Edna's Delight

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Three women want sex on their terms with one man.
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"Aww! Come on guys. He's too big. We need to select one I can handle better."

Carol laughed as Jane looked at me with a broad smile. "Edna you always ride them anyways."

"Not always. I like to have a man on top just as much as you do. Only I don't want to feel I was stream-rollered by the end."

Carol came out on my side. "Edna's the smallest of us. We can pick another one that will suit all of us. Look at all the guys playing volleyball or Frisbee. Once we have our final pick of four we can start to ask if they're interested."

"Okay. How about that dark-haired guy sitting there with a soda in his hand. I've had my eye on him since yesterday and haven't seen him drink a beer yet. It would be nice not to have to smell beer or liquor on a guys' breath for a change." Jane offered.

I took a sip of my wine cooler, pulled my sunglasses down onto my nose and looked to where Jane had pointed. I spied him just as a big-busted blonde in a skimpy bikini walked up and sat beside him with a big smile. Maybe he wasn't available—at least not now.

"Now that is one good looking guy! He's hot! I had my eye on him yesterday. He's my pick for number four." I announced with enthusiasm, though not sure the blonde wasn't going to drag him off first.

Carol picked up the Ziploc bag and looked at the foil wrapped package inside. Her father was a General Practitioner and had a supply of free samples in his bag. She had simply taken two. He would never notice she thought at the time. He hadn't. It was just before the three of us had decided to go to Venice Beach in Florida for spring break.

Carol had an idea and shared it with us, her two closest friends. We all agreed it was worth a try. It was daring, but we would be together for mutual support and protection, and if we could find a willing man, potentially pleasurable. We had little doubt finding a guy willing—that would be fairly easy. A man's fantasy come true. Three women for an afternoon all to himself. All he had to do was take one blue pill to make it possible.

Jane was the tallest of us all at five-eleven, then Carol at five-nine, and me at five-four. Jane was a slender blonde with longish legs, small buns, with breasts that seemed a little oversized for her slender build—she filled out her bikini nicely and drew admiring looks from most men. Carol was a slightly smaller breasted version of Jane with wider hips and a behind that shouted out at men—her long hair contrasted with Jane's shoulder length cut. Then there was me, long, dark brown haired with blue eyes. I had a nicely proportioned figure with ample breasts and a walk that hinted at much more. We were all the same age, twenty-two and experienced when it came to dealing with men. We were perhaps more confident than we should have been, but sticking together with a plan like this had emboldened us. Sex on our terms was an attractive concept, this rather than being picked up by a random selection of guys.

We decided each of us would approach one of the guys we had selected and bring him to our table to test his interest in at least one of us. We would talk with him for a while to get a reading whether we wanted to continue with an offer. We arranged a signal to show if one of us wasn't comfortable with him at all. If none of us objected, we would present our proposition to him and watch his reaction. Once a selection was made there would be no need to ask the others. The first man to pass muster and say yes was the one. The last candidate would only come into play if none of the first three men failed to show promise or simply elected not to go along with us. Not likely we thought, a piece of cake.

The first guy was our age and once alone with the three of us seemed less than confident. He had a wonderful physique, bare chested, with just a hint of a light blonde beard. There would be no five o'clock shadow to worry about with him. There was no objection on the part of any of us and Jane presented our proposition. He looked at us with a wry smile.

"So you ladies want me to spend the afternoon with you having sex?"

"Yes," Jane responded. Carol and I nodded in the affirmative.

"All three of you?"

"Each of us at least once. Maybe more if you can handle it. We have this for you to take," Carol offered as she pushed the Ziploc bag towards him.

He inspected the bag with interest, then looked at us with just a hint of a smile.

"I don't think so. This is so weird. Maybe with two of you. But not three."

He walked away and rejoined his friends. He didn't even look back at us.

The next two men were a year or two older and more confident. But both of them looked uncomfortable after the idea was broached to them. It seemed three women was something they couldn't handle mentally. We girls had tried to convince them that with an entire afternoon there would be enough time to rest before he would be with another one of us. It didn't work.

One of them looked at the package with the pill and said he wasn't sure it was healthy for him to take. The other responded he had never seen a porn flick with a man and three women, only two. We were flummoxed. We were now down to our number four pick never thinking it would get this far. Our confidence flagged.

