Edda Pt. 01


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Edda must have enjoyed it too as she admitted that she could not wait for when the children would be at the grandparents. Impatient for me to arrive home, she said she would feel the growing wetness between her legs anticipating our evening. We repeated it on several nights, with increasing vigor until we were effortlessly complete as husband and wife.

It was a little later that I was on a long tramp with Colin. We had just arrived at a small timber hut very late and in the dark. Maneuvering around with torches we pulled off our muddy boots at the door and entered finding there was no one else there to fill the eight bunks. I pulled out the gas cooker and we had a late meal of instant curry and rice. We were settling down to our cups of tea when Colin opened up about some events of the past and a potentially explosive event that I was going to have to deal with after all these years.

Edda had, a few months previously, begun part time work back at Patterson Patterson. She was not quite as passionate about it as she was in the past but it was a great relief for her with her confidence building to be back in the workforce. She also enjoyed having clients and workmates to socialize with. I had started part time tutoring at Auckland University when Edda was getting a little better and that had now turned into a lecturing position. This was still not full time as I supplemented it with work for my father.

Colin and I began discussing Edda's work for him. He was thinking that she could handle something a bit more challenging. There was a short silence before he had his say. I remember looking at him expectantly. This was something that was going to be difficult. Finally he said, "Do you know that Karl Weber has just approached us for another travelling international exhibition?"

My reply was direct.

"I think that would be too challenging for me, let alone Edda."

"I take it you would not want her involved."

"Absolutely not."

"I understand."

There was a pause then he continued choosing his words very carefully.

"Do you know what her relationship was with Weber during that period?"

"I have no idea, I only know two things and that is she met him through her uncle and her relationship with me morphed into a weirdness I could not comprehend. I'd love you to enlighten me on what you know."

Previously this had been a subject that I think both of us had never had the courage to bring up.

Colin continued. "I am probably in the dark as much as you are. The scuttlebutt in the office was they were having an affair but if they were, they were remarkably discrete about it. I never ever saw any direct evidence of it. No flirting, no anything.

We always were curious about how she scored the exhibition though. We were astounded. She never really gave an explanation."

That got me thinking. "Well the way she put it to me it all sounded so logical. I assumed she was well supported by your firm."

"Well we did not do a lot really."

"Well she pulled it off," I sighed.

"She pulled it off," Colin repeated. "Weber's behavior at the time of the accident was curious though."

"How so?" I asked.

"About then he went AWOL for about two weeks. Nobody knew where he had been. That was not altogether unusual for him but when he turned up in Auckland he had a broken arm and looked a little beat up."

"Are you suggesting he may have been involved in the accident?"

"I dunno, he said he had taken a fall but if you had seen him, well it didn't look quite right."

Colin then asked, "Have you seen the accident report?"

"No I haven't. The press was bad enough and I found the whole thing stressful."

"Does somebody have it now?"

"Yes, I think Edda's parents might have a copy. I can't imagine them throwing it out, knowing them. What are you thinking?"

"Well how much do you know about him, his personal life?"

"Nothing really. I have only read about his art and his professional meanderings."

"Well did you know he is married with umpteen kids? His wife is a devout catholic he has always been highly protective of their privacy."

"No kidding?"

"The irony is that he is quite well known for his little dalliances. He has a string of groupies around the art school and university scene."

"Does not surprise me one iota."

"It seems he has been careful not to queer his German patch. He seems to like them young and exotic."

"Where is this leading?"

"He has been living in New Zealand now for about four years."


"Sure has, in the Nelson area. He has a studio. While in New Zealand he keeps very quiet. His wife and children have taken up Kiwi Citizenship."

"Why would he do that?"

"Dunno, may be the heat was on him in Germany with his bits on the side."

"Interesting and now he wants another exhibition."

"Sure does and its architectural. He is teaming with Edda's Uncle Pieter and he is insisting we have Edda on the job."

"Oh no we don't."

"I agree, but he may dump us if we don't. My partners will put pressure on me; its big bucks and prestigious to boot."

