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I had never had that much in my pocket before, not in cash.

That did make me a bit nervous, I halfway expected to end up getting rolled but nothing happened.

Back at the hotel, a neat place called the El Dorado, we went to eat at the little 24 hour cafe they have there.

Debs ordered a Cobb salad, whatever that is, and I ordered the barbequed chicken wings.

"Hawaiian style." I told the server, knowing that was not as spicy, but he didn't speak English all that well and I ended up with some so hot they burned my tongue.

Of course I also got a belly ache so in short order we went up to our room.

That was when Debs asked me about my dream I had back at home.

We are always straight with each other, so I told her about it, how we were getting massages and things got way past what had happened down in Vegas.

She giggled when I got to the part about the woman being naked and rubbing herself on the underside of my erection, then one eyebrow went up when I told her about how the man was preparing to mount her and the woman was on top of me when I woke up.

"Really? And that made you wake up all excited?" She asked me.

"No, I don't know, it was...everything, I guess. It was just a dream." I protested.

"Some dream. It obviously turned you on?" Debs mumbled.

"It was just a silly dream." I repeated.

"It's OK, honey. I know all about men and fantasies, I deal with that nearly every day."

"It's not my fantasy, besides, women have those too."

We just looked at each other. Debs gave me a little smirk.

"I am going to go lie down." I told her.

"OK. Do you mind if I head downstairs and see if I can win some money?" She asked.

"Go ahead, honey. If I feel better, I will come and find you."

"Want me to bring along a barrel so you can get back to the room?" I added, laughing.

With that, Debs made a face and left, I climbed on the bed and went to sleep very quickly.


Again I had the dream, but I didn't freeze.

A knock on the door was what woke me up, I opened it to find an older maid standing there. She said something in what I took to be Spanish. Debs can rattle that off like a native, I can say "Hola!" And "Donde esta su pesos?" and that's about it.

I let her in, telling her as best as I could that I was leaving anyway.

I think she understood me, anyway. I also left a $10 tip, hoping there might be some of those nice little Chocolates on the pillows when we came back.

Downstairs, it took me a bit to find Debra, she was sitting at a $5 machine tapping the button.

I did notice she was playing just one $5 credit each time, otherwise on maximum bet it was $15 a push.

A man with his back to me was talking to her, Debs looked up with a smile as I approached. The man turned with a big grin.


What in the hell was he doing in Reno, he was from Las Vegas?

I guess that showed on my face, he reached out to shake my hand, then launched into an explanation that the company they worked for handled maintenence all over Nevada for several casinos.

And Debra was grinning at me?

Jack wandered off after a few minutes, I sat down next to Debs and stuffed a $100 bill into some double triple lord knows what thing, it had a bunch of 7's on it that nearly always landed one up or one row down.

If three of the triples did land, they were all different and paid $36 or something like that.

"What was up with that?" I asked her.

"Oh, Jack? He spotted me and came over to say hi is all." Just then she hopped up and down, she hit a five times the cherry which I think paid a couple of hundred.

I hit a single cherry at about the same time, that paid 4 credits. I looked down and saw I had the thing set on $10, but that brought me back to even.

I found and pushed the button to change it back to just $1.00, well, $2.00 actually since risking $20.00 on a single silly push was a bit rich for my blood.

Of course they have the tiny little button right where a person's hand is going to bump it.

"So what did Jack have to say?" I asked a bit later as I fed another $100 bill into the machine.

"Oh, he was telling me that he and Terry have a small airplane, they fly from one area to another, work for a few days or weeks, then on to the next."

"Really? That sounds like an expensive way to do it?"

"I thought so too but that way the casinos don't have full time staff, and they can fix almost anything." Debs hit another 5 times a cherry. I looked at her counter, it read 350 credits.

"You realize that is over $1400.00, don't you?" I asked her.

Yea, but I have more than that into it." She grinned at me, giggling as she hit some mixed bars and the five again.

I gave up when my machine finally ate the last of my 3rd $100 bill, Debs touched her button and cashed out $1100. We went and found one of the changer machines, she put her slip in and collected.

"So what would you like to do next?" She asked me.

"Let's go play that thing, gang up on it and take turns." I pointed at a machine that had space ships and other things on it. It was only a penny machine.

Great big screen up on top and all sorts of things to blow up.


We sat there for over an hour taking turns, the machine had 40 lines on it and cost five pennies per line so that was just two dollars.

Debs was sitting right beside me so I had to reach past her to touch the repeat bet button.

It was kind of fun because once we got a starship armada built up we could go blow the hell out of the aliens.

I ordered a drink and so did Debs, I seldom drink but once in a long while I like one.

The waitress was cute and if her outfit was one inch lower she would have been topless, Debs snickered at me when she caught me looking.

Hell, the waitress had them right in my face, I might be old but I am not blind.

Two drinks became three and Debs and I were getting kind of happy.

She touched her button and we had the big space cruiser now, all we had to do was hit the bonus which we had done already a few times, winning $30-50 each time.

