Endangered Ch. 09


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"Hmm, I love you too, Master...aaahhhhnnnnmm," she sighed happily, her climax still ricocheting around inside her. "I can't wait until I'm bigger."

"I look forward to it," Chris kissed his sprite again, combining with Annabel to pepper their diminutive lover with affection.

As Immi, murmuring nonsense, began to doze off into overloaded la-la land, Chris and Annabel's kisses focused on each other. There was a passion alive in both of them, eager and excited to test their new sexual limits. With the same thought, their eyes travelled down between their bodies. His still-hard cock reached up above her belly button.

"I need you back in me," Annabel kissed at his throat, her voice husky. "I want to feel you going off in me."

"I thought you'd never ask," he chuckled, nibbling her chin.

They grinned knowingly at each other, eager to resume their aborted lovemaking. He shuffled backwards to align their sexes.

One long, slow thrust, several winded cries, and two explicatives later, he was back inside her womb enjoying something he never thought possible with her.

Annabel, Immi and Bartholomew had done an excellent job modifying his original enchantment. She was plumbed almost exactly like a dragoness now and loved every second of his hugely deep penetration. With a Lillian-esqe smile, she locked her cervix behind his crown, eliciting an approving grunt from her sweating, pumping dragon as he adjusted his longer strokes to short, slow jabs.

Immianthe watched from the sidelines, absently stroking her falsely pregnant belly. She collected errant strands of delicious seed from her blue, sweaty skin and relished their flavour with little moans. He was so magnificent, his tapered hips so sensual, rolling into Mistress with such lewd, fluid motion. She could see his thick, glistening root between her Mistress's thighs, it was moving her tummy with every thrust. What it must feel like! They were nearing their climax now, Mistress was yelping cutely with each slapping impact of his heavy balls to her butt. Master was breathing hard in exertion, one hand in her hair and bedraggled bridal veil, cradling her head as they kissed brokenly. The other mauled one of Mistress's perfect butt-cheeks, taking a greedy grip to fuck her with.

"I gave her a little of my stretchiness you know," Immi spoke encouragingly, loving to watch her two lovers mate so recklessly. "See if you can fill her up like me."

"Really?...Are you ready, Dee?" he panted happily, his fat cockhead rubbing sinfully against her spongy, dragon-like endometrium. "Do you want me to fill you right up?"

"Fu...uck yes!...Everything you've gg...got!" she managed between the impacts, stuffed full, the wonderfully hot friction pampering her most sacred depths.

On the verge of climax, her thighs were beginning to quiver violently. Every inch of his incredible manhood was wrapped up tight inside her, captured, ready to explode, exactly where it belonged. This was what it was to be a dragoness.

Their mingled cry of passion woke the rest of the household.

Far away in a high stone tower, the outpouring of magic as he claimed her womb left three elves reeling, their magical vision shorting out with white noise.

The little inhabitants of the Ether tittered excitedly, those that were motile scampered forward, eager to catch a morsel of the mighty creature's seeping energy. Those that were rooted or plant-like basked happily in his radiance, frantically waving all sorts of fronds, leaves, and stalks to get the optimum alignment for collection.

Annabel recovered as he gingerly tried to tug his still-hard cock back out of her clutching cervix. He had an odd, almost fearful look on his face as she cracked her eyes open and grinned lazily up at him.

"That was just... just great," she murmured brokenly, weak and twitching from pleasure and magic. Wait, she was still coming. No, not coming, just... perfectly full and saturated with his bliss-magic.

"Gods, Dee," he paused his retreat, his huge body still heaving from the titanic, minute-long climax he'd just endured with her. "It was like Lillian all over again, so intense."

"You didn't bite me?" she teased, running her hands slowly up the bulging arms holding his weight off her.

"No," he moved forward to kiss her. As he did, she became aware of a strange tightness in her abdomen. "But Immi wasn't lying, you can stretch."

She looked down between her little breasts to see her usually flat belly bowed upward slightly. It rose up like a rounded little hill between them, a reservoir of his magic waiting to be absorbed. Bartholomew was busy having a grand mal seizure on its peak. It felt hot inside her, heavy. Her body was sluggish, reeling at the sheer quantity of magic.