"I will need to talk to Edda about it."

It was something I dreaded. Unfortunately it would be my procrastination that would lead to disaster.

We finished eating and I slipped outside to rinse our pans. I stopped. I was thinking about how this thing with Weber began. I thought back to Edda's trip to the Netherlands, Then Lotte's birth which seemed a little premature at the time. There was nothing about Lotte's appearance that had ever caused me to doubt her parentage. She, just as Henneke, took after her Mother. If anyone looked different, Willem did but there was never a doubt with him. But thinking about Lotte's birth, the seeds of doubt in my mind had been sown.

Back in the hut I mentioned it to Colin.

"Nah, wouldn't worry. I tell you what though, if you want to remove the doubt and the blood test does not do it for you, there a gene technique for determining the paternity of a child."

"Is there someone in New Zealand that does that?"

"I doubt it but we organized a medical conference recently and there was a paper on it. May be you could get tests done."

"We were slipping into our sleeping bags when Colin brought up the accident again. Why don't you get the accident report; that might be interesting reading?"

For the rest of the tramp my old jealousy started to eat away at me. Back in town I was determined to have the tests done and with the help of Colin sorted out what was needed. As the tests had to be sent overseas the results were going to take some time.

In the meantime I retrieved the accident report one day when I was dropping off the kids at Edda's parents. I arranged to meet Colin for lunch and we went through it. The first thing that I had not realized before was the angle that Edda's car was on when the next car impacted meant that Edda obtained her injuries at the point of impact. This had to mean that she was most likely sitting in the front passenger seat of the car. If so, someone else would have been driving.

It is possible that somehow she had received these injuries in the driver's seat but this seemed unlikely. Whoever wrote the report had not picked up on this; perhaps because the focus had been on the cars where the deaths occurred.

There was no other person mentioned except a comment about a German hitchhiker who had been picked up by a passerby and had left the scene. That person had since disappeared and therefore could not be questioned. It was assumed that he had been a passenger in the car where the driver was killed.

Well it could not be proved it was Weber but there was enough to create a feeling of dread. I was starting to feel I was sinking into my old depression once again. I needed to discuss this with Edda but it suddenly felt the hardest thing in the world. But that very day was to prove too late.


Chapter 4: Ashes to Ashes

To Edda the day was part of her new normal. She had been working part time from 10 until two which gave her time to drop off and pick up the children from school. Usually she skipped lunch and had a light snack when she left at two.

It was about midday when she slipped in to use the women's convenience, which was in a short corridor off the reception. The reception was not manned at the time. She had not noticed the eyes on her from an adjacent glazed interview room. After a wait a man stepped out and slipped down the corridor.

Edda came out of the booth straightening her dressed and faced the long mirror above the vanity.

She quickly operated the taps, took a quick squirt of liquid soap and washed her hands finally wiping her brow with them. She smiled, checked her teeth, then the door began to open.

She glanced at the door opening and noticed it was a male; she began to suggest they had the wrong door when she recognized Karl.

"Oh shit what are you doing here?"

"Ah Edda, it is so good to see you again."

"I am not sure..."

"I have a new exhibition planned; we should again be partners."

"I couldn't..."

"I think we should consummate our new partnership in the manner of the first." Karl was approaching Edda who now was leaning back legs slightly apart her buttocks hard against the vanity.

Her light summer dress hung between her legs. Weber's eyes fixated upon her now accentuated mons.

He looked up into her eyes which were now hooded, her face flushed. Her mouth slightly open she was involuntarily licking her lips and breathing heavily.

He approached her, never taking his eyes off hers until he was between her legs. His erect cock was now straining against his trousers. He pushed it into her mons and began grinding slowly and deliberately up and down.

Edda pictured his erect cock in her mind. She could almost taste it; his cum.

She found it difficult to look at Weber. She was now highly aroused her face swinging from side to side. Breathing deeply her breasts were rising and falling.

Suddenly she felt the wetness at her crotch. She looked down with impending embarrassment to see that between his pre-cum and her juice they had stained their crotches.

