Eight Days in a Binding Contract


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Well, remember the rules for Yellow are: "The Safe word "Yellow" will be used to bring to the attention of the Dominant that the Submissive is close to his limit of endurance for the action(s) being administered and needs the Dominant to ease up, alter, and/or stop the specific activity, but not end the session or release the Submissive from his bondage." So, with a yellow called, this session itself was not stopped, simply altered. The rag has been removed. Maybe a minute passed when I again felt something pressing against the side of my face and pushing against my gag. Then there was something resting just inside the ring. And then a short squirt of piss was discharged into my mouth. More than a dribble, but not a lot. A dick was pissing into my mouth. I certainly have had bondage abuse fantasies of this, but I never thought it would really happen to me and didn't want it to. Again, it was on the list I had sent back that was now included in the contract, but there were lots of things on the list that I didn't think Sir Michael would be willing to do. I was wrong. Not knowing what else I could do, there wasn't anything else I could do, I swallowed another man's piss. Again, a first for me.

But it wasn't over. Another, controlled squirt, not too much, easy to handle, less than a sip, but I am now moving into a revulsion mode of the thought and didn't want to do this. I was going to call out yellow again, but I had to swallow first. And then I felt something else that drew my attention away for a moment. Something or someone else was pressing against the other side of my face. Now my mind instantly was switched to: there is someone else here, who are they, how long have they been here? Are these the guys from last night or someone new? Then my mind was pulled back to the present. I quickly learned why two were now leaning into me as two distinct piss squirts came into my mouth. Just for a few seconds, maybe more, maybe five seconds. Not strong streams, just heavy dribbles, but with two light flows my mouth was filling quickly. I initially resisted swallowing, so the pees were flowing down to the back of my throat and then filling back up over my tongue. I then felt both of them step back. I hope they are done, can't see and can't feel them. Surprise that it both started and ended with two of them so fast, I guess they were just establishing their dominance over me because likely if they wanted to, I could be drowning in piss about now. They had just discharged a small amount compared to what a bladder holds. My mind is racing, my mouth is probably a quarter full. With my inclined position none is dribbling out, I'm keeping my swallow reflex under control effectively keeping anything going down my throat, my tongue tries to push the piss out to no avail. This action just baths my taster in the pool. All I can do is swallow which I consciously do slowly, so I don't choke. And down it goes. I have just drunk the pee of two people, three if you count me. I am not happy. I am not in a state of subservient euphoria, I am in a state of denial and repulsion. I now have a bitter, sour taste in my mouth. Not what you would call pleasant, not awful either. And the taste lingers. I am concerned that my stomach will revolt. It didn't. And I lay here securely bound and mentally and physically exhausted. The mind is spinning. My mouth pain and head strain are back to my attention. I refocus, I concentrate on how I am bound, how complete it is and how good it feels to not be able to move at all. I like my helplessness in it, I think about my mouth being unable to close, the vulnerability of that, and the risk anyone could attack it and how that excites me. Then I connect that somebody did just that in a way that I had previously fantasized. My disposition changes to acceptance then contentment sets in. Hey, I was just forced to take piss from two guys. Cool. Never want to do that again. I started thinking that maybe I should call an end to this session. But wait, something new is happening.

Chapter 16: An Involuntary Depository

There was activity happening around my head again. Are they going to piss in me again? Put a dick in my mouth? Make me blow them? My head is only about three feet off the floor. There is definitely activity above me, and it feels like it's beside me too. What is going on above me? I try to concentrate on it. I try listen but the music still drums out the sounds around me. Occasionally something brushes up against my head, I'm getting jostled and bumped by whatever is happening. It goes on for a while.

Now, every so often something wet seems to land in my mouth. The taste is undefinable as my mouth still has the stronger pee taste in it. There is a slight scent of sweaty bodies around me. It must be ten minutes that go by when I feel what was leaning on my right side move away and what was on my left leans in and semi-presses down on my face. Then there is something falling into my mouth again.

My tongue, like an offensive lineman, does what it can to block it. I'm at a lost. For about 10 to 20 seconds, every 2 to 3 seconds apart more drops into my mouth. It's a thick, gooey wet cream. Cream? Oh crap, its cum. Someone has just cum in my mouth. Blow job? Did someone just get a blow job right over me? Those first drips must have been saliva, disgusting. The cum is spreading around my mouth, not sure what to do with it. Doesn't taste exactly like mine, nor like what I got the other day, but similar. Hey, go with the flow. At least it is better than the piss taste. There is not an overabundance of it. I unintentionally rub my tongue around my mouth trying to pick up any residue from my checks and the gag. My tongue is mostly covered with it. I try to muster up some of my own saliva, use it as a rinse and I swallow. The coating still remains on my tongue. What a week.

