Dreamscape Ch. 04


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Sean cut his eyes over to Lydia who was washing some dishes. She wouldn't look up at him. Crowed noticed his glance.

"Aw yes, young Lydia. She's a fine woman isn't she Sean?" Crowe asked.

"Lydia," Shouted Crowe as he stared at the two scientists seated across from him.

Lydia immediately stopped what she was doing and quickly marched over in her three-inch heel and maids uniform to stand next to Crowe.

"Kneel down." Crowe said.

Sean looked on in horror at what might come next. He had confided in her and did not even think about the fact that Crowe would know what was happening.

"Yes, Sean, I know all about your little spy plans," Crowe said as he ran his hands down the back of Lydia's smooth black hair.

"Crowe..." Sean said.

Crowe grabbed a fistful of hair and yanked her head backwards. She screamed out and Samantha grabbed Sean's arm. Sean leaned forward.

"Ah, ah, ah..." Crowe said as he produced a knife from his jacket pocket. Sean stopped in his tracks.

Lydia began to breathe heavily as Crowe ran the knife down the side of her cheek and across her neck.

"It would be a shame to see such a beautiful woman cut to pieces over something like this, don't you think Sean." Crowe said as he ran his tongue roughly up Lydia's cheek.

"It was my idea Crowe, leave her alone, whatever she said she was going to do it was all my idea." Sean pleaded as he looked at Lydia's scared expression.

"Oh, I know it was your idea, Sean, you see Lydia belongs to me, and you can't have her...and now I'm not sure I can trust her any longer," Crowe said as he pushed the blade into her cheek causing a small dot of blood to appear and begin rolling down her face.

"Crowe!" Sean shouted.

"Marcy, what happens to the girls here after I know longer require their services?" Crowe asked, as he looked Sean in the eye.

"They disappear, sir." Marcy said in a calm cool tone of voice.

Crowe ran the knife blade down Lydia's neck until it met the top of her maids uniform. He slipped it inside and quickly slit open her top. Samantha squealed in horror as the woman's large round breasts spilled out into the open air. Crowe ran his knife gently over the heaving chest of the young Latina. He grazed the blade over an erect nipple, and then ran it back up the side of her breast.

"Lydia, do I still require your services?" Crowe asked.

"Yes sir," She said in her thick Hispanic accent. Crowe paused.

"I believe I do too...for now," Crowe said smiling at the two captives across from him.

Crowe put his knife away and released the hold on Lydia's hair.

"So we are all clear...do nothing to piss me off. Just do your jobs and get this drug ready for production, and Lydia and you and your families will all be the better off for it. Do we all understand each other?" Crowe asked the room of captives.

They all nodded a small nod of ascent.

"Very good!" Crowe stood and dragged Lydia to her feet with him. He dragged her topless form to the door as Marcy followed behind. Sean and Samantha stood to see what would happen to her.

They young Latina stood with her head down and eyes to the floor. Crowe put a finger under her chin and lifter her face to his. He smiled warmly at her and then brought a quick backhand across her face. She toppled to the floor. Sean and Samantha both rushed to her as she fell. Crowe held the door open for Marcy.

"Sean, I trust you will show Samantha around, and then tomorrow you will get to work, do you understand," Crowe said standing in the doorway.

Sean nodded.

Crowe closed the door behind him.

"Oh my god, Lydia," cried Samantha as she tried to comfort the young woman.

"It's ok, I'm ok," Lydia said as she pushed herself up from the floor.

Samantha brought Lydia's cut open top back over to her and tried to cover up the voluptuous exposed brown breasts that dangled free. They helped her back over to the couch. Samantha went and fetched some water from the kitchen area and brought it back over. All three seated and sat staring at each other in shock and horror. They now knew they could not talk openly. Sean was devastated and knew that this would set back his plan weeks if not months behind what he hoped.

"I'm so sorry Sam, I'm so sorry you are here!" Sean said as Samantha gently comforted Lydia.

"Sean, what the hell is going on? How long have you been here? How did you get here? Did he hurt you? Are you being blackmailed like me?" Samantha's questions just rolled off her lips.

"Yes, I've been blackmailed," Sean said. He then proceeded to systematically share all that had happened to him in the last few days to bring them to this point. Samantha stared and listened in stunned silence at the tail Sean told. He conveniently left out the part about him requesting Samantha to be here with him. When he finished he looked up to see Samantha moving away from Lydia and over to where Sean was. She sat next to him and wrapped her fair skinned arms around him.

"Sean, this is so horrible," She began, "What are we going to do?"

Sean wrapped his arms around Samantha and they held each other. He reveled in the embrace of the woman he had so longed to hold but never been able too. She felt amazing against him. Her smell, her curves, all of her melting into him. It was hard to fix his mind on the matter at hand.

