Ella & Jake Ch. 04

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Ella & Victor's Story.
3.1k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/05/2020
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*Author's Note* This is a flash back chapter to explain Ella & Victor's relationship. I hope it explain a bit more for the readers who are a bit confused. I usually don't write chapter by chapter, so this kind of explains why the story might seem a bit jumpy.

I am glad to write extra chapters to explain the characters more.

Thank you again for you positive feedback.


She was cold. She could hear voices, and knew she was safe but she was confused. She sensed her wolf in the corner of her mind, hiding. She remembered when she was a young girl, how she and her wolf would play, and how she knew she could shift before all of the other kids. Then it ended.

She remembered the man who threatened to kill her wolf. Then she remembered nothing at all. She hated this. She wished she could go back to before she had met Jake.

Jake. He was another problem. She knew he had bit her, tried to mate with her, but she didn't want too. Her wolf claimed he was their mate, but Ella didn't really feel it. She had attraction for him, and felt safe when he held her, but to go and call him her mate. She felt she couldn't do that.

She liked Victor. She smiled as she thought of him, just as her wolf growled. If she could choose she would pick Victor over Jake. But right now it wasn't her choice. The Alpha said she was Jake's mate, Jake said it, and her wolf. But wasn't she supposed to say it too?

The feelings she had for Jake came from her wolf, not her. She knew it now. Now that they were two separate beings again.

I'm sorry. She said to her wolf. I don't want him as a mate.

But he is our mate! The wolf claimed. How can you not see that? Why aren't you feeling it?

I don't know!

She didn't know, and that was what was most confusing. Looking back over the past month, she realized what a bitch she had been to Jake. All he wanted to do was love her, but instead of just rejecting him, she led him on. Now she was half mated to a man she didn't want.

She wanted Victor. But Victor wasn't her true mate either.

She had met Victor the first day that she had been in the Pack House. She had woken up in Jake's bed, in his room, and felt odd. Her bags were at the door, still packed. The Alpha told her to move in, and make herself comfortable. She was anything but.

She had gotten up, dressed, then ran out of that room as fast as she could. She would ask the Alpha for a different room, something that was hers and not Jake's.

She had headed down stairs for breakfast, to the main cafeteria, and ran into her friend Olly.

"Hey Ella, Feeling better?" Oliver asked as she smiled at her.

"I guess so," Ella said, looking at her feet.

"Hey, cheer up," Olly said. "Look, I don't know what is between you and Beta Jake, but I won't say anything to anyone. Why don't you come eat with us," He motioned to some wolves about her age sitting at a table together.

"Sure, thank you, Olly." Ella smiled at him. In school he was one of the only ones who didn't make fun of her. He didn't stop it, but he never joined in.

The walked over to the table, and Olly put his arm around Ella. "Hey gang, this is Ella, she just moved into the Pack House. Turned 18 yesterday..." A mutter of Happy Birthday's ran around the table. "Ella, this is Dorothy, Kevin, Joe, Julie and Victor." He introduced each person. "We are all Beta's in training. Do you what you're gonna be?"

"I dunno," Ella said. She was just a human. Would probably be an Omega if she had a wolf.

"Come sit down here," a deep sexy voice said. Ella turned and looked at the one Olly introduced as Victor. He had long black hair, bright green eyes, and a smile that made her knees weak.

"Thank you," Ella said as she sat down beside Victor, who smiled at her. He had a wonderful smile.

Soon Olly put some food in front of her, and they all started to eat. This was honestly the first time that she had ever felt accepted. She liked her new friends, she didn't want to lose them. Having a 30 year old mate, who was their superior, might? She wanted to keep that secret. Pretend he didn't exist. Until he was out of the Rogue Cave, she could do that, as terrible as it was.

She ate dinner with them that night, then they all went to the media room to watch a movie. Victor ended up sitting beside her and put his arm around her. She blushed. He touch felt nice. Not the tingling that Jake's touch had, but she liked it better. This made her sure that Jake was not her mate. What she was doing was just fine. Unmated wolves could date who they wanted. She was unmated.

After the movie he had walked her back to her room. He didn't even question why she was staying in Jake's room. The house was full, from the pack members who needed a place to stay while their homes were being fixed. Jake was away, and it was an empty room. Hopefully that's what he would think.

He gave her a kiss goodbye, then left, like a perfect gentleman. Ella leaned against the door smiling as she watched him go down the stairs, then he paused and looked back at her. "Dinner tomorrow? We can go into town?"

