Duplicity Ch. 01


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Jason walked over and gave her a tight hug and a thorough kiss. Jason didn't really care Sean was watching, he needed to show Sienna his love and support.

"I'll be right in the next room if you need me." Jason whispered.

Sienna nodded and said, "I'll be ok."

She mouthed, I love you and Jason winked at her. As he left the room, Jason shot Sean a warning glare.

Sienna hadn't stopped what she was doing and seemed quite peaceful in her space.

Sean shuffled from one foot to the other with his hands behind his back. He looked like a child awaiting punishment. This was proving to be a lot harder than he expected.

Sienna's art studio was large with white washed walls and slate floors. There were scattered canvassed paintings leaning on the walls.

The easels and paint brushes were silent witnesses to Sean's unease.

A couch, desk and lamps were propped to the right side of the room, settled on a large plush rug. Four large open windows forced the bright sunlight in the room. The window view was mesmerizing because of the intense blue sea and the caldera cliffs in the distance. The only sounds were of the crashing waves and the squawking seagulls.

"Did you come to tell me something or are you going to stand there all day?" Sienna said abruptly breaking the silence.

Undoubtedly, Sienna was conflicted. Sean was obviously unharmed and healthy. Why didn't he try to contact her? Could it be possible to be so angry at someone you love that you want to kill them... but feel so relieved they are alive? She couldn't decide to either slap him or hug him.

Her very best friend and brother came back from the dead. You'd think she would have instantly leapt for joy... until she found him cold and distant. He didn't have amnesia and wasn't missing any limbs. What the fuck? In that moment all Sienna felt was anger... and all she asked was, why?

Why... the same word that echoed within her so long ago when she found out Sean was dead.

"I don't want to hurt you."

"Save it Sean, I've been to hell and back, there's nothing you can say that I can't handle. Just tell me... where have you been?"

Sean walked in front of her and placed his hands over hers to get her attention. Sienna's eyes were fixated on the table. Her hands gripped the canvas as she waited for Sean's words... his excuses... his reasons... his story.


Even though, Sean had already secured the perimeter, done a sweep for tracking bugs the night before and cleared the building; he was anxious. He knew it was safe to talk. He knew it was time to talk. But it was incredibly hard to find the words, to relive the past.

"I'm sorry, I-I-I can't... I don't know where to begin." Sean whispered.

Sienna slowly looked up and peered into her brother's face. She barely recognized him and yet his face was so familiar. He still had the little scar above his eyebrow from when he banged his head on the kitchen cabinets when he was six years old. He still had the little freckle on his jaw line that she used to tease him about, saying it was a fake beauty mark.

It had been six years and the man she stared at... was different. He was intimidating to look at, almost scary. Sean was barely 18 when she last saw him, a boy really. This man was a stranger to her.

She shrugged his hand off of hers and tried to busy herself... not wanting to let her raw emotions show.

When she walked towards a comfy couch in the corner, Sean followed. He sat on the far end but looked straight into her eyes...

"The truth is... I was a coward. I enlisted in the Army because I wanted to get away from New York and it seemed like the best option-"

"Get away from New York? But Why?"

Sean carefully looked at Sienna. And for the briefest of seconds a flash of pain slipped through Sean's eyes. Sienna caught it before he quickly masked his semblance.

Sean sighed, "I just did. I was suffocating in the City. I needed get away... needed a change. I thought it'd be cool, like an adventure. As soon as I was deployed, I knew I had made a mistake but it was too late. I had to just suck it up... I was the one who signed up and I had to carry out my decision. So I decided to finish my tour and get out somehow. Afghanistan turned out to be a little too real and I saw a little too many things."

Sean's voice deepened slightly and shifted his body uncomfortably.

He cleared his throat and continued, "But I shoved it all to the side. I kept thinking I had to prove something... be somebody. So I spent some time with our squadron's language interpreters and worked really hard to learn a couple of the native languages... You remember how you and I wanted to learn all the languages of the world but gave up and made up our own language instead?"

Sienna nodded her head as her eyes were brimmed with tears.

"We said we were going to learn all the languages and then travel to each country and order a cheeseburger and fries." She whispered and then let out a small chuckle.

