E & E


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Ethan deals out the cards, and the phone rings. I immediately hop off the bed and rush over, swiping it off the hook. "Hello?"

"Hello, Ethan Jacobson?" the old woman asks. I roll my eyes.

"This is he," I say quickly, a lie. "What's the update?"

"Yes, I'm calling to say that um, we are working quickly and efficiently to get someone to help with the snow, but we will have to wait until they send someone, and it will not be today." I sigh. I figured that. "But, we have some meals that we're working on getting to you all by the end of the night. My grandson has a phone--wait--a drone."

"A... drone?" I ask. Ethan looks at me, eyebrows raised. "Sorry, we're getting meals with a drone?"

"Yes, a creative solution, be on the lookout! Again, Mr. Jacobson I apologize. Have a good rest of your night," she says. Then she hangs up. I stand there with the phone against my ear.

"We're getting food with a drone," I say, hanging up. "Whatever that means."

"It means we are officially in the Twilight Zone," Ethan huffs. "It gets better though." He reaches in his bag. "I remembered I have strong edibles I was gonna take on the plane. And in whatever Airbnb I was gonna be at. So before we get this care package of snacks, we can get very, very high."

My jaw drops. "Ethan. Ethan, Ethan, ETHAN. You have made my entire day." I close my eyes and shake my head. "Bless you. Really."

Ethan pulls out a pack of edible cookies, and hands me one and a half of them. "I'm gonna shower, you enjoy this, and we're gonna make the best out of this weird ass night." He smiles to himself, looking through his bag and gathering shower materials. I'm surprised the room has towels, and soap. The tip of his nose is slightly red, along with his pronounced cheekbones, and his lips. He must be cold. I wonder if the water will do us any justice. I don't hold onto hope for that one, as I can basically hear Ethan shivering, and he moves very quickly. I can't help but wonder what his body looks like. He seems fit enough, but nothing major. He's kept his change of clothes close to the tile, and I feel creepy for even desiring a peek at him. I remember that I'm supposed to take my edible, and munch it down quickly.

By the time Ethan's dried, dressed, and out of the shower, I'm hopping in while the last bit of sunlight illuminates the room. I hear the music turn up, and it's been background noise this whole time, but now I feel it setting a good mood for me. Even the water seems warm, and then I realize that's because it is. "I think you warmed it up for me," I say aloud.

"Damn, jealous. Maybe I should hop back in with ya," I hear Ethan call back. I know he's joking, but this time my body tells me to take a damn hint, and my cock begins to swell instantly. Before I know it, I'm in the 4' by 4' shower-toilet---shoilet--with my six inches on hard, and I have to accept the fact that something about Ethan makes me horny, even when I know he's joking. If I'm straight 95% of the time, I'm gonna have to accept that there's that little 5% that's gonna involuntarily surface sometimes. A high-stress situation with a good-looking stranger who effortlessly calms me down is a perfect storm for my little feelings of curiosity to tick up. No consequences here. I just have to either get rid of this erection, or wait for it to go away. Or hide it somehow. I wash up quickly with my eyes closed, scrubbing off the last day and a half of frustration and upset.

The water gets a spurt of cold again, and I think it's going to revert back to a chill any minute, and that causes me to soften up a little. I decide my best bet is to hope Ethan doesn't notice. The bottoms of my pants get wet, but it's not enough to change. I do notice the coolness of the room, though. I feel clean and bundled up by the time I'm sitting back on the bed, and Ethan seems content.

"These edibles might take a while to hit. What do you wanna do in the meantime?" Ethan asks. I shrug.

"I have some internet, and I always download like twenty movies before any trip. We can watch one?"

Ethan agrees, and we're looking through Netflix films as the sun goes down past the hill. We flick the lamp on and decide to watch Silence of the Lambs on my iPhone 8 Plus.

"I've never seen this," Ethan says. I give him a shocked look. "It's one of those I haven't gotten to yet. Actually, I haven't seen a crazy amount of classic movies. So if you--"

"I'm going to make you watch a lot of movies, Worm-Boy," I say, clicking my tongue. "Damn, this isn't even a good one to start with... what haven't you seen?"

"...I haven't seen anything, it seems. You're gonna be mad at my list. Just say a movie and I'm sure I haven't seen it."

"We're gonna watch 'Back to the Future,'" I decide, and Ethan smiles, agreeing with a nod.

"Sounds great. Never seen it."

