Entangled Pt. 05

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Just follow the rules my friend.
8.4k words

Part 5 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/05/2019
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*** Author's note: Earlier parts of this story were placed in the Romance category but as the rest of the story contains strong elements of reluctance and manipulation I've chosen to post it in Non Consent/ Reluctance. ***


Blake was too distracted to eat. After pacing around his room for a while, standing on his balcony clicking his phone on and off while he contemplated calling Eric, deciding it was too soon, he'd gone down to the open air dining room and ordered a steak. Once it arrived he'd barely touched it. Instead he'd watched the other people in the room as he waited for the knots in his stomach to untangle themselves.

Directly in front of his seat four women sat at a table, speaking in soft voices that didn't carry far enough for Blake to make out any part of their conversation, eating salads with table manners one would expect to see at a dinner with royalty. A few tables in the room were occupied by couples of the May December variety. Blake had expected to encounter those when he'd booked his stay. There were also a few men that were closer to his own age but he was definitely the youngest potential patron in the room.

He could almost feel the eyes of the women in the room sizing him up, trying to decide if his youth was an advantage or not. As he watched them stealing glances at him he understood why they might see it as a disadvantage. If his desires had a darker bend whoever signed his contract could face a much more difficult time than if they'd been chosen by an older man who would be satisfied with less frequent indulgences.

He took a bite of his cooling steak as his gaze swung back to the table of women. Age was not necessarily an impediment though, not when chemical solutions to biological problems could be used. If a man didn't want to go that route there were always other ways to find satisfaction. He'd heard of men using a proxy. He knew of several men in his father's circle of friends, including his father, that enjoyed sharing their partners.

After their mother's death Eric had tried to shield Blake from that side of their father but one ill timed visit home during his freshman year of college had ruined his older brother's efforts. Eric had been furious when Blake had admitted what had happened. It was then that Blake finally understood the cause of the rift between the two men.

Eric might have understood the practice of keeping concubines, if he could have been persuaded to open his mind a little, but not forcing them to service his friends. Eric had never been as sexually adventurous as his father, or even as liberal as his baby brother had become over the years.

Blake grabbed the napkin from his lap, wiped his mouth impatiently, and dropped it on his plate. He sat back with a sigh.

How had Marcus manipulated her into signing up for that kind of life? Surely she hadn't known what she was getting into? Or was the draw of their more powerful father's fortune enough to have pulled her away from Eric?

He looked around the dining room as he stood. Jess wasn't there. He assumed that she had eaten in her room or with Francois, who was also absent. It would have allowed her more time to prepare herself for their meeting.

Blake headed back to his room to do the same. He would have to appear as though he was only interested in using her until he could get her alone and try to get information out of her. He had to put the puzzle together before calling Eric and dropping it into his lap.

When he got back to his room he showered, shaved, wrapped a sarong around his hips, turned on some music, and sat down on the edge of the bed to wait for her. Twenty minutes passed as he watched the clock. He stood up quickly after the soft knock on the door signaled her arrival. He took a breath, waited a few seconds, then went to answer it.

He opened the door to find Jess standing there, her eyes fixed on a point well below his knees, and the hulking figure of Francois at her back. Blake stepped back to let her enter. After a brief hesitation she did, with Francois right on her heels.

"What—?" Blake tried to ask as the big man passed him.

"You reviewed the rules yes?" Francois asked as he came to a stop near the bed.

The knots in Blake's stomach tightened. "Of course," Blake answered softly as he followed the pair into the room and stopped in front of Jess. She was dressed in a near see through sarong that came together in a twist below her neck, the ends of the fabric were clipped together at the back of her neck. The blue colour complimented her especially with the tan she'd gained while staying at the compound.

Blake's gaze drifted down from her face, she was staring at his bare chest so he couldn't see her eyes, to where the fabric draped between her breasts. His mouth went dry as he saw her rosy nipples through the fabric. He tried to swallow as his gaze fell further to where her hands were clasped together in front of the apex of her thighs. His gaze shot back up to her face but she was still focused on his chest.

"And you understand the reasons for those rules?" Francois asked as he slid hand under Jess' hair to brush it over her shoulder exposing the clip holding the sarong in place.