Chapter 17: A Sounding Makes Everything All Right

I am again without attention. My mouth is really beginning to ache more than I can tolerate, my jaw muscles are cramping, and the inside of my mouth is getting rubbed raw from the ring. It's been held open much longer than I ever have had a gag in my mouth before, too long. "Yellow," I call out, almost unintelligently due to the gag. Sir Michael asks what's wrong. With difficulty I communicate that I need the gag taken out. It will not be easy because they hope not to disrupt the wrap securing my head. But with a little minor creative cutting they get to the edge of the metal frame where the head strap snaps on, Sir Michael is able to unsnap it and with some tugging and pulling this device is free of my mouth. I can't believe the relief. I am able to close my throbbing jaw. I want to massage it, but my body is bound. My head still is firmly held. Instead, I open and close my mouth numerous times. It will be sore and aching for some time. I was given a drink. I feel better. I am back to being at peace with my situation.

Just a little while passes, maybe fifteen to twenty minutes, it's impossible to tract the passage of time in this state when...oh, oh, oh, someone is playing with my dick and balls. Nice. Very nice. They are being massaged, stroked, fondled. Now what feels like lotion is being applied. My limp little man starts to respond, grow, stiffen. My response seems to cause the actions of whoever is touching me to slow a bit. I remain in a state of semi-arousal. After a few minutes a feel a hand wrap around my shaft and firmly grasp it. I think I'm about to get a hand job, but no, I feel something at my slit pushing against my dickhead while still being grasped. The next sensation is something being squeezed down my urethra. Cold, a funky feeling like I'm being plugged up. My dick is released, nothing is being pushed into me anymore, but my pee tube feels funny. I'm grasped again and I feel some being pushed against my slit, then it's withdrawn. It happens again with a slightly different feel. Again, something cold is pushed into my slit and withdrawn. And again, the same thing happens. Then again.

While I have no experience whatsoever with whatever is happening to me, it dawns on me, 'Sounding'. I know it too is on the list in the contract, but again it was one of those things I thought were on the list for titillation effect when reading the document. I didn't think it would really be performed. My mind is immediately anxious, and I feel myself tensing up. The touching of my slit stops and the massaging and fondling of my dick and balls again starts. Ahhhhh, this is wonderful. I relax again, just enjoying, hoping I won't pop. That would surely get me in trouble. Ohhhhh. I'm semi-erect again when I feel something at my slit again. This time it is being pushed slightly harder, I feel like I am opening up, my slit feels forced yet accepting, if that makes any sense, then there's withdrawal. More fondling and then a push again, I feel myself opening up deeper, I don't know how to resist or push it back, not sure I want to. No pain, it's just a new crazy sensation, pleasurable but in a weird way. I can tell whatever is going into my dick is being pushed very slowly. Its then pulled back, but not out, then slowly forward again. My dick feels like it is getting hard, one hand seems to be pushing and pulling what feels like a hard smooth stick into me while the other glides over and around my dick and balls. Extra lotion is applied to my balls, it's cold and slippery allowing effortless movement over them and my member. Heaven. Ohhhh. And the stick slides back out a little, then moves forward, deeper. I can't judge the distance. Amazed there is no pain, no burning. Feels maybe a little itchy, maybe not. And I can't move, I am completely immobile, I'm consciously straining at my bonds, I want to see, I can't. All I can do is concentrate on the feelings. I'm going wild. I feel it again being slightly pulled back, then forward movement. A new feeling, like I'm being expanded. Like the stick is just a hair bigger than the tube, pushing its way through. But the tube seems to be easily expanding to take it. No friction on the walls, whatever was squirted in me must be working.