I pushed it again and there it was, the machine rang some bells and started talking to us about how the aliens were coming and we had to stop them or lose the whole planet.

I began explaining to Debs how this could really happen, since a bunch of scientists were busy broadcasting our location to the entire universe.

"Any aliens that actually do find our planet might be thinking we are good to eat." I told her.

It was my turn to push the button since I hit the pay, so I did.

Then the machine stuck, none of the buttons would work and the screen changed.

The waitress came by with her huge expanse of now blurry boobs, she looked up at our machine.

"OH!" She said and just stood there.

The machine kept spinning, it gave us an extra 10 spins, then an extra 10 spins again. Each 10 spins was 10 more shots at the silly alien ship.

"What's happening?" I asked Debs. The damn machine was running all by itself, all we could do was sit and watch.

"We are getting them!" She was hopping up and down. Debs didn't have a bra on and her top was sort of soft so it was fun to watch her since when her boobs go into motion, they really do.

Then everything blew up and the machine said something about the "super bonus", whatever in the hell that was. Out came this nasty looking thing, at first it was a little light in the distance but it got bigger and bigger.

I took another sip of my drink, the waitress was still standing there and a few other people had stopped to watch.

The fleet we had built up started blasting away, there was so much going on it was hard to keep track of it all.

The poor alien ship was getting rather ragged looking and we had one battle cruiser left. Our cruiser turned and nailed the aliens right in the middle.

Ding ding ding ding!!!

"Wow!" Debs said.

"So how much is that?" I asked, sneaking another peek at the boobs on the waitress.

"$14,900.00, we hit the super bonus." Debs grinned. She was now hopping up and down so much her big boobs were about to climb out of her top.

Some people came by, had us sign some forms, that was cool.

We hit some pretty good payouts when we were in Vegas, too, I was beginning to like Nevada. We must be lucky because we made money back when we were on our honeymoon, too.

"That's pretty damn good for playing just pennies." I grinned at Debra.

"You kept bumping it up when you reached past me." She giggled.

"I did?"

"Yea, the button is right there and your arm kept hitting it, I kept putting it back, but you hit the bonus with $20.00 total bet since that is a dime instead of a penny!" She was really laughing now.

"Oh. Well, crap." I said.

"I think it worked out." She gave me a hug.

We went back to our room, holding hands all the way. We were both a little bit silly, I am not used to drinking at all and I had three of those things.

It crossed my mind to try and molest Debs in the elevator but some old lady got on with us so I pulled my hand out from underneath her shirt.

The old lady kind of sniffed at us.


"So, do you want to?" Debs asked me as I fussed with trying to figure out how to turn on the TV.

"Want to what?" I found the button that made the TV set rise up out of a cabinet at the foot of the bed.

It appeared that if we wanted to watch TV we had to lay on the bed so that is what I was doing.

"The TV set rotates if you want to sit in the chair." Debs told me.

"This is fine." I answered.

"So, do you want to?" Debs asked again.

"Want to what?"

"Have Terry and Jack over."

"Oh. How are we going to do that?"

"He gave me their cell phone number." Debs grinned.

"You mean, you are thinking of doing that again?" I asked.

"Sure, honey. It's just fun and I know you liked it so why not?"

"I don't know, last time things went a little bit further than intended, is all." I told her.

"We aren't going to have sex, Danny. It's just...touching? We are out of town, we can let our hair down and have some fun."

"I think touching IS sex." I said.

"Not really. We do a lot of sexy things, I was just...I don't know..hoping to turn you on some more, I suppose."

"We don't have to." Debra added when I didn't answer.

"If you want to, it's OK. As long as it's just hands." I said, finally.

"Should I call them, then?"

"I guess, if you want to." I told her with some reservations.

That silly dream was still in my memory. I had rationalized that the dream was nothing more than a combination of our letting things go a little bit further than we had really expected on our Vegas trip, combined with being in a strange place.

Now I was thinking that Debs must have liked it because she did keep bringing it up, and I couldn't claim that I disliked it when Terry had given me that happy ending thing before.

That was sexy, naughty, and after Debs and I had shared some glorious lovemaking sessions while revisiting the silly situation we had both allowed.

It is rather difficult to feel much guilt when both of us not only knew all about it but were there together when it happened.

"Voice mail." Debs dropped her cell phone on the bed. She seemed unhappy about that.

I shrugged, nothing to do about it. I actually felt a bit of relief at that, I didn't know how far Jack and Terry would actually go since they had become quite uninhibited with the touch the last time.

We could just go to bed, get some sleep.

"I think I will catch a long hot shower." Debs said, heading for the bathroom.

"OK." I went back to fiddling with the TV. I barely got plopped down on the bed when the room phone rang.

"Hi, Dan! Jack is on a job right now, I just got your message." Terry's voice said.

"Hi. Yea, Debra called, she was wondering if you guys had any appointments?" I told her.

"Sure, we can. We would love to see the two of you again." I heard a soft titter from her.

