DWB The Sequel


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I looked at the faces of them all. Each straining to take in what I was saying without being the first to break and tell me to 'Fuck off you sick little fuck!' Thank god for peer pressure and I dunno, competitive professionalism?!

Well, having gone this far, there was no turning back now. Apparently I was just getting started...

'Fat producers would make you lick your various juices off their fat little pricks that they'd just pulled out of your holes just for a speaking part in their equally shitty little films. Your old classmates would call you up and make you come over and piss in your mouths just to show that you're not better than them.'

'Your arses would never again fully close because they've been fucked too many times, and you'd never quite get the coppery taste of your own and everyone else's arse out of your fuck hole mouths.'

I paused to take stock for a moment.

'Sorry, seems I have some kind of anal fetish.'

I moved back to the stage area and readied for my finale. I was, I guess, in retrospect, now drunk/high on the situation. The power I held, at their surprising ongoing implicit consent. Can you imagine getting to say these things?! Well here I was and I was damn well doing it! It took all of my internal strength not to simply take out my raging cock and start jerking it to the perverse sights before me. But I held off, and just kept talking. In retrospect it would almost certainly have been better if I'd just tossed myself off. But no. Not stupid me. I went on.

'The only film work you could get would be reprising your most famous roles except with humiliating sex scenes added in, and you'd do it because, despite still being rich, you all need to, it's in your very natures.'

'Kate, you'd have your arse railed by the rock cock of The Thing and in order to see your invisible form the Human Torch would be pissing on your face.'

An actual gasp was audible at that. The whole frozen quiet thing was beginning to unravel. Kate to her weird credit just smiled broadly and giggled.

'Daisy you would be forced to take BBs head into your sopping cunt and ride him around the deck of a starship in an open set of drooling Star Wars nerds who'd then Bukkake you.'

Daisy smarted quite noticeably at that, but, despite her eyes darting around at the rest of them to gauge their reactions, held her nerve more or less. I went on.

'Alicia you would be fucked in the deep dark jungle by a team of henchmen, who'd pull on your tits till they're as pointy as your video game character, and you'd get DP'd by those twin pistols you use, and you'd end up covered in mud and dirt and sweat and cum that would only ever come off when they all pissed it all off of you.'

Alicia's eyes opened wide too in shock, but then smirked in apparent amusement and tilted her head slightly as if she was considering the idea, not entirely ruling it out. What a good sport.

'Natalie.' I said next.


'You would get your Queen Amidala make-up fucked off your face by Jar Jar Binks' gargantuan Gungan cock, who wouldn't fucking shut up the whole time.'

Nat's eyes narrowed at me, almost causing me to recoil a little, and even, wilt. I turned to the safety of dear, game M.

'M, well, of course you'd have to eat Hagrid's arse while being buttfucked by Draco Malfoy, your friend Tom who would love and hate it at the same time.'

M too smarted a little at that. The Tom thing might have been going a bit too far. That one might come back to haunt me I thought, inadvertently clenching my buttcheeks. But I'd gone this far, no point stopping now...

And speaking of too far. Well I then turned my attention to the one holding the camera.

'And finally Brie. You would get team-fucked by the Avengers, starting with an actual raccoon, and then get passed around to all the online troll misogynists you so rightly despise.'

Brie stared back at me over the camera, and regarded me sharply, seemingly taking care to choose her words carefully.

'So much talk little Willy, so little action.' Came the wholly unexpected reply.

The girls all broke out into laughter, breaking whatever spell I had imagined I had over them. Even M couldn't help but titter.

Brie, sensing my sudden weakness, went on.

'You somehow manage to talk more than a room full of fucking actresses. Nude actresses! Frozen and apparently ready and willing for you to do anything and everything to them. And there you are, not even tugging away on your own sad little prick, all foreplay, no follow-through.'

I stood there aghast, gasping for a reply. My 'little prick' wilted a little.

Well fuck. I thought to myself. That was unexpected. Well, challenge a man's fragile masculinity at your peril.

'Is that right?' I said, being left no other choice that to defend my lack of action with, well, action.

'Then watch, no film, this.' I said surprisingly forcefully.

And then I promptly stepped down to the girls before me, and selecting Alicia at random (although she was already conveniently bent over and ready to be mounted), directed my cock straight at her quim. I lined my cockhead with her bald and oh-so-inviting slit, noting that it looked nice and moist already, and was all but ready to plunge it in to her. Unasked. Unconsented.