"Huh, I guess she wasn't," Annabel grunted, looking back up at him with a cute little scowl. "Just how much did you put in me?"

"A lot," he admitted, attempting not to let a cocky grin escape the corners of his mouth. "Enough to get a vampire pregnant."

"Good," she wrapped her arms around his neck, drawing his heavy physique back into her embrace. He settled onto her slim body, dwarfing her completely. Those smooth, strong legs of hers locked around his hips even as her dragon's cervix tightened around his enormous prick. "Giddy-up, stud. I want more."

Those wicked stockings slid delightfully over his skin as she spurred him into action with little kicks and squeezes. He smiled, hunching his manhood deeper into her cum-filled womb, she had a dragoness's spirit too. Then again, that had been hers from the start and perhaps he'd sensed it all along.


"Chris, wake up."

"Huh?" he murmured sleepily, rolling away from Annabel toward the soft touch on his shoulder. "What is it, Michelle?"

"I need to have that talk with you," she said quietly, mindful of waking the sleeping girl and the little sprite cradled to her breast.

"Damn, what time is it?" he grumbled, rubbing his eyes and slowly sitting up in the darkness.

"About four am, sorry. I usually leave for the gym in an hour and I didn't want to put it off any longer."

"Okay, let me get dressed and we'll go somewhere private."

Michelle left the room and he got up, stretching and yawning. He stood for a moment, thinking about Reyla's warning and where they might go. He turned on the little wardrobe light and dressed warmly. Snow might have already fallen where he planned to go. He'd noticed last night that during his time in the hospital, the weather had turned. The nice part of fall was over, and the wind had grown the beginnings of its winter teeth.

When he was ready, he turned out the light and returned to the bed to kiss Annabel's warm, mussed hair. He leaned over and gave little Immi a peck where she lay curled on his fiancé's chest. The sprite gave a tired murmur and batted him away sleepily. He smiled, remembering how he'd worn them both out last night. Their tummies were still a little engorged, their bodies working hard to catalyse his magic into their own.

Michelle was waiting for him in the kitchen, drinking a glass of water and eating a banana.

"I don't know how you get up this early, you go to bed the latest out of any of us," Chris snatched up a banana for himself from the fruit bowl.

"I couldn't sleep," she admitted.

"It's been weighing on you that much? Why didn't you just talk to me?"

"I don't know, procrastinating I guess."

"Well let's go then," he smiled at her. "You'll feel better getting whatever it is off your chest, I promise."

"Where are we going? Couldn't we just talk here, or in the Ether?"

Chris thought on that a moment. He didn't know what Michelle wanted to say but with the elves spying on him, he didn't want to take any chances. He had to wonder at the irony, when he'd first arrived here it had been Reyla spying on him. Perhaps she still was.

"There's somewhere I haven't been in a while that I want to check out. Grab a coat."

"Okay," Michelle's interest was piqued. She went to the rack by the door and collected her lined wet-weather jacket.

"Ready?" he asked, taking her hands in his own.

"Go," she nodded consent, breathing out and relaxing her body.

She barely caught a glimpse of the Ether before they were swept away into incorporeal nothingness. Time went on without them for a quarter of a second before they were reformed hundreds of miles away. Through the Ether, she caught a tiny glimpse of the landscape they were about to enter before Chris dumped them unceremoniously back in the real world.

Michelle gasped, breathing in much colder air and looking around in concern at the rocky slopes rising steeply above them on either side. They were standing a few feet from a roaring steam on a large, flat-topped boulder. The sparse conifers she saw clinging between the boulder-strewn slopes had smatterings of white snow on their branches.

"Damn, it's freezing," Chris stated the obvious. "I always forget what a difference altitude makes."

"W...where are we?" Michelle's teeth gave an involuntary chatter as she hurried to get her coat on.

"A little section of Bridger Creek, a few miles west of the Wind River Reservation. Susan took me on a trip here one summer when I was right into finding gold. I loved the place, but I never got a chance to come back."

"Wyoming, damn. I hope it was summer," Michelle rubbed her arms, trying to warm up.

"It was actually," he chuckled. "Here, gather up some dead wood down by that stone outcrop. We'll make a little fire."