"We have at least another twelve hours in here, guaranteed. So we can watch, what, five movies?" I shrug. "Or maybe we'll just watch one hour of twelve different movies and cut it off no matter what, and you'll have to finish the rest on your own."

"Oh, maybe we'll watch movie trailers, and you just explain the plot to me," Ethan jokes.

"I'll actually just find the scripts online, and make you read them aloud," I retort.

"Settled. I will start up my acting career in this ice box in Nebraska on the brink of thirty."

As I wait for the movie to get past some buffering, I get settled on the bed, sitting against the wall and covering my feet with the blanket. "Trent and I used to go to the movies almost every weekend. And if we couldn't go--too broke, or had to stay home--we found a movie to watch that we hadn't seen before. For years we were in the theater. Trent even worked there."

"I love that. I wish I'd done something like that when I was younger," Ethan says with a sigh. I set the movie between us, and we watch.

Forty-five minutes in, and I'm sure the edible is hitting, because I feel completely absorbed in the movie, as if nothing else is around me. I almost forget where I am, even. Then the telephone rings, and both Ethan and I jump. He's closest, so he reaches over to grab it. I'm definitely high.

"Hello. Yes, this is he--oh? Yes two of us here, still--the window?" he looks at me, then the window, which we can't see much of anything out of. I get up from my position, and stretch as I walk over. "Oh wow, thank you, thank you. Yes I think he's checking now." I raise my eyebrows curiously and open the window to see what looks like a literal war device with a big plastic bag hovering outside. It looks like it's struggling to stay up, even, and I grab the bag, and the propellers blow dusty snow into my face. I have to untwist it from the hook on the drone. This literally feels like a movie, like some part of Back to the Future has projected into our lives here. Instantly, I smell good food, and Ethan must smell it too, because he starts thanking the woman on the phone profusely. I set the bag on the table, and realize it's hot. Ethan joins me to stare at what seems to be two very large takeout containers, and we look at each other with the same excited look on our faces.

Once I see the contents inside--a hearty, homemade turkey meal, almost like Thanksgiving--I feel my mouth water.

"I'm almost glad we're stuck," I whisper, staring at the full plates. A meal for each of us. The food is touching, but I don't even mind. Ethan closes his eyes and tosses his head back.

"I could cum just by LOOKING at this food," he sighs. "This might be a good night."

"I just got weed and a home-cooked meal because nature decided to get me stuck. It's a good night indeed." I find my spoon from the soup earlier, and me and Ethan sort out napkins. I've never been so happy to eat cross-legged on a bed with a stranger.

The first bite of food has Ethan and I moaning happily and humming as if we've had our first meal in days. That's what it feels like anyway. The owners outdid themselves here, even if they can't get us out of this snow. I decide to put my feelings about missing half my trip on the backburner, and enjoy the hell out of some homemade mashed potatoes.

I can't even eat all of the food they sent, and decide that I'll eat some later tonight if I get hungry, but with all the butter, I think I'll be full for a while.

Ethan and I happily watch the movie, and by the end, we're sluggishly watching the credits roll.

"I've seen so many references from that movie and I didn't even know it," Ethan says, head tilted and eyes lazy. He looks at me. "Wow. What's next?"

"Wow? What's next? No breaks for you?" I tease. Ethan shrugs, and hops of the bed, heading to the shoilet.

"Just a quick pee," he says with a laugh. "Pick out the next one. I'm in a movie mood." I can see his eyes are slightly glazed over, and I smile to myself. This feels comfortable, like a night in with myself, but Ethan's here. And also some great food. If I were at the slopes, we'd probably be getting drunk, trying to go to a crowded bar, getting annoyed at Uber prices.

I'd be a fifth wheel.

Tonight, two's company, and I'm glad that company is Ethan.

I pick out Fargo, and decide it's fitting because of the snow, and Ferris Bueller's Day Off, to give Ethan a choice. I lay on my side as I wait for Ethan, and try to make sure the movie loads enough. It's going on nine o'clock already. It's crazy how time flies. I didn't think we'd done much of anything to waste the day, but here we are. Tomorrow morning, I'll make sure to tell Ethan we should keep in touch if he feels like it, and I'll get to the last day of my trip.

Ethan washes his hands, and then hops on the bed. I'm about to shift my position, but he just lays behind me, probably a foot away. I look back at him, and he plays on his phone.

