Drummer Boy - Back Into Hell Ch. 09

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Jason fights for his life. Well, not "fights", exactly...
8.3k words

Part 9 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 04/19/2018
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Drummer Boy: Bat Out of Hell II: Back to Hell

Hello, gents and ladies! Back on my BS with another Lady D joint! Yeah, boyyyyyyy! (This concludes my state-mandated Flavor Flav reference for the year. Texas has some weird laws.)

We're almost done with this field trip to good old Tarterus. Two parts remain, but I'm taking the rest of the month off to do a project for NaNoWriMo. This project has nothing to do with writing a novel. (Like ah said, Texas has some weird laws.)

Trigger Warning: I take a dig at EDM in this part. Couldn't be helped. Enjoy!

* * * * *

Jason paused. "You been quiet for a while," he said. "You know Granny didn't die, right? I mean, she's right over there in-"

"Of course I know that you damn doofus!" Leanne said, and then sighed. "Just tryin' ta process, is all. That bit with the Three... it's a bit much."

"You don't believe me?" Jason said.

"Nah, it ain't that," Leanne said. "Fact o' the matter is, it makes sense. Always seemed to me that something was wrong with Tarterus. Way we always seemed to be fightin' and gettin' nowhere, without nothing ever changin'. I thought it was just me, but..."

"Oh no," Jason said. "It goes right to the top. Trust me, I got it straight from the horse's mouth..."


Jason looked down at Granny again, searching for movement, or any flicker of life in the broken, cum-covered form on the floor. But there was no motion, no breath, nothing.

Jason whirled on Electra. "Why?!" he said. "Why did you make me do that to her?"

Electra peered down at him, one eyebrow raised. "Because I wished it," she said, "and your love for me compelled you to obey."

"Love?" Jason said. "Lady, there's a long list of what I'm feeling right now, and 'love' ain't on it!"

Electra's brow furrowed in confusion, and Jason was struck again by how similar she was, in face and expression, to his wife, Ellie.

"And what are you feeling, human?" Electra said.

But she wasn't his wife. Somehow, he knew that now. He'd never been married, never won a Grammy. Never raised children or been to Australia. Never been anything but the ex-drummer of a third-rate band, with a string of failed relationships behind him. Electra had done something deeply wrong and horribly personal to him, and that made him angry.

"How about we start with, 'you're an asshole'," Jason said, "and go from there?"

"Oh, come now," Electra said, presenting him with a confident smile. "Feel the Presence, and know love again."

She looked like Ellie, true. But whatever spell had been on him before was broken.

"You're not Ellie," Jason said. "There never was an Ellie."

Electra cocked her head to the side, as if listening. "Nothing," she said. "Your mind is closed to me. It appears that my rebellious little Wing Mother managed one final deception before departing."

"So?" Jason said. "I swear to god, if you don't do something-"

"No matter," Electra said, "her magics will fade. And you will come to love me, in time."

"All this bullshit going on, and your big concern is whether I love you?" Jason said. "You're out of your fucking mind."

Electra smiled at him. It was a smile so warm and beautiful that Jason wasn't sure if it was supposed to be reassuring or patronizing.

"Do you think me so hard to love?" Electra said.

Jason was taken aback. "Well, aside from the fact that you're a giant, immortal demon," he said, "you're letting my friends get killed while you diddle your dollies, you made me kill Granny, you put a whole fake life into my brain, and for what? So you and your sisters can preserve this fucked-up world where you murder each other and treat human beings like animals?" Jason threw his hands up, and, remembering that he was still eight feet tall with horns poking out of his head, said, "Oh yeah, and you turned me into this!"

"That," Electra said, "I cannot take credit for. The physical forms of cambions are uniquely malleable. Your body merely responded to the soul of the world, and, as my sister stated, your heritage is of Palladia's line."

"Whatever," Jason said. "All I know is that you get off on fucking people over, and I don't want anything to do with you. You're a monster."

Electra knelt down in front of Jason, and placed her hands on her thighs. The tops of her kneecaps were even with the horns growing from his head, and were now only a few feet away from him, an effective reminder of the severe size difference between the two of them. She gave a subtle gesture with her wings, and her Maidens stepped back, giving her and Jason some space.

"You thought similarly of Purleen and Garanetta once, did you not?" Electra said.

"Well, yeah, but-"

"They have done monstrous things," Electra said, "yet you came to love them."