They worked in silence for a few minutes, scrambling up and down the creek bed to collect washed up sticks and anything that looked like it might burn. They piled it on a tiny little beach overlooking a large pool of icy water. When they had a respectable amount of wood, Chris used magic to encourage some of the dryer pieces to light. They soon had a loudly crackling little blaze, eager for more of the sappy conifer fuel.

Michelle was grateful for the physical work and the heat of the fire. She stood warming her chilled hands for a few minutes as he watched her.

"Michelle, come here," he said from his seat on a nearby lump of granite, his back to the outcrop.

She shuffled reluctantly closer until he reached out and snatched her up, eliciting a cute little yelp as he sat her in his lap.

"There, we'll both be warm in no time," he said as she fidgeted. "Now, tell me what's bothering you."

"I... I don't know why I'm finding it so hard," she admitted, stilling her restlessness.

It was true, his big body was giving off heat from behind whilst the fire warmed her front. Here she was, a grown woman, sitting in a nineteen-year old's lap. She found it didn't bother her nearly as much as it should.

"This isn't like you at all," he chuckled. "It can't be that bad."

"I think I finally realised where my loyalty truly belongs," she whispered, turning to look him right in his striking blue eyes. "With you."

"Okay," he smiled. "Thanks. You know it's not like you've been disloyal before now, as far as I can tell."

"No, you don't get it. Ever since we met, even under those circumstances, you've supported me. You saved my life, gave me sharp vision again, a home, friends, and you're a great partner for kicking bad-guy ass. Even with all that, until last week, my ultimate loyalty was to the agency and the country. I watched Patrick Riker weasel his way out of kidnapping and the worst kind of medical experimentation. Until then, I believed in the system and the rightness of what I was being ordered to do. You risked everything to go to that place and stop them but when it came time for my people to do their part, they put me, put justice, aside for fear of upsetting some very rich people. I suddenly realised they didn't deserve my loyalty, you did."

Chris listened attentively, wondering at what a capable, devoted soldier the NSA had just lost.

"Thank you, Michelle," he wrapped his arms around her in a huge hug. "I see now, this must have been difficult for someone like you to admit."

"It was," she sniffed, a disturbing amount of emotion welling up inside of her.

"You'll always be part of our family, whatever you want that role to be," he promised.

"You mean..."

"Only if you want to," he qualified, smiling down at her. "You can stay my awesome friend from the NSA as long as you like. You'll always have me and the girls to come home to if you want, or not, whatever you prefer."

"Annabel's cooking is worth sticking around for," she nudged him playfully.

"And only getting better," Chris agreed, giving her a final squeeze and releasing her.

"Okay, then," Michelle collected herself. "The next part is that Lillian and I have been plotting ever since Mr. Riker fled the country. She called in some favours and had him tracked to a lovely little mansion on the island of Sardinia. In the next few days, the three of us are going over there to dish out some street justice."

"I like it," he agreed wholeheartedly. "I can rampage and trample his house, scorch everything to the ground in true dragon fashion."

"I'm afraid not, it would be a little too conspicuous and we are trying to fly under the radar on this one. It isn't exactly sanctioned."

"Sardinia huh, it's too bad I haven't been there before... we'll have to take the jet, at least that will be fun."

Michelle gave a mock sigh, his antics were infectious.

"Maybe," she teased. "It might not be available."

"See that it is, henchwoman," he intoned in a deepened goofy voice, raising a finger as if to accentuate his point. "Street justice is a dish best served stylishly!"

"Okay, okay, you big dork," she laughed, getting off his warm lap and pulling him to his feet. "Now take me home in style before I freeze out here."

"Just one second," he qualified, releasing his contained magic to flow out up and down the canyon. "Last time I was here I did pretty well in gold dust. Hailey's had me thinking over a problem and I'm positive dragon gold could be useful. I want to check if I can sense more."

"I wish I could do that," she huddled closer to the fire and watched his face. He had his eyes closed, apparently concentrating.

"The stream bed is filled with sparkling little flecks, pooling in calmer areas. Ahh, there's the lode, it's small but the river is breaking it down quickly," Chris commentated as his dragon sense swept up the stream, seeing the precious metal like a fleck dust on the wind. He frowned. Something tugged at his senses from behind the exposed quartz vein, something much deeper in the hillside. "Oh my, it's big. I knew I had a good feeling about this place years ago."