"I thought the non disclosure would be enough," Blake said with a little shrug.

"Years ago I would have agreed with you but experience has taught me to be more careful," Francois said as he stroked Jess' hair. "We do have safeguards in place but one can't be too careful with such delicate creatures." He looked at Blake. "The rules exist for the patrons protection as well." Blake nodded stiffly. "I will only interfere if necessary." His fingers moved to the clip. Jess caught her breath. "I doubt that will be required. Jess will do everything you want. Won't you?" He directed that at Jess. She nodded slightly. "Good girl." He released the clip and brushed the fabric forward. Her hands caught it against her chest. "Jessica," Francois said in a steely murmur. Her hands lowered slowly. Francois reached up and pulled her hair over her shoulder so Blake would have an unobstructed view of her body.

"Very nice," Blake said as fabric fell away from her chest. He focused his eyes on the base of her throat.

"She is yes." Francois said as he reached down and took the sarong from her trembling hands. "As well as clean and protected, all of my ladies are, you can take her bare." Francois moved away and dropped the sarong on the dresser. "She is still learning to deep throat but her skills are coming along nicely." Blake's eyes closed briefly as he felt his body respond to the suggestion of Jess' mouth on his shaft. "Actually it might be good for you to be involved so early in her training."

"Why?" Blake's voice croaked.

Francois smiled widely. "Considering your father's preferences it would not be surprising for him to allow you use of his concubine. The arrangement is not unheard of." He winked at Blake. "Makes for some interesting family dinners. It would be helpful for her to learn what pleases you in case she's required to share your bed." Jess flinched as he chuckled. "She enjoys being taken hard," he said as he walked to a armchair near the patio door. "But, as she hasn't been fully trained yet, I would ask that you not fuck her ass."

"I won't," Blake said softly.

"And," Francois said as he sat down. "It would be helpful to make her come at least once." Blake looked at him. He was smiling. "Positive reinforcement."

Blake looked back at Jess. "I will," he murmured. Her gaze crept up his chest.

When he'd demanded to have Jess sent to his room he'd been so intent on finding out what had happened and why she was so upset that he'd forgotten the stipulations he'd agreed to. It had all been neatly laid out for him in his acceptance email. His first encounter with any of the women at the resort would be observed to ensure that he hadn't misrepresented himself. In addition to that all of the suites were wired with cameras that were used at Francois' discretion. The videos collected had the duel purpose of obtaining damning evidence, in case the non disclosure agreements were breached, and maintaining security.

As he looked into her eyes, which were filled with profound sadness with fear crawling along the edges, he knew there was something else, beyond the desire to be used as a sex slave, going on. The smile she forced to her lips trembled like her hands. Blake's stomach dropped. He had been told the women there had chosen to be there and he'd wanted to believe that. When he contacted Francois he'd just been looking for a break from his brother's sad eyes. It had seemed like the perfect way to indulge in a purely selfish fantasy for a few days.

Icy slivers of fear slid around his heart. What would happen to her if he sent her away? He glanced at Francois who was watching the pair. He didn't want to find out. Regardless of how she'd come to be there he couldn't be the reason for her to be beaten or whatever else Francois did to keep the women in line. Jess was his friend. He cared about her. Blake looked into her eyes again, they sparkled with unshed tears.

But it was Jess.

He lifted his hand to cup her cheek and brushed his thumb along her cheekbone. He tried to communicate his regret with his eyes but he knew, deep down, that it would never be enough. No apology would absolve him for what he was about to do.

Jess flinched slightly as he dipped his head to graze her lips with his own. He stepped closer and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. She made a little noise of distress in the back of her throat as his body pressed against hers. His hand eased into her hair, smoothing it from her ear, and he brushed his lips across her cheek.

"This wasn't what I wanted," he whispered. She didn't respond at first. He kissed her softly then lifted his head to look in her eyes. Her gaze searched his for a moment and then he felt her fingertips on his abs. The tight feeling in his chest loosened an inch as her palms settled against his skin then slid higher. It eased further as he brushed his lips against hers and she tilted her head for him. When he felt her hands on his shoulders he reached down and caught her knees with his arm. He carried her the few feet to the bed and set her down carefully then took a small step back. He kept his eyes on hers as his hands moved to where the sarong was tucked.

