Earning a Name


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"You want to go in on this together? Your mom can kick me a little of your allowance to go in on this together." It was a fee that Wade never planned to collect.

"Please, momma?" Fredo looked at Dia, as he pleaded.

"Of course, dear." Dia produced a pen from her purse. "Write your name on the tag, and you can give it to her."

"Thank you!" Fredo hugged his mom.

Fredo disappeared around the corner to write his name out of the sight of Clem before he bounced back to her. "Merry Christmas, Clem!" the boy yelled, as he set the box in front of the adorable carrot-topped little girl.

"For me?" Clem looked puzzled.

"Yeah, from me and momma's boyfriend," Fredo said proudly.

"Thank you. Mom, Papa Jake, can I open this?" The redhead turned toward Tabi.

"Of course, better do it now since Wade and Dia are leaving for a party."

"Okay!" Clem yelled as she tore into the candy-cane-printed pattern with slow precision. Wade had to get her and Fredo Lego, as it was the pair's favorite activity. This set would make a futuristic-looking jet. "Thank you!" Clem hugged Wade's leg and then hugged Fredo, who got a big smile.

"Your turn, Mijo." Dia encouraged her boy to open his gift.

Fredo's style of unwrapping was more haphazard than Clem's as pieces of red candy cane paper went flying. His Lego set was a darker version of Clem's. Wade suspected they would have something to play with once their building escapades were complete.

"Thank you, Wade." Fredo rushed over to hug him.

"You're very welcome, Fredo."

"Now you can take momma!" Fredo stepped back and opened his new toy. What they had been building before was temporarily forgotten by the need to create the jets first. "Race you, Clem."

"Be good for Tabi and Jake, Mijo." Dia hugged her son.


"I love you, and we'll be back tomorrow morning."

"Okay. Love you too, momma."

"Or afternoon, no rush." Tabi beamed.

"Have fun, you two!" Rissa waved as they exited.

After procuring Dia's overnight bag and change of clothes, Wade opened the door for her before he walked around to his side. He had to do a double take when he sat in the driver's seat and glanced at his girlfriend. She had swept the long slit on her heavenly dress to the side and pushed up her rump so the hint of flesh underneath her wasn't just a leg but a peek at her glorious, waxed pussy.

"My God, Dia..." Wade only stared momentarily before meeting her eyes and leaning over the armrest.

"Just giving you something to look forward to." Dia grinned, as she came in for a kiss. She leaned up after the kiss and pulled her dress back into place. "Also, if I'm a little reserved on the dance floor, you know why. Are you sure you don't want me to get my heels?"

"Why? You look perfect in those shoes, Dia. You always have." The white canvas tennis shoes were almost as much a part of Dia as her gleaming smile or tight curls.

The New Year's Eve party was the biggest shindig in the city to celebrate the changing of the calendar. Wade got an invitation because his boss was in Hawaii over the holidays and wouldn't return until the second of January. His company was one of the primary sponsors of the charity ball that went with the celebration. The hotel was one of the tallest buildings in the city, and their room was on the top floor, overlooking the impending fireworks and drone show to welcome the New Year.

They checked in and ran their luggage to the top floor into an opulent suite.

"This is too much, Wade." Dia lodged her complaint with an awed grin.

"You can thank my boss; the room comes with their ball sponsorship. I got my name drawn at the Christmas party."

"I want to thank you first." Dia squeezed him tightly as she kissed Wade with a burning passion. "More thanking will have to come after the party." She winked at him as her hand passed over his hard cock. "Plenty of additional thanking." She wandered across the room as her booty swayed hypnotically. "Check this out!" Dia squealed with excitement, as she found a door out to a balcony.

"Uh... Neat," Wade said, as he got close to the door. His fear of heights had an odd relationship with rails well over waist high. A safety measure made him unnaturally anxious. The small walkout was safe enough, but his heart was pounding.

"Are you afraid of heights, sweetie?" Dia smirked, as if she had discovered his kryptonite.

"A little," Wade confessed, but stepped out beside her.

"I have some ideas about how to get you over that," Dia whispered, then giggled.


"After the dance." Dia pushed away from the rail back toward the interior, and Wade's heart rate finally settled. "Think we can call Fredo from the balcony and show him the fireworks from here?"

"Sounds perfect, as long as that plan includes kissing you at midnight."

"I have better plans for after the ball drops." Dia's eyebrows dance suggestively. "But first, we see if you can dance as well as you can fuck."

