Elizabeth, Happy at Last Ch. 02


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Late on the afternoon of the fourth day the rain hadn't subsided, and when there was a knock at the door, I answered it without dressing.

When I opened the door, there was a familiar looking attractive young woman about my height, wearing a mail carrier's uniform who said, "I have a letter for Charles Martin that needs to be signed for." When I invited her in, she blushed and apologized for bothering us.

I yelled toward the kitchen, "Father, there is a letter you need to sign for." When he walked out of the kitchen, dressed exactly as I was, the young letter carrier grinned.

After he signed the receipt, he asked the young woman, "Could I get you a cup of coffee?"

She handed him the letter and said, "No thank you, but if I could have some of this, that would be really nice," as she grasped my father's cock and watched it grow in her small hands.

My father smiled and said, "I think you have your answer, young lady." As his cock reached full hardness.

She let her mailbag slip to the floor and dropped to her knees and started sucking on my father's cock. When she stopped sucking on him, she stood, and I helped her undress. I led her to our bedroom and had her lay on the bed. She started moaning as I sucked on her pert little boobs, and when my father licked her pussy, she said, "Please fuck me. I'm so horny!"

She was so aroused that father's cock slid easily into her, and when he was all the way in, she said, "Oh God Yes, that feels so good," and wrapped her legs around him. As he started fucking her, I climbed onto her face, and rode her tongue.

I don't know how long we enjoyed each other, but I heard my father moan as I felt the young woman spasm under me. Then she bit down on my clitoris and that sent me over the edge.

As we were laying in bed together recovering afterward, we discovered that the young letter carrier's name was Alice, and she shared an apartment with Suzy, the police and fire department switchboard operator we had met earlier. As she was sorting mail near the end of her shift, she saw the address for our registered letter. She volunteered to deliver it today on her way home instead of us having to wait until the next day for our regular carrier, Floyd to deliver it.

My father got out of bed and went into the other room to see what he had signed for.

When he returned, he thanked Alice for delivering the letter, because it was from our State Farm agent, and contained the documents we needed to finish registering ourselves with the DMV and local taxing bodies.

When she noticed his cock was coming back to life, Alice asked if he would like to fuck her doggie. When my father said yes, she went to the foot of the bed and 'assumed the position'.

My father got behind her and slid his rejuvenated cock into her vagina that was well lubricated with their combined juices from our earlier romp. I slid my pussy in front of her face, and enjoyed the tongue lashing she gave me.

We invited her to have dinner with us, and as we at in the kitchen, still nude, she shared some of the local gossip with us and how the old man who used to live in our house was a real asshole.

I told her that she, and all her friends were welcome to sunbathe nude on our beach, so long as they cleaned up after themselves. I also told her that if they wanted to have an orgy in our little private cove, the same rules applied.

After she left, my father and I went to bed and held each other until we fell asleep.

The next morning, the rain had stopped, so after we drank our morning coffee, we returned to the beach for our morning ritual.

After we ate breakfast, we dressed and drove to the closest DMV office, which was in Hillsboro, and transferred our driver's licenses, our vehicle titles, and registered to vote. The only thing that we couldn't do was register our property with the local taxing body, and that would have to wait until we received our Title Deed from the State Capital.

Since our business had taken most of the day, we decided to stop for dinner on the way home at Bill and Judy's in Canon Beach. There were only a few customers in the restaurant, so the owners sat with us as we dined. We told them how much we loved our new place and invited them to go swimming at our beach.

When Judy asked us, what made our beach so special, I whispered in her ear, "It is so secluded that you don't have to wear a swimsuit if you don't want to."

She blushed and whispered back, "Really?" I nodded and smiled.

When she whispered to her husband, he smiled and said, "We will be there next Summer for sure."

My father smiled and said, "Bill, I'm sorry we haven't been back here for dinner, but I promise we will come in here every Saturday night for dinner every week for now on."

My father and Bill shook hands and I could see a look of relief on the older man's face.