Just as I was about to thrust my raging cock into her I stopped myself.

And sighed. And stepped back.

A collective breath was let out in the room at the sudden anti-climax.

'Fuck. I'm sorry. I can't do it like this.'

And then I uttered the word;



A moment passed and one by one the girls 'unfroze'. No one said anything, they were likely taking stock of what had happened, what I'd said. And almost done.

'Sorry. Just. Sorry.' I managed to get out.

I tucked my confused cock back into my trousers, awkwardly, and, instead of running for cover, for lack of anything better to do, went and got a bottle of champagne and began doling it out.

The girls relaxed out of their various positions and stayed there, seemingly all looking to each other as to what the hell to do next.

M was the first to speak.

'So guys, I'm not sure if that was exactly what you were all expecting but please bear in m...'

She was cut off immediately.

'So Gungan cock huh?' Natalie said straight over her, to me, with look on her face that made me want to shrivel up and die.

I stopped pouring and started sweating. The reckoning. I reluctantly looked up at Natalie and saw her glaring back at me. Again, she was the leader of this pack. For (my) good or for ill. Despite the fact that they were all naked it was I that felt somehow the most exposed.

She held my gaze like a fucking Apex predator about to devour some cornered, wounded mangey prey.

'I'm sorry.' I began, 'I guess I just got carried...' But I was cut off before I could even begin my grovelling apology tour.

'That's fucking funny.' She said, interrupting me, fucking po-faced.

Suddenly the others all burst out in laughter.

And Natalie, finally, broke and flashed me a surprisingly generous smile. Apparently I'd miraculously underestimated what 'too far' actually was! Thank holy fuck for that!

'Hey I'm gonna get pissed on by the human torch! Or would it be more like steamed on?!' Kate added, laughing her arse off.

'What about the fucking motorboat carousel!' Someone else said and they all just lost it.

'Honestly M where did you get this guy. He's a fucking freak!' Kate said.

M looked over at me and shrugged, I think as surprised as I was.

Even Brie spoke up as well;

'I knew he was all talk! But I have to say, you guys, not that you shouldn't be tearing absolute shreds off him right now, but my god, you should have seen all your faces...trying to stay still. Fuck! I mean he's fucking disgusting, but you were all...your commitment to the scene...it was impressive I have to admit.'

She shook her head while apparently still proceeding to film us all.

I smiled sheepishly and began handing out the champagne. I went to Natalie first.

'So what stopped you?' She asked me as she took up the proffered glass. Intimately, as if there was no else in the room.

I stared down at my shoes. They all waited for me to answer.

'I dunno. I just couldn't do it. I mean, taking photos and saying outlandish things is one thing. They're just words. But doing, without your explicit ok. I dunno, I just couldn't do it.'

'Aw.' Sung out, almost collectively.

'The freak's sweet!' Someone said, Kate, again, I think.

'But you did it with M?' Natalie asked. 'We all saw the video. We knew there was a risk you'd get carried away. And any of us could have unfrozen whenever we wanted.'

'And you might have noticed that I didn't unfreeze.' Alicia suddenly added. 'Even though you were about to take some serious liberties with me...'

I looked at her and tried to take in the implications of those words -- you mean I could have...fucked you?! I thought to myself as she stared straight back at me in apparent confirmation.

I tried to answer;

'Yes but I've known M for ever, and there was some...context...missing from that compilation video.'

All eyes went to M, who generously nodded her agreement as she took a swig of champagne.

'I may have left some things out.' She said, somehow both sheepishly, and devilishly.

I was becoming uncomfortable being the centre of attention. More than that though, I was the only one with any clothes on. I picked up the closest dress from the floor and offered it to its owner, again being Nat.

She regarded me and my gesture, and then politely refused.

'No I'm ok like this. I rather enjoy being naked actually.' She said simply, uncrossing and recrossing her long gorgeous legs and taking a sip of champagne as if nothing whatsoever was awry. My jaw dropped along with the gown.

Daisy, who, bring the quietest of the bunch, had already picked her dress up and had it draped across her lap, looked over at Natalie and then pushed it back off her legs to fall back down to the floor. The rest seemingly all agreed. Despite everything I'd said and done, it seemed that they were still looking to each other for cues as to how to act, and none wanting to appear more phased than the other, remained just as they were. Not for my benefit, despite it being decidedly beneficial!

