E & J


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She was still recovering from the way he'd left her, financially she wasn't hurting at all but emotionally she still wasn't quite past him leaving her like he had, even if he hadn't robbed her blind his departure would have been a crushing blow. They'd been engaged and she had been absolutely ready to spend the rest of her life with him, she'd loved him and thought he loved her too, hell they'd sent out the invitations. To know that he'd used her and hadn't loved her at all...that had been devastating and to have to cancel her own wedding that had been humiliating. She had thought she was over him and as far as loving him and letting him go she really was but the scars he'd left on her physce weren't healed, not yet. Because of that she didn't or perhaps couldn't see the same beauty that everyone else saw.

She'd just finished dancing with a tall man with dark striking features when another man took her hand and asked her to dance. He was shorter than the man who'd just danced with her yet his presence seemed to fill up so much space. Evelyn wasn't sure who he was but she was certain he was both rich and powerful. It wasn't just his markedly expensive clothes and jewelry nor was it the fact that he was a guest at Garner's "little' party, there was just something about the way he carried himself.

"Are you enjoying your stay on the island?" He asked, the man had a subtle and impossible

to place accent that made his words seem almost melodic.

"Yes of course, thank you." Evelyn said smiling a little wider. "It's so beautiful here."

The man laughed easily and pulled her just a little closer, Evelyn was starting to feel slightly uncomfortable being held so intimately by this stranger. When he'd pulled her closer he'd angled his thigh between her legs. Just slightly but pushed with enough pressure for her to know he'd done it on purpose. She looked into his eyes slightly startled, she tried to step back a little and put space between them but his hand at the base of her back held her in place.

"You're a very enchanting woman..." as he spoke he pulled her closer still, Evelyn didn't want to make a scene and it wasn't likely that this powerful stranger would throw her down and have his way with her in front of all these people but still she felt as if she were suffocating in his increasingly tighter embrace.

His hands were moving down her back now and then cupping her ass, as she struggled. He was whispering in her ear or at least starting to when Jerusalem walked up and grabbed her arm literally dragging her from the man's lecherous embrace.

"Could you stop fucking around? Garner wants to see you." She said loudly Evelyn snatched her arm away as they walked away from the man who seemed none too pleased to have Evelyn torn from his lascivious clutches.

"Will you lower your voice and get your hands off of me? Are you drunk?" Evelyn asked as Jerusalem continued to drag her along.

"Could you thank me for dragging you away, or maybe you liked the way he had his hands all over you." Jerusalem said stepping back and letting her go. She ran her eyes over the woman's form and when she met Evelyn's eyes she spoke again. "And no I'm not drunk."

With that she turned and walked away heading away from both Evelyn and the party. Evelyn started to follow her but Donnie walked up and grabbed her arm.

"Girl have you tried the food, oh my god it's to die for."

Evelyn looked at him with an eyebrow arched. "Why is it that every time you see me talking to Jerusalem" she laughed, "I mean Miss Baptiste that you try and stuff me with food?"

He shrugged his shoulders and looked like a little kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Evelyn laughed and tugged his arm a little. "Come on then, let me try some of this damn food so you can stop trying to fatten me up."

"Girl you know you don't need me to fatten you up." He said poking at her side and tickling her.

She laughed out loud at his teasing, glad they'd fallen back into their old commaradrie. She had missed just joking around with him and not constantly stressing. Donnie was right the food was indeed delicious and she was enjoying is company immensely although she kept glancing around. She wouldn't admit it to herself but she was looking for Jerusalem.

She didn't see the woman though, and after an hour of sampling food and just hanging out with Donnie Evelyn decided to head to the guest house to get some rest. It wasn't like she had an early morning to wake up for or anything but she was beginning to feel drained. Donnie offered to walk with her back to the house but she refused then wished she hadn't once she remembered the man who had grabbed her earlier. By the time she thought about it she was halfway there and it seemed foolish to circle back still she was nervous right up until the time that she reached the door of the house. Jerusalem had retired to the main house with the intention of sleep but after she'd showered and slipped between the sheets she felt restless.

