation had changed, and that perhaps it was time he left to re-join the fight. I said I just wanted out, and I didn't care who with. But if Madanach was willing to help me, then I'd forget all the shit from before if he got me out.

Before we left, Madanach had a few loose ends to tie up. One of my fellow prisoners found himself with a few holes from a shiv, the deed not done by myself but by someone else. Madanach wrote some letters, I assume to send word to his army outside, and told us we'd have to wait a few days, so for now, we carried on as normal. Once everything was prepared, around five days later, he gathered us together, where he made a nice little speech to get everyone psyched up for battle, then we headed into a secret tunnel under Markarth.

Just before exiting out into the city itself, there was a female Forsworn waiting for us. She handed over my armour and weapons, and I was given a little time to get dressed and arm myself before we headed out.

It was a fucking calamity. By the time we were on the streets, the Forsworn was in a full scale battle with the city guard. And I got the fuck out of there, particularly once I heard the shout of my name, looking around to see Karliah waving at me from a nearby doorway. I ran towards her and we watched the two sides battle it out. Madanach did make his escape, doing so by killing Thonar Silver-Blood and numerous city guard along the way. At least a dozen Forsworn made it to the city gates.

As for Karliah and I, we melted into the shadows, keeping to the back streets of the city. She told me she did the job we were there for, and that Margaret had been to the jarl about what happened. We headed back to the Silver-Blood Inn, where it was agreed I would lay low until Margaret went to see the jarl again the next day. I barely slept that night, the adrenaline still flowing, and Karliah was delighted to see me, of course. Not in the way you might expect. I was filthy, probably stank to high heaven, and desperately wanted a wash. Once I'd cleaned up and eaten, I appreciated a bed to lie on, Karliah keeping me company. I wasn't in the mood, and she was happy just to lie with me.

The next morning, we walked up to the Keep, where I met the jarl. Karliah and Margaret showed them all the evidence we had gathered, but the jarl was already aware of what had happened, and quickly cleared my name of any wrongdoing. That was a relief, and I thanked him for it.

Before leaving, I did stop to see Muiri. She was aware of my incarceration and was delighted to see me a free man. I let her know I was leaving immediately, but gave her the name of my house in Riften, and asked her to keep in contact. I also promised that I would return to Markarth as soon as I was able. That's how much I liked her, as despite the shit I'd just been through, I'd return to see her again in a heartbeat.

I can't say I was sad to walk through the city gates, heading towards the stables. The sense of relief as we took the road east was almost overwhelming, not in the sense of wanting to weep, just the sense that I was still alive and no longer behind bars. Better yet, Karliah assured me that our influence was now assured in the Reach, so for intents and purposes, the Guild was back to where it was many years ago.

That would be a cause for celebration on our return to Riften.

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SlofredSlofredabout 3 years ago

Found this story a few days ago. I am enjoying it very much even though I have never played the game. Thank you for this small part of your mind. 5stars on all of the first 10 installment. Looking forward to the next 50 or so.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

very good, stay with the story as it is, not like some other writers who seem to lose the plot

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Loved it

This puts an entirely different spin to a game I love playing

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
awsome but

awesome but shouldn't he be getting girls prego every where he goes I no you said potions and I get it but if he's dragonborn he needs to propagate that gift right

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Can't wait for the next part man, this is one of those stories I hope has a ridiculous amount of chapters and that it also goes through the entire game storyline, and ALL the side quests haha.

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