"It's different though!" Jason said. "They had good reasons."

"Then perhaps you should understand mine," Electra said. "Would you like to know why we live as we do? Why we have fought for thousands of years?"

Jason didn't want to know where this was going, but as he didn't have much choice, he simply shrugged.

"When the Bright Lady abandoned us," Electra said, "We were left on this world to fend for ourselves. Tarterus is harsh, but we are strong. And through our congress with Earth, we were still capable of maintaining a comfortable, albeit delicate, existence."

"Then why'd you break it off?" Jason said. "Granny said-"

"It was not our decision," Electra said. "Long ago, before any now living apart from the Three had been hatched, a Guardian appeared between the worlds."

"Oh," Jason said. "Him."

Electra raised an eyebrow, genuinely surprised. "You know of the Guardian?"

"The Thing in the Way, yeah," Jason said. "Into tacos and weed. He stopped me earlier. And I got the feeling that if he doesn't like you, you're not going anywhere."

"Just so," Electra said. "The Guardian made it very clear that further traffic between Earth and Tarterus would not be tolerated."

"You musta really pissed him off," Jason said. "Why does that not surprise me?"

"We tried, of course," Electra said. "But no matter how much magical essence, or how many diaboli, or how many of our sisters we sacrificed, we found all of our portals, to Earth and elsewhere, blocked."

"I don't blame him!" Jason said. "Thing knows what's up."

Undeterred, Electra went on. "Trapped on this world, we despaired. Inevitably, that despair became hatred, and we turned upon each other. The fighting in those early days was terrible. Conflicts were disorganized, and goals poorly-defined. Tribally mixed groups squabbled constantly, out of misguided notions of autonomy. They vied over arable land, over the remaining humans, or over slights, real and imagined.

"We Regents struggled to quell the chaos. We tried to uphold the Bright Lady's principles." Electra shook her head sadly. "Strength, Intelligence and Love... they were not enough to keep our willful daughters in line. Our numbers dwindled, and our descent into barbarism foretold our extinction. We needed a way to manage our conflicts, and thus, our world. What we needed, was unity."

"So you started a war?" Jason said. "You just... made it up?"

"It is a very effective method of control," Electra said. "Accentuate the similarities of your group, and vilify all others. There will be conflict, of course, but that conflict is manageable."

"So you did all this," Jason said, waving his arms in the air, "you made this whole hellish world, just to what... keep busy?! That's stupid!"

"Nonetheless, it has worked for thousands of years," Electra said. "The Spines against the Wings, eternal agonists, unified in their hatred of each other. Aurica's Tails, always lesser in number, are called upon to provide assistance in situations where one side gains an unexpected advantage. In this way, we have maintained a nearly perfect, sustainable balance."

"Yeah, but I bet you didn't count on someone like Pearl coming along, did you?" Jason said. "Knockin' over your happy little apple cart."

"But of course we did, human," Electra said. "We knew some of our daughters would be flawed. Disobedient, or with ideas beyond their station. Troublemakers," Electra sneered as she said the word, "we could not abide. Simply destroying them without cause would be disruptive, and wasteful besides. So we found another way."

Jason looked around at the Maidens. Their faces were blank, but their devotion, he knew, was absolute.

"So anyone who gave you problems," Jason said, "you turned into brainless zombies?"

"There can be no greater honor than to serve one's Regent," Electra said. "Purleen, rather than becoming a magister, should have been sent to me. Like these others, her will would have been overcome by the Presence. You see, nothing is wasted on Tarterus. We give purpose to the imbecile, glory to her Aerie, and our world remains in balance."

"But think about it!" Jason said. "Any one of these honeys might have found a way back to Earth, just like Pearl did. You coulda stopped this a long-ass time ago!"

"More likely, they would have attempted to topple our rule," Electra said, "bringing ruin down upon us all. We could not risk that."

"Or maybe they'd come up with something better," Jason said. "But I'm guessing that if the Three aren't on top, you're not interested, huh?"

"The wisdom of the Three is absolute, and not to be questioned," Electra said. "You can see why I was so cross with Garanetta. I had to be firm with her."

Jason glanced at the ruined mess that was Granny, and then, disgusted, looked away again. "Firm" seemed like a hell of an understatement.

"Why are you telling me this?" Jason said.

"As I said," Electra said, "I want you to understand my perspective."