'So M.' Brie suddenly asked, turning the camera towards M, still chromecasting by the way.

'Did this go as you had planned?' Playing documentary filmmaker apparently.

M blushed, adorably and suddenly a little self-conscious among her peers.

'Well, I don't know, I mean, I must admit I thought Will might have, you know, followed through if you all let him that is. Not because he's bad or anything, I actually rather thought that he'd figure out that you might all rather have liked him to...take liberties...'

My cock tried to take control of my leg so that it could kick me.

'Well I'm not sorry for not joining in.' Brie volunteered. 'But manning the camera was...eye-opening.'

M smiled, grateful I think that no one seemed to be truly upset.

'I hope you all know that this was really meant to be a kind of gift to you all. I thought perhaps you would all get something out of it like I have.....Well. Anyway, I guess we can just whatever now. More drinks?!'

They all nodded and drinks were poured and duly consumed. A brief moment of silence fell upon the group.

'So.' Natalie finally broke it. 'That motorboat thing. What in the actual fuck?!'

Fits of giggles coursed through them all, to my unending embarrassment.

'Who even comes up with that?!' Someone said.

'I know right?!' M chimed in, I think proud on my bashful behalf.

'He has quite a talent for it!' She continued. 'And I think that's what makes it easier. Dirty is one thing. But weird is...just something else entirely...'

'I dunno, I guess I wanted to something that involved you all, and that's what I came up with..' I explained, poorly. No one said anything.


'So...do you have another? Weird idea..?!' Alicia suddenly asked, putting me on the proverbial spot.

'I um...I don't...I mean.' I stammered, coming up donuts, and not actually wanting to put myself out there at any rate.

'Come on B!' M insisted.

'It's not like I have a list!' I replied. 'They just come to me in the moment...'

M wasn't having it.

'Come on B, we haven't done anything together for ages...You can't tell me you haven't thought of something in all that time...something twisted...'

'I really don't. I...' I trailed off, it suddenly occurring to me that I had thought of something weird. Really weird. And just earlier that night.

They all read my face and knew instantly there was something after all.

'Come on.' Natalie said, smiling that blinding smile. 'Out with it.'

I sighed. Still reluctant.

'No. It's too weird. I can't I'm sorry.'

That was met with a collective 'Come on..Pleaasssee!' from them all, which was of course entirely overwhelming given who they were, and who I was/am. I clenched my teeth and tried to think of something, anything, else. But like Dan Akroyd thinking of the Staypuft marshmallow man, nothing else came to mind.

'Fuck.' I said, easily defeated. 'Ok. But you have to know that I'm not actually suggesting this, not at all! It's just something I thought of...tonight actually.'

They were hanging on my every word. What a weird feeling, given that only I knew what was to come.

'Ok so in M's film tonight. There was a bluegrass band or whatever. Or I think it might be called a jug band...?

'It is.' M confirmed helpful as ever.

'Yep, so you know the member, the eponymous member, he or she that plays a jug...by blowing into a jug.'

They all nodded.

'So it occurred to me that one could try, at the appropriate moment, to play...'

'Play?' They asked. I closed my eyes and hung my head so that I could get the words out.

'So they could play someone's...gape, their gaping arsehole, like a jug in a jug band. There I said it.'

I'd expected laughter. Instead a moment of deathly silence prevailed around the bar. And then;

'What the fuck!?' Someone said, and not in a good way. I was too busy staring at my feet so I couldn't tell who.

Spit it out Will. It's out there now.

'I mean. I thought. I wondered. Has that ever been done do you think? Maybe it would be the first time it's ever been done...I guess that's what I was thinking.'

'So.' M began, trying I think to make sense of what was perhaps too weird even for her, at least, in the present company anyway. She didn't finish however as Kate cut her off;

'You want to lean down after fucking someone's arse such that its gaping open and blow into it? And make it whistle?!' She asked in apparent wonder at the notion.

'I didn't say I wanted to do it!' I hastily clarified. 'It just occurred to me that maybe one could is all. When I was watching.'

'That's what you were thinking when you were watching my new movie?' M asked me point blank. Apparently, I'd managed to shock even her.