"Sure," she said with a smile. He smiled back and headed down the stairs.

Ella walked into the room, and laid down on her bed. Her thoughts were far from Jake. She was only thinking of Victor.


Jake laid on the cold ground, trying to sleep. He was hungry. They had barely given him enough food. He tried to get a message to the Alpha, but it was blocked. He closed his eyes and thought of Ella. He felt her. She was happy. That made him happy. If he had known the reason for her being happy, it would have killed him.


For the couple weeks, Victor took Ella out almost every night. They went to dinner, to the movies, to a club, to a play, and her favourite, a walk in the park. Surrounded by humans, not wolves. He bought her ice cream, and they talked about their future and their past.

She told him about how she had no wolf, and that made her feel like an outsider. He told her that his mate had died last year, in child birth. This was sad but brought her hope. His mate was gone, so he was allowed to mate with another wolf. She didn't tell him that part though, and she left out the part about Jake claiming she was his mate.

The more time she spent around Victor, then more she was falling in love with him. They more she knew that Jake was not her mate, that when he was released she would reject him, then hopefully she could be with Victor.

When she got home that night, she went to her new room. Once the pack members started to move back to their homes, a room opened, and Alpha let her stay there, he warned it was just until Jake was free, and they mated. She didn't tell him she didn't intend to mate with Jake.

The moment she opened the door, she felt nervous. The Alpha was standing in her room, frowning at her.

"I have been busy this past week, since my Luna has given me a daughter," he said.

"Yes, congratulations," Ella said as she put down her back.

"Tell me, Ella, why are you being seen with a young wolf, I believe his name is Victor, when your mate is locked up."

"I don't want Jake as a mate," Ella said. "I don't feel it like he does."

"That is impossible!" The Alpha roared, Ella stepped back. "I saw you in his arms, you were attracted to him."

"Yes, he's a good looking man, but I don't love him. I don't feel the love. I'm falling in love with someone else." She said.

"Unacceptable!" the Alpha shouted. "Look at me!" He commanded as her took her head between his hands. "You will not see any unmated wolf again! You will have no contact with them. You will keep yourself pure for Jake. This is an order, as your Alpha do you understand!"

Ella nodded.

The Alpha let her go. "I will talk to the unmated male wolves as well, to keep them off you."

"No, please don't!" Ella begged. "They see me as a friend. I don't want them to know about all this until he's free."

"Very well. But I better not see you with another wolf." He turned and walked out.

Ella fell to her knees. He had given her an Alpha Command. She thought about it, thought about Jake, and then thought about Victor. Her feelings hadn't changed. She wondered if she would feel differently in the morning when she saw him.


Jake paced the Rogue Cave. He was missing her. He had become so attached to her after... He didn't know how much time had passed. He felt that she was scared, then confused. He hoped she was okay. He knew the Alpha would take care of her. He had promised.

Jake would have ripped apart the cave if he really knew what was happening.


The next morning, when Ella saw Victor. Nothing had changed. The Alpha's command didn't work. It was as if he was not her Alpha, and had no power over her. She didn't have to do what he said, but she had to keep it a secret. If the Alpha did find out, he might lock her up.

Ella, didn't talk to Victor while the Alpha was in the dining room. Today was the first day the Luna had come to the meal since the birth of their daughter. Everyone was cooing over the little baby.

Victor came over to her, and touched her shoulder. "Ella?" he asked

"Shhh," Ella said. "Meet me by the pool in 20 minutes." Ella turned and went over to see the baby.

Less than half hour later, Ella was standing by the pool, looking worried. Victor came up to her and gave her a hug.

"You look like you need that."

"Thanks, but you may not want to touch me after what I have to tell you." Ella sighed. "You know how I have no wolf?" Victor nodded. "Well, I also can't hear Alpha Commands, and apparently if I do hear then, I don't have to follow them."

"What do you mean?" Victor asked. "You are a member of the pack, are you not?"

Ella shrugged. "Beta Jake believes he is my mate." She stated. Victor's face went white, and he moved over to sit on a bench. "When I'm around him, I do feel something, I wouldn't call it a mating call, but there is a connection. But when I'm not around him, I don't feel it. I don't really care. When I'm around you, I care. I'm falling in love with you..." She trailed off.

"But?" Victor said.

"But, Jake thinks he's my mate. The Alpha thinks he's my mate, and he commanded me not to see you, or any male wolf again. To save myself for Jake. Like I'm going to be suck to him forever. He's a nice guy, he beat my father for me cause he was being mean to me. But I don't love him."