As the Indian Summer turned into Fall, my father and I settled into a routine, and my belly started to grow. A week after we started having Saturday evening dinners with Bill and Judy, I went to my first appointment with Doctor Jumuna Patel, Bonnie Jones' Obstetrician.

Mrs. Patel was a very kind doctor and didn't hurt me at all when she was doing a pelvic exam on me (unlike Dr. Kramer back home who my mother had made me see when I turned sixteen because my periods were unusually heavy, but that is a story I would rather forget).

She took several blood samples and vaginal swabs, and said, "If the results of these samples are in the normal range, I won't have to see you until January." When I asked her if I could still have sex during my pregnancy, she said, "I see no problem with that as long as you don't do anything to strenuous. If something you do is painful or causes cramping, you should refrain from doing it. Also, if you start to spot, get in touch with me as soon as possible."

Since I was alone in the examination room with her, I told the doctor who the baby's real father was. She told me that she understood and did not judge me at all. Dr. Patel said she would list the baby's father's name as 'Unknown' on the birth certificate because she, "didn't like the politician's sticking their noses in people's lives." She said I should have an ultrasound during the sixth month to make sure everything was alright.

As I drove home alone after dropping off Bonnie, I felt on top of the world, and started talking to my unborn child, saying, "Raymond, you are going to be so loved by everyone."

When I got home, my father was waiting in the kitchen for me, and when I saw he wasn't wearing any clothes, I undressed and joined him. After I told him how my appointment went, and that my doctor had agreed to keep our 'secret' he was very happy.

Then he told me that while I was gone he had taken the Power wagon for a drive to make sure it was alright he had gone to the local pharmacy to stock up on cocoa butter.

When I asked him what he planned on using it for, he told me that it was an old remedy from my mother's side of the family to reduce the occurrence of stretch marks on my tummy.

When I looked at him strangely, he asked me if I had ever seen any stretch marks on my mother's tummy, I thought about it for a while. When I remembered that her stomach was perfectly smooth, I told him that I hadn't.

He told me that my mother had insisted that he rub cocoa butter on her stomach every night after her bath before she went to bed the whole time she carried me. He said at the time he thought it was ridiculous but agreed because he loved my mother and wanted to please her.

He told me that although he thought what he was doing would have no effect, he was amazed that after I was born, and my mother's belly had returned to its original pre-pregnancy size, there were no stretch marks to be seen.

Since my belly was beginning to swell, that night after we made love, I took a bath, and afterward my father slathered cocoa butter on my growing belly and gently rubbed it in. We continued this regimen until the day I went into labor and he drove me to the hospital in Hillsboro, Oregon, but I will talk about that later in this story.

During every one of my visits to Dr. Patel, whenever I would ask her questions, she would answer them and then loan me a book that explained her answers in much more detail. By the time I was ready to deliver, I felt like I was fully prepared to give birth. I felt like I understood more about giving birth and raising a child than anyone I knew. I was certain at this point that I knew more than my mother had when she had me.

All through that Fall not much happened other that my belly growing so slowly that I barely noticed. We spent Thanksgiving with the Jones' and Christmas with Bill and Judy. Also, the inclement weather forced us to curtail our nude swims between Halloween and Saint Patrick's Day, but the sonogram that Dr. Patel did on me in early March showed that the child I was carrying was a boy, and the size of his appendage seemed to be proportional to his father's. The doctor gave me a printout of the scan, and when I showed our father, he was elated.

We sailed through the spring, and as we were eating breakfast two days before my birthday, my stomach started to cramp. When my father asked me what was wrong, I told him I felt like I was having menstrual cramps.

He very calmly got up from his chair picked up the wall phone in the kitchen and dialed Dr. Patel's number that he had written on the notepad next to it.

When the party on the other end answered, my father said, "This is Charles Madison, it's beginning." He listened calmly and said, "Yes, I'm sure. She is acting exactly how her mother did." I listened for a few moments and said, "OK, if nothing changes we will plan on arriving at the hospital tomorrow."