It is definitely an intruder, but the mind seems to be OK with it, inviting the violation. Still a feeling of coldness, not sure if the stick is cold or I'm just shivering down there from the actions taking place. No, 'sounds' are typically surgical steel, that must be why it's cold. Whatever, while it feels strange, its good, I'm having a combined feeling of anxiousness and joy. Stroking my dick and balls adds to the current bound jubilation. Further in, and further in. With every gain a little retreat, then a march forward. The stimulation in amazing. Further in it travels, goodness, how long is this thing? I think it has journeyed longer than the length of my dick. I know almost nothing about sounding, mainly it is putting a stick in your dick. The ones I see online look like elegant, sometimes straight sometimes slightly curved, rounded piece of steel with a small tapering bulge at the insertion end. Some have bumps, the one in me doesn't feel like it has them. Don't know if it is straight or curved. I seem to remember from pictures that they come in kits and are about five to seven inches long and different thicknesses. Well, I know I'm not seven inches long so that thing must be headed inside of me, not sure where it will end. Still no pain. I seem to be accepting it. My dick seems to be getting more and more erect.

It then feels like the palm of the hand that is pushing the sound is cupping around my dick head gently tapping on the sound. It must be all the way in. Still no pain. Still feels funny, exhilarating. Must be a little sticking out as I feel what seems like a finger and a thumb resting on my dick head and jiggling the rod ever so slightly up and down my tube. That causes even wilder sensations. My breath is taken away as a vibrater has been added to the mix. It is resting on the head of my dick pressing against the sound, I'm being vibrated all the way down to my balls from the inside while being masturbated outside by a master craftsmen OOOOOOhhhh wow. I'm sure I am groaning out loud, but I can't hear myself. I only feel my vocal cord vibrating from inside. I'm now being massaged and stroked in intensity that I have never experienced. So many sensations. I'm hard, maybe as hard as I have ever been. My thousands of nerves on my dick are being stroked, there a smooth rod stimulating and buzzing whatever nerve endings are in my pee tube, and I have multiple days of double doses of Cialis chemically contributing its part. I'm on fire and my dick is hard, I don't think it has ever been harder. On and on, this is incredible. I love it but it is going to make me explode and I don't want to and there is absolutely nothing I can do, bound in place tighter than I have ever been. Harder than I ever been.

What happens if a blow my load? Can that even happen with a rod plugging up my urethra? If it happens, I'm sure I'll be punished, deservingly so, I know a subservient may never orgasms without permission, I've watched the videos, I read the stories! What do I do? If I call out, I'm a bad cunt, if I cum, I'm a bad cunt. If I call out Yellow, he stops, I surely don't want that as I think may be the best feeling I have ever had down there. I'm screwed. This thought distraction is helping hold off my ejaculation but I'm getting close again. Oh my God, oh my God, ohhhhh myyyy god, the sound is being slid back, slowly in and out in small increments but is definitely headed outward. The stroking of my dick is increasing. The vibrator has been placed under my balls. The sound is out I think, no its just at the tip. Too much, too much, too much stimulation, I can't stop, I try but I can't, I'm too late... and I feel myself having a huge ejaculation.

My dick is pulsating, the sound has been pulled out and a hand is cupping the top of my dick as another keeps stroking. This is one of the strongest climaxes in years, maybe ever. Instinctively my body tries to pull away from the hands to stop the stimulation, but I can't move at all. My jizz is being pulsed out and I think being collected by the hand that was on top of the head. The stoking hasn't stopped, I'm in overload, my dick is quivering, and my whole body is shaking as I try to get away from the hand, but I can't. My absolute ecstasy is moving toward anguish, "ohhhhhh please leave him be!" The one hand moves away from my dick head, a second later it is at my mouth, as the other continues to tease me. My cum has been harvested and now is being deposited onto my lips which I unintentionally open when they are touched. I hear faintly at my ear through the music, "Keep your mouth open or I'll put the gag back in." And I obey. The hand wipes the remaining cum across my lower lip and it drips into my oral opening. I hear again someone talking loudly over the music in my ear, "Lick your lips, cunt." Again, I obey.

Like most men, I have tasted my own cum before, both after masturbating and even from licking my wife's pussy following intercourse. It is doable, but far from my favorite meal. It coats my tongue and I do my best to try swallow it. There is actually more than I expected, but then I have been sexually stimulated a lot over the last few days, I would expect production to be up, and I've never been excited like this. My attention to my mouth is quickly overcome by what is still happening down south. I am being milked, post climax masturbation. It is occurring in earnest and is extremely vexing. I can't escape it and that I'm sure is exactly what my abuser is exploiting. I feel my dick being gripped and my dick opening again being filled with what I guess is sounding lube again.