"I don't understand," Victor said as he placed his head in his hands. "When I met my mate, I was so deeply in love, she was so deeply in love with me. We never wondered about it, or questioned it. You are questioning it?"


"Then he's not your mate. But what is he?"

"A nice guy who is going to mate with me once he gets out of the Rogue Cave. No matter what I want." She sat down beside Victor. "I'm scared, Vic. I don't want to lose myself to him. I want to make love with a man I love, not one I belong to. Do you understand?"

"I think I do." Victor said.

"If I can get out of this mating thing with Jake, do you think we could...?" She blushed and looked away. "I know we've only know each other a couple weeks."

"I dunno, Ella," Victor said. "How about we keep everything on the down low for now, and see what happens." He smiled and touched her hand. "I guess we have to meet in private since the Alpha warned you to stay away from me?"

"Yah. I begged him not to give the Alpha command to everyone to stay away from me. Hopefully he won't and we can still be together." She took his hand. Victor smiled at her.

"Let's meet at Silver Rock tomorrow for a picnic," Victor said as he kisses her slowly. Silver Rock was just outside the Pack Lands, it over looked Northern Wolf Lake.

"See you tomorrow," she quickly kissed him back and ran off. She had to figure out a way to end it with Jake.

She went straight to the library which was on the other side of a compound. She started to pull books to read anything she could on mating. As she read how to reject a mate, she got that weird pounding in her chest again.

She placed a hand over her breast and took some deep breaths. The pounding went away, and she continued reading. All she had to do was say, 'Jake, I reject you as my mate', and the mating would be over. It would cause great pain to both wolves, but since she wasn't really a wolf, it wouldn't matter. But she would hurt Jake, and she didn't want to her him.

She sighed. She had a way out, and a man she wanted to spend time with, but what kind of life would they lead. Would she be allowed to stay in the pack if she cast off Jake? And when the Alpha found out that he wasn't her Alpha, that she had no desire to do what he commanded, she would probably be banished.

Would Victor be banished or killed? She had so many things to think about. She left the library and went back to her comfy room. She laid on the bed, and tried to think of what she should do.

She never showed up for the picnic the next day. Every time she saw Victor, she turned and walked away. She was able to avoid him for about a week, until he caught up to her at an outdoor movie night.

She was sitting on a blanket alone, not really wanting to be around anyone else. She was so lost in her own thoughts, she never noticed Victor sitting down beside her. She almost jumped out of her skin when he grabbed her arm.

"I thought you said you loved me," he said as he looked at her. "It's been almost two weeks that you have been avoiding me. What did I do wrong?"

"Nothing," Ella whimpered. "I'm scared, Victor. What if when I reject Jake I get kicked out of the pack? What if you are banished or killed for being with me. You are a Beta, you have a great life here. You may lose it all if you stay with me."

"That's okay," Victor said. "I love you, Ella. Once you reject Jake, we can pack up and leave. We can find another pack, or just live by ourselves."

"You are willing to give it all up for me?" Ella looked at him.

"Yah, come on." Victor pulled her up, and grabbed the blanket. Then ran with her into the forest. He found a quiet place and laid out the blanket.

She sat down and he sat beside her, and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around him and deepened the kiss. His arm ran down her back, and up her shirt, undoing her bra.

"Will you let me, this time?" Victor asked. He was always a gentlemen when it came to them making out, he never pressured her to go any farther then she wanted to.

"Yes. I love you. Love me." Ella said as she kissed him deeply.

Victor slipped off her shirt and bra, then this mouth was on her, sucking each nipple, nibbling them. Ella moaned and ran her hands through his hair, pulling him close to her. Slowly his hand moved down to undo her pants, and slipped in, finding her clit and rubbing it. Ella moaned and arched up to him.

He pulled his hand away, licking his fingers, then quickly undressed, and pulled her pants off her. He laid down naked on her, and kisses her, running his tongue around her lips. He moved down to kiss her neck, then nibbled her breast again, finally leaving little kisses on her stomach until he reached her cunt. Then he dived in, he licked her softly, and nibbled her lips, then started flicking her clit with his tongue.

Ella moaned and cried out at the pleasure this man was giving her. She had one of the most powerful orgasms of her life, as she scared and arched and let her juices run down his face. Victor loved every moment of it, and lapped it up.

