DWB The Sequel


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'Is this the...one that...?' Daisy asked, holding up the footlong black strap-on that M had once used on me.

M blushed. As did fucking I.

'Yes well I assure you that's the only one that's been used already. It has been thoroughly cleaned though!'

I gulped audibly, given the previous Jug suggestion, and they all burst out laughing at me.

'What's the matter Will?' Nat said suggestively, taking it from Daisy to weigh it in her own small fair hands, before adding;

'Strap got your bum?' She asked, punnily. God I love that woman!

I gulped again and tried to suppress a faint shudder at the memory of that behemoth and the bollocking M had given me with it.

'Yes well, I mean, quite..' I managed to stammer, like some sort of submissive Hugh Grant.

'This is all very well ladies.' Alicia spoke out, surveying the loot as it were...'but I would just remind you all that there is in fact a real live...Willy...here among us...'

All eyes turned once more to me, or more accurately, my crotch this time.

'Or is that somehow now ruled out?' She asked with some version of polite innocence, as if she was never quite sure what was fair game when off the continent and what wasn't.

M spoke up immediately.

'Not at all!' She said. 'Will here is, I'm quite sure, quite ready and Willing..!'

Another pun. And obvious one and not her best but it was well received nonetheless.

Daisy pressed a button on a remote and a small pink egg began vibrating along the bar.

'Oh!' She said, mashing at the buttons to make it stop, giggling in embarrassment.

'Oh look Daisy's found herself a droid!' Someone called out.

Again, cackles.

I however looked upon the assorted sextoys, and, noting their likely superior pleasure giving abilities to my own, slighter more meagre, less technologically complex apparatus and couldn't help but wonder if my night's contribution was coming to a somewhat disappointing end...as in not getting an end in.

Brie, who had been standing back a little through all of this, being I suppose somewhat removed, firstly in still being dressed, but also still gamely recording everything that was happening, spoke.

'No raccoons though that I can see.' She said cheekily, with a pretend look of disappointment. Was she being playful? Hard to read that one!

Alicia leaned across the bar and picked up the sleep mask and dangled it upon one slender finger.

'Are raccoons the one's that look like bank robbers?' She asked, again innocently, but what I finally recognised as being anything but...

A communal realisation rushed through the group, and I, the last to figure it out, suddenly twigged.

'Oh no, I can't take being blindfolded again!' I pleaded, while Brie also rushed to clarify;

'And I was joking about the raccoon! I'm still out.' She said, adding to my burgeoning disappointments.

'Ladies.' Alicia interjected before Brie's continuing refusal to join in became any sort of downer.

'My idea...' She reminded everyone.

All, regathering their composures, were all ears.

'If I understand what has gone on here tonight. We have some competing, shall we say, urges. On one side, being us, is the distinct dislike of what I believe is called Fanboys? Will apparently being their chief representative here tonight. And so we don't want to make this easy for them, or him right? But also, in order to get what we might want out of this, we need him, or a certain part of him anyway. Sextoys being a useful but ultimately poor substitute for the real thing. And I'm sure we can all guess, and perhaps even see, at his Fanboy urges, being anything and everything he can possibly get..'

All nodded their solemn agreement with this honest appraisal, some cheekily peeking down at my crotch.

'Well then. It seems to me that one, some, or all of us at some point tonight will end up...shall we say interacting with that there penis...' She nodded to my crotch which pricked its prick up at hearing its proper name mentioned. Praise be.

No one said anything to that, not even Brie. Oh my lord!

'Well...' Alicia went on. 'What if we were to blindfold him, and then do whatever it is that we want to do, which I have no doubt that he will enjoy greatly...but he won't actually know who is doing what and when.'

'Yes!' Kate hissed, clearly delighted with the idea. 'Let's do it!'

I, while somewhat disappointed with the lack of sight thing, was still not quite stupid enough to look this particular gorgeous gift horse in the mouth.

Kate, obviously eager to begin, reached over and tried to take the blindfold from Alicia's hands, but Alicia pulled it out of her reach.

'Sorry, I hadn't quite finished. This bit is really rather important.' She stated.

'But if we really want to, what's the phrase, pull one over? On him and them, then I propose that whatever we do, which is up to us, that we all do it....'

She let the moment linger, and then said;

'Minus one.'