Then he sat back down at the table, finished his coffee, and said, "Elizabeth, you are in the beginning stages of labor. Your mothers started when she got cramps the exact same way, and if you are like her, you should be delivering Raymond on your birthday. For now, we will play it by ear, and if nothing else happens between now and tomorrow, I will get you dressed and drive you to the hospital in the morning. When your mother delivered you, we almost waited too long and barely made it to the hospital in time. I'm going to help you into the bathroom because if I'm right you are going to pee about a gallon in a few minutes."

He walked me into the bathroom, and as soon as my ass hit the toilet seat, the floodgates opened, and I peed for so long that I lost track of time. Father kept a close eye on me and made sure I drank plenty of fluids because I peed like a racehorse about every four hours all through the night.

The next morning after a light breakfast of just toast and black coffee, my father dressed himself before he dressed me, and we made it to the hospital at lunchtime. I was taken upstairs to the Maternity Ward, undressed and put in a gown as my father took care of registering me, and I didn't see him for nearly a half hour.

Once in the Maternity Ward, the charge nurse, got busy asking me questions about everything in my life that had to do with my health. While she looked like Louise Fletcher's Nurse Ratched, Beverly was one of the kindest women I had ever met.

Since we were two thousand miles away from my home and the hospital had no access to my medical files, she took down what I told her about my medical history, asking what diseases I had suffered from, what shots I had been given, when I had my first period, and when I lost my virginity. I told her all I could remember, including that boy who took my virginity was a one-night stand, and not the father of my child.

Then she asked me about my dealings with the medical community. When I told her about my kindly pediatrician, she smiled, and when I told her about the difference between the OB who did my first pelvic exam and how much gentler Dr. Patel was, she said, "Jumuna is a wonderful doctor, you are in good hands with her."

When she was finished recording my medical history, an army of nurses and nurse's aides took blood, did a sonogram, and connected me to monitors. By the time my father appeared in the room, I was completely calm and told him, "Go get some lunch Dad, I'm not going anywhere, and Raymond won't be here until tonight."

At one minute after midnight on my nineteenth birthday, my water broke, and the labor pains started in earnest. Several hours later, the delivery nurse said I was fully dilated, Dr Patel said, "OK Elizabeth, let's do this!"

I'm not going to share with you all the gory details about what my delivery was like, but at precisely 6:55AM, May 22, 1989, Raymond Charles Madison announced his entrance into this world by kicking and screaming bloody murder. When I saw my son's beautiful face and heard his cries after they had cleaned both of us up after the delivery, all the pain and agony of my labor and delivery vanished from my memory. When I felt his warm skin against mine, he calmed down and we bonded immediately.

As they were transporting us to our room, my son found the nipple of my left breast and started suckling. Even though my milk was not supposed to come in until two to three days after I gave birth, Raymond seemed to instinctively know exactly what to do. When we were finally in our room, he was sound asleep and didn't stir when the nurse gently lifted him from my breast, wrapped him gently, and placed him in the bassinette next to my hospital bed.

We both fell sound asleep, and when I opened my eyes late in the afternoon, I saw my father holding our son and humming some nameless tune to him. When he saw I was awake, he lay our son into my arms, and sat in the chair he had moved next to the bed and watched us without saying a word.

When I noticed how tired my father was looking, I told him, "We're doing fine now Dad. You look exhausted so why don't you go home and get a good night's rest."

What I didn't know was that my father did not go home that night, Instead, an old Army buddy was a surgeon at the hospital and he let my father crash on a bed in the doctors' lounge.

When I woke up the next morning, I saw a nurse's aide who looked younger than me holding my baby while sitting in a chair near the window. When I asked her what she was doing, she said, "I'm feeding your baby, she was hungry.

I grabbed the nurse call button and pressed it.

When a nurse came into the room and asked me what I wanted, I calmly said, "Why is that nurse's aide feeding my baby?"

The nurse said, "Your child was hungry and needed to be fed. You were still asleep, and she was fussy, and anyway, your milk won't be in for two more days."

I answered her, "First of all, all you would have had to do was wake me and I would have fed my own child. Second, you don't know the sex of my child. You said that 'She', not 'He' was hungry." I then pulled my gown open and squeezed my swollen right breast, squirting the nurse in her face and blinding her temporarily, and said, "And finally, my milk is in. NOW GIVE ME MY SON YOU CUNT AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM!"