"Oh no, not here not now ever."

"But we worked so well together."

"Things have changed. You abandoned me. I could have died."

"I was damaged and disorientated ... I never meant to leave you."

"I am not fully recovered."

"You look good to me. Listen, my new exhibition is going to be big. I am working with your uncle, it could change the world. There is a place for you. You can be part of this, you can share. It will make New York, Berlin London sit up; you can be there with me, by my side."

"I..I can't think about this now."

"When can we meet, I'll be leaving Sunday night."

"I don't have time. The family is going to a theme park on Saturday....Maybe I can beg off."

"Do that. It will be your one and only chance. "

"What about my husband?"

"Your husband is a dear, dear man but he will be never more than what he is."


It was Saturday; I had called Colin in the morning. He told me Weber had been at the office when we had been having lunch, the day before.

"Shit, do you think she met up with Weber?"

"I don't know, the receptionist did not say anything."

"Well she has begged off today."


"She said she has to see her sister but she has been all mysterious about it."

"Push her, ask her why."

"Won't work; she is edgy; she flies off the handle at every little thing. She was like it last night."

"Have you broached the subject of Weber."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"I am totally strung out,"

"Have you tried ringing Fenna?"

"Yes, but I only got her voicemail. I have no idea where Fenna is."

"Mmmm that does not sound good. Well if they are going to meet where will they do it?"

"I tell you what, he is an arrogant prick. He tried to humiliate me the only time I met him. If he is going to seduce her I would lay my money that it would be here. I am supposed to be out at a theme park today with the kids."

"Why don't you cut short the theme park and get back early; think of some excuse if it is all innocent."

Edda left shortly before us in her VW beetle. I packed the estate. We had planned to visit the beach following the theme park, so with picnic, wave boards and blow up things we were well packed as Edda backed out. Being summer she would not expect us home until 8 or 9 in the evening.

We made it to the theme park; there were a couple of rides. There were hot dogs and candy floss. Lotte popped some balls down a clown's mouth and was the big winner on the day with a big pink furry bear thing.

I figured that if I was to check the house I would best be there about two, I would figure she would make him lunch if it was on. I corralled the protesting children from the park. I told them that we had to call in home before the beach as I had forgotten something. This was a bit out of our way but it was the best I could come up with.

Driving back, it was like I had a lead weight in my chest in trepidation. I was really feeling like I did not want to do this but at the same time felt compelled. Driving up the cul-de-sac toward our house I spied Edda's beetle. My heart just dropped.

As I had the kids in the car I turned around and parked discretely down the street. Willem had spied the beetle and asked if Mummy was home.

I mumbled something unconvincing despite the obvious of the car being there, "I am not sure, she wasn't going to be."

"Oh, goodie, she can come to the beach."

I told them to stay in the car until I got back.

I took a small pocket camera, I kept for work, out of the glove box and I climbed from the estate.

At this stage my heart was beating heavily; I was operating on adrenalin. I strode quietly along the street then up the crushed limestone path. The landscape vegetation obscured me from the house. As I became level with the house I could see right though it with the expanse of glass on both sides. Between the furniture I could make out two figures that seem to be lying on deck chairs in the sun. I moved to the side and it was clearly a naked Edda; she had in her hand a very erect and surprisingly large white cock. Bizarrely she was moving it around as though it was a joystick. It looked like she was about to give head.

Instead of going through the house I crept around. They would not see me there. I checked that the date function was active on the camera and furtively moved along the textured concrete wall at the end of the house. As I turned to the back lawn and pool, Weber and Edda were only 3 metres from me as I began running off shots.

Totally naked and kneeling, Edda's head shot up looking at me wide eyed. Weber jerked around and stared at me.

Holding up the camera I fixed my eyes on Weber. As sarcastic as I could be, "Karl, my friend, I think you should leave now, don't you think.

By the way, there will be consequences."

I stepped forward but he was on the ground and appeared desperate and afraid, grabbing at his trousers. Weber was a small man and he would be aware of my physique. He motioned to Edda who was stunned in silence, " er...can you drive me?"

