Drug Makes her Addicted to Semen Ch. 04

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Is Steve fulfilling a dream, or a nightmare?
6.5k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 01/09/2018
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"Are you sure...are you sure the door is barred?" Steve whispered to Keri, as he drove himself into her from behind.

"Y...yes...just do it!!" the desperate woman urged.

The pair were locked in a janitorial closet in Shapley's Department Store, where Keri's husband Eric worked. The beautiful Asian woman's plan had been to shop in the mall the store was attached to, then pick up her husband and go home. That was the plan, until the now-familiar heat started to rise in her blood and bones. She knew what that meant.

She had already met up with her husband, who was not quite finished work for the day, but then had to quickly excuse herself to text Steve. Making up an excuse to her husband that she was going to quickly meet up with a friend in the mall before she and Eric went home, Keri had dashed off to text Steve to get his ass over to the mall right away. It was lucky for her that Steve, too, was done work and had been on his way home.

When Steve found Keri, she was already sweating and grabbed his shirt, looking both ways down the hallway to make sure no one saw them enter the closet.

"Quick..." Keri urged. "I...I need it...quick..."

Now, Keri was leaning face up against the wall of the closet, holding on to utility hooks above her head, mini skirt flipped up and panties pushed to the side. Steve was buried to the hilt in the slim woman, thrusting away so hard that he was lifting the frantic woman's hips up and down in a powerful rhythm that was picking up speed. The thrusting was helping to arch the woman's slim back and jut her small but shapely breasts out forward. On the upstrokes, Keri's right leg was being lifted off the floor and her left, raised to its tiptoes. The woman had accidentally injected herself with a chemical while in Steve's house that caused her to become uncontrollably horny, then addicted to the semen of the next man to inseminate her. That man had been an extremely reluctant Steve.

"UUuuuhh, uuuuhhhh, aaaaahhh" Keri panted, losing control over herself with the heat of the addiction beating through her slender frame. Steve wrapped a hand around her face to cover her mouth.

"SSshhh...hun...sshhh..." Steve urged. "We've got to be quiet."

[I'd better finish her off quick,] Steve thought. [The last thing I need is for someone to open this door and find me buried in the manager's wife in here...]

With a few final thrusts that slowed in pace but increased in force, Steve began to empty himself in the woman's tight body.

"HHhhuuuunnnnnn!" he groaned, as pulses of his hot male essence washed up into the woman, causing her own orgasm to flare bright inside her whole body.

"HHHaaarrrrnnnngggggg!" Keri yelled, or tried to yell, but instead bit the scream off by biting down on Steve's fingers, still held tight over the slight woman's mouth.

"OOooowwww!" Steve quietly growled. "Shit, Keri, you almost bit my fingers off!" he complained, rubbing the sore digits with his other hand, while partly collapsing forward onto the woman.

Keri forced Steve off her by straightening up, releasing the maintenance hooks and pulling her skirt down. Steve's cock had fallen out of the woman, trailing a wet line of semen.

"Well next time don't stick them into my mouth, you son of a bitch!!" the woman angrily hissed, straightening the base of her panties to cover her hot, but sated womanhood. Steve's seed was being absorbed deep into the woman, and had begun to quench the burning in her blood.

"I swear to God, you're an asshole!" Keri ranted. "You must have fucking done something to me! Why do I feel like I'm going to burn up every few days if you don't pump a load of semen into me?? What the fuck did you DO, you prick?? My husband's cum doesn't even help with that!"

"I told you, honey, I don't KNOW what happened!" Steve lied. "You've just gotta keep this quiet or we're both dead!"

"Fuck, I HATE you!" Keri growled, at war with herself in her own mind. She hated having to cheat on her husband to sate her burning needs, and hated that she was compelled to seek out Steve, her husband's friend. But at the same time, she desperately needed to keep their secret, or risk losing her only access to the one thing that could make her feel better when the hot addiction slammed into her.

"Now quick, get out of here," Keri urged. "I'm sure Eric's waiting for me in his office upstairs by now. And don't let anyone see you on the way out. You prick."

[Shit,] Steve thought, slinking out of the mall into the parking lot. [When these women need it, they really need it]. He thought of the other two women who had been injected with the drug, Stacy, his 19 year old neighbour, and Maria, a lovely Latina wife and mother. He attempted to recall the schedule he was trying to make to handle the women's addiction needs. [I just did Stacy in my bedroom yesterday...] Steve thought, [so she's ok for a couple more days. Maria I probably need to see tomorrow...]