Sean gave her a sad smile and nodded. "I ended up being really good at blending in with the local population. So much so, that I stumbled upon some important Intel without realizing it. Eventually I got recruited into covert operations for the CIA. I jumped at the opportunity because anything was better than where I was stationed.

As an operative, life was fast and dangerous just how I liked it. It helped the time seemed to be going by quickly. I was assigned one mission that was especially dangerous. It took longer than expected and some mistakes were made.

My identity was compromised and anyone that knew me was in danger. My superiors received information that there were enemy sleeper cells hovering close to New York and New Jersey. So they planned to fake my death to protect my family, they didn't want them to use you guys as leverage against me. It was always supposed to be temporary until my team could complete the mission and you guys were supposed to be fully aware that my death wasn't real.

During the mission I had to go off the grid and I had no contact with the outside world. I didn't know what was going on until I came back. My close friend Mikhail from the agency found me in Turkey and told me what had happened. My superior, Deputy Director Carl Rollins, had been selling classified information to our enemies. All hell broke loose and I was classed a defector and traitor along with him.

The agency believed I worked with Rollins so I had to go into hiding and I've been hiding out ever since. Since it was a classified mission you guys were simply never told I was actually still alive, it was in their best interest to keep me dead. So both the agency and the terrorists were after me. Whenever they'd get hot on my trail, I'd slip into another obscure country or city and assume another identity. So now I have to clear my name with the Agency and complete this last mission. After that I'm out."

Sienna's head hurt with all of Sean's revelations. What the fuck? He sounded like he was reading something straight out of an action novel. But when she looked in his eyes, she knew he was telling the truth. Anyone else she would call them on their bullshit but not Sean. She could read her brother like a book. No matter how much time had passed, she trusted him with her life. His story seemed impossible. But then it was also impossible to have him back from the dead.

"But why didn't you contact me?"

Sean shook his head. "I couldn't. Safe communication was next to impossible. I could check up on everyone back home, find out everything you were doing but couldn't get pass the borders. I couldn't risk getting caught in the U.S."

"It's been 5 years Sean; a note, a text, an email... anything. I needed you!" Sienna yelled; her eyes sprinkled with tears.

"Don't you think I fucking know that?!!" Sean roared.


Sienna tears flowed down her brown cheeks and Sean's face flushed beet red.

"It's been 5 years, 3 months and 11 days, Cece. And I've felt every fucking second of it." Sean whispered as his deep voice cracked.

His heavily muscled body was tense. In that moment he looked like a marble statue ready to crumble.

Instinctively, Sienna reached over and grabbed his hand. They stayed in that unmovable pose for what seemed like an eternity.

Sean inhaled and exhaled.

"I had no idea when I could safely get back to New York. And I know you... if I would've sent you a note; you would have slowly gone crazy. You would have tracked and researched and probably have gotten yourself hurt and I couldn't be there to protect you. It had to be believable that I was dead, at least for a while. The only way I could see you was to get you out of the country."

"You're saying that all this time all I needed to do was travel?"

Sean nodded. "Don't you remember 2 years ago, you got a package in the mail saying you won a free trip to Paris? I sent you those tickets."

"I thought that was junk mail." Sienna whispered.

"Yea well it wasn't. I was trying to be creative but you wouldn't budge. Before that I tried to sneak into the U.S. through Niagara Falls, Canada but almost got caught. Then I tried to plan to get in through Mexico but that was too risky with the border patrols. So I just made up my mind to be patient and wait until the time was right to see you again."

Sienna slowly nodded and squeezed his hand a little harder.

She wiped an errant tear from her face and said, "I've missed you Sean... so much. I can't even start to explain. God, how I dreamed about seeing you again. There was always this thing in my heart that knew you were alive... I think Nicole knew it too."

Sean averted his eyes and cleared his throat. There it was again, that brief flash of pain quickly masked with a neutral face.

Sienna wondered what that was about. There were so many thoughts circling her mind.

"You know you can talk to me Sean. What else aren't you telling me?"

"Nothing." He said barely above a whisper.

Sienna's expression softened when she witnessed Sean's vulnerability. He obviously wasn't ready to talk but his clear green eyes were watery and his voice cracked as he spoke. This was new. Sean was always the confident, cocky, reckless, lovable one... never vulnerable. His pained eyes seemed almost detached from the present as he relived the past.