Before Edda could reply I quietly and firmly asserted, "Karl you can walk. It will give you time to reflect."

I stood as he nervously pulled his jeans on and grabbed his shirt. He disappeared through the house.

Once he was gone I plopped down in a deck chair nearby. Edda was still speechless. She now had a towel she was trying to cover herself with.

Edda went to speak " I...."

"There is nothing for us to discuss it is obvious what you were doing. I suggest you pack some stuff and go to your parents"

Edda gasped at that but typically she did not cry and never said a word. I think she was in a state of shock.

I sat there with the naked Edda hovering. She did not seem to know what to say or do. I began to feel a visceral emptiness in my stomach. I eventually got up feeling unbelievably tired and trudged across the court into our bedroom. Edda followed me silently. We faced each other, standing, across our king sized bed. Edda dropped her towel and stared, softly saying, "You can claim me back."

I looked her up and down; I could plainly see Weber dried cum on her wild honey pubes.

"What are you fucking saying? Do you think having sex with me now will suddenly make it all right?"

Edda looked down mumbling, "I'm sorry I don't know what I am saying."

I looked around and saw with disgust a large portrait of me had been moved and propped on the dresser beside the bed. Obviously they thought it arousing as though I was watching. I nodded toward it. Edda visibly winced, went to say something and stopped. I just said, "You'd better go."

Silently she then picked her light frock which was lying on the bedroom floor and grabbed some things from her drawer, jamming them in a light carry bag.

"The kids?"

"I will take care of them. We are both going to have to think about this. I know this has not been the first, I will be seeing a lawyer Monday, I suggest you do the same."

I was first to leave trudging down the path to talk to the kids in the car. Willem had obviously seen Karl pass. "Who was that man running down the road?"

"A friend of you mothers."

I heard a noise behind me. Edda was following me and was about to say something when she saw the two girls in the back seat of the car; little Lotte was triumphantly holding up her pink fluffy bear thing.

All three children could see mums bag and froze. Lottie wailed, "Mummy what are you doing?"

"Daddy says I have to leave." was the terse emotionless reply. Without a further word Edda returned and got into her Beetle, sparked it into life and with a lurch and a squeal backed it onto the road and off down the cul-de-sac.

As she parted I called out uselessly that I would ring her parents later. I gathered the kids. Both girls clung on to me and were crying. Along with Willem they forlornly watched their Mother depart.

As she disappeared, Henneke whimpered, "Will Mummy come back?"

"Yeah", I said, "Don't worry; we'll sort this out." Silently I was not so sure.

"Hey! Let's go to the beach." Initially they were not quite in the mood but rapidly warmed to the idea. Tears dried as we started in the direction of the beach.

Nothing more was said about their Mummy leaving, until they were at the beach.

They were sitting on their towels after having spent a good hour thrashing about in the surf. None of them had seen Weber before. Willem turned to me, "Dad, what was that man doing at our house. Why would she have some man at our place when she said she was supposed to be at Auntie Fenna's?"

Sitting there in the burning sun, feeling the gritty sand encrusting my legs, I was silent for a bit, "Yeah," I said, "I don't know," and shrugged my shoulders, "Let's just forget about it for a while and enjoy the beach, we'll talk about it tonight."

I realized I had handled the situation with the kids badly and I hit rock bottom when we got back to the house. Putting the kids to bed was difficult. I had to say something but I had to swallow hard not to burst into tears. There was no way I could sugarcoat the situation, telling the little one. "Mummy has been a bit naughty and had got another boyfriend without checking it out with Daddy."

Willem was behind me and made a rude guttural guffaw, followed by a forced cynical laugh. He knew only too well what was going on. "Mummy's a bitch!"

"Willem!" I yelled never ever refer to your mother like that, ever. She is a good mother to you. This will be between her and me."

It was a slip, I had lost my cool and the kids were suddenly alarmed. It took me while and about three stories read from their books before they were calm enough to sleep.