Emily and I


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I finally opened the folder that Jane had left for me. There was a power of attorney, our marriage license application and an unfinished note from Emily. It read:

"My Dearest Jacy; If you are reading this, I will never see you again. I love you so much. I love my daughters just as much. Please forgive me, this was the only way that I could figure to have all three of you in my life. I never meant to hurt you, I love you. If there is hurt in your heart, please, please don't aim any of it at my innocent girls. My only regret... The letter ended abruptly.

Five months later my tears were gone and I started to gain some weight back. I was sleeping though the nights. I started to smell food again. I even thought about going back to finish school. When the hurt left there was an empty hole in me, a hole in my life that used to be Emily.

Back To Austin

I called Jane. "This is Jacy", I said simply. "Oh Jacy, are you alright? I've been so worried about you! You didn't return my calls. Are you alright? Why haven't you called?"

"I'm OK, but I feel,empty." I did my best to sum up myfeelingsin a one word, Dr. Bill answer. "I want to meet the girls, not the husband, and I didn't want the girls to know who I am" Jane's answer was slow and deliberate after a very noticeable pause. "I will make those arrangements and call you back within twenty four hours with some details".

The next day my cell rang, it was Jane. "Jacy, I've come up with a plan that I think will work to fit everybody's needs."

The cover story was that it was our, mine and Jane's first date. We had been introduced several months ago at a meeting. I had asked for her number but had just gotten around to calling. The girls were flabbergasted, they could not understand why it would take, "some dude" that long to call their most perfect auntie.

"Of course they wanted to know all about you, I gave them enough to placate them but not enough that we'd need to concoct a story. Everything was the truth, except the stuff that I left out."

I thought to myself, "Yeah, you Connor girls are good at that".

Jane continued, "In order for this scheme to work, you have to ask me out." It took me too many seconds to grasp the situation, but when I recovered I asked, "Jane Allman, I would like to take you out for a dinner date this Thursday," "I'd love to Jacy Warenhaul. I'll text you the address and time."

We said our good byes but a twinge went through my stomach about Jane's plan. I didn't know if that feeling was fear or excitement about meeting the girls.

Connie and Janice were shy at first, but became chatty and animated. They got bolder when they saw their Aunt Jane stood close to me and touched my arm. We talked for a bit, said goodbye to the girls and promised not to be late. Aunt Jane got hugs and kisses, I got waves.

I felt awkward as we walked toward the big pickup. I opened the passenger's side door just as I had many times for Emily and Jane scampered gracefully up into the seat. Mr. Raspberry Red Mustang had to stay in the garage this time. It looked too much like, SHIT, make thatexactly like their mom's car.

Jane's slacks fit her shapely figure well and her shawl collared blouse allowed occasional glimpse of her black bra. Her dark hair was collar length and had curls that caught my eye. Her makeup was cover girl perfect, a far cry from the first time that I saw her. The shoulder seatbelt divided two nicely shaped breasts.

We went to the Rail Road Car Museum. The collection was pretty cool, some old Pullman cars and other rail antiques. We walked and talked and as we progressed throughout the isles. I became more comfortable and so did our conversation, so I asked her about her marriage.

"Dale found that being married to me was like living in a closet. So he came out of his closet and moved to San Francisco with his lover". What the fuck do you say to something like that, I just nodded and gave what I hoped would be a sympathetic look. Like any good ex-military, I changed the subject.

"So how does somebody get a job running a Bio lab at the University? That's UT Right?" "Yes. UT Austin. Our mom was a high school biology teacher. Em and I cut our teeth on nucleotides and amino acid sequences even before high school. I finally wound up at Cambridge and got a PhD in Molecular Cell Biology."

"You're a Doctor?" my surprise was apparent. "Not a medical doctor but, yes I have a research doctorate in Microbiology. I get introduced as Dr. Allman on campus, but I'm Jane to my students." Shit, I was impressed.

It was her turn to change the subject. "Becoming a nurse was easy for Emily. She was part way there when she graduated from high school. Growing up she did everything that I did because she thought we were both the same age. She graduated from TW Nurse School at age twenty one. She wanted to make a difference, so she joined the Army." Then she changed the subject again. "Oh, and by the way, you are a wounded combat veteran with a Purple Heart, right? "

"Yes ma'am, but I didn't take shrapnel in my heart. Like Forest Gump I got hit in my buttocks. So I actually earned the Purple Butt." She laughed. I'd cleaned up the story so the word balls (testicle) didn't appear twice. "A ward joke. Let's go eat. I found a steak house near here and I hope it's got good food."