Her eyelashes fluttered as the black and white fabric was removed. Their eye contact broke briefly as she glanced at what the fabric had been concealing. He'd been in enough locker rooms to know he was not a disappointment to women. And, since he was a polite womanizer, he was neatly groomed. Her eyes flew back to his as he dropped the sarong on the floor and got onto the bed to stretch out next to her, on his side with his back to Francois.

Jess shifted nervously when he didn't immediately start touching her. She lifted a still shaking hand to graze his chest with her fingertips. He leaned closer to her and slid his hand around her hip then inched it higher. His thumb swept across her ribs slowly. "I know he'll hurt you if you say no," he whispered. "I don't want that." Her gaze flicked to where his arm was braced on the bed. His hand slid higher, stopping just below the swell of her breast. "I had nothing to do with what ever happened." Her gaze whipped back to his face. She mewled softly as the warmth of his hand moved higher. She frowned. "I was— am your friend."

"But—" Her breath caught as his fingers squeezed a little. She looked down at his hand.

His gaze followed hers. "We going to have to—"

"Blake," she hissed at him.

"Shhh," he murmured then leaned down to brush his lips against hers. "I don't want to either." She glanced at his package again and saw that he was telling the truth. Kind of. His shaft wasn't entirely limp but it certainly wasn't at full mast. "What other choice do we have?" Her eyes went back to his shoulder as Francois shifted in the chair.

"Is there a problem?" Francois asked.

Jess' gaze shot back to Blake's face as he turned his head slightly. "No, I just like to take my time."

Francois laughed softly. "The whole point to having a concubine is so you don't need to take your time." He stood up and moved to the end of the bed. "Open your legs Jessica." He looked at her thighs pointedly. After a second she slid her legs open a few inches. "That's better," Francois said as he walked around the bed to look out the patio doors.

"Close your eyes," Blake murmured. "Pretend I'm someone else." She nodded slightly then closed her eyes. Blake took a long breath then eased himself from his position next to her to slid between her knees. She bent her knees and pulled her feet toward her butt. Blake rested his hands on her knees to steady the tremor that would have been easy for Francois to see if he would have turned around. His thumbs grazed her soft skin as he looked at her. He swallowed hard as his body responded to the naked woman in front of him.

He shouldn't have been excited by that woman. She was his friend, not some one night stand he'd met at a club. More importantly she was the woman his brother was in love with.

He glanced at Francois' broad back then at Jess. Her chest was rising and falling quickly as she waited for him to violate her. Out of the corner of his eyes he saw Francois turn to look at the couple.

"She's beautiful," Blake said softly. "And very sexy." His hands slid from her knees down to her thighs to grip her hips for a moment before continuing their journey up her body. His palms grazed her nipples till they tightened into sexy little peaks then his hands cupped them gently, massaging them slowly, giving her time to fall into whatever fantasy she'd chosen to envision. She sighed softly, shifted her chest a little higher as he continued. He curled his upper body forward, dipped his head and licked one of her nipples. His breath escaped in a little groan as she shifted again. He sucked it into his mouth. Her hips shifted restlessly. His hand released the breast he was suckling to caress her side as it drifted down to her hip, then lower.

She didn't flinch when it reached the inside of her thigh so he reversed its course to brush the tips of his fingers over her heat. He sucked her nipple then circled it with his tongue as his index finger probed her soft folds, parting them to seek her pearl. Her breath caught when he grazed it slowly then traced around it. She moaned softly as it slipped away to dip into the wetness gathering between her lips. He let her nipple slip from his lips then eased himself up a little higher to kiss her deeply. His finger pushed into her briefly, slipped out, then he added another and pressed them into her. Her hips pulled back for a second then lifted slightly. He almost smiled as he felt her hands on the sides of his head, her fingers borrowing into his hair, her head lift as she pressed her lips against his.