She didn't want to acknowledge the reason she had left the party and perhaps wouldn't have it the thought hadn't kept creeping into her mind as she lay in the cool dark climate controlled room. She hadn't liked seeing Evelyn with that bastards hands all over her, at first she'd just been annoyed and bothered but when the look on Evelyn's face told her that the advances were not welcome she'd felt enraged, not just upset honest to goodness white hot anger. That scared her because just then Jerusalem felt like she was fighting a losing battle, she wanted to not like this woman but even more she wanted her and the attraction was starting to intensify into a fierce need.

Much later Evelyn still lay awake in her own bed in the guest house thinking of the way Jerusalem had looked at her when she'd dragged her away from that man. She had stared at Evelyn her eyes fiercely possessive. That look had made Evie lose her breath and it had been a long time since she'd been breathless. So now she knew or at least she thought she knew, her theory was that Jerusalem was definitely attracted to her and for whatever reason the woman had chosen to fight the sexual pull. Maybe that's why she'd been such a self righteous cunt all those times. She drifted off to sleep as the sun rose, smiling and thinking.

She woke up to a voice saying, "Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey!" It was Donnie hovering over her, apparently freshly showered and dressed. He was smiling as he pounced on her bed shaking the both of them.

"What time is it?" Evelyn asked.

"Close to eleven," responded Donnie, "Come on time to get up, we're having brunch with everyone."

Evelyn rolled her eyes, she didn't feel like having to face Jerusalem again. Even though she thought she figured out why the woman acted as if she hated her so much, it was still an awkward situation. As Donnie pulled her up, she pulled back,

"No." she whined.

Donnie laughed, "What do you mean, 'no'? Get up. After we eat Garner is going to have us pampered at his own personal spa right here on the estate!" Donnie clapped. "Come on, I need a seaweed wrap Evie, you're not that damned tired." "I don't want to eat with *her*."

Donnie groaned, "Would you please just LIG this thing with Jerusalem? Let It Go. I'm sure she doesn't hate you as much as you think."

Evelyn smiled, "I think you're right."

Donnie squinted his eyes, "What do you mean Evie?"

She smiled and then shared her theory with him. Within a half an hour Evelyn was dressed in a breezy sun yellow sundress. Underneath she had worn that barely there red bikini that she once had second thoughts about wearing. However, after Donnie's little "pep talk", she felt way more confident in herself. If it was true that Jerusalem was sexually attracted to her, then she could use this to gain her footing back as not just her boss, but as someone to be respected.

Donnie and she were surprised to see that no one else was at brunch yet. They were directed to an outside alcove that faced the ocean. The seating and surrounding furniture had an unpretentious rustic island theme. The "straw" and palm frond like seats she and Donnie sat in weren't itchy or uncomfortable at all, and the designer in her wondered who designed this furniture. The glass top table covered a material of the same nature. It was simple and brilliant. She mentioned this to Donnie who just rolled his eyes, "We're on


"No we're not."

"Well make pretend for now okay?"

Thau arrived to tell them, "I'm afraid Mr. Garner will not be joining you. He had an emergency meeting in Moorea."

"Well, will anyone else be coming?" Donnie asked.

"Ms. Garner and Ms. Baptiste will not be joining you either I'm afraid. They've decided to go shopping."

Evelyn's jaw dropped. Some hosts these people were, and Jerusalem was rude too. Who was she with Design & Conquer or the Garner family?

"Your meal will be served in moment," Thau bowed gracefully and left. Almost immediately they were served their first course which existed of fare such as exotic fruit and flaky croissants.

As they began to eat, they were served more food which consisted of French pastries such as croissant and crepes, as well as traditional island dishes which consisted of fish and seafood in sweet sauces and flavored rice and vegetables.

She gave Donnie a look, "So rude of her! I mean she's supposed to be down with us right?"

"I told you this was a vacation." Donnie said sipping his coconut milk based drink, "hmm tasty..."