"Oh, I understand," Jason said. "You've got a shitty system on a shitty world with shitty leaders doing a shitty job. Your sales pitch didn't exactly win me over."

"Nevertheless, knowing my perspective will help you justify your love for me," Electra said. "And you will love me. Deeply, completely, with your body and soul."

"I seriously doubt that," Jason said. "So it looks like you got everything figured out, huh?"

"Aye," Electra said, "it most certainly does."

"There's just one thing you didn't count on," Jason said.

Electra smiled, and this time it was patronizing. "And what," she said, "would that be?"

Jason paused. This was the part in movies where the hero, up against the wall and out of options, pulls out some forgotten item or tidbit of information, and flips the script on the bad guy. The setup was perfect, and he'd said the right things, so, y'know ... go time.

But no matter how much Jason wracked his brain, going through the stuff he had in his backpack, trying to remember some pearl of wisdom the Thing in the Way or Granny might have dropped, searching for some clue from his Ellie hallucination. And he came up with jack shit. Bupkis. Nothing seemed to be relevant, or useful. No matter how he looked at it, he was helpless, powerless, and useless.

"Why the hell did Granny even bring me here?" Jason muttered aloud.

"Perhaps Garanetta sought to placate me," Electra answered. "A cambion of your stellar production capabilities would, to one so simple-minded, go a long way towards appeasement."

"You think Granny was just gonna hand me over to you, just so you'd help Pearl?" Jason said. "She wouldn't do that!"

"Wouldn't she?" Electra said. "Garanetta was, like all of my Grand Wing Mothers, pragmatic. She merely miscalculated. Fortunately, her error is my fortune."

Hands grabbed Jason from behind. They held his arms, his legs, and encircled his waist. He was surrounded by Maidens, and even with Jason's greater size and strength, he was instantly rendered immobile.

"What the fuck?" Jason said. "Leggo!"

"Nothing on Tarterus is wasted," Electra said, "especially not such a splendid resource as yourself."

"I already told you, Lady," Jason said, struggling uselessly against the Maidens that held him. "You're gettin' nothing from me. You may as well kill me."

"Bright Lady, no!" Electra said. She laughed, that lovely musical laugh, with its now-unmistakable notes if evil behind it. "Why would I do that, when you can provide me such power? And such pleasure..."

The thought, repugnant as it was to him, nonetheless made Jason's cock throb. But looking down at his twitching dick, stupidly eager for some action, Jason began to laugh.

"You think I'm gonna fuck you?!" Jason said. "Fat chance, lady. I'd need a hundred dicks to fill that demon hole!"

Electra smiled. "Never underestimate the resourcefulness, or the power, of a child of the Bright Lady," she said.

Sparks of warm, yellow flame appeared around Electra's eyes. At the same time, Jason felt hands on his cock. A trio of Maidens, including the returning handjob Maiden, bleeding from a gash in her head, worked his shaft.

Beneath him, he could feel more Maidens squeezing and caressing his balls. The other Maidens, though still holding him fast, touched him all over, pressing their bodies to him, suffusing Jason with their demon heat.

Jason felt his cock, already a foot long and as big around as a soda can, swell even further.

"The hell are you doing to me?" Jason said.

"Your mind may be closed to me," Electra said, "but your body is my plaything. Cambions are so deliciously malleable..."

Jason's cock was almost two feet long now, and so thick that more Maidens were necessary to hold it up. They crowded around his penis, nuzzling, kissing and licking, resting their big breasts on top of his increasingly huge member as they massaged him.

"No!" Jason said. "You can't make me!"

Electra laughed. "There was a time," she said, "when I had my pick of cambions, eager to please the Regent of Love. I must confess, I do miss those days. But I shall miss them no longer."

Jason's penis was now nearly four feet long, and still expanding. He felt the pain of this growth as a stretching, the tissue and skin feeling as it would tear and burst, and then filling up with something hot and solid.

And through the pain, Jason could feel his anger growing. He was angry at being used, at being drawn into this awful world, this awful situation. He was angry at Pearl, angry at Kristin, angry at Granny. He was even angry at the handjob Maiden for being alive, when Granny wasn't. And above all else, he was angry at himself for being dumb enough to let this happen at all.

"Yes, human," Electra said, "draw upon your wrath. Let the soul of Tarterus enter you. Let it feed you and fill you, until you feel you must burst..."