"First thing we have to do is figure out how to talk with each other so that we can't be spied on," Sean said, "Lydia, go into my closet and find some clothes to put on."

Lydia got up and sauntered away.

"After all that has just happened I'm not sure we can trust her anymore," Sean whispered into Samantha's ear.

"Whispering is going to be the best way to talk," Samantha said, "Just like this." She said as her lips brushed his ear.

Goosebumps formed on his arms as her warm breath entered his ear and her lips brushed the sensitive erogenous zone.

"Yes," he said as he pulled his mouth next to her ear.

She shivered at the close proximity and the warmth.

"We are going to get even Sam," Sean said, "I have a plan that you are going to help me work out to get our revenge and take this asshole down."

"I'm in," replied Samantha, "Just tell me what to do, I wanna fuck that bastard the way he fucked me."

"You mean he?" Sean asked,

"No," said Samantha, "he didn't, but he had horrible things done to me, and he has it all on film and he threatened to put it all online if I don't cooperate,"

"Yes, me too." Sean said.

"So what are we going to do?" Samantha asked.

"We are going to make him his drug, but we are going to control it and in the end control him." Sean said.

"Do you think we can do this?" Samantha asked.

"We don't have a choice, Sam, we have to make this work if we have any chance of getting out of here alive." Sean replied.

Lydia entered the room dressed in one of Sean's shirts. She saw the two embracing and speaking softly into each other's ears.

"What are you talking about?" She asked politely.

The startled couple separated and turned to look at the young Hispanic woman.

"Lydia, we were just catching up," Sean said trying to throw her off.

"Sean," Lydia said, "You have to believe me, I didn't know about any of this, I even tried to warn, Doctor Prescott this morning."

"She did try and help me and tell me you were down here," Samantha said

"Stop talking, right now, everyone," Sean said.

He walked up to Lydia and brought his lips close to her ear. She leaned in and pressed her large firm breasts against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. Samantha felt a twinge of jealousy as she watched Sean take the young girl in his arms.

"I'm not sure what happened yet, but I know that I still need you up there, I'm going to have to take a chance and trust you," Sean said gently into her ear.

Lydia stood on her tiptoes and whispered back, "I belong to you Sean, I may fuck him and do what he tells me to do, but I'm so tired of being his whore. I'm tired of sucking his blistered, bloody cock, and I just want to be free. I will tell him what he wants to hear so that he will not kill me, I will help feed him information so that I can stay alive, but I want nothing more than to be free."

She moved her lips back to his cheek and planted a soft gentle kiss with her large bee-stung lips. Sean relished the kiss and felt a stirring in his pants.

Samantha stood and cleared her throat.

Sean came back to reality and stepped back from Lydia.

"Ladies, I think it's time we take a tour and get Sam accustomed to our new home," Sean said as he walked to the door.

"Yes, I think that would be great," Samantha answered.

With that the trio were off on a tour of the underground complex. They kept their chatter to a minimum and spoke of nothing audibly that would allow Crowe or his goonies to know what was going on. After about an hour of walking around and getting a detailed tour of the lab they ended up back at Sean's residence.

"Lydia, why don't you go in and make us some lunch. I'm going to take Sam over to her place and make sure she is comfortable," Sean said.

Lydia moved inside and closed the door. Sean and Samantha moved a few steps down the hall to her door. She reached for the handle and she heard something unlock. She pulled the handle down and entered the room. It was a small apartment. It had a small living room area with a couch and a love seat. There was a tiny kitchen area with a small refrigerator. They walked through the living room to see to doors. One led into an average size hotel style bathroom and the other into a private bedroom with a queen-size bed. There were very simple and sparse decorations everywhere.

"Wow," Samantha said, "Not quite the kings palace," she said poking Sean in the side.

"Yeah, this is tiny," Sean said, "Why don't you just stay in my place," he leaned in close to her ear. Samantha jumped at the sudden closeness. "We can make our plans and work more quickly if we are together."

Samantha spun around and wrapped her arms around Sean's neck and pulled his ear down to her mouth, "I'm not so sure that that's a great idea Sean, I want to get revenge, but if we work to closely all the time together then Crowe will get what's going on and just split us up some other way. We should play his little game for now, and then we can plan our move more subtly and set our trap for a later date."

"Ok," Sean said, "but the invitation is still open at any time, my place is your place, until we can get out of here!"

"Ok, Deal!" Samantha said and then pulled away.

Sean hated when she pulled away. Her beauty fascinated him. She had no idea how gorgeous she was. She has as always been so enthralled with science and school that she never took the time to dress herself up and really use her assets to her greatest advantage.