The nurse's aide that was holding my son put down the bottle and calmly handed my son to me. The nurse I had squirted with my milk ran screaming out of the room, and when the door closed behind her, the nurse's aide said, "I'm so sorry I upset you. My name is Sylvia, and this is my first day on this floor. I only did what my supervisor told me to do."

As Raymond was nursing contently on the breast I had just squirted the nurse with, I took her hand and said, "It's alright dear, I'm not angry with you. I understand ou were just doing what you were told. I will make sure that you don't get into any trouble for what you did." When I was switching my son from my right boob to my left one, I unwrapped his blanket and showed the young woman Raymond's penis, and said, "He certainly takes after his Daddy."

The young woman blushed and asked, "How big is his Daddy?"

I smiled and said, "I never actually measured him, but when I wrap my hand around the base and put my other hand around him next to my first hand. Then I move my first hand in front of the second, the head of his cock sticks out past my hand, and that's when I suck on him till he cums."

She blushed even more, and just then the charge nurse came into the room and said, "Well, Ms. Madison, I've heard you and Donna have had some kind of disagreement."

I smiled and said very sweetly, "Your nurse didn't believe that my milk was in, so she had this young lady feeding my son when I woke up. When I showed her I was producing milk, she became upset."

Beverly frowned and looked over the top of her glasses at me and said, "Well, I guess you could tell the story that way. Anyway, I'm glad you are doing well, and I'm having Donna reassigned to the surgical floor while you two are here."

After Beverly left, I asked Sylvia where she lived. When she told me that she lived on the South edge of Canon Beach, I asked her if she was familiar with the beach between Hug Point and Adair Point, she said she was. When I asked her if she knew about our little cove, she said, "You mean where the mean hippies live?"

I smiled, and when I told her the mean old hippie had sold his house to us, she said, "No shit." Then she covered her mouth and blushed again.

I told her, "We may have a party on our beach for Memorial Day if we get out of here in time, and if we do we will all be NAKED!"

Sylvia blushed again, so I followed up with, "We will definitely have a big party on the Fourth of July and it will definitely be a drunken, naked orgy!"

I saw her blush as she looked at her watch and apologized that she had to leave because her shift was over. I'm not sure if I embarrassed her, but she never came into my hospital room again, and I've never seen her on our beach.

Two days later, Dr. Patel told me that both Raymond and I were well enough to be released from the hospital, so on Thursday we were discharged from the hospital, and when they pushed us through the automatic doors in a wheelchair, my father was waiting outside. He opened the back door of my car, and when he took Raymond from my arms, I saw that he had already installed a newborn child carrier in the back seat. After he secured our son in the car-seat, he helped me get inside the rear seat next to our son.

I climbed into the back seat and strapped myself in. My father closed the door for me before getting behind the wheel of my car and drove us home. When we pulled up in front of our house, he opened the door as I was unstrapping Raymond, and we followed our father into the house. When we got to our bedroom, I was surprised to find a bassinet next to our bed replete with bedding and a lacy white skirt around it.

When he saw the look on my face, my father said, "Darling, because we don't have any family and haven't made a lot of real friends since we have been here, we didn't have the usual baby showers or get togethers to get the items necessary for the care of our son, but I was able to acquire this infant bed from one of the doctors I met at the hospital. During one of our long conversations he asked me what arrangements I had made for the baby. When I told him I had made none, he offered it to me. It belonged to his son and daughter-in-law, who were done having children. He also told me about a second-hand store in Seaside that sells gently used furniture, and I thought I would drive the truck up there as soon as I got you two settled. I will also stock up on diapers and other essentials while I'm out."

I laid Raymond into his bed and watched him snuggle into the blanket I had wrapped him into at the hospital. He smiled and closed his eyes, falling sound asleep. When I walked out of the bedroom, my father had brought the box of supplies the hospital had provided us with and was putting the six small bottles of formula into the refrigerator.