Cupid 542 - That same time

"How goes your project, my dear?" Angela questioned, as she glided into the kitchen. She'd had a late night as the muses assisted people in creating resolutions.

"Well for tonight. I don't need to keep an eye on them. I'd rather devote my attention to a certain angel as we celebrate another year."

"They won't need a guiding hand?" Angela grinned, as she pulled down her favorite tea from the shelf. Height was a trivial matter to overcome when one had wings and could hover effortlessly.

"Not tonight. I'm not a voyeur." 542 closed his notebook. Some mythic creatures in the Lust Division liked to closely observe any of their hookups. They remained in that division; instead of accepting a promotion to the True Love Division, they lingered in the lower division to keep their observations going. 542 didn't share that compunction. He would monitor pivotal events, but not everything.

"Does this mean you win?"

"Not yet. Not by a long shot. I still need them to verbally confess their love for each other by Valentine's Day to route around potential heartache, but they'll end up together eventually." 542 nodded. "I'd much rather it be now than in a decade."

"They seem so happy right now."

"They do, but the probability of three potential dissolutions is increasing. This next year is pivotal to their relationship. If I can strengthen their bond before things get rough, they can help steady each other through the trials."

"We haven't averted the bad outcomes?"

"No, there's no way to prevent what's coming. However, they can be each other's strong foundation in the coming months."

Dia - Near midnight

Clutching Wade's hand as they ascended the elevator shaft, Dia couldn't help her broad smile. Wade had acquitted himself well, as both a dance partner and as Dia chatted up some of her fellow restaurateurs attending the party. She'd been surprised to hear that the chefs and owners held her taqueria in high regard. Going to need to give the chef a raise. She's earned it. As much fun as dancing was, she preferred to be somewhere private to celebrate the clock hitting midnight.

There was a flurry of kisses, as they reached the upper floor and a vacant hallway. Most everyone else would gather on a raised rooftop patio for the ball drop. During the summer months, the pool greeted the stars at the top of the first tower of the opulent hotel. During the winter, a hard floor topped the pool. Dia and Wade's room was in the second, taller tower. The gathered scrum was a dozen floors below.

"What's this?" Dia questioned as she spun into their room to be greeted by a bottle of Champagne, chilled by a silver bucket of ice, on a countertop.

"Part of the package I won at the Christmas party." Wade beamed.

"How come I didn't get an invite?" Dia teased.

Wade didn't answer; instead, he stepped forward and pulled her into a sultry, incredible, thought-muddling kiss. "Because I wouldn't have been able to avoid doing that while the whole office stared."

"I don't see the problem." Dia leaned back and collected another kiss.

"We only have a few minutes. You want to see if Mijo is still awake."

"We don't have to." Dia tried to demure, but it was perfunctory. She had every intention of calling Tabi and seeing if Fredo was awake. Checking to see how Wade thought seemed unnecessary, but Dia couldn't help herself.

"Keeping promises is as sexy to me as honesty is for you, my dear," Wade claimed another offered kiss.

"Then I promise you're going to be ecstatic about how I celebrate the new year with a lover," Dia smirked, as the embrace broke. It took a moment to extract her phone from her tiny clutch and call Tabi.

"Hello?" Tabi answered, after a couple rings.

"Is Fredo still awake?"

"Yes, he and Clem are keeping each other awake. Neither wants to be the first to fall asleep."

"Good, I'm going to change this to video." Dia unlatched the balcony door and stepped out. A few blocks away, a tall building displayed the countdown that was a little over two minutes out.

"Momma! Are there fireworks? I told Clem you were gonna show me fireworks." Fredo sounded drowsy, but still excited.

"In just a minute. Can you see the clock?" Dia pointed her phone toward the heart of the city's New Year's celebration.

"I can see it!" Clem yelled, from the other side of the image.

"Good. It'll be a New Year in just a minute." Dia held the phone as steady as she could.

"Hope it's a good one." Wade walked out onto the balcony and wrapped an arm around Dia.

"Oh, oh! Here we go," Dia announced, as the countdown began.

"Five! Four! Three! Two! One!" Many voices joined the impromptu chorus. "Happy New Year!"

Holding on to the phone and keeping it aimed was challenging to accomplish as Dia pulled Wade down a few inches to meet his lips. This kiss was an inferno of passion, as if their earlier hookups had never satisfied their anticipation.

Booming fireworks exploded as people cheered and added to the cacophony. One kiss became another, while Dia barely managed to keep from dropping her phone. The outburst of gunpowder only lasted a couple minutes, but Dia doubted she saw much of it as she made out with Wade.