A few days later, Steve was at his desk at work, going over sales figures for the last quarter.

"Geez..." Steve's work-friend Dave said from the desk beside him, "Turnbull will have a fricking conniption. These figures are pretty bad..."

"Yeah," Steve agreed. "We'll hear about this."

Russell Turnbull, C.E.O., was the company's boss, one of the richest men in the city, and a complete tyrant in the workplace. He believed the only way to keep workers working hard was to constantly beat them down with threats and an acid tongue. As he entered the office at 11 AM, the 20 or so employees on the 10th floor could all see by the thundercloud expression on Turnbull's face that this was going to be another scorcher of a day.

"Would anyone mind explaining to me why I've just had seven investors back out right before we're set to sign the big Robbinsdale deal??" the C.E.O. shouted. His downcast eyebrows sat under a thinning forest of greying hair, right above bifocal glasses. He glanced around the floor to see most of the workers quickly avert their gazes downwards, to their own desks.

"STEVE!!" Turnbull shouted. "YOU in particular, your last proposal was complete garbage! Remind me why I keep you on here!!" Steve began to stammer a reply.

"NEVER MIND!" Turnbull exploded. "If these results continue, it'll be time to trim the fat around here!"

The boss stalked into his office and slammed the heavy, wooden door. Nancy, the slim, redheaded secretary just outside the office, slowly stood up and grabbed her mug. She slinked out from behind her desk and swayed past Steve and Dave.

"OOooo..." she cooed, "Poor Steve...he scorched you...need someone to kiss it all better?"

"Quit teasing, Nance..." Dave came to the rescue. "Turnbull is out of control. Can't you spike his coffee or something?"

"Aw, come on, Dave," Nancy smiled, "I don't want to be the "fat" he trims next!" She glided away towards the coffee machine.

"Jeez, would I ever put the cream in HER coffee!" Dave drooled. I think she's even hotter than the boss's wife! Hey, speak of the devil!"

With that, Mrs. Turnbull stepped off the elevator. Decked out in a tight, hourglass-form fitting white dress, the strap of an expensive purse was partly hidden by the luxurious stole wrapped around the woman, the whole package topped off with a broad brimmed white hat to match the dress. Her long blond locks fanned out from under the hat. Tatiana Turnbull walked through the office on tall black stilettos, turning male heads as she went.

Dave turned to Steve and whispered, "Here comes trophy wife, eh? Oh, I'm totally sure she loves him for his good looks and personality" he rolled his eyes.

"Hello, dahlinks" Tatiana drawled in her thick Russian accent. "So nice to see you all again" she said insincerely, not even looking at the workers. She strolled into her husband's office and the door clicked shut behind her.

"Now now, boys," Nancy pretended to scold Dave and Steve as she walked past them, "put your eyes back in your heads."

Nancy's hips rocked back and forth as she moved back to her desk. Dave's eyes were definitely not back in his head.

[I'd sure like to put cream in Nancy's coffee too] Steve thought, seeing images of himself on top of the sexy secretary, her red hair splayed out on her desk. [Hmmm...I think I can arrange that!]

He still had two doses of the chemical that Dr. Phelps had given him with the injector ring. Perhaps the lovely redhead would make another fine experiment to get addicted to his semen. She was unmarried, too, so there would be no husband to complicate things as there were with Maria and Keri. He was starting to find it tiring to handle Maria, Stacy and Keri, but perhaps the cute office assistant would be his last conquest. Working in the same office, they could even sneak away for a few minutes when Nancy got the burning need...He resolved to bring the ring to work the next day.

The following morning, Turnbull stormed into the office around 11AM as usual, this time with his trophy wife in tow. Steve was working away at his desk with his large injector ring on his hand, trying to decide just how to get Nancy alone for a while.

Later, Turnbull's office door flew open, and the petulant man stalked out shouting.

"Listen up! I've got to take Robbinsdale out for a big lunch to try to smooth this mess over with him! You'd all better pray I do, or some of you can look for new employment! Mrs. Turnbull will run things while I'm gone!" And with that, he stalked to the elevator and left.

[Great! Maybe now I'll be able to get Nancy alone!] Steve thought. He looked over to the steamy secretary as her desk phone rang out. She talked into it for a minute, then hung up and looked back at Steve.

"Mrs. Turnbull needs a hard copy of those charts you added to the proposal," she said.

"Coming right up..." Steve said. "Hey, after that, do you want to go try that new Mexican place for lunch that opened up around the block?"