The dinner was Texas style. The steak was plate size and it could almost be cut with a fork. The baked potato was a smaller red one and had a distinctive flavor. Fresh home made rolls with butter melted into my pallet. I don't remember the veggie.

"Jane, the papers that you left me had an unfinished hand written note from Emily. She mentioned aregret, but nothing more. Do you know anything about her regret about being with me?"

Her baked potato and sour cream got stirred for a moment and then she answered, "The only regret that she ever mentioned to me was that she could not have your baby."

I felt a pang in the pit of my stomach, but it passed. We had talked about a family, but never really got around to setting a date. My mind flashed back to Emily's face and her smile. When I made eye contact with Jane, she was quizzically smiling at me and asked, "Where have you been?" "I'm here" I sheepishly replied but involuntarily jerked my head sideways. "I'm glad."

As I listened to Jane, I heard her giggle, the way she pronounced certain words, her euphemisms, her inflections. I watched her smile, her small dimple, the way she held her head, her facial features, her body, the way she walked. She was so close to being Emily that I was, by the end of our date, I was not sure. We both passed on desert, but enjoyed the coffee.

The ride home she laughed at my jokes and hung on every word of the two war stories that I told her. During a lull in the conversation, she said, "I want to thank you for not driving your Mustang, I think the girls would have beenfreaked out, you know, likeweird?"

"I made you a promise, and bringing Big Red here was part of that promise." Her left hand extended onto my right hand for a gentle squeeze. We walked up to her front door and I thanked her for a lovely time and the introduction to Connie and Janice. "I had a delightful evening too. Won't you come in?" she asked pleasantly. "I've had such a good time I don't want to push my luck. And besides, second dates are supposed to be even better. I'll call you." Jane smiled and said, "I'd like that very much". She stretched up and gave my cheek a light kiss. I turned and headed home. For the first time since I met Jane Allman, I feltalive.

The second date was relaxed and friendly from the get go. The girls were happy to see me and excited to see their most favorite aunt going out with a "handsome younger man" (their words to Jane). Connie played the violin and Janice the C flute. They showed me their instruments and promised a recital.

We went to a little theater presentation of Oklahoma, then burgers and fries at the Sonic. "Do you always spend this kind of money on your dates?" She was smiling. I told her "Hey, it's about getting to know each other, not about money. If money is an issue, then I am getting to know you, but you'll probably never get to know me. You must have had some pricy first dates!"

"Yes, but, they were trying to impress me. It was that apparent. When they stopped spending money, there wasn't much substance left in their personality. I think most of my dates have been intimidated by my title at school." She scooted over next to me and hugged my bicep really hard and tilted her head into my shoulder. She rode home directly in the middle of my rear view mirror.

The ending of any second date is kiss time. Sorry, theme's is Doc's program rules. I had been getting some positive signals. Jane had touched my arm several times, my bare hand once, the thing at the Sonic, and early on had brushed some unseen danger from my shoulder.

I had reciprocated to some lesser degree and we walked arm in arm as we headed for her front door. At the huge door I stepped in front of her and went straight for the lips. No words, just action. A gentle second date kiss with my nose offset from hers. I got about a quarter of an inch from her lips and waited for her to meet me. She did. (Yeah, I saw the movie Hitch)

We broke the kiss and her lips eased back up to mine with a renewed effort. My lower lip was grabbed gently between her teeth and then released. We pushed our faces together harder and I could feel her lips start to work against mine. Her scent lodged into my brain because I had to breathe through my nose, my mouth was busy. My arms pulled her tight against my chest. I could feel two definite bumps against my chest and a small twitch in the slacks.

She broke the kiss, relaxed in my arms, smiled and said, "Connie and Janice have a concert on the 23rd,, would you like to go see them with the Orchestra?" "Yes! What time can I pick you all up" I asked. "Six thirty, the girls will already be at school. The concert starts at 7:00".

The Concert

At 6:40 I parked the pearl white Escalade at the end of a long line of SUV's and minivans. As we walked toward the auditorium, my thoughts spilled out, "I know that this is your world and I don't want to intrude, but if you need me to go in separately and stand in the back I will."

A few steps later Jane replied, "Jacy, the girls will find me in the audience, we have a signal. You have to be there next to me, for them. And besides, I'm with you tonight and I want everyone to know it."