"What is it with these guys? You can't even give sex away!" Jane said exasperated.

Carol looked at her friends. "Well, here goes nothing."

Carol approached the dark haired man as he reclined in his chaise lounge, his eyes closed, the blonde nowhere in sight. He opened his eyes when Carol spoke to him, then sat up and smiled.

"Hi, yourself."

"So are you here all by yourself or did you come with a group?"

"I'm here on my own. I have a day left to relax before I go back to work."

"You're not a student?"

"Not now. Just graduated with my Master's a few months ago from Michigan State."

"Really! We're from Michigan, seniors on break, as she pointed towards our table. "Want to join us?"

"Sure. It would be nice to have someone from home to talk with."

Jane and I watched as Carol walked back, our number four pick at her side. I felt my body hum just looking at him as he approached. I felt almost giddy.

"This is Dale. He just graduated from State with a Master's in Ecology."

"Dale, this is Jane and Edna."

Dale was about five ten, nicely muscled and tanned. His dark hairy chest and legs made him look manly and rugged. He was twenty-six years old and exuded a confidence that went with his good looks. He sat down with us and conversation flowed easily. We girls showed smiles all around, but I was concerned as he was our last pick. If he didn't say yes we were back to base one.

Jane looked at him with a smile, "Dale would you be interested in spending the afternoon with us?"

"Sure. I'm not with anyone else and I was just going to hang out on the beach."

"Good. But we have something specific in mind to do."

"That's okay. There are some nice stores nearby and the bird sanctuary just up the beach a ways we could visit. I'm up for that if you are. Whatever you want to do is fine with me."

"Actually, it's something a little more intimate and would involve you taking this pill." Jane pushed the plastic bag across the table.

Dale inspected the Ziploc bag and then looked up, his eyes going to each of us in turn, though his gaze came to rest on me the longest.

"Are you trying to tell me you want to have sex this afternoon? All three of you?"

I felt another negative response was coming. I made my up mind. It was better that at least two of us got some action even if it wasn't me. Secretly, I was just as happy I wasn't going to be laid this way.

"No. Not all three of us. Just Carol and Jane. I'll just watch for a while," I quickly interjected.

Jane and Carol looked at me with puzzled expressions on their faces.

"You aren't kidding about this? Some kind of strange mind game?" Dale asked obviously curious.

Jane replied with a sincere smile and tone to her voice. "Dale no! We just want to have sex on our own terms. We don't want to go to some party and get picked up by random guys. We picked you because we think you're handsome and capable. No games. No tricks. We just want you to do your best for us and yourself, to enjoy ourselves without risk."

Dale looked at each of us again. His gaze held on me longer than the others once again. Then he turned his attention to Jane again. I squirmed a little, his eyes meeting mine had sent a warm surge through my body.

"I can't believe I'm going to agree to this. But before I do I want to tell you what I want in return." Dale replied with a warm smile.

We girls looked at him, then we looked to each other. We hadn't expected this.

"What would that be?" Jane asked cautiously.

"I'll have sex with you as you want. But when we finish this afternoon I get to pick one of you to spend the entire night with me in my condo. My pick. No refusals. Is that acceptable?"

We girls looked at each other. One by one we nodded our agreement. Then Jane smiled at Dale, "I have a box of condoms you can use. Are you ready to go?"

"Yes. But first let's stop by my place so I can pick up a few things I'll need."

We walked into the building together and rode the elevator up to the sixth floor to room 604. We walked in and waited as he disappeared into a bedroom and came out with a small cloth ditty bag.

"Okay. Let's go ladies."

The mood was light; we girls were excited as we anticipated what was to come. We arrived at the second floor and walked into our condo unit. Jane showed Dale to the bedroom with its bathroom and watched as he placed his ditty bag on the vanity and returned to the large room overlooking the Gulf. Carol opened the sliding door and a light breeze and sound of the ocean filled the room.

Turning, she opened her beach bag and handed the Ziploc bag with the pill to Dale. "Here, I guess you should take what you need."

"Okay. I'll be ready in a few minutes. One of you should come in when you're ready. You all look so inviting."