"Steve...are you fraternizing with a co-worker?" Nancy winked. "Maybe if you're lucky you can take me there..."

Steve stepped lightly into Turnbull's office with a stapled stack of charts. [That went well!] he thought. As he closed the door, he noticed Tatiana Turnbull sitting at the large, dark oak desk in another tight, form fitting dress, this one cream coloured.

"Ahh, you have charts, da?" She said. "You bring zem here now. You are Steve, da? Husbant talked to me about you" she said, not even waiting for Steve to confirm his identity. "You vill vork harder from now on, yes?"

[Why that bastard] Steve thought [running me down to his trophy wife. I'd like to show that son of a bitch...]

Suddenly, something snapped inside of Steve. All the abuse he had taken from his boss, all the condescending innuendos, all the threats, had reached a boiling point in him. He thought of the sexy secretary sitting just outside. He thought of the smokey-hot trophy wife sitting at Turnbull's big desk. He thought of his injector ring, loaded and ready with a dose of the semen-addicting chemical. [Forget the small time] Steve thought [...I'm gonna go for the big prize and get even with that bastard!]

Steve popped open the ring's top. As Tatiana was looking down at papers on the desk, he quickly pried the staple loose on the stack of papers he was going to give to the boss's wife.

[WAIT A MINUTE...] part of him thought, a sudden fear catching hold of him, [What the hell am I doing? The boss's WIFE?? This could all blow up in my face!]

After wrestling with himself for a minute, Steve firmed up his resolve.

"Yes ma'am," he said, holding out the stack, "The charts are right here, ma'am."

As the gorgeous blond absent-mindedly reached for the papers, Steve extended his arm to her, turning his hand so the ring's needle was pointed straight at the unsuspecting woman's left hand. He thrust the stack into her palm...

"AAAAAAHH!!" Tatiana yelled, recoiling her hand and clasping it in her right.

"Oh, sorry, Mrs. Turnbull!" Steve feigned, turning over the stack of papers..."this staple was a bit loose...sorry..."

"Ahhh...you ideeot..." The Russian cursed, rubbing her pricked hand. "Zis burns...zis feels...funny..."

"Well, don't worry" Steve added..."I think I have some band-aids in my desk drawer..." he began to drone on. Recalling that the drug only needed a few minutes to start working, he began to yammer on about band-aids and poor quality staples as the lovely Russian held her hand, rubbing it more and more distractedly...

Tatiana sat at her husband's desk, rubbing her burning hand. It hurt a little more than a staple prick might account for...[Damn!] She thought...[this is making my spine tingle!] The tingling sensation began to subside along her backbone, but it started to intensify in her stomach...wait...make that her lower stomach...Deep inside her navel area began to tingle harder, then the cool burn she had felt in her hand began to ramp up in her midsection. A mild heat began to nag at her lower stomach, slowly spreading downwards into her uterus. As she thought about that heat, willing it to go away, it solidified and radiated, moving down into her vagina and up into her belly. What...what was this underling going on about? Charts? Tatiana couldn't focus on his words. The heat had began to flare into a pulsing burn, thump-THUMP, thump-THUMP, and with each beat, was spreading farther and farther, extending into her thighs and chest, climbing her backbone like a vine, causing an almost painful warmth, making her want to peel her own skin off and rub cooling balm into her muscles. Thump-THUMP, THUMP-THUMP, and the throbbing temperature climbed to almost unbearable levels, spreading down to her knees and into her neck. The center of the heat remained her vagina, and it started to blossom with moisture in a futile attempt to cool the burning sensation. Tatiana began to feel a compulsion to squirm in her husband's chair, trying to use her body discreetly to scratch an itch that she couldn't reach...Her hips sidled up and down, causing her thighs to rub against each other, her womanhood becoming ever more drenched. The unyielding heat rose to her breasts, causing them to firm up and rise hard. Her nipples jutted forth, feeling rock-hard and super sensitive, forcing small points to become visible through her dress. She arched her back as the heat inched upwards, up, up to her head and down into her calves. The helpless woman had completely lost all focus for her husband's underling, still yammering on before her, as her whole world became the increasingly pulsating and molten magma coursing through her body. Her sex had started to run with her juices in her heat, leaking through her dress. The living warmth reached her head, and she lost conscious control of her thoughts. Her mind was seized; all she could think about was the insatiable heat in her vagina. Images flashed in her mind of a rock-hard manhood tantalizingly piercing her lower lips, parting her sex and filling her body to the brim. That, she thought, might be the only thing to stop this burn. Images of an engorged male shaft driving up into her, spraying forth its cooling seed, its soothing balm, its satisfying liquids...

