Drive-In Double Feature


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"I need to get back to Johnny," she said, then leaned forward and gave Bobby a quick kiss. "No, I really do."

She slid across the seat and opened the door. "I'm still mad at you," she said as she stepped out.

Bobby stuck his head out his window as she walked away. "Come back anytime."

"I was wondering if you fell in," Johnny said as Peggy got back in the car. He flicked his cigarette butt out the window.

"There was a line. And you know how long girls take in the bathroom."

"Like, what do you girls do in there?"

"Talk about you guys." She looked at the screen. "That's the monster? It looks like a giant koala bear."

"Hey, bears are scary."

"What, did it come to Earth to steal all our eucalyptus leaves?"

"You mean like the cough drops?"

"Yeah, it came looking for cough drops."

Johnny chuckled and moved closer to her, dropping his arm around her shoulders.

"Well, like, I missed you," he said. He pulled her to him and kissed her.

They cuddled together, Peggy's head on Johnny's shoulder. The giant koala was stomping on a bowling alley, Johnny's hand was slowing creeping up Peggy's thigh. She loudly slurped the last of her Pepsi, set the paper cup on the dashboard and then turned her face toward him. He leaned forward and his lips grazed against hers. She put her hand on the back of his head as his tongue pressed into her mouth. He tasted of cigarette smoke and popcorn butter.

Peggy felt his hand squeezing her thigh and spread her legs a little wider in expectation of his next move. But he lifted his hand and laid it on her right breast, gently caressing it through her blouse and bra.

She arched her back and wrapped her left arm around him while he explored her mouth with his tongue. His hand moved to her other breast, then, after a few soft squeezes, down across her stomach and between her legs.

Johnny was good with his hands. He did not rush to grab her, or just jam his fingers inside her, as other guys had done. He ran his fingertips lightly over the crotch of her underpants. It was only when she parted her thighs further that he flattened his hand and pressed his palm against her, gently squeezing and rubbing.

Peggy snaked her arm under his and into his lap. She found the outline of his penis beneath his denim jeans and began to rub it. It quickly grew bigger under her touch. He gave a happy moan and slipped his fingers under the waistband of her underpants.

As his hand moved across her downy mound and his fingertips found the cleft of her vagina, Peggy put her head back and sighed. Johnny kissed her cheek and then the side of her throat. His middle finger slowly see-sawed along her labia, sliding a little deeper inside her with each forward motion.

She tugged his belt loose, but struggled to unfasten the button of his jeans. He removed his hand from between her legs and, in a single motion, flipped the button and pulled down his zipper. Peggy reached into the fly of his boxer shorts, wrapped her fingers around his shaft and pulled it free. She ran her thumb around its head a few times, then began to stroke its length.

Johnny kissed her again, and put his hand back in her underpants. She was very wet, and when he inserted his finger, it slipped in easily. He pushed it deep inside her, then slowly withdrew it. When he touched her special button of pleasure, she drew in a sharp breath.

"Yeah, that's the spot, isn't it?" he whispered in her ear.

"Oh, god, yes," she gasped. He played with the button, moving his fingertip around and across it, first in one direction, then the other.

Peggy moaned loudly and shivered with pleasure. As her passion mounted, she jerked his cock faster, until he had to sit back and take hold of her wrist and stop her.

"You don't want me to pop too soon, do you, baby?" he asked.

She was breathing too hard to answer him, but she shook her head. She definitely did not want him to pop too soon.

"Maybe we could get in the back?" Johnny asked. Peggy nodded, then looked up at the screen and saw what looked like stock footage of fighter jets. It's just a big koala, she thought, it's not King Kong.

Johnny opened his door. "Hey," he said as he got out, "There's rubbers in the glove box. Grab one, okay?"

Mister Romantic, she thought. She opened the glove box and rooted through a stack of road maps and repair receipts. Beneath them, there were a few foil wrapped Trojans. She took one, closed the glove box, then hesitated. She realized that Bobby would see them getting in the back seat. Well, serves him right, she decided, he should have left like she had suggested.

She stepped out of the car and for just a second, stood and looked back towards where Bobby had parked. She could not see into the dark interior of his car, but she imagined that they made eye contact.

When she opened the back door, she saw Johnny in the glow of the dome light, sprawled in the back seat with his pants and shorts down below his knees. His cock lay, half erect, on his thigh. It twitched as she climbed in and kneeled on the seat.

"I thought maybe you could use your mouth," Johnny said, with a touch of pleading in his voice, "Like, help me get ready."

"A minute ago you were about to finish."

"Yeah, well..."

"Why don't you just admit that you like it when I use my mouth?"