"I'm confused, is this a business trip or what?"

"Oh, you're just mad that you can't show off your sexy dress to Jerusalem and test your 'theory'." Donnie smirked. Maybe he was right.

After brunch Thau led them to the spa on the premises, where their muscles were kneaded in submission. After being pampered a very sleepy and relaxed Donnie decided to take a nap in the sun near the pool, while Evelyn headed for the sauna. She wanted to sweat all of her worries and troubles away and just have fun like Donnie had suggested she do. When she entered the steam-room she sat down leaned her head back and sighed in the steam. She could feel the humidity filling her lungs, entering her pores. Shutting her eyes she imagined the tension into the billowy vapor that surrounded her and began to feel quite relaxed. After several minutes of uninterrupted relaxing, the door to the room opened. Someone had entered. Her eyes snapped open and who she saw made her heart beat fast.

Jerusalem didn't seem to notice Evelyn as she pulled off her towel and headed to the opposite side of the room. Evelyn gulped. Jerusalem was fully naked. Jerusalem had one of those "perfect" bodies. Curves in the right places, slim without being skinny. Her brown skin glistened and moistened almost immediately in the heat. Evelyn found herself calling Jerusalem's name. The woman's head snapped towards her and she seemed shocked but not at all embarrassed to find Evelyn there. Still the look of surprise on her face told Evie that she had thrown off Jerusalem's equilibrium some. She wasn't prepared for Evelyn in her polished and pretensions way. She was literally naked and vulnerable. And now it was time for Evelyn to show her who was boss.

"Where the hell have you been all day?" Evelyn asked her in a tone Jerusalem hadn't heard or even expected from the woman she'd thought to be so meek.

"I was...I went shopping with Chloe."

"Don't you think that's a little rude?"

"No." Jerusalem replied before turning away and heading to the opposite side of the sauna, Evie's tone was unsettling and she needed to put some space between them.

She didn't trust this attraction and she wasn't sure she could hide it much longer. All she could seem to focus on was the fact that Evelyn wasn't wearing anything but an almost non existent red bikini.

Evelyn stood before she even had a chance to think about what she was doing and closed the space the woman had put between them, She trailed her fingertips up along the smooth dark skin of Jerusalem's back. She hadn't even meant to touch the woman but somehow once she got within arms length she just couldn't help herself.

"What are you running from?" the question was spoken so quietly Jerusalem almost didn't hear it, she couldn't say for sure if it was the words or the woman's touch that made her stop moving.

"I'm not running" she said whipping around to face Evelyn.

"Are you trying to convince me or you?" Evelyn asked searching the woman's dark eyes


Before she could finish her reply Evelyn's lips were on hers and as much as Jerusalem's mind screamed for her to resist her body just wouldn't listen. When Evie pulled away she looked into Jerusalem's eyes again. She realized how hot the woman's skin felt against her own moist steaming skin and she realized exactly what she was about to do. Pressing her body into Jerusalem's she lowered them both onto one of the benches that lined three of the four walls, she gave a self satisfied chuckle at the satisfying smack of the woman's skin hitting the tiles.

Evelyn was on top of Jerusalem skin to skin with their faces only inches apart. Jerusalem knew that she'd just lost a battle of some sort and while her first instinct was to rebel she repressed it curious to see exactly what would happen. She felt a sort of surrender as she parted her lips and licked them with the tip of her tongue. She didn't say a word be she nodded her head as if she were responding to a question. Then Evelyn's hands and lips were all over making her lose her breath and let out tiny moans. Evelyn kissed Jerusalem's mouth nibbling and biting the woman's lower lip. Her hands were all over that smooth dark skin trying to memorize each and every curve. Evie felt as if her skin were on fire every place Jerusalem's skin met her own. She couldn't get enough of the feel of the woman beneath her and as she moved her lips lower she found she couldn't get enough of the flavor of her either. She kissed the skin of her neck licking the woman's collar bones then moving lower to lick the gentle swell of her breasts. She sucked Jerusalem's nipples pulling each one gently into her mouth and swirling her tongue over the tips making the woman beneath her squirm and moan.