[What...what am I doing...?] Her last controlled thoughts grasped at her...[I need...I need to fuck! Where is my pool boy? Or my gardener? Or my personal trainer?] She thought, for sex with her husband was always just a duty, a price to pay for her extravagant lifestyle, while she had actually secretly enjoyed clothes-ripping sex with all three of her employees. But now, an uncontrollable fixation had her in its thrall. She had never felt the need to be entered, to have sex, to be seeded, as she did now. What to do? There were no pool boys or gardeners here...only this underling, this worm...did she dare...? She didn't think she could make it to the office door without being sated...

"You..." she whispered meekly, "you vill...do me...very big favour now...you vill...do as I say...now..." Tatiana tried to control her tone. She was, after all, this man's superior, but her will was being burned away by the relentless lava in her loins.

"You vill...remove clothes...vee...vee will have very quick sex...da..? Very quick..."

Steve had been watching the effects of the drug, knowing by now their symptoms. When the beautiful Russian's eyes began to glass over, he knew she was trapped.

"Well, sure, Mrs. Turnbull, if you insist" he smiled. After stepping over to the door and locking it from the inside, he undid his pants and they dropped to the floor. His underwear followed. Tatiana shakily stood up, and she slipped both knees up onto the desk, sweeping them over on the right side, so she could sit on top of the desk, her legs hanging over the front, facing Steve. She fumbled with the zipper at the back of her dress.

Steve slipped his hands around the enthralled woman, quickly unzipping her and pulling the dress down to her stomach. Tatiana's bulbous breasts jiggled free, bouncing in their bra, and Steve hastily popped open the strap to release the sharp, hard nipples. He pulled the shaking woman to a standing position, only until he slid the bra, dress and the woman's drenched panties all the way down to the floor. He gently pushed her back to a sitting position on the desk, and Tatiana's legs immediately opened wide, her arms lassoing around Steve's shoulders to pull him in. The woman's hot juices ran freely onto her husband's desk as her stiletto-encased feet wrapped around Steve's hips, pulling him into her as she bit softly into his neck.

"You...you come into me now, dahlink..." She murmured.

Being pawed by the beautiful naked blond had firmed up Steve's cock, and hearing her mewling drawl hot in his ear had made him rock hard. The thought not only of burying himself in his boss's wife's abdomen, but of coming inside her and making her addicted to his semen caused an excitement that had him fit to burst. He flexed his member, feeling around with its head the heated, soaked folds of the married woman's labia.

Steve found the hot, wet entrance to his boss's wife and slowly pushed his hips forward, causing her lips to part, slipping around their relentless invader. Tatiana lolled her head back as his rigid member scraped along her nerve endings, whose sensitivity had been driven extremely high by the chemical. She gasped, "Aaaaahhhh..." As inch by inch, Steve buried himself to his hilt inside her. He hugged the beautiful woman to his torso as he started to gently rock back and forth, pushing up into her belly.

"GGgggrrrrraaaahhhhhh..." Tatiana drooled, beginning to writhe her own hips against Steve, urging him on, gobbling his cock deeper into her.

Steve let her upper body go, and she slowly lay back on her husband's desk, her legs still locked around Steve's torso, refusing to let him get away. Her burning itch was still not being scratched.

Steve placed his fists on his boss's desk on either side of Tatiana's hourglass waist, locking the woman down, and began to thrust harder and harder into the woman's belly.

"Huuhh, huuhh, huuhh," he gasped with each deep thrust.

"Ahhhh, ahhhhh, ahhhhh" the powerless woman gasped with each driving plunge. She could see clearly in her mind Steve's hard manhood, giving up its precious motherload into her midsection. She became obsessed with the picture of his cock jetting hot white seed into her womb. Hot white relief...She had never felt so compelled in her life.

Steve could feel the searing ripples of the woman's insides as they undulated up and down around his shaft. He felt his own compulsion to bury himself as deeply as he could in the slick, wet woman; not only for the incredible feeling of the sex; but he could picture his asshole boss, sitting at a restaurant table, chatting up Robbinsdale, while his hated underling was about to inject a hot load of semen deep into the man's supine and helpless wife, lying splayed out over Turnbull's own desk. How many hours had the boss spent sitting here? How many nights had the boss spent making deals at this desk? Now, Steve was about to spend himself inside the man's gorgeous wife.