Johnny laughed. He took his cock in his hand and offered it to her. "C'mon, Peg, be a good girl."

"Good girls don't do this," she said. She pulled the tie from her ponytail and shook her hair loose, then crawled forward and lowered her head over his lap. In the darkness of the backseat, the head of his cock bumped against her chin. He guided it to her lips and she kissed the tip, then slowly ran her tongue around the rim.

"You have no idea how good that feels," he moaned.

"You know, guys can use their mouths, too," she whispered.

"Yeah, I don't know about that..."

Bobby does, she thought, then pushed that from her mind. She pursed her mouth over the head of Johnny's cock and began to suck on it. He took his hand away and she lowered her head, taking in more of the shaft. As she came back up, she dragged her tongue along its underside and flicked it across the little slit at the end, tasting a drop of salty fluid.

She took it in her mouth again, deeper, while she reached between his legs and cupped his heavy balls in her hand. She gently squeezed them as she bobbed her head up and down. She felt him swell in her mouth and pulled back, gripping him tightly. She wasn't sure where she had put the condom, but after a minute of fumbling on the seat, she found it and handed it to him.

He unwrapped it and rolled it down over his erection. Peggy sat up and he turned to face her. He took hold of her ankles and pulled her toward him. As she slid across the seat, her skirt rode up to her hips. Johnny hooked his fingers into her underpants and tugged them down.

He kneeled on the seat and raised her legs into the air. When he kissed her on the back of the knee, it tickled, and she giggled.

As Johnny positioned himself, Peggy wondered if he was visible in silhouette from behind. For that matter could someone, well, could Bobby, see her feet sticking up?

She felt the head of his cock rubbing against her labia and lost all thought of what others might see. Johnny moved from side to side a little bit, aligning himself, then pushed forward, stretching and filling her.

He sank the full length of his cock into her, then slowly pulled it back, just an inch at first, then pressed forward again. He repeated the motion, each time withdrawing a little bit further, and plunging back in a little bit harder.

Peggy hooked her legs over his hips and squeezed, urging him forward. He increased the tempo of his thrusts and the depth of his breathing. She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down to her.

She felt his weight settle on her. He sucked on her earlobe, and kissed up and down the side of her throat.

"Do you like that, baby," he panted, "Do you like that?"

"Oh yeah, it's so good." She dug her fingers into her hips while he reached beneath her and took hold of her ass cheeks. Their bodies were slick with sweat where their bare flesh touched. His smooth motion was gone now, he was not in control, but almost in a frenzy of urgent desire.

Her own breath grew ragged, and she felt close to the point of surrendering to the building wave of pleasure, when Johnny threw his head back, made a half dozen jerky spasms with his hips, and gave out a long, low moan. His body sagged against hers. His panting was loud in her ear. After a moment, he rose and sat back.

"That was great, wasn't it?" he asked.

Peggy hid her disappointment. "It was fine, Johnny."

Johnny looked at the screen. "Hey, it's intermission. Damn, we don't know what happened to the Neptune monster."

"I think the planes got him."

Johnny shrugged. "He was a crummy monster anyway. Not like the Blob or something. Hey, you thirsty? You want another Pepsi?"

"Sure, I'd love one."

He pulled his pants on. "Okay, I'll be right back."

Peggy laid in the back seat, fanning herself with her hand. Johnny really was pretty good at sex, but he didn't pay enough attention to her desires. Why couldn't he have slowed down a little bit, given her just another minute? And once he was finished, that was it, it never seemed to occur to him that she might want more, that he should make sure that it was as good for her as it was for him. Bobby always had.

Damn, she was thinking about Bobby again. She wondered if he had seen the car rocking. Had he heard them? Heck, everyone within ten cars probably heard all that noise Johnny made when he finished.

Admit it, she told herself, Bobby is going to call again, and you are going to go out with him. The whole damn cycle of hope and heartbreak will repeat itself, but at least this time you will know what you are getting yourself into.

She realized that, as she thought about Bobby, her hand had strayed between her legs. Her finger had been absentmindedly circling that special place that felt so good. Now, still not satisfied, she began to touch it with intent. Her mind drifted back in time, to thoughts of making love with Bobby, and her legs began to tremble.

The car door opened and the light came on. She pulled her hand away and sat up, flipping her skirt down over her thighs.

Johnny got in, flicking away a cigarette butt, and handed her a cup of Pepsi. She took it and quickly drank down half of it.

The intermission advertisements for hot dogs and ice cream ended and the second feature began.

"I've got great timing, don't I?" Johnny said gleefully.

No, sweetheart, Peggy thought, you really, really don't.