She slipped her arm into mine and we headed into the throng. We, meaning Jane, got plenty of surprised looks and friendly greetings from most of the other moms. It was a good school concert according to all of those around me. I guess I wasn't a connoisseur of middle school concerts, yet.

My world is usually pretty quiet. When we packed ten plus girls into the Escalade, then went for ice cream, it was crazy. How can they all talk at the same time? Who's listening? The shotgun looked around a flute player, grinned and said, "Welcome to my world."

It was obvious that everyone knew, liked, and trusted Jane. I felt part of Jane's world and I was proud of myself yet humbled. I was the chauffer, the protectorate, to all of this precious cargo. In a lightening hot flash, I knew why I was in the desert yeas ago. It all made sense now.

It had been a long journey for a kid from Renton that just bareley finished high school and nearly got his ass shot off in the brown heat. I felt good, kind of like I had just grown up.

During our third date, I told Jane that I was having problems with our date cover story and told her the next time I asked for a date it was for real and had nothing to do with Connie and Janice. She accepted my terms with a smile and a nod. Somehow in the back of my mind I wondered if she had that planned all along.

The next date, the girls were not at the house when I picked Jane up. They were at a friend's house. We dined and danced and I was really enjoying myself. We danced up a sweat. She liked to be twirled. Her long full/tube skirt wrapped up enough when I spun her at arms length I could see her dress saddle boots. Slow dancing to cool down didn't work because we melted into one human unit. It wasn't late, but Jane wanted to head home.

The front door kiss was warm and gentle. Then I was drug inside by my shirt, and told, "The girls are over-nighting at a friend's house". The kissing started in earnest as I pinned her to the inside of the front door. Her hands were all over my face and into my hair and she kissed back hard.

Her satin blouse pulled out easily and her bare back felt both hot and smooth. It took me a while to get the damn blouse buttons undone because we were so tightly mushed together. I rolled her a bit sidewise on the door and singled handed the clasp on her bra. Damn, I'm good sometimes.

As I pulled her blouse and bra down she went for my shirt. I lost a button or two as my shirt got opened and in a flash her bare tits were pressed against my rib cage. I waltzed her over toward the couch and laid her onto the cool leather and started sucking those Texas nipples.

"Let me undo my skirt" Jane gasped. I rose up and she did just that. Her body twisted sharply as she removed her skirt and then landed on her backside on the couch. Her right leg was extended and as she pointed to her fancy boots she said, "I need these off." I straddled her leg, facing away, and did the long slow pull that removed her footwear. The boots clunked on the tile floor as I turned and attacked her lips again. My right hand was behind her head so I could pressure kiss those animated lips and taste her powerful tongue. I think she'd had her tonsils out. My left hand's fingers went inside of her panties and slid right in-between her pussy lips. I spread them open with my index and ring finger and slid my social finger into pure, pussy, heaven. Jane let out a sigh and clamped her legs tight and shuddered.

My pecker was getting ready for what was coming when Jane forcibly whispered, "I want you and I want you in my bed now. Let's go." I shucked my boots and pants as we kissed our way down a long hall and into Jane's suite. I grabbed her and rolled her onto the large canopy bed and we went hot and heavy for a long time.

I whispered, "We won't need these anymore". She raised her butt as I slipped her deluxe panties down and off. The wanton lady under me guided my cock into the pink place between her wide open legs. We fucked like two animals in heat. Finally I asked her. "Do I need to pull out or use a condom?" "Neither just put yourself inside me." I pumped a load of cum deep into her. Well six inches isn'tthatdeep into a hot pussy, but she loved it and I rubbed and licked her until she went ballistic, twice.

After a break for drink, food and potty, we were tender and soft in each other's arms until first light. That's when the beauty in the bed next to me lip locked my pecker and sucked a huge load out of my hard and willing dick.

I guessed that the both of the Connor girls had gone to Hoover school. She begged off when I went after her clit with my tongue and fingers. "I'm too tender my love" was the whisper into my ear, and that was what we became, lovers. She was a lover that had the stature of a nurse.

Harry couldn't believe my fourth date story. Patty screamed and thought it was a hoot. They were glad to see me back from the dead. Hell, I was glad to be back from the dead.

Dr. Alex spent most of his time at the clinic in Haiti or at work or at fundraisers. I didn't meet him for several months because I tried to avoid him. He had heard about me from Connie and Janice. I was Aunt Jane's boyfriend. He was glad that Jane finally had met someone.

I wasn't sure where life was going to lead me but for then I had twoniecesthat thought I was kind of cool, I also had a lady friend and we'd fallen in love somewhere along the way.