Over and over, Jason's cock stretched, and filled, and stretched again. The heat from his bloated cock traveled all along his body, making him feel as if he was on fire. This, combined with the pain of his cock's continued expansion, left him unable to do anything but gasp for air, and long for anything, even death, to put an end to his agony.

"Oh, yes," Electra said at last, "this will do. Even cambions have their limits, and I don't wish to rupture you. At least not until I've been given my due."

The light around Electra's eyes dimmed, and Jason felt the stretching stop. He looked down to discover that he no longer possessed a dick, but a cock-shaped slab of meat. Perhaps eight feet long, and about a half of that in width. It was so large he couldn't even comprehend how it was attached to him.

More Maidens crowded around his giant penis, angling for a piece of the action. Their demon-hot skin felt cool against his feverish cock, and their soft lips smacked as they licked him hungrily. Mammoth breasts jostled all around Jason's cock-slab, surrounding his throbbing meat with their softness.

Jason could smell their arousal, these eager, voluptuous, demon, women hungrily tending to his unreal cock. The miniscule moans of their increasing pleasure blended together into a constant wail, a soundtrack of lust that Jason, now anchored by the weight of a dick that was bigger than the rest of his entire body, found increasingly difficult to shut out.

"Do you understand, human?" Electra said. "You simply must love me. Only Electra can give you so much of what you desire."

Now that the ripping sensations of Jason's mutilation had abated, it was replaced by something new: pleasure. Maidens straddled his dick, squeezing their thighs around his girth, grinding against his overheated flesh. Fluttering wings tickled his skin, Maidens spread their arms wide and hugging their hefty breasts along his hardness.

The molten heat of his dick hadn't abated. Indeed, it had only increased along with the pleasure. His cock began to pulse in response, and the Maidens riding him bounced along with each swell, holding on ever more tightly, lest they be thrown off with each mighty throb.

Meanwhile, Electra, still kneeling, had parted her legs, permitting two Maidens to pleasure her as before. This time, though, she kept her black eyes squarely on Jason's supernaturally engorged cock.

"My my, Earthborn," Electra said. "You are so heated! Come... Great Electra shall give relief to your feverish prick!"

The Maidens riding him remained in place, but the ones alongside it, acting as one, hoisted his gigantic cock-slab onto their shoulders, and began marching it right toward Electra's awaiting pussy. Jason had no choice in the matter; he found himself being dragged along with it.

"No... you can't..." Jason said, but it was getting harder to think now. The sensations were overwhelming, and made his thoughts hazy. He struggled to remain himself, to keep telling himself that he was more than just a giant dick, more than just a thing for Electra to fuck. But the allure was definitely there. He had the biggest dick in the history of the world. Didn't he deserve to fuck this hot, busty goddess? She was evil, sure, but if her swarm of Maidens made him feel this good...

"Stop..." Jason pleaded, "knock it off..."

The Maidens, of course, didn't stop. Moving in lockstep, they brought Jason ever closer to Electra.

Electra spread her thighs wider in anticipation, and her Maidens parted her labia, preparing her for entry. Not that she needed much preparation. Her pussy was glistening in the torchlight, wet and ready for him to plunge inside.

The Maidens paused at the entrance to Electra's sex. Then, working as a unit, they moved Jason's cock up and down, and side to side, gently stroking the head of Jason's dick along the edges of her slick labia.

"Mmm... very good, girls..." Electra breathed, eyes closed in rapture, voice full of anticipation. "Tease me well with the beast's... hot... prick..."

Jason was sweating all over, like he was in the throes of a bad fever. He thought he'd pass out from it, until he felt the touch of Electra's pussy lips. They were cool, almost cold, and provided the tiniest of respite from the heat generated by his own monster cock. Despite his hatred for this demon woman, Jason longed for more.

Then the Maidens riding his cock suddenly flew away. The ones manipulating him lifted his cock up high. Jason was knocked onto his ass, and then he, like everyone else save Electra, was abruptly in the shadow of Jason's looming pillar of cockmeat.

Jason had just a moment to be awed by the sheer enormousness of his what had once been his normal-sized dick, when the Maidens pushed on one side of it. His cock fell over, and smacked loudly onto Electra's gigantic pussy mound. A wave of pleasure whipped along his cock, erasing all his thoughts for a second.

"Uht!" Electra chirped. "Yesss...more!"

The Maidens obliged, much more forcefully this time. Instead of merely allowing his cock to fall, they muscled his giant, fleshy slab downward with a weighty smack.