"Jailhouse Dolls," he read as the title appeared, "That's right up my alley."

Peggy rolled her eyes. She didn't get the appeal.

A blaring police siren squawked from the speaker.

"Damn, I hate that sound," Johnny muttered.

They sat together in the center of the backseat. Peggy was completely disinterested in the plot of the movie, something about a good girl who got ensnared in a plot to rob the bank where she worked, and ended up in women's prison, where, naturally, she fell in with the wrong crowd. Was there a right crowd in prison, Peggy wondered.

While they watched, Johnny's hand idly stroked her thigh. She grew increasingly annoyed, wishing he would either move it or use it. She didn't think he'd respond well if she asked him to please her, he would probably take it as a complaint that he hadn't satisfied her earlier. But, of course, he had not. Three times she had been close to a climax, and been left at the brink. The more she thought about it, the more agitated she became. She shifted restlessly on the seat. Johnny had gotten his satisfaction, why shouldn't she?

She picked up his hand off her leg and moved it to his lap. "Listen, Johnny," she said, "I have to go to the lady's room." Dropping her voice to a whisper, she added, "I think my period is about to start."

Johnny looked horrified. He raised his hands and stared at them, then looked down at his crotch.

"Oh for crying out loud," Peggy said, "It didn't start yet, but it's about to."

"You can tell?"

"Of course I can tell."

"Oh, Jesus."

"It happens every month, it's not a big deal. Gee, you know you ought to be happy it happens every month."


"Never mind. I might be a while."

Johnny stared at her with a droopy, gloomy look on his face as she opened the door and started to get out. She almost tripped and fell. Something was holding her left leg. She looked down and saw that her underpants were still around her ankle, and had caught on the door handle. Hopping on one foot, she tried to untangle them. They came loose and snapped, like a slingshot, disappearing under the car.

Damn, she thought, that was one of my best pairs. She shut the door and dashed to Bobby's car. He was watching her out the side window as she approached.

"You and Johnny play enough back seat bingo for tonight?" he asked, grinning.

She opened the door. "Slide over."

Bobby's face showed surprise, but he obeyed her and slid across to the passenger side.

"What was that little dance you did getting out of the car?"

"Shut up for once."

She kneeled on the seat and crawled over to him, her lips going straight to his. He started to speak again, but when he opened his mouth, Peggy pressed her tongue inside it.

She straddled his lap, holding his head between her hands and kissing him. He put his hands on her hips, then moved them up her back and pulled her tightly against him. Over his initial surprise, he kissed her back passionately.

She reached down and squeezed his crotch. "Do you have a condom?" she asked.

"Jesus Christ, Peggy...uh, yeah, I have one in my wallet."

"It's not the same one you had in there last summer, is it?"

He scowled. "No, it's not. I've used that one."

She pulled his belt loose and yanked down his zipper. When his cock sprang free she gripped it and began to stroke it.

"Uh, I don't know about this, Peg."

"Really?" she asked, squeezing him tightly, "Because you're stiff as a board down here." He fumbled his wallet out of his pocket and handed her the condom.

"Peggy, we ought to talk..."

She unrolled the condom over his erection.

"No, Bobby, we ought to fuck."

His mouth dropped open in shock. Peggy bunched her skirt up to her hips and moved forward. Bobby stared at her, his mouth still agape, as she aligned his cock with her opening and slowly sank down on it.

She draped her arms over his shoulders and rested her head on top of his. She moved rhythmically on his lap, purposefully, but not hurriedly. Over his shock, he ran his hands up her legs and under her skirt.

"Jesus, Peggy, where's your underwear?"

"I don't know," she said in a breathy voice, "Under Johnny's car I guess."


"Really, Bobby, just shut up and let's do this."

He did not take any more convincing. Peggy began bouncing on him faster, grinding down each time his cock was fully inside her. She began to feel a sense of urgency. She wanted desperately to climax, and knew she could not take too much time, or Johnny might come looking for her.

She reached down with her right hand and began touching herself as she rode him. Oh, that was a good idea, she thought. She began to feel lightheaded. Bobby was panting hard.His eyes were squeezed shut and she recognized the signs that he was nearing his climax.

Uh uh, buddy, she thought, not until I'm done. There was something about the feeling of being in charge of her own pleasure that was exhilarating.

"Not yet, Bobby," she panted. She squeezed her legs against his hips and gyrated slowly down on him, once, twice, her fingers moving franticly, and then the world seemed to explode. She climaxed in not one, but several waves of overwhelming pleasure. She leaned forward, resting her head on Bobby's shoulder, only to feel another, more gentle rush pass through her.