"They will be here at 11, hon." I told Debs when she came out of the bathroom.

"Great! I could sure use a nice rubdown." She went back in and got a robe, tossed one on the bed for me. I went and took my own shower since it was already after 10 PM.


"Hi, guys!" Jack said when I opened the door. Terry was right behind him. I did a quick double take, Terry had on a halter top and shorts, there was a tiny diamond in her navel.

The top was rather small.

No sign of tan lines anywhere.

I looked over at Debra but she was watching Jack as he efficiently set up the tables. The short sleeved tank top showed off how well muscled he was.


Debra smiled at me, something was wrong. Somehow I was on the table, Terry's hands were on me.

I didn't remember even getting undressed, getting on the table. I could see Debra out of the corner of my eye, she was naked.

Jack leaning over her, also naked!

"Stop!" I said rather loudly, sitting bolt upright.

"What's the matter, honey?" Debra asked me, a look of concern on her face. She was beside me in the bed. Looking around, it was just the two of us in the room.

An unfamiliar room?

"I don't know, I was...I guess I was dreaming." I realized I had fallen asleep watching the TV.

"No kidding, you were yelling and acting agitated." She told me.

"Man, that seemed real to me."

"Well, it's almost 6 AM, want to go down to the cafe and get some breakfast? Then you can tell me all about it." Debs hopped up and headed for the bathroom.


My Debs and I share everything, we talk in a way that is probably as uninhibited as it is possible to be.

We sat quietly in a corner booth, she did frown when I ordered some crispy hash browns and eggs but didn't say anything.

I told her about the dream, she listened carefully because even knowing now that a dream was all it was, it affected me, upset me.

Then she patted my hand, went to work on her plate of fruit.

"Everyone dreams, most of the time they are not remembered. Probably just that lousy lumpy bed, I don't see how anyone could sleep on that thing." She said with a grin.

"Probably that is it." I replied.

Crazy dreams, not normal for me.

Gambling, winning a pretty large jackpot, getting naughty massages?

Just crazy dreams.


Debs was packing our suitcases for the return flight, she went into the bathroom area and opened the safe.

She came back out with a huge wad of cash, began stuffing it into a zip up compartment in her purse.

"No way am I putting this into our checked luggage." She said.

"That happened?" I asked.

"What happened?"

"We really did win on that machine?" I asked.

"Yes, we did. Are you all right?" She looked at me with concern.

"Yea, I am fine. It's just that....?" I shook my head.

"When we get home, I want to have you checked out, honey."

I just shrugged.

"I'm all right." I told her.


Debs and I got home normally. The big truck arrived, two young guys unloaded it all into the garage.

That part is real.

Debs went to the bank and made some deposits, I saw the reciepts so that part is real.

I think.

There have been no more dreams, and I still am selling things pretty fast, so that part is real too.

I also went and saw this guy, a balding little man who peered into my eyes and asked me a bunch of questions.

He asked me about the stroke I had several months back, wanting to know if I felt any ill effects.

"None I have noticed." I told him.

"Hmmmmm." Was all he said. He prescribed some pills but I googled them as soon as I got home and didn't bother to fill the prescription.

Hell, I don't want my liver to fall out and I don't like rashes, either.

I did check again in the garage when I got home, cases stacked five rows high in there.

So that part is real, too.

Those dreams I had, they seemed so real to me.

That is some weird stuff, I think.

"I got an email at the office from Jack and Terry today." Debs told me several days later.

"Who?" I asked.

"That couple we had give us massages down in Vegas." She said.

"Oh. How did they know your email address?"

"I gave Jack one of my business cards." She sat down and looked over my shoulder at the email sale I was printing.

"Oh. What did they have to say?"

"Just how much they enjoyed working with us and if we were ever down in Vegas to give them a call." She got up and headed for the kitchen after giving me a kiss on the cheek.

We keep all of the free flat rate priority boxs in a spare cabinet in there, Debs came back with an arm full of them. She sat down and started doing the addresses.

I watched her for a bit, each time she grabs the taping tool she sticks her tongue out the side of her mouth, that's cute.

So Jack and Terry, they are in Vegas.

But we were in Reno.

I think?

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AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
playing with fire with the other guys

the casino bit was fun but then went downhill faster than a turd down the drain...didn't like all the messing about.....not needed - ruined the fun......

bruce22bruce22over 11 years ago
Lots of fun!

Get it on while you can. After 69 things can go downhill fast! Delightful characters.

tazz317tazz317over 11 years ago

before you awake, nightmares may take over, TK U MLJ LV NV

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 11 years ago
Marriage is Drifting in Sleep !

Time will tell in real life. This wasnt too cohesive to read.I doubt the author wanted it to be.The two-three line paragraphs gave this story a staccato rhythm. Which was sufficient in terms of highlighting the immediate sensation but downplayed a overall, residual impression .

Maybe I'm overthinking things . In my estimation if the author wanted to do a impressionistic, dreamy essay - he suceeded.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

A lot of fun. Thanks!

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