"Sean, I'm really tired," Samantha said, "I think I just want to take a shower and sleep so that we can get a good jump on this stuff tomorrow."

"No problem, Sam," Sean said, "Get some rest, I'll come get you for breakfast."

Samantha smiled a warm smile. Sean had developed into a manly man. Maybe it was because he was a familiar face, maybe it was because they were thrown into this crazy situation together, but she found herself smiling at her old friend in more than a friendly way. Sean said goodbye and closed the door behind him.

He entered his apartment and Lydia met him at the door with a hug.

"Wow, what is that for?" Sean asked.

"For trusting me, for helping me, and for not treating me like a slave." Lydia answered.

"Lydia, you are not my slave, I just want to help you." Sean said.

Lydia pulled him tighter and whispered in his ear, "And I want to help you, Sean."

Lydia gently kissed his neck and ran her hands over his back and down to his butt. Sean thought about resisting but the warm lips on his skin persuaded him to enjoy the intimacy for a moment. He could feel her large breasts pressing into his chest as her tongue darted out and licked his lobe. She pulled his butt up against her so that his crotch was pressed into her stomach. She could feel his erection beginning to grow.

"Lydia, they are watching," Sean said as he mockingly tried to push her away.

"I don't care, Sean, I want to show you and him that I can do whatever I want to do, it is my choice." Lydia said as she slid down his body on to her knees in front of Sean.

Her hands came to his belt. It was undone along with the top button and zipper in about three seconds. Lydia pulled his pants and boxers down in one swift motion and Sean's penis snapped up against his stomach. With her hands on his hips she sat up on her knees and swallowed his dick in one smooth motion all the way to the base.

Sean stumbled back against the door. Lydia followed keeping his dick in her throat. Sean put his hands on the back of her head and moaned loudly.

"Oh god, Lydia," He said.

She slid her mouth up the length of his shaft and then waited for him to push her head back down. She held it there until she felt him relax his hands and then she ascended his shaft. She put her hands on top of his to show him what she wanted. He quickly realized that she was wanting him to control the pace. He obliged. He put both hands on the back of her head and slowly pushed her head back down his shaft. He pressed down harder as she bottomed out against his pelvis. He lifted her head. She placed her hands behind her back and looked up at the man she hoped could save her life. He saw in her eyes a sign of love and hope and thankfulness. He pushed her head back down.

He moaned again as her tongue shot out at the base and began flicking his ball sack. He lifted her head more quickly and without pause began pushing it back down. Now he was no longer waiting at the top or bottom. He lifted and pushed down and then lifted and pushed down again and again.

He could hear her slobbering all over his cock. She moaned and gagged slightly as his hands gripped her head and he forcefully began shoving his cock into her throat. She never paused. She never stopped looking at him. He felt his balls swell. She saw his eyes roll back in his head. She felt the head of his dick swell and she slammed her mouth down over his cock as he erupted a string of cum inside her. She grabbed his hips and pressed her face harder into his pelvis. She could feel his dick throbbing as he ejaculated into her belly. His legs were trembling as he struggled to stand. She waited until his dick had quieted and then began a slow ascent back up. She stopped at the tip of his dick and licked it clean. He pushed her away at the overly sensitive gesture.

She stood to her feet and kissed Sean passionately. Her tongue darted in and out. He embraced her and kissed her back.

"Thank you, Lydia," Sean said into her ear.

"I don't know how long this will take, I don't know if it will ever work, but while he can take my body when he wants it, I am giving my body to you when you want it or need it. I can do it very well, and I know it will help you." Lydia said into his ear.

"You are an amazing woman, and I will do everything in my power to see that you are freed." Sean said confidently into her ear.

She separated herself from him and took him by the hand.

"I've made you some lunch, come eat," Lydia said leading him to the table.

They sat and ate and talked about her past and all of the evil things Crowe had done to her. Sean was overcome with the cruelty and abuse that she had put up with. As they finished he was more determined then ever to see this through to the end. No matter what it cost!

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Not bad, well written, though I'm skeptical of people falling apart because of the threat of putting compromising material on the web. Too bad the author did not finish it; this series is her only work on this site. You would think someone who could write such well-received work would do more. Maybe under another pseudonym.

mlrsdpicmmlrsdpicm7 months ago

would have given it a 5 but not complete after this long.

PJCGPJCGover 3 years ago

The fact he thinks he can trust anyone here is pretty dumb. Especially if there is captor's employees

Loveaffair40Loveaffair40over 5 years ago

Can you tell me why didn't go on? I hate it when someone begins a wonderful Story and didn't come to an end. I really want to see what's happening until the end.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Can we please have chapter 5 already? I've been waiting for 2 months lol

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