'Fucking arse Jugband!' Brie of all people yelled out, and then proceeded to laugh her arse off. 'Oh my god. This kid's an absolute nut job!'

Alicia chimed in.

'I mean.' She said, trying to find some generous interpretation of it all. 'It's certainly inventive...maybe he's right, maybe it has never been done before...'

'Oh my god.' Kate said, all riled up and snatching up her phone. 'I'm fucking checking.'

'Jug band. Arse.' She sounded out as she typed the search words. 'and what...whistle?'

'Yeah.' Natalie said looking at me with some form of feigned consolation in her eyes. 'We're probably not gonna do that.'

'I never said that we should!' I protested, as they all laughed at me. Mortifying.

'Yeah. That one's possibly too weird, even for me.' M said, patting me on the back condescendingly.

'I can't find anything!' Kate piped up from her phone. 'Fuck I think he's right!'

'So it would be a world first? An actually original sex act?' Nat asked, apparently slightly impressed.

'Only if we filmed it.' Alicia clarified. 'It may have been done and just not filmed.'

Surprisingly logical that one.

'But would it even....work?' Daisy piped up to ask, scrunching up her nose in apparent distaste and mild confusion at the mechanics of the suggestion.

Kate, put her phone down and took up one of the empty bottles of champagne. And, pursing her lips, blew across its mouth. A low whistle like sound sounded out.

'Would have to be one hell of a gape!' She said laughing hysterically.

More hysterical laughing followed, and more tried the same with the variously filled bottles scattered about, to varying degrees of success.

'Honestly B.' M said to me, not quite subtly enough to avoid being heard by the others. 'You could've toned it down just a little...'

'This is what I mean,' Brie said, looking at me with unveiled disgust. 'There's no limits to the degrading things they will think of for us all. They're fucking sick.'

'It's not meant to be degrading.' I replied, defending myself. 'It's just meant to be weird. God, I'm sorry I said anything.'

'I'm not.' She replied straight back, 'It just shows us all that you're not just some harmless Fanboy. As if there was any doubt. You're sick.'

'Hold on.' I expected M to jump in to defend me, but it was Alicia.

'Brie, we asked him for his thoughts, and he gave them to us. He could've just said nothing. Also it doesn't seem to me that this jug thing is meant for us specifically anyway. It could be anyone that does it...in fact Will needn't be the musician, he could be the instrument!'

Brie considered this line of thought and, tilting her head replied.

'Now that I could get on board with...'

And...everybody, even Brie, laughed their toned arses off as mine clenched tight.

'Hey!' I protested again. 'No one's needing to be the jug! It was just a thought. Fuck!'

I grabbed the nearest drink and downed it, hoping to drown my embarrassment.

'I have a different idea.' Alicia said in response. 'One that's perhaps a little less weird, but possibly still a bit...twisted?'

The crowd gave her their undivided attention.

'Well firstly. I would say that all this timestop stuff, and talk, as weird as it may be, has still, had somewhat of an effect, on me, if you know what I mean. I hope I'm not the only one..?'

'No. No you are not.' Kate immediately answered with an exaggerated sigh.

The girls all laughed.

'Gosh!' Daisy gushed, suddenly animated, and confessed;

'I can barely keep from sliding off of my seat!'

And now they all cackled.

The girls all stood up, and to a woman, minus one being Brie, all broke out in fits of hysterics as they saw the pool of moisture that each of them had left behind.

'Oh M! There goes your bond!' Someone said to raucous laughter.

'Well I must have been doing something right!' I couldn't help but think to myself. My dick twitched.

I looked at M who looked like a light had gone off in her head.

'My bag! Oh I almost forgot.' She said and ran behind the bar.

The girls watched as M soon popped back up again and heaved the, not large but apparently heavy, bag up onto the bar.

'Come! Look!' She gushed.

They all came and leaned over and peered in as M busily began emptying its contents. It was sex toys. A lot of sex toys. All colours, all shapes, all sizes. Dildos, vibrators, remote controls, benwa balls, butt plugs. All very elegant somehow -- as in no expense had been spared. The full English as it were.

'It occurred to me that Will might have had his work cut out with us all so I thought I'd bring in some back-up.' M explained, I thought a mite unnecessarily.

'Back up indeed!' Kate remarked, holding up a jewel-encrusted chrome butt-plug.