A slow wave of comprehension surged around the bar. Devious, understanding smiles broke out, and one distinctly deflated frown. My own.

Cruel content aside, I couldn't help but take a brief a moment to ponder the wonder at the fact that her English was so much better than mine, despite it being a second language. God bless Scandanivian education! The idea though, was pure fucking evil.

Daisy at the end of the bar chimed in.

'I'm not sure I get it sorry.' She said, a mite embarrassed.

Alicia smiled serenely. So fucking evil. Natalie took up the task of explaining.

'Well Daisy...if all but one of us does...well anything really, then when he remembers whatever came to pass here tonight...and he thinks back as to how Alicia, Kate, you Daisy, Emma here and so on [politely still leaving Brie an opt-in] and myself, well then he will know that some of us definitely did those things to him, but he will never know for certain who...?'

Alicia just nodded in agreeance with everything Nat said, who went on:

'And let's say some days or weeks from now Will here finds himself wanting to have a fun little jerk at the memory of what comes to pass here tonight...having his dick sucked, or his fucking one of us wherever and however we so choose, or him cumming in or all over us...and wants, I imagine, to attach a visual of one or all of us having done so, he will never actually know that any one of us really did it!?'

'That's...' Daisy said carefully as she began to comprehend....'Fucking diabolical!'

I couldn't have said it any better myself.

'Fuck yes!' Kate chimed in again, this time practically throwing herself across the bar to get at the blindfold, which this time Alicia allowed her to take.

I looked down the bar at Alicia who looked demurely back at me, so polite, so graceful, and I could not help but imagine her transmitting a silent message to me something like 'Terribly sorry, I hope you wouldn't mind.'

'And the camera.' She said, staring right at me. 'M you would have to promise to never show him this part.'

I then looked pleadingly at M, who returned my look with a vaguely apologetic shrug.

'I promise.' She replied solemnly. Traitor!

Alicia looked around those gathered. 'Well? Are we agreed?'

Evil nods all round. Well fuck.

'Well then! Let's get started shall we!' Kate chimed in, and my glaring stare at M was then 'obstructed' by Kate's pert little breasts blocking my view for an ever so brief moment as she reached over my head with the mask and then....my world went dark. Again.


What followed was a lot of...chatter. As in it was hard to catch it all as they were all speaking over each other.

'Alicia I must say you really are quite evil.' Someone commented. Nat I thought.

'Thank you! I do try.' Alicia replied, obviously.

'Sorry...but we do still get to try some of these toys though right?!' Source unknown, Daisy if I had to guess the accent. I didn't hear the answer.

'So! Logistics! Let's put him back on that swivel chair yeah? For easy access?' Had to be Kate.

'How on earth does this one work?' Source unknown, presumably referring to a sex toy.

A buzzing sound began.

'Oh!' Whomever it was said laughing in apparent surprise.

'I can't believe you used this thing on him. It's huge!' Source unknown. Object clearly the strap-on.

'Should we take all of his clothes off, or just his pants?' Kate. Pretty sure.

A hand gently took my head and placed a glass to my lips, giving me a much needed drink. M surely.

'Ladies I think we need to think about all this this chatter. He'll be able to figure out who's doing what if we're not careful.' Natalie. The voice of (this time annoying) reason.

'Shit that's true. Fuck.' Kate for sure.

'So we can't speak? That will make things a bit hard wont it?' Source unknown.

'Guess what else is hard!' A hand rubbed over my crotch. Kate. Put it in the wank bank Will.

'So what, hand signals then?' Daisy I think.


That was M. All went quiet.

'I can speak. For us all.' She went on. 'I've already done just about everything with him so it doesn't matter if I'm talking when, let's say, one of us has his dick in our mouth because he already has me in his wank bank. If it's just me speaking, directing who's doing what and when then he'll never know who it actually is.'

'But I can speak too right?' Brie asked.

'Not if you don't want to leave open the possibility, that you've joined in all of a sudden.' Alicia chimed in calmly. Evil incarnate.

'Oh yeah! Yeah. Actually Will maybe I will get in on this. On your thing. And you'll never even know!' Brie said to me maliciously.

My mind didn't believe her for a second, my dick on the other hand...

The girls laughed heartily.

'Ok.' M said, I think we're ready. 'Will? Any last words before we all, minus one, being some of the most famous women in the world have their wicked way with you?'