"What we watchin'?" I turn around to face him, and set my phone between us. Memories of hanging out with Trent in our early teenage years come flooding back to me, and I feel myself overwhelmed with nostalgia, admiration, all these other feelings that just lead to me blushing.

"Between these two," I say.

"Fargo it is," he says, and he looks me in the eyes in a way I can't describe, but I feel insanely curious about what he's thinking. He just hopped in a full-size bed, laying beside me, with no hesitation. Maybe he's just a comfortable person. Who am I to say.

We just watch the movie.


We started with just our feet in the covers, then up to our shins, and then as our room seems to catch a random chill, we're waist deep in the comforter. It's almost over, maybe seven minutes left, when Ethan gets a call.

"My mom. I told her what happened and she's freakin' out. Go ahead and watch the movie, I'll be a sec," he says.

"I can pause it," I suggest. Ethan insists I watch, so I shrug and turn away from him to reduce the noise level. Then I pause it anyway to pick at my fingernails while Ethan does a thousand reassurances to his mother that he's okay, and will be okay to make it to Thanksgiving, but may come a couple days early--and single.

At the end of his call, I'm about to turn back over to face him, but he reaches over me, and presses play, and lays close enough to where he can see the screen. At first I freeze up, feeling him so close but not touching me. Just a few inches away.

I wish he were touching me. I don't even pay attention to the last few minutes of the movie, and instead try to focus on breathing slowly, and containing what's going on in my pants. Good thing we're under the blanket. Or maybe not so good. Ethan's gotta know this is kinda affectionate, right? He has to know he's in my bubble, that this is at the very least, sexually tense. Once the credits start to roll, I'm almost afraid that we'll shift positions to something less close, so I simply stay still. I wish the movie were longer. I doubt he'll go for a third in a row.

"What's next?" he asks softly.

I clear my throat. "W-what's something on your list?" I ask, trying not to let on anything that I'm feeling. Again, Ethan reaches over me for my phone, but this time, he keeps his arm there, resting it on my hip as he decides he knows best on navigating the app.

There should be no question about it now, but I still can't stop wondering. When Ethan leans closer to see the screen as he scrolls, I feel his breath on my ear. We're nearly spooning at this point. If I just leaned backward, my body would be against his.

I don't think I'm reading too much into this, and I'm pretty sure I know why Ethan is breaking up with his girlfriend.

"I'll probably fall asleep," Ethan says, selecting Indiana Jones.

"Yeah," I agree. "At least we'll be warm, right?"

That must've been what Ethan needed to hear to fully commit, and he scoots his body against mine, and wraps his arm around my waist. I feel my breath hitch, and the hair on my neck stands up. He's warmer than me, and I feel the firmness of his body, his legs. He's not hard-bodied, but I can tell he does some kind of exercise. I can't actually believe we're spooning. I can't help but wonder what's next.

"Can't make you sleep on the couch again," Ethan says. I chuckle a bit, and lay down comfortably. He holds me even closer, and we start the movie.


I wake up to a dark room and dark phone, and with Ethan curled up around me, my hand gripping his forearm. The room is full of bluish tints and dark shadows, except a casting of light on the ceiling. I wonder what time it is.

I close my eyes again, wondering what stirred me awake, when I shift my feet and suddenly feel a certain distinguishable hardness prodding my ass cheek. Ethan seems to be asleep, as he seems to be breathing sleepily, but Little Ethan is awake. I've only jokingly been the little spoon to some of my friend's antics, but I really fell asleep curled up with a stranger without much of a second thought.

I see if I can discreetly check my phone without moving too much to check the time, but my upper body movements cause Ethan to breathe in deep, and he "mmms" softly, pulling me even closer to him. 3:48am. My phone screen is bright, and I turn it off quickly.

"Evan? What time is it?" Ethan whispers with a yawn. I woke him up anyway.

"Getting close to 4am," I whisper back.

"Mmm. I gotta piss," Ethan says, and he lets me go, making his way to the shoilet.

I'm significantly colder without him next to me, and I finally let out a breath of relief. He's attracted to me, too.

So what's next?

Ethan washes his hands and looks for the mirror that's not there before giving up. We probably crashed around 10pm, maybe 11. Maybe I wasn't paying attention.

I sit up, and Ethan comes back to sit next to me, and he hops under the covers. "I don't know if I'm getting back to sleep," he says with a sigh. The shadows cast in the room make his face look mysterious, angular.

"Same," I agree.