"You like the fireworks?" Wade asked, as Dia turned and changed the phone to use the selfie camera.

"They were awesome!" Fredo had a flute full of sparkling liquid as he hugged Clem.

"Glad liked them, Mijo. Be good for Ms. Tabi, okay."

"I will, momma. I love you!"

"I love you too, baby."

It was nearly vertigo-inducing, as Tabi picked up her phone and walked away from the front room. "Don't worry, it's sparkling grape juice."

"I figured."

"You two have fun. Try not to break any furniture."

"No promises," Dia smirked. "Thank you again for watching Fredo, and Happy New Year!"

"May it be a great one!" Tabi cheered, as she ended the call.

"Champagne?" Wade asked, as he stepped back into the room. The volley of kisses had evidently not cleared his fear of heights.

"I have another celebration in mind." Dia took a single step into the suite and reached back to unzip her dress. After shrugging her shoulders, the dress fell off her body and left her in only a white bra and stockings.

Wade's flabbergasted expression returned as he stared in wonderment. "Astounding, Incredible." He smiled as he closed the distance. "Is this supposed to look like the ball that dropped?" he grazed her belly and held of the new decoration.

"Yup!" she nodded. "You're overdressed." Dia eased his jacket off his shoulders.

"Am I?" Wade kissed her and pulled her close.

"Uh-huh." Dia grabbed his belt and undid it as she twisted around and pushed him toward the bed.

"We... Champagne..." Wade's speech struggled to make a complete sentence.

"I wanna pop the cork on something else first." Dia unzipped his pants and let them fall from him. His boxer briefs matched the same color blue as the pocket square. Straining the fabric was a very excited cock, ready to christen the new year with epic sex.

"Mm-hmm." Wade kissed Dia as he loosened his tie. "I think that can be arranged." He let her unbutton his shirt, as his fingers found her womanhood.

Two digits glided around her labia as Wade's long middle digit parted the lips, and then pressed inside.

"Oh!" Dia gasped. She needed this so badly. Her hands wavered in their mission to strip Wade momentarily.

"Someone may be more excited than me," Wade said, in a whisper. "That's no small feat. Not when I'm with the wondrous Dia."

"Turns out spending my night without panties had me on simmer the entire time. I've never done that before. It made me feel naughty in the best way." Dia grabbed the edge of Wade's shirt and undershirt and yanked them up his body. Wade helped, and he was soon only wearing his undies and a smile. He still had a bandage over where his centerline had once been. It was mostly healed, but Dia felt it embarrassed him. "Could also be the delightful Adonis I had for company. You can be quite charming."

"Can I?" Wade's nimble fingers moved up her backside, but not after a brief fondle of her naked ass. He found the clasp of her bra and unhooked it.

"Very." Dia leaned forward to allow her bra to fall from her and pull Wade's last piece of modesty free. His cock was at full attention. Every kiss over her time stripping the man, Dia had leaned into him and urged him closer to the bed. A hand on his chest urged him to topple onto the luxurious bedding.

"Happy New Year!" Wade cheered again, as Dia slowly and performatively straddled him.

"That's the plan." She leaned in and found his lips. His cock parted her labia, but she would need to adjust his aim to welcome him in.

"Condoms are in my bag." Wade pointed as the kiss ended.

"Not tonight."

"Really?" Wade looked shocked.

"Special occasion. I know you're clean. I'm clean, on birth control, and it's the wrong part of my cycle to get pregnant, anyway." Dia informed him. "Why do you think I haven't jumped you since you've been home?"

"I've never..."

"Goody, I can be a first for you. You've earned it with the way you make me feel. I'll need more pussy licking later, but not yet." Dia grabbed his cock and aimed it at her nexus as she leaned up. "Ohh!" she bellowed as his naked cock entered her. It felt different, better, addictive without protection. The stretch was to Dia's limit without surpassing what felt dreamy. Wade was big but not enormous. His endowment was the perfect size, width, and shape to hit every nerve.

"Holy ssshhhhiiitt!" Wade stuttered as his eyes got wide. "Have you?" he asked, obviously not thinking about much more than the pussy that ensconced his cock.

"Kinda hard to make a baby without condom-free sex." Dia came in for a kiss after she took his entire length.

"Brain short-circuited..." Wade gasped, as Dia rose and fell on his endowment.

"I wonder... OH! Why?" Dia wasted no time to get into a rhythm as Wade's hands roved over her body.