'I love...and hate...you all.' I said simply.

'Aw.' Came the collective giggling response.

'Take him to the chair.' M commanded. Hands pulled me up and guided me over to the chair in the middle of the room.

'Ok, clothes first.' M said. 'Strip him. Completely.'

Multiple hands began to work my clothes from me, and in no time at all I was naked as the day I was born. Exposed. Fully. To them all.

'Now.' M said, 'Let's think about this for a moment shall we.'

'We have a few orders or operations to consider. Firstly what we do. And then who does it when.'

'On the what, I think...we need to tease him a little. With a little taste...'

I couldn't see the response, but apparently M saw the need to demonstrate, because I soon found a finger trace along the underside of my nose. A wet finger. I inhaled instinctively and took in the obvious scent. It was M to be sure. I knew that pussy anywhere!

'Aha!' Someone said in comprehension.

'How's the scent B?' She asked next to me ear, and then; 'You want a taste too?'

M then took her fingers and pushed them roughly into my mouth. I happily ran my tongue around the intruders, lapping it up as it were.

'Ok, who's next?' M said. 'Don't be shy.'

Well someone wasn't, because soon enough another set of wetted fingers pressed themselves up to my nose, which was in olfactory heaven.

They dipped down and into my mouth.

'Who could it be B?' M asked. 'Maybe...Natalie..? Or Kate? Or Daisy or Alicia...or Brie even?'

Yet another set of fingers wiped themselves upon my upper lip. Can one hyperventilate through one's nose?

'Could be anyone...but it's definitely not one of them.' She teased. I could have whimpered.

And again. And Again. Until I was doing the maths in my head; If M was one then for sure one of them wouldn't have provided me with a sample of themselves. Brie, I thought, seemed the least likely to get involved, if at all, but, if she did, she would surely do so early, right? To avoid anything more full on later..? Meaning...meaning fuck it all I had no idea who was missing.

M, as so often was the case, seemed to be able to read my mind's desperate calculations.

'It's not who you think it is B. Or is it? Maybe the one you think the least likely to be the minus one has done some calculations of her own. Maybe she wants to get her...contribution...in early, lest she have to do more later...And conversely, whoever you think is the most likely...maybe they're holding out so as to have more fun with you later on...'

The last set of fingers crossed my nostrils and found my tongue. All it must be said were truly heavenly. And while it shouldn't have mattered who was the minus one, it fucking well did!

'You having fun yet?' M asked, torturously.

I answered as best as I could;

'You guys don't mind if I quietly sob behind this blindfold do you?'

They laughed at that. M leaned in and gave me their collective cruel answer.

'Oh no B. We don't mind at all!'

I then felt a hand, M's surely, run its way down my chest and to my franticly bobbing cock below. She took hold of it and gave it a few solid tugs. Familiar, confident tugs. Almost showing me off to those watching on.

'Now B. I think it's time that we had a little taste of our own no?' She whispered suggestively in my ear, to which my dick twitched with delighted anticipation.

'However before we get too dirty. I think we should get a little weird if all are ok with it. And by that I mean clean.'

'Ladies I would like you to give B a tongue bath. Wherever you like. The only rule being the weirder the better.'

I sat and waited, wondering what that could possibly mean. As, I assume, did they, because M sighed.

'Ok I'll start. But this is the last time.' She said, and then took my arm and raised it above my head and took a long lap from my bottom left rib up the length of my ribcage to my armpit. Of course I flinched at the ticklish sensation, but she held my arm firmly skyward and licked again.

Well, apparently this was sufficient example, because I soon felt someone's hot breath near my neck before a tongue found, and then entered, determinedly, my right ear! Why the ear?!

I did not have time to dwell on that point either as I felt a wet tongue attack my belly button, which was a strange sensation, most notable perhaps as it meant that my cock, I'm pretty sure was touching the cheek of whoever was delivering its ministrations to my belly button. God if I could've seen who!

M, stopped licking my armpit and commented;

'If only your cock were longer B...it would be wet by now...'

'Now, who can go weirder than that?' She asked, challenging whoever, minus one, remained.

The answer was soon provided when a someone began pushing my legs open and pulled my bum slightly off the chair, which meant? No it couldn't?! They weren't going to lick my arsehole were they?! Unfortunately whoever it was, was cut off by M.