"Don't know what we're supposed to---"

"We should make out," I say quietly.

Ethan looks down at me, almost surprised, before a small smile crosses his lips.


With that, Ethan leans down to kiss me once, experimentally, and then looks me in the eye before kissing me again, deeply. God, it's been too long since I've kissed anyone, and I'm more than glad that I'm kissing a man.

Ethan steadily makes his way on top of me and between my legs, and I grab his shirt to pull him close. It feels surreal, like I'm having my first kiss all over again. For a while, that's all we're doing, kissing. Ethan's lips are warm, soft. When he works his tongue in my mouth, I moan. I don't think I've ever moaned off a kiss.

I get a foreign feeling in the pit of my stomach as I let my defenses down and let Ethan lead. Like for once, I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing. I think I was meant to have a man on top of me, maybe even inside me. I can't stop absorbing him, putting my all into every kiss and touch. I didn't know making out could feel this good.

Ethan humps into me once, and I run my hands all the way down his back to grip his ass, and he humps me again. Having my legs spread wide as he does it makes me consider the fact that maybe both of us have worked this out already in our heads, and this means I'm bottoming.

"I wanna fuck you," Ethan says. Yup.

"I think I want you to fuck me," I reply. Maybe it's the illusion of the darkness in the room, but I feel like I watch that Nice Guy fade from his face as his lips curl into a tiny smile again, as if he can't help it. My shivering isn't from the cold this time. We stare for a moment, and then I reach down to pull his shirt up from his torso. Ethan follows with the same energy.

What does 95% mean anyway? 5%? Because I'm 100% sure I wanna see Ethan naked, see what his cock looks like, what he feels like and sounds like when he's inside me. Pretty not-straight if you ask me.

Ethan isn't shy as he swings my leg over to yank my shorts down, tossing them aside. He looks at me, my pulsing hard dick, and as he pulls off his own underwear, and then he looks me in the eye as he swings my leg back over around, spreading me open.

He's gonna eat me.

Instantly, the realization that I'm still probably a little high sets in as I start giggling, covering my mouth. Ethan's eyebrows tilt with curiosity. "What?"

"T-the... Abominable Sn-snowman," I giggle, unable to contain myself. Luckily, this doesn't seem to be a turn-off, as he giggles right along with me, palming his face as he laughs. We both have an out of control moment of laughter, until he leans down to kiss me again. "Sorry," I say with a deep breath. "I had to."

"I suppose this means you want me to eat you," Ethan says, eyes narrowing, one hand caressing at my barely existing abs, the other on my thigh. He kisses me again, tongue dancing along my lips. Suddenly, we're getting serious again. The fluttering in my stomach shoots the sensation all the way down, and I feel my dick pulse against his. The way he looks at me, it's like he's demanding some answer out of me.

"Yes," I breathlessly admit, and he kisses me again, lips trailing down wetly to my neck, my pecs, and he licks at my nipple, making me moan out involuntarily, squeezing my legs around his. Ethan gets the hint, and he lets out a low hum of his own, dedicating his lips and tongue and teeth to one pec, and then the other. I'm not sure how he's able to keep such a steady and relentless pace as my chest rises and falls so frantically. I'm literally breathless over him sucking on my nipples already, and we've barely begun.

He suddenly licks from my tiny happy trail all the way back up to my nipples again, and I feel my cock pulse, the wetness of sweat and precum causing us to be in our own little heat bubble down there. Ethan goes down again, but of course, decides to surprise me by flicking his tongue at the head of my dick, making me squirm before his strong hands pin my hips to the bed. At the sight of my squirming, he smiles, quickly taking half of my dick in his warm mouth, moaning around me as he experimentally moves his head around.

"Shit," I feel my toes curl, and Ethan barely gives me the chance to take in one sensation before he moves onto the next, quickly dipping his middle finger in his mouth and sparing no time directing it between my asscheeks. I squeeze my eyes shut, grabbing a handful of dirty-blonde hair as he prods at my ass. I try to spread my legs even more, but my legs shake so much it's hard to focus.

"Heh, your balls are full," Ethan says, seemingly impressed. As he presses his finger deeper and deeper, the tip of it finally popping inside me, he takes my dick in his mouth again, sucking me down almost all the way. I moan aloud, back arching as I decide giving a response is too much for me right now. He quickly twists and dips his finger into my tight asshole, not giving a shit that I'm gripping his hair so tightly.