Wade - That Same time

If there was an any-more-perfect image in the world than Dia's expression contorted in pleasure as she rode atop his cock, Wade had never experienced it. Her breasts shook hypnotically each time her bulk slammed back down on him. Her dark-colored stockings and still-present white canvas shoes made her look naughtier and more enticing. The tummy decoration shuddered and swayed hypnotically as she moved.

A barrage of kisses let her slow down her bucking occasionally, as she varied her techniques. The feel of a pussy against his naked cock would make lasting long tough, if she'd kept up her most intense riding. She was so tight and could engage pelvic muscles in enticing ways.

"You've... got... the perfect... cock!" Dia struggled to get out, as she rode.

"You're just perfect!" Wade held onto her hips, as she jockeyed in another bout of high intensity. He wanted to explore her shuddering breasts, but they were out of reach.

"Mmm..." Dia slowed, as she leaned in for more kisses. It was as if she needed to fan the flames and charge her intense dance moves to spectacular heights. The lights of the suite were all on; their intriguingly soft glow made his paramour even more beguiling.

She likes having the lights on. Wade made note that every time they had sex, it was in bright light. His past experience and reluctance to show off a scrawny body had made him more of the lights-off type of guy, but a couple of encounters with Dia were changing that feeling with incredible speed.

Dia had also managed to make him better at socializing and dancing. Wade's typical awkwardness couldn't manifest when the stunning vixen stole every spare cycle of thought. The high-brow community's love for the food of Melodia's Taqueria was fun to watch Dia discover, in several animated conversations. Wade knew it was spectacular, but was intrigued to see that wealthy philanthropists, specifically, came to their side of town for the restaurant.

"Oh!" Dia's fingers were in her hair as she twisted and turned her flat abs to vary the angle of her pussy, as it slammed back down on him. Her cinnamon skin was mesmerizing.

Wade engaged his hips to meet every of hers fall and drove his cock deeper into Dia's incredible womanhood. It didn't take long for them to be wreathed in sweat. Dia's shining muscles popped dynamically, as she gyrated her hips. He couldn't watch for long when he gazed at the intersection of their bodies. Glimpses of her pink inner lips gripping down on his pale shaft were going to make him spill far too soon.

Images of sitting in a chair as he went through his chemo played in his mind, as Wade did anything he could to stall the coming orgasm. Dia must have sensed he was getting close as she slowed down their sex to come in for more fiery kisses. Her typically warm and inviting brown eyes were ablaze with the passion burning inside.

"Fuck!" Dia roared, as her lips pivoted away from him. She kept a leisurely pace for a moment, as her hips gyrated. She'd been spectacular on the dance floor earlier, but those moves had nothing on what she did in private.

With a free hand, Wade saw his opportunity to attack. He leaned up and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth. He was gentle yet insistent, the way he'd been told to by a previous lover. Dia's excited moans told him it was the proper tactic. One hand explored the opposite breast. They were works of stunning, warm, walnut-colored art.

"Uh..." Dia moaned, as she shimmied and twisted in a mesmerizing manner.

Concentration on Dia's breasts was a feint for Wade to make a surprising strike at her most sensitive nexus. Wade wanted to thrill the astonishing woman, to make her feel as incredible as Dia was making him. Another moan spilled from her lips as Wade caressed her pearl. Dia picked up speed to her wild humping and made it difficult to stay on target, but that took more of Wade's concentration to keep up steady pressure. Which helped push his need to spill down deeper as she moaned.

"Harder," Dia bellowed, as her riding got a little more jerky and less precise.

"I'm... not... running this show," Wade croaked out, though it was a challenge. His hips got in on the action, driving him deeper into her womanhood and eliciting more moans from the tempest in his lap.

"On the clit!" Dia demanded.

Wade was typically cautious about putting too much into manipulating a woman's pearl, as he weirdly didn't think he had as much control with his fingers as he did with his lips and tongue. When he was using his mouth, though, his partner wasn't bouncing as aggressively. He pressed on her clit and ran tight circles around her nub. It took incredible concentration to keep at it, as Dia found another, higher speed to employ.

"Ohh! Ohh! OOOOHHHHHH!" Dia toppled on top of him as her pussy clamped down on his cock. Her yells got quieter as she quaked over Wade. He moved his hands back to her hips and kept her stable, as she writhed and screamed. Wade was in awe of the incredible, strong, gorgeous woman's blissful pulses into him. Her vagina crushed and released in not quite a rhythm.