I watched as he walked towards the bedroom. His tight buns moving in his bathing suit along with a bulge in the front. I let my breath out slowly—damn!

Jane looked at Carol. "Did you see that bulge? Which of us should go first?"

I watched as Carol smiled and pointed at Jane.

I watched as Jane walked into towards bedroom where the shades were drawn and the room was dimly lit. Dale smiled as she walked to him in the hall with a pensive smile. I saw his hand come to hold hers. "Jane you look wonderful. You know that bikini gets filled out nicely from top to bottom."

"Thanks. You look good too. I'm a little nervous."

"Understandable. I am too. But you're the boss. You tell me what feels best as we go along. I'm here to pleasure you--at least that's the way I understand our agreement."

They stepped into the bedroom together and disappeared from sight—I knew it was game on.

Jane felt his lips come to hers. They kissed and she found he was confident—his lips soft and moist as they stood together. Then his hand brought her close, their bare skin touching. Jane felt her top fall away and his lips come to her neck, shoulder, then work down to her chest. Wet kisses that left a mark and moved to another pleasurable spot on her upper breast, and after a few minutes to her areola and finally her nipples. Her body had grown warm, then a hot tingle appeared. The nervousness she had felt had disappeared and been replaced with a faint ache.

Jane whispered to him as she felt the bottom of her bikini being tugged and fall away to land at her feet. Then slowly he lowered her onto the bed. She remembered the first climax but dimly, the second was stronger and filled her memory longer. He had not left her after the first one, but had remained in her moving slowly until the end when she exploded again with pleasure.

When he had asked if she was starting to feel pleasure again after the first climax she was confused.

"Dale, aren't you pulling out?"

"No, I'm going to move slowly, tell me when you start to feel good again."

As soon as Jane said it felt good he immediately started sliding into her again and within minutes she came again this time with several low moans.

I had walked down the hallway to check on Jane as I had heard a small sound that could only have been hers minutes before. I slowly pushed the door open a crack and looked in. Dale was fully on top moving over her. I could see Jane's face. It looked as if she was in complete concentration as it peered from over his shoulder, her eyes closed, hands behind his head.

I could detect an odor and knew what it was. It had an effect on me I hadn't expected. I could feel it in my pelvis. I was about to turn away when Jane's body writhed beneath Dale's body and she called out several times.

It was different to watch two people having sex. It was different from the porn video I had watched one time. It was more sensual, not the hard driving rough movements I had experienced more than once from my casual partners who usually seemed intent to get it over with as soon as possible. Still, my body had responded with a warm feeling as the sight and sounds.

I returned to the living room and sat down across from Carol. Carol asked, "Is everything alright? I heard Jane two times. That didn't sound right. Not so close to one another."

I smiled. "From what I saw Jane was being well taken care of. He was on top moving gently."

Five minutes later we saw Jane walk out and head for the other bedroom. She looked toward us and smiled. She had a towel wrapped around her pelvis, her bare breasts moved sensuously with each step. Then she said quietly, "I'll be right out after I clean up."

Minutes later Jane came out of the bedroom in a T-shirt and pair of panties. She sat down across from us and described briefly what had happened. She told us Dale had responded to her comments regarding what she needed every time.

Then she looked at Carol with a smile, "Your turn. He's taking a shower and will be waiting for you. Carol you're going to like it. Just tell him what you want. Don't be afraid to guide him."

Carol smiled, went down the hall, and into the bedroom. A few minutes later we could hear some light laughter and then it went quiet. Then a minute or so later some giggling. Carol was obviously enjoying herself. It went quiet again.

Jane looked at me, "Did you watch? I thought I saw you once. But I had to close my eyes and enjoy what I was feeling."

"I decided to come down and check on you after I heard you call out. You were under him and it looked like you were okay. Then you moved a lot and called out again. I decided you was okay and left."

"Edna, I had two back to back orgasms and he didn't even leave me! I still can't believe it."

It had been quiet for almost fifteen minutes. I walked down the hallway and peeked in—Dale was facing the other way and was on the bottom. Carol was lying on top of him sliding back and forth over his pelvis. Then she sat up, adjusted her position and started humping him with vigor for several minutes and then lay back down onto him. His hand came to her back and then down onto her buttocks.