Must be, because my urethra is soon being re-assaulted with the sound. Feels tighter. Different size? And the cycle begins again, the rod being push slowly inward, pulled back, then pushed forward again, deeper and deeper while the demon keeps playing with my dick and balls, massaging and stroking relentlessly. It is much harder this time to enjoy the masturbation as the body wants to shut down and rest after blowing a load. I'm not being offered that luxury. The intent of milking is to sexually abuse the victim and success is being achieved. It takes a while of being worked over, but the body begins to accept, then respond, now getting highly re-excited by the cruel stimulation. And in time, there is a second climax, certainly not with the discharge volume of the first, but what is dispersed is quickly gathered and fed to me again. The exhilaration and jubilation by the end matched the first round.

And we are at rest. The taste of 'me' this time has a noticeable added taste of gel which I assume is the lubricant expelled with my cum. I'm exhausted. My muscles are beat from stressing against my bondage. And my mouth and jaw hurt a lot. The aftereffects of a way too long session of being propped open. My nose is stuffed up from the pressure applied to my sinuses from the wrap stretch across my face. With my load shot, twice, my sexual arousal has been lost for the time being. It makes this rest period, assuming that is what this is not nearly as enjoyable. Fantasies are not dancing through my head. I drift off.

Chapter 18: Unwrapping an Abused and Tired Soul

I'm startled awake. The music is off. I hear Sir Michael say, "yeah, you've had it for the night, I'm going to let you out." I come to fine I've been resting almost 40 minutes. During that time Sir Michael's guest has departed, always to be anonymous to me.

Thankfully he starts the unveiling at my head. Using the safety medical shears, he cuts from the mouth hole towards and past my right ear and then repeats the step going the other way. He then cuts from the hole towards the top of my head all the way back to the securing tabletop. He peels back the two triangle shaped leaves. Immediate relief and I am grateful. He cuts down from the hole, pass my chin to the base of my neck, pulling apart the plastic as he goes. From the base, he turns the blades to the side till he hits the tabletop. He then goes the other way, allowing for the release of the other two flaps of pieces of plastic that hold my face and head to the board. With my head now free, he gets his hand under my neck and lifts it up a bit and it feels fantastic.

From the neck he cuts slowly down the center line of my chest, gently pulling up the binds from my skin. I have been wrapped before and I know it sticks to the skin but this stuff is attached to me like glue. I am still blindfolded so I can't actually see it happening, but I can feel the cold edge of the scissors and its flat safety end that keeps me from being cut. And I can feel the wrap being pull up. Hours of it being stuck to me is making this a slow process. Pulling fast will pull skin off with the plastic. Sir Michael is being extremely careful, so that this does not happen. He pulls enough open to expose my chest, but my arms are still pinned. He switches to my feet and starts cutting up towards my body. The cutting goes faster as there is a natural gap between the legs. Pulling the wrap still must continue as a slow and careful process.

The bondage was fantastic, but so is the release. The cool air from the fans is great as it evaporates the sweat steaming from my body. It's a weird skin sensation as it is exposed to the air. The plastic sheeting from the body wrapping stays stuck to my back and arms, compressed between the tabletop and body. He pulls away the wrap that circles the table and traps me to it. That easily falls away as it isn't in contact with my skin. He pulls the plastic still clinging to my legs wider open. Then my legs are lifted and the plastic, ever so slowly, is pulled free of my legs. I am then rotated and sat up with my legs brought down to the floor. He removes the Ace bandage from around my head and the light shocks my eyes. My one ear bud falls out and the other is gently pulled free. Wow, my ears also hurt. Ear buds were never meant to be in that long. I'm also stunned that the battery charge lasted that long. I'm told to stand up which I do, but I need help as my arms are still stuck to my sides by the wrap. I'm wobbly and unsteady on my feet as I am moved away from the table. Sir Michael than gently pulls my right arm free and then my left. The plastic is still sticking to my back but soon it is completely free from me. Sad to see my cocoon go but also tremendously relieved too. "You, OK? Can you walk?" I'm queried. "Yes Sir, sorry, I mean Green" I reply meekly. Boy is my jaw and mouth sore. Hours too long in an open gag. I've had plenty of different fluids in it too, but it feels dry, with a chalky feel, must be the cum residual. "Go take a long hot shower." I'm directed. I look at him a little quizzical, he smiles and says, "You did really well, my little submissive, I couldn't be prouder of you, Now go relax in the shower." I smile and shuffle off.