Sienna inhaled and exhaled calming her emotions as she took his every word in. One thing was for sure, the past was the past. It couldn't be changed. She reached out and touched his shoulder.

Sean turned towards her and wrapped her in a bear hug. He held her there for a long time. He could feel her vibrating shudders and sniffles. Sean inhaled deeply as he tried to tamper his own emotions.

Still in his embrace, she muffled, "Sean, I love you so much."

Sienna pulled back and looked at him in the eyes, "I can feel you're holding some things back but for now I'm just glad to have you close by. Just know that I'm here for you. You can tell me anything."

Sean gave her a sad smile and kissed her forehead. He cleared his throat and said, "I can't stay long, but I'll be back."

"At least stay for dinner."

"I think I can manage that. Besides I have to grill this fiancée of yours. Congratulations, by the way. He's an interesting character."

As if summoned, Jason poked his head in the room.

"Everything alright in here?"

Sean and Sienna nodded.

"Good, let's go downstairs for some dinner. Angela made a feast for us to enjoy."

As they walked to the dining room, Jason squeezed Sienna close to him. Sienna reached up and gave him a sweet kiss. There was much she needed to fill Jason in on.

When they made sure they were alone; they ate a delicious dinner and filled Sean in on the last 5 years of life in the U.S. Even though he already knew the general details, it was different hearing it from them.

Sean had never seen his sister so alive and happy as she was now. Jason and Sienna seemed to complement each other perfectly; even finishing each other's sentences. It was so cute it was downright nauseating. Sean was happy for Sienna; she deserved all the joy this world had to offer.

When he saw Sienna's happiness, he felt a little twinge of sadness ... it was a happiness he could never have.

The three of them seemed to mesh into conversation naturally. As if it wasn't odd at all that the presumably dead prodigal son was reclining at their table for dinner.

Sienna was 'bursting at the seams' and wanted to tell someone, anyone about Sean's reappearance... but she couldn't. She didn't know all the specifics about what Sean was into but she knew she had to trust him.

At dinner, she got a chance to really observe him. He was still charismatic Sean but he had become mature and reserved. Physically, Sean was always strong but he was now in perfect condition. His golden chest and arms looked like he could crush anything in sight. His shaved head made his leafy green eyes sparkle even more. His thick red lips looked like they could tell a million stories. It saddened Sienna to think he was alone all these years.

For Sean it was surreal to spend time with Sienna and Jason. He was aware of every aspect of their lives. He monitored Sienna while she worked and even knew when she met Jason. Sean was surprised to hear about their sister Suzy's attempt to break the happy couple up. Stupid girl, he thought. She paying for it now though, karma is a bitch. Hopefully, she'll learn her lesson.

Pretty soon the trio's laughter could be heard from down the hall. It warmed Sienna's heart to have her brother again. Unconsciously she reached for her necklace to play with the pendant and remembered it was gone.

"So what did you want my necklace for?"

"The key you had opens a safety deposit box that holds the proof that will clear my name. I hid it somewhere safe just in case they spotted you with me and tried to cause you harm. But as soon as I leave I'll travel and leave it with Mikhail and he'll handle the rest. Then I have to go underground and wait and see if it worked in clearing my name with the agency."

"Whatever you need Sean, you can count on our help." Jason said.

"Thanks man. You know, I used to think there was no one in the world that could ever deserve my sister... But it looks like I was wrong. You got a good man here, Cece. I'm happy for you both; it's all I ever wanted for you."

"You'll see baby brother... you'll find happiness again too." Sienna said with conviction.

"So, when is the wedding?" Sean asked, desperately trying to change the conversation.

Sienna and Jason looked at each other as if they had an inside joke.

"We want to take the plunge as soon as possible... maybe next month?" Sienna said.

Jason gave her a reassuring kiss.

"What's the rush?" Sean asked suspiciously.

Sienna giggled, a sure sign she was hiding something.

Sean narrowed his eyes at her and said, "Really? And when were you going to tell me?"

"I was working up to it! We actually just found out, and you're the first to hear the news. Sooo... you're going to be an uncle." Sienna said smiling.

"Holy shit, an uncle! Congratulations." Sean said beaming. He gave Sienna a tight hug and a kiss on her head. "I'm so happy for you. You're gonna be a great mom."

"Thanks, Sean. You are the first person I would've wanted to tell. So I don't know how you're going to manage it but you have to be at our wedding. I won't have you miss any other big events in our life." Sienna said seriously.