"Holy christ, Peggy," Bobby said, between gasps of air.

"Did you finish?"

"Hell, yes."

She sat back and blew a strand of sweat soaked hair off her face. She looked down at him and, even in the dim drive in light, could see from the expression on his face that he wasn't going to want to leave her behind again. Whether or not they stayed together was going to be her choice.

She waited a minute to catch her breath, then slid off his lap. The Jailhouse Dolls were scaling the prison wall on a rope made of bedsheets. Stay free, ladies, Peggy thought. She brushed her hair back with her hands, and opened the car door. Bobby watched her, looking dumbfounded.

She stepped out of the car and leaned down. "Yeah," she said.

"Yeah, what?"

"Yeah, I'll go out with you." She shut the door and strode back to Johnny's car. He was back in the front seat, smoking a cigarette and sipping his Pepsi.

"You missed almost the whole movie," he said.

"I'll get over it."

"You okay? You look kind of, I don't know...flushed."

"Well, I got my period."

"Oh. Yeah."

The last of the Dolls, the one who had worked at the bank, was walking through what appeared to be a pretty ramshackle airport, toting a large alligator bag.

"She's got all the money," Johnny explained.

"That's great," Peggy nodded, having no idea what had happened in the movie.

"She's escaping to Rio."

"Good for her."

The movie ended with a shot of an airliner taking off, and a few cars blew their horns in inexplicable appreciation. The exit lights came on, and Johnny started the engine. The radio came on. Fats Domino was singing Whole Lotta Loving.

Peggy looked in the side mirror. Bobby's car was already gone. Johnny squeezed into the line of vehicles heading for the exit.

"Well, that was, like, a pretty good night," he said, "I mean, like, I hope you had a good time. Too bad about, you know, your condition."

Peggy chuckled. "It's okay. Thanks."

The exit line was moving at a crawl.

"Hey, you know who I saw the other day?" Peggy asked.


"You remember Marsha Dixon, from back in school?"

Johnny stiffened, just a little bit. "Yeah, I remember her."

"Yeah, I always liked her. A guy would do really well going out with a girl like her."

"You think so?"

"Yeah, I do."

Johnny shrugged and changed the subject. "Man, there ain't nothing like the drive in on a hot summer night. I mean, like, for the price? Two in one night? You can't beat that."

Peggy caught sight of her reflection in the side mirror. She smiled to herself and said, "Nope, two in one night is pretty cool."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Fantastic!!! Two bucks for a car load.

LOVE slap-hapy-papy #9

16GaDouble16GaDoubleabout 2 months ago

Two in one night.....

Very descriptive and emotional writing. Excellent, believable dialog, too.

Only edit I would have made: Muzak is a proper-noun, and therefore should have been capitalized.

I will continue to read your catalog!

16GaDouble16GaDoubleabout 2 months ago

Wish we still had drive-ins here.

I'd take the grand-kids.

Capricon713Capricon7135 months ago

Great story reminds me of nights at the drive in

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Frenetic and fun! Thank you,

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago


SimonDoomSimonDoomover 2 years ago

Nice story, and well written. Well-paced and breezy and fun and sexy on the surface but with more going on below. I feel like I'm seeing just the tip of the iceberg. I like that it's not too long; you packed a lot into a short story and didn't say too much. You didn't have to. Good job.

gunhilltraingunhilltrainalmost 3 years ago

Hard to believe, but the young people in this story would be - what? - over eighty by now.

gunhilltraingunhilltrainalmost 3 years ago

Hi Melissa, five stars! I have a drive-in story here too, set in 1949, but the attempt at sex goes haywire. Would you like to read it? It's at a drive-in that really existed at the time, and the movie is real too!

JBEdwardsJBEdwardsabout 3 years ago

This is the first of your stories that I've read, but damn, is it good! Woman, you can write. I loved the way you played with Peggy's emotions about Bobby, and even his about her. Those two share a destiny. 5* from me, JB Edwards

PS: And Peggy is right: Two in one night is pretty cool.

Wark2002Wark2002over 3 years ago

Wow! I'm sorry it took so long to find this! What a great story! I like the narrative voice, the flea shed out characters, the milieu, the sexiness of it all. A classic!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
5 star fun

The trapped in the car door was excellent. You could possibly correct dis-interested to un-interested but aside from that petty point an excellent short story.

Crusader235Crusader235almost 4 years ago
Oh yeah!

Glory days they'll pass you by. Enjoy then while you can. Loved this one! 5*****!

Selina_ShawSelina_Shawalmost 4 years ago
So fun to read

This was super fun and playful and I love the 50s atmosphere!

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