'Hey I said weird not dirty.' To which I heard a low pouting groan as they backed away, as M whispered in my ear, 'Dirty comes later.'

Instead someone's face brushed against mine, and I felt the bizarre sensation of a tongue running around the rim of my nostrils.

'That's the spirit!' M cheered, and then added 'He's got a weird thing for noses actually.'

Shut up M!

The tongue then entered my left nostril and burrowed its way skyward, an altogether intrusive sensation it must be said, leaving me with my head tilted back in confused submission. Imagine then the need to breath from one's mouth when another tongue suddenly forced its way into my other nostril, licking it out like the last bit of an ice-cream cone.

'Good work ladies! Ok now swap.' M directed, and the tongues all moved around, some going for my other armpit, another one of my nipples, and then, bizarrely, an elbow, nibbling on its tough skin.

'If it weren't for that mask B you'd be able to see this you know. Or perhaps you'd have a pair of tongues there too, licking your boggling eyeballs...' M teased me.

Again someone pushed my legs apart, and this time beat M to the punch, diving in head first. Except they didn't lick my arse as I thought/hoped they would. Instead they lifted my balls high up and out of the way and attacked, of all things, my god-damned taint!

M, upon apparently seeing the distinction said;

'Naughty! But ok, I'll allow it.'

The other tongues then began just lapping up and down my entire torso, indiscriminately, and then I think at least two wended themselves down to my legs, knees and finally the soles of my feet.

Finally one of them found my toes and began pushing their tongue back and forth between them, one after the other, tongue fucking them basically.

Now say what you want about nerve endings and their distribution, but I can assure you that having what four? Five? Tongues lashing you everywhere except your normal erogenous zones is somehow nearly as big a turn on as if they were all concentrated on my poor ignored cock. And then remember who, minus fucking one, were the ones doing it and try, I dare you, to not very nearly cum right then and there!

Eventually all heads moved inexorably towards my centre and began to lick all around, but never on, my cock and balls. Someone lapped at my pubes, matting them against my pale English skin, while two others attacked where my legs met my crotch, such that my balls were nestled against their cheeks. So close yet so far!

If ever there was an appropriate use of the term 'exquisite torture', this was it.

'Ok ladies, good work. Time though to move on.' M announced, pulling me from my dream-like state.

'Now I can tell just by looking at some of you that I must apologise to those looking to get 'their end in' as it were, but we would be remiss if we didn't first somewhat sample our fanboy specimen's specimen with our moneymakers...'

No audible response.

'Our mouths!' She seemingly had to clarify for the group.

At least one girl groaned in apparent frustration.

'Sorry ladies.' M said to whoever it was. Kate if I had to guess. 'Patience please...and please don't worry, you'll get your...hey wait!'

And at that moment I gasped as I felt a hot wet mouth push M's hand away as it engulfed my member in one fell and full swallow!

'Well.' M said bemusedly. 'I guess that sorts out who goes first!'

Had to be Kate right?!

And then added mysteriously;

'Ladies and gentlemen the Dark Horse has entered the race!'

For fucks sake. What did that mean? Daisy maybe? Or Nat? Or Alicia somehow? Or fucking Brie?! I had no way of knowing goddammit!

The mouth rose to the tip of my cock and then came plunging back down, taking my whole cock into her...past her throat hole. Fuck.

'Oh!' M whispered in my ear. 'This one knows what she's doing!'

Fuck I could have cum right then and there.

'Geez. Look at her go!' M commentated as the anonymous fellator went to town on my member. If anything I think it was the shock of the escalation that prevented my cumming straight down that expert cocksucker's throat.


'Sorry B. Time's up!' M said forcefully, and perhaps had to physically intervene in order to break the vacuum seal applied to the base of my shaft, until suddenly I felt the pure exasperating sensation of the anonymous starlet reluctantly rising off my cock and baring it to the cold, cruel air.

'Well. That was quite something. Anyone care to follow that act?' M asked breezily.

I felt the person getting up and being promptly replaced between my legs. It seemed someone did care to.

This one took my cock in her hand and began rubbing it all over her face. And then gently smacking it against her cheeks.

'Oh' M said breathlessly in my ear. 'She's flagellating herself with your phallus B. Flagellating fellatio.'

The group tittered. And I moaned as a hand cupped and tugged at my balls.