"I can't risk it Cece. It's too dangerous."


"How about a disguise?" Jason asked suddenly.

"I'm listening..." Sean said.

"Well, with some makeup and other props you can pose as my cousin. Your skin color is light enough that it just looks like you tan well. If you stay to yourself, people won't notice a thing. And that way you can even be in the wedding party. Since your family hasn't really met any of my family, no one will notice anything is off." Jason said.

Sean cocked his head to the side and was thinking thoughtfully.

"Hmm... that actually might work."

"What about Sean's voice? Anyone from the family will be able to notice it."

"Well, he can just be really quiet and ignore any questions. Maybe they'll just think he's rude or something."

Sienna shrugged her shoulders. "I guess... And worst case scenario we could just tell the truth."

Sean shook his head, no.

"Everything will work out Sean."

Sean exhaled and looked at his sister thoughtfully.

"Alright, I'll do it."

Sienna clasped her hands and smiled brightly, "Yay! Ok great, Layla, our wedding planner will arrive tomorrow to start the planning. You'll have to get your disguise and identity flushed out before you meet her."

"Alright so I'm going to tie up some loose ends and then go underground here in Santorini. It'll take a while to see if I'm in the clear anyway. So I'll leave tonight and come back in a week. Jason, I'll contact you to iron out any details about your family."

"I'm so happy to have you back Sean." Sienna said as she squeezed his hand.

"It's good to be back."

Sean wrinkled his eyebrows and then seriously said, "I don't know if I can handle seeing everyone again all at once, Cece."

"You have to trust everything will work out for the best, Sean. Don't worry about it so much. Your disguise will help you come back without having to tell anyone it's you. And when it's time for you to tell them, they will thank God you're alive. Everyone loves you."

Sean nodded and hugged her goodbye and rubbed her stomach. He looked at Jason and said, "Take care of them."

And with that he was gone.

Sienna exhaled and looked at Jason. There was a worried expression on her face when she thought of the complicated mess they were in. Sienna furrowed her brow and she could feel a headache coming. In turn Jason seemed completely at ease about this whole ordeal.

Jason wickedly smiled and thought how he would enjoy relieving her stress. He squeezed her soft ass as they walked towards their bedroom and said "This should be an interesting wedding."


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AMHJ89AMHJ89over 10 years ago

This is Cray Cray... digging the covert angle but for some reason I don't trust Jason

kuroukiphoenyxkuroukiphoenyxabout 11 years ago

"This should be an interesting wedding."

After the chapter I just read? This statement is the biggest understatement of this entire story...i havent even read chapter two yet

emj417emj417over 11 years ago

i bet sean's married or probably has a kid, because he always thought he would have to pretend to be someone else. i hope he can prove he is innocent and shows up with a kid in tow. perfect scenario for him to try and win nicole back.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Very nice!

"The easels and paint brushes were silent witnesses to Sean's unease." Excellent phrasing and imagery.

mrskelleymrskelleyalmost 12 years ago
Loving this!!!!!!

Hey brother sounds hot!!!! Love the suspense. I wonder what it is he is not telling her?

IndianPrincess2IndianPrincess2almost 12 years ago

Great update can't wait to see how they pull this off at the wedding looking forward to see what happen next please update again real soon thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
On the 5 year he arose.:......

It appears secrets are in abundance. Why is Josh so at ease with a flock what secrets are he hiding? When the family find out about his resurrection it is going to be a sight to be held. I wonder if the dad knew any thing. The person they need to be concern with most is their crazy ass sister.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

You're back! And now I know from the tiny itsy bitsy hints that there was a Sean and Nicole!!! Can't wait for more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Part 3 please

I had a feeling Sienna would be pregnant by now. Are they going to stay in Europe and have the baby there, or will they move back home so they'll be surrounded by family?

Jason never struck me as a guy that would draw a gun so casually. I can see him being menancing enough to punch a guy but pulling a gun like a mobster? Seems out of place. Especially with Sienna living there (imagine if she made the mistake of sneaking up behind him).

I look forward to the wedding. I can only imagine how the rest of the family will react to seeing Sean again.

StaggeredHeartsStaggeredHeartsalmost 12 years ago

I'm staying tuned in for more.

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