His shaft throbbed as his fingers sank into her slick channel. She was exactly as he feared, snug and wet. He didn't fight the excitement building in his groin, it would be needed to get through the entire act and keep her from being punished. He started to pump his fingers into her, relieved to feel her hips rise with his strokes. Perhaps she wouldn't end up hating him for what was coming.

Would it matter when he was already hating himself for being turned on by the thought of being inside her?

Her fingers massaged his head lightly as he continued kissing her, flexing and curling in time with the motions of his fingers. She didn't pull away when the tip of his shaft brushed the inside of her thigh. His heart thumped hard as he heard Francois move back to the chair and settle into it with a little sigh.

Of course he wouldn't want to miss the moment of penetration. He had to ensure that Jess didn't express any outward signs of resistance. Even a hint of that would ruin the illusion he cultivated with his concubines. He promised willing companions not women that tolerated a man's perversions in return for security. That kind of woman could be found anywhere. A cultured, well mannered, poised, beauty who happily let a man indulge in any number of kinks with the same kind of calm that she displayed in public, that was something his high powered clients were willing to pay heavily for.

Blake lifted his head to look at Jess' face. Even a well maintained act was still an act. Her eyes were closed but her eyelids fluttered as he eased his fingers from her heat and shifted his hips to rest his hardness against her slit. Her chest pushed against his pecs as she took a deep breath. Her fingers curled in his hair. He rocked his hips slowly, dragging his shaft into place, then pushed forward slightly, just barely entering her. Her body froze and her eyelids fluttered again. He waited, his heart thumping hard. She didn't shift away from him.

Perhaps it was pride that kept his focus on her face. Perhaps he was just trying to punish himself for feeling pleasure in that moment. But either way he didn't look away, didn't close his eyes, until he had pushed all of his length into her silky slick softness.

He watched the expressions that played out on her features. The surprise that women always had when they were initially penetrated, it never made sense to him. They knew it was coming but there was always some expression of excited surprise. Maybe they expected him to be rougher? That wasn't Blake's style though. He adored women, their sexy curves, the sounds they made, their soft skin, the way they gave themselves to him. He had always been a giving womanizer. He might bruise hearts when he didn't offer them something more than a night wrapped up together, but he never intentionally bruised bodies.

Her chin lifted as his hips settled against her. When she tilted her head back she was biting her bottom lip. The hand that he had been using to stroke her had slid under her hip. When he saw that she was firmly mired, and enjoying, whatever fantasy she was lost in he slid that hand under her ass and pulled her a little higher. Her eyes flew open and she sucked in a deep breath. Her hands crept down from his head to his shoulders and she pulled her head up to tuck her face against his neck. The breath she'd taken released in a long shudder.

"Fuck Jess," he murmured in her ear. "You should not feel this good." As soon as the words left his mouth her hips pressed upwards and she ground herself against him. He moaned low in his throat. "So fucking—" His hips pulled back, withdrawing several inches, then thrust forward hard. "Good," he moaned the word.

His hips drew back further and he plunged into her again and again, falling into a slow rhythm. After a few hard thrusts he realized she was lifting her hips up to him. Guilt jabbed at him for a second and he hoped that it was the fantasy in her head leading her movements instead of his body.

Don't be stupid. You want her to enjoy this. He thought as his hips continued pumping his shaft into her. Otherwise— Oh fuck this is so wrong!

"This isn't right," he whispered. She nodded against his neck. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," she whispered back. She repeated it several times as he thrust into her and he began to suspect she was telling herself rather than trying to reassure him.

He squeezed his eyes shut as the sparks of his orgasm began to gather in his groin. The speed of his hips increased as it built. "I'm going to—" She clamped down on his length as it slammed into her. His breath exploded from his throat in a loud groan. He drove himself into her hard, again and again, not resisting the rising tide of pleasure, wanting it to be over as quickly as possible. The rhythm of his hips faltered as it smashed into him, stealing his breath for a second. He thrust hard and deep then stayed there as her own orgasm squeezed his length inside her over and over, drawing his seed into her. He groaned softly and pulled his hips back slightly to thrust into her again, letting the pleasure linger a little longer. Guilt crawled along the edges of his brain, threatening to ruin the most intense orgasm he'd had in years.