There's more to the story, but I have to decide if those are things that I want to share.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I don’t know how things are now but when I left the service in ‘88, you only had to go to the Consolidated Base Personnel Office (CBPO) and perform a personnel lookup using the global locator. Anyone of any rank could use it. The nonsense that Emily didn’t have enough rank was just that - nonsense. I know because I used it several times during my tenure in the military. So, in my opinion, Emily had no excuse for not finding him after his discharge.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

The story glosses over the fact Janice was NOT a good person. She violated Army regulations regarding fraternization between enlisted and officers. She married the doctor, had two daughters with him and then went looking for more with her late night Army fuck when her marriage began to grow stale. She hid the truth from both Jacy and Alex and recklessly put her daughters' futures at risk by pursuing a dual life. Both Jacy and Emily were aware of Emily's transgressions, and both chose to enable her wrongdoings and become complicit in them. Their hubris in entering into an intimate relationship with each other while continuing to deceive Alex and the daughters is brazen and shows they learned nothing from Janice's death. Only in the realm of fiction could so much dishonesty lead them to anything other than grief and ruin.

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThreealmost 3 years ago

That was fine writing.

Still doesn't change, that accepting half a woman

makes you half of a man.

Translated in english: a wimp.

1 out of 5 from me.

Pasqual_ClementePasqual_Clementeabout 3 years ago

Very good story. Much better written than 'How I Met Paula Billings'. Though that was a nice read. That Emily was cheating on her Dr, husband with Jacy, is a different take than the norm for the LW category. Plus the "other man", Jacy, not only is not some arrogant SOB he, initially, was not aware of her cheating. Definitely a unique perspective.

Looking forward to reading the next part.



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

If there is more to the story the author should put it on out there, because a real ending to the story would be great. As it is, it didn’t end, it just stopped. There is a difference. I actually liked the storyline and the way it played out, I don’t ever remember a plot quite like that. But I would really like to see how it all ends up.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 5 years ago
That was good story telling.

It got me wondering if it is really possible to have 2 families in this age of computers. I can't say I like the first wife, but it seems his life is improving.

hapmarriedhapmarriedalmost 6 years ago
A great job

The tale is very well told. I laud your courage in providing delicious twists, and building it around a multi-dimensional man. The BTB chorus appears to have been in full voice in the comments, which is a shame. I don't want to read the same old revenge story over and over. Real men act with their minds and hearts, not just their Glocks.

DogFuzzDogFuzzover 6 years ago
Different Twist

Wow. What a difference of opinions from your readers. I enjoyed reading something with a different turn of events that met all of the characters needs. The story flowed well and I enjoyed your tale. Thanks.

Chief3BlanketChief3Blanketover 6 years ago

No matter how enjoyable the fantasy is to read, there are always those in the Anony Nazi police who can’t resist trashing the story and or the author.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
1* Wimp Cuck Crap

Waste of time unless you're into weak crying husband characters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
What a bunch of crap!!!

She is a whore and a more criminal bigamist!! His married life to her was a whole lie! And he accepts that shit??!! Are you in cuckolding/wimp??!! It seems the apple never falls far from the tree!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

For a big tough guy Vet, the protagonist was made to be nothing more than a cowardly cuck wimp.

After years of lies and deception, he needed to confront the bitch. Only the discovery of a private diary or other overwheming evidence that showed he was first in her heart and in her life (kids excepted) could forstall that need. The amount of lies and scale of her deception shows MASSIVE disrespect and contempt for his love and his feelings.

Why would he have not been told if she and hubby were drifting apart and on the outs and only still together for the kids? Not doing so also should a lack of trust and faith in him. Every one of these could be a fatal flaw in a marriage, even a sham of one like he had and demonstrates the true feelings of his so called "wife".

The second half was measurably better. Getting togther with the sister, though predictable was handled well. I think I'd have enjoyed it more if wife and hubby were both killed and he had to be father figure to Emily's girls or both men discovered her cheating and had to make peace with each other and her actions.

A minor point, but one I can no longer stand to read on this site, the plural of the verb Drag is DRAGGED, not the noun Drug.

Seriously flawed. But I enjoyed it.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 6 years ago

much enjoyed it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
It's working.

Haters gonna hate. That's for sure.

I think the story has legs. Things aren't always so cut and dried.

It took me 35 years to find someone important to me who I thought had died.

While I'm here, Happy Birthday Tammy! 59 today. I will love you forever.

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