Evie found her fingers traveling to the wet juncture between the woman's thighs feeling all those sweet soft secrets that had them both moaning. Needing to taste what she was feeling Evelyn lowered her head leaving little wet kissed every where her lips touched. When she was between the woman's thighs she bent her head to the neatly trimmed triangle of curls with a little hint telltale of pink showing revealing Jerusalem's heightening arousal.

Evelyn spread the woman apart marveling at the soft lush wetness that was only inches away from her face. She closed the space brushing her tongue across the tip of Jerusalem's clit. She repeated the motion again ad again until the woman trembled. The she dipped lower and pressed her tongue into the woman's hot moist center, tasting her from the inside out. She stroked her tongue in and out swirling it around against Jerusalem's inner walls loving the slightly salty sweetness that seemed to flow so freely. Jerusalem was pressing grinding her hips into Evelyn's face, moaning panting and then finally begging as she ran her hands through the woman's thick curly hair. She wanted this so bad, she couldn't seem to catch her breath as she felt the tight coil of he climax unfurling in her body. She moaned low and deep calling Evelyn's name and pressing as close as she could to the woman. When she was spent she lay there sweating in the steam with Evelyn's head on her thigh and the woman's fingers stroking her sensitive folds gently.

Evelyn was the first to speak and although Jerusalem couldn't see her face she knew the woman was smiling. "Maybe now you won't be so fucking uptight, you little bitch"

Jerusalem frowned. What did Evelyn just call her? Her post-orgasmic bliss was replaced by the feeling of one's own wounded pride. She grabbed a fistful of Evelyn's hair and yanked her head up. Evelyn yelped surprised.

"So I'm the uptight little bitch around here huh?" Jerusalem smiled as she sat up, still holding Evelyn's hair clutched between her slender brown fingers, "Well, I'll show you who's really uptight..."

In one swift move Jerusalem had Evelyn lying flat on her stomach on the same bench she had been tasted on. Jerusalem threw her own body on top of Evelyn's suddenly. Evelyn made a sound as if the wind had been knocked out of her, but Jerusalem didn't care. She pulled her whole body into Evelyn' her breasts indenting her back, her mound grinding into her ass, hands gripping the undersides of the bench they were on. Evelyn felt as if she were being smashed flat by something large, flat, metal and heavy, when in actuality it was the slender hot sweaty mocha brown body of her employee pressing all of her weight onto the woman.

With the humidity, steam and exertion she had spent dominating Jerusalem with her tongue along with the surprise of how the tables had quickly turned, Evelyn felt as if she couldn't breathe. She didn't like this at all. Jerusalem continued to press her into the tiled bench as she squirmed and moaned to break away.

"I'm not kidding..." Evelyn whimpered, "I can't breathe let me go."

"Stop moving and you'll be just fine." Jerusalem ordered.

Evelyn gritted her teeth and became angrier, but she was surprised again at what she felt next. Jerusalem had reached beneath them and slid two fingers between the netherlips of her pussy. Soon she was deep inside of her warm moist core. Evelyn gasped. What was going on? Jerusalem moved on top of Evelyn, her hot sweaty body pressed against her boss' and finger fucked her deep, caressing her tight walls.

Suddenly the suffocation that was a burden before became pleasurable. Jerusalem had complete and total control of the situation. Evelyn could scarcely move. She could feel Jerusalem's hard nipples in her back, her wet pussy rubbing against her ass. She moaned as Jerusalem's thrusts became deeper and more rapid. Evelyn couldn't help shuddering, she was close to the edge.

"Whose is it bitch?" Jerusalem whispered in her ear.

"Uhhh hhuhhh..." Evelyn's voice trembled.


"Y-y-yours..." Evelyn gasped. And with that Jerusalem pulled her fingers out of Evelyn's pussy and began to grind her fingertips in hard deep massaging circles into the folds of her friend's clit.