He then looked up at her, she was sweating and her eyes were closed. Victor let his body run up hers, then kissed her deeply, letting her taste herself on his lips. As she moaned, he pushed his cock into her.

She screamed as the slight pain, then the wave of please. Victor grunted as he fucked her, and she wrapped her legs around him pulling him close.

"I love you..." she panted as they both came together.


Jake woke up from his sleep. He sat up, looked around. He didn't understand where he was or what was going on. He felt Ella. His Ella.

His Ella?

His Mate?

She was... She was...

Jake howled. He rolled over in pain. The pleasure coming from his mate was washing over him. His cock rose to the occasion, as he felt her passion. The passion that was supposed to be for him, given to someone else.

He whimpered.

He was alone.

She did not love him.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

you basically made jake a cuck jake should’ve killed victor and ella that same day he got out

StrixalucoStrixalucoabout 2 years ago

Again inconsistent to what has been told earlier. I liked the first 2 chapters, but inconsistencies are too annoying.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Please continue this story...

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Update please

LoloFlowerButtLoloFlowerButtover 3 years ago

I'm so intrigued and want more! But to be honest I skimmed this chapter. I get the character development and filling in the holes, but it hit too close to home. Knowing the person you love is with someone else, you don't even have to see it, you can feel it. Still a wonderful story and chapter, keep it up!

theinternetisforporntheinternetisforpornover 3 years ago
More please!

What is this? A complex and flawed female character? Shut the gates! Burn the bridges! How can you expect people to read drivel like this? A female who wants sex but not with the main character? A person who has disconnected from their feelings following childhood trauma? Who doesn't trust her own body? So unbelievable. Stop writing immediately!

/ e n d s a r c a s m

Seriously, I love this. Keep going. I can relate to Ella on so many levels. I want more. I need more stories like this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Please keep going

I’ve enjoyed the story and hope you continue writing. My big question is why does Victor go along with it if he knows what it’s like to have and lose a mate. You would think he would be hesitant to get involved with an unmarked female. Just a thought though. Please keep writing.

mugsymalonemugsymalonealmost 4 years ago

I just read the previous comments...Ella is an inexperienced teen just discovering that she may have value and does have a wolf. Yeah, I want to shake her also and am saddened by Jake’s sorrow. Not sure if the author is leading to past abuse and that the inconsistencies are a result of Emma’s mind protecting a child of 12. The mind is powerful when protecting the child...memories are often not revealed for decades when the victim finally feels safe.

- from a 55 year old thankful for the mind that protected a wee child of three

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Get an editor to help develop ideas

I strongly suggest getting an editor to bounce ideas off of to help you fully develop your ideas for this story. I want to like this story but Ella is an unsympathetic character and she is extremely irrational. I feel like she could be looking at the truth right in the face and will deny it without any valid points or justification. I know her family mistreated her, but even that doesn’t make me feel bad for her. This maybe something you can expand on more to make the reader understand. Maybe they inflicted so much damage that she can’t accept mate love and would rather take the painful option of refusing to accept the pull. As its written now I almost feel like your writing one of those reject your mate stories with the girl as the rejector instead of the guy. All I’m getting from this story is Ella feels the bound but that doesn’t matter at all, let’s go be with this other guy.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
I couldn't read this chapter.

She just maker you mad. All those werewolves that would give anything to find their mate that she is so willingly to two away. In the real world, there are consequence for betrayal. She is not a likable or respectable character. Jake can do better. She can not with her low moral.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I don’t want to sound rude or discouraging, but I am no longer a fan of where this story is going. The story line had so much potential in the first chapter and now it is unbearable to read. I know not every storyline can be happy, but it seems like there is little character development and the characters are doing things for no apparent reason. I encourage you to keep practicing and writing on here, as I see you don’t post much. If you don’t have an editor or someone to bounce ideas off of there are a number of people on here that are open to do that for you. Take care :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Ella is being a jerk

Ella is simply using excuses to deny the undeniable. She says she's not a wolf, and can therefore ignore her Alpha's commands. Yet her Alpha will be none too happy when he finds out, and he WILL find out. She thinks Victor loves her, but does he really? I don't feel sorry for Ella, because she is acting stupid. She knows she has a wolf, but is ignoring her. How does Ella think she can possibly live a full life ignoring her wolf for the entire time? Not possible. Ella's behaving like a dummy - but then again, her parents, who should know better, have practically abandoned her. So Ella has no one to confide in, a person who can help her.

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