I felt myself go wet, I was so aroused. I had to turn away. I wanted to rip off my one piece bathing suit, wait for him to finish Carol, and drag him into the other bedroom. But I had told him it would only be the two of them, not me. I would watch. Now I felt I couldn't even do that without wanting to use my hands on myself.

I had just taken a step back from the doorway when I heard Carol give a quiet moan that could hardly be heard unless you were within a few feet. I was envious, even though it didn't seem I should be.

Then I heard Dale say softly, "that was good, Carol. Now pull me out and lay down on your back. I'm going to give you another one while you're hot and ready."

I couldn't believe it. He was going to give Carol two orgasms too! Damn that pill did work! I walked back out and sat down. I picked my book up off the coffee table and started to read.

"Edna, is Carol alright?" Jane asked, "I haven't heard anything at all."

I looked up, "Carol was on top fucking the hell out of him. Now, I think he's doing the same to her. I think she's doing just fine."

"Edna, maybe you should go in next. You know Carol and I don't mind. That was the plan."

"I don't think I can. We agreed what we would do, he agreed to the two of you. I don't want to take the chance he won't continue. It's only two o'clock, that's enough time for both of you to spend time with him again. I don't want to mess things up."

"Edna, it just doesn't seem right. The plan was for the three of us. Not two."

"Thanks, but I was the one that decided I wouldn't participate that way. I saw the expressions on your faces when I said it. It was my decision so don't feel bad. You know it's not like I can't find a guy tonight and get some action. I can."

Fifteen minutes later I saw Carol came out of the bedroom, clutching a wash cloth over her vulva, a broad smile on her face. She stopped at the bedroom door. "Talk about satisfaction! This puts a whole new face to it! Dale is taking another shower Jane, if you're ready I think he will take you again in about ten minutes. Give me a few minutes and I'll be back out."

Ten minutes later I watched as Jane walked into the hall and stopped at the door to the bedroom. She looked at me and said Dale was in the bathroom, then disappeared. She told us later she had walked in, stood behind him, and put her hands on his hips telling him, "You have the most beautiful buns. Makes me ache just to see you standing here."

She said Dale looked at her while facing the mirror and replied, "I like yours too. But I think it's time to give you something you don't expect to get."

Then he turned to her, pulled her close and whispered seductively into her ear. She said she felt herself jump onto the tips of her feet in excitement. No man had actually ever offered before, she had always had to almost beg for this kind of attention and when she got it she was disappointed with the result—it was always too brief, the poor results given without passion.

She was almost gasping as she related the details. Dale took her by the hand and led her to the bed. He kissed her and rubbed her pussy gently to get her partially aroused. Then she lay down on the edge of the bed and opened up—it was slow, luscious, and delivered with gusto, his tongue providing delicious pleasure. When she climaxed he asked if she would get enjoyment from a rear entry position. When she said no, they quickly climbed up on the bed and she mounted him.

She said she had noticed almost an hour had passed as she slowly got up from the bed—almost dripping wet from her second orgasm saying she felt exhausted. She smiled saying she felt as satisfied as she had ever felt. Carol added that she felt there was something different when he had penetrated her--but there had been little reason to look down, only to look at his face and feel him inside her.

Carol took another turn after she smiled at me and walked down the hall. I could hear him ask her the same questions and she happily replied she would like to try doggy style. When I took a quick peek into the bedroom a minute later I saw Carol leaning on the low dresser being pumped slowly. Her breasts gently rocked below her as Dale grasped her hips. I watched with interest when Carol announced he had hit her sweet spot and asked him to move more rapidly.

I watched as Dale remained shallow, not banging his pelvis against hers; she gave a quiet moan and lowered herself onto the dresser top, her face showing sweet agony, her leg shaking a little. Dale stepped away from her and gently took her shoulders and turned her around. Carol smiled broadly and gave him a kiss.

I had gotten hot and tingly. I stepped back out of sight and walked slowly towards the sitting area. I knew I had missed out on something really good. But it had been for a good reason. About fifteen minutes later Carol emerged from the bedroom wearing a very satisfied smile.