"Ahhhh!" Evelyn screamed. She couldn't believe this.

"Cum hard you little high yellow bitch..."

"Uggggh!" The sensation felt so good that there were tears in Evelyn's eyes.

Suddenly her entire body shuddered beneath Jerusalem as her muscles clenched and unclenched over and over again. Evelyn couldn't help how loud she was as she climaxed. After Evelyn had finished, Jerusalem stood up on shaky legs, a smirk on her face. She gave a self-satisfied laugh as she exited the sauna. Evelyn, trying to gather her senses and catch her breath remained in the same position on her belly, haunted by that laugh.

please don't forget to leave public comments and send feedback, also check out Browncuriousity's page, there's a link in my favorites section.

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FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyover 2 years ago

Impressive ..... The dialogues or mind games of thoughts or the events/happenings or the bounded constricted past to the Here&Now or the explainings about persons with such details ...... Fabulous

5 stars are definitely not enough 💝💝💝💝💝⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💖💖💖💖💖🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
What Can...

One say...

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
i'm at a loss for words...

it was so good, so well written, timed, paced, that i'm as exhausted as the two women! i can't wait to read the rest...here's hoping they're just as good...and hot.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

I don't know what's up but I love everything on this damn page!!! Keep up the good work and I'll be sure to follow all of your new submissions.

RumourRumouralmost 18 years ago
Took my breath away

I loved it... it truly took my breath away.. I can't wait to read the next installments.

ThaxThaxabout 18 years ago
Editing needed

This story REALLY could use some editing. Normally I stop reading a story with this much mistakes after half a page.

The only reason I managed to sit this on through, though just barely, is that the story itself is one of the best I've read on here in a while.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

OMG can't wait for the next chapter

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Editing required

It's too bad that you took so much care in developing the story and so little care with the writing. Many sentences are run-ons, others wander aimlessly. Many paragraphs sport multiple topics. And punctuation is sadly deficient.

C'mon. You're on the edge of really good porn here. With a little more effort you'll hit the mark.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Not to Worry

I have no interest in re-producing it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

Great story, can't wait for the next chapter. I hope J maintains the upperhand, and dommes Evie, but still with some emotional feelings for Evie. I have a foot fetish, so if that's incorporated into the story, that would really get me revved up. Rimjobs are sexy, too.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Not liking the ending...

Awright...I get it...

I just hope Evie gets her freaking revenge though, because she does NOT deserve to be sliced like that...that's like having the bad guys win. Evie is wayyy better than any of those idiots, and to be taken advantage of like that is truly ridiculous. I hope there's a sequel to even the score, because to leave it like that would not be kosher.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

Nice story, enjoyed reading it but it was slightly confusing in the plot especially J story, from past to present.

I actually was annoyed with J which showed that as a reader I was able to relate to the story. But J stinky attitude reminds me of that lady from The Apprentice (2nd Season)Omarosa! Is the likeness amazing?!

leggydragonladyleggydragonladyabout 18 years ago
seduction by design?

Very nicely written. Good plot and character development, although where and were have been confused. I'm looking forward to reading more of your writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

Well written, but a bit too much of a soap opera. All the characters are irritating and sily.

Evil AlpacaEvil Alpacaabout 18 years ago
Good show . . .

At first, I wasn't sure how I felt about this story. It was obviously well written, but I was slightly annonyed. I finally figured out that I was irritated at Jerusalem. But this should be taken as a compliment, because I you've actually created a character with personality, and I found myself actually wanting her to be "nicer" to E. I realized that I had a vested interest in your characters and what happened to them, which is a sign of good-storytelling.

My only criticism is the transition in Jerusalem's story between her current world and her past. I agree that both are necessary and interesting in their own rights, but I sometimes got confused when you switched between time periods. If you could make those transitions a little more distinct in any future works, I think it would just add to the series.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Real people

Thanks for building a convincing story of real people. I feel I know your characters and believe their actions.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Loved the character development

Loved the slow buildup to the sex, can't wait for another chapter

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