"Gold?" Michelle asked enthusiastically, the warmth of the fire forgotten.

"Yeah," he opened his eyes and sadly bottled up his magic once more. "It will have to stay there for now. It's deep in the hillside and I've got no way of getting in."

"Couldn't you... I don't know, go full dragon and dig your way in there?"

"Maybe, I haven't really given it much thought. It will wait, no one's going to find it in the meantime."

"Damn, I was getting excited," Michelle complained.

"Will you settle for a quick trip back to somewhere warm, perhaps a coffee?"


Lillian was waiting when they arrived back at the apartment. She efficiently herded them both down to the gym and put them through their paces. There were only two other Beings in the gym that early, so there was plenty of room for everyone.

Whilst Michelle was no match for the speed or power of either Being, she enjoyed watching how they sparred and was picking up a few tricks of her own. It was breathtaking to see them fight. When she glanced over from her treadmill, they looked so savage and intent on ripping each other limb from limb. Even though she knew they were both resilient, she worried someone might get a fracture, or worse, a broken neck.

When Chris went to work out on the over-engineered resistance machines, Lillian called Michelle to the mats and they practiced for a while at a human level. Whilst the NSA trained agent would be considered accomplished in hand-to-hand combat by most, having studied karate for many years, she had a lot to learn from the half-millennia old vampire. She was dripping sweat when Lillian finally went to join Chris in the showers.

Chris was supposed to be having a day off, so he decided to see if Hailey would like to go out to breakfast. He was hooked on her enthusiasm to master the power of the sun with his magic. After some extensive reading of his own, he was finally grasping what a huge technological grail it was and what it would mean if he could help solve it. Hailey had been right too, with sufficient clean power generation, so much could be done to set things right in the world. It was an infectious idea, in a satisfying way.

Mindful of his other responsibilities, he mentally scheduled time later in the day to help at the building site and perhaps get some initial firearm training with Kat or Lisa. He didn't imagine himself carrying a gun in the field with Michelle and her Angels, but it was always best to be competent if the need arose. It might also be fun.

Hailey was very pleased to be asked out to breakfast. They went to the beautiful little Being-owned café Annabel had discovered but sat inside in the warmth. Once they had their heads together, muttering, scheming, and planning over their meals, they barely noticed their ever-present tail, Lisa, sipping her own hot chocolate in the corner.

"That's why I think dragon-gold will be perfect to surround the reaction and harvest energy if we can make it work," Chris said before scooping up a cheesy mouthful of what had to be a six-egg omelette with obvious relish. "Gold is already an excellent conductor and the neutrons will knock off a ton of electrons which is basically a way to harvest all that otherwise lost energy. We could even use carbon to slow them down. Who knows what I can make dragon gold do once we start experimenting, I have such an intimate connection with it."

"That's all well and good but first we need to see if your power over the Ether will allow you to make a viable containment field. If we can't get that working, we'll be forced to use magnetism, the conventional way. That might complicate things to the point where we are forced to give up."

"How do we test that?" he frowned. If they had to revert to making a tokamak, they may as well wait until after the Revelation and offer magical help to one of the several fusion projects already underway around the world.

"That part should be fairly easy," she said after a few moments to finish chewing the honey-coated, nutty house granola she'd ordered. "I think we could prove the concept using any sort of matter relatively safely. The muon capture test will be trickier... their lifespan is only 2.2 microseconds without relativistic effects."

"Are any of these tests going to be dangerous?" he asked. "I don't want us turning into comic book mutants because we got an unexpected dose of radiation. I haven't had to test my healing abilities that way."

"Hmm," she mused, tapping her lip thoughtfully with her spoon. "Not to begin with, I think. If we got to the stage of actually having a reactor up and running... let's just say we wouldn't want to be standing next to it until we'd had it tested for a good long a while."

"Is it legal?" he wondered. "I can't imagine they want just anyone setting up experimental reactors in their backyard. Maybe we should find a remote place to work or approach a laboratory to help us."

"I'm not entirely sure. It's not fission and we're not making any weapons grade material. You might be right though, laboratory equipment and a few experienced scientists on our team would really help. My boundless enthusiasm only gets us so far."
