Esther and Star Ch. 06


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She was on the other side of the bed from us. She was looking at me.

She was on her hands and knees, pushing her ass out toward the door as if waiting for someone to walk through it and fuck her.

Esther's mouth was open. Her eyes were wild. I couldn't hear her breaths, but I could see from the undulations of her hanging tits that she was almost panting.

This was no time for kisses.

I shot up from the bed and stalked behind her. She watched me the whole way, occasionally peering at my cock in a way that seemed heavy with desire, but not without a touch of fear. I was like a seductive killer, it seemed. Would I love her or kill her?

Knees apart and back arched, her pussy and ass were on full display. I went to them, mounting the bed on my knees.

I reached out with both hands and caressed the sphere of her ass. It felt so good in my hands that when I circled my hands back, I seized it firmly.

Esther gasped.

I crouched behind her, taking in the aroma. It was pornography, that smell. Straight hardcore porn. I dragged my tongue over her pussy, tasting my wife for the first time.

My cock flexed at her taste.

Still clutching her ass, I did it again. This time, I kept going—along her pussy and up to her asshole.

Esther moaned, "Fuck me."

I rose, placing on hand on her ass and gripping my cock with the other. Glancing down, I saw my index and middle fingers near her little crinkled asshole. I put them on it and rubbed while my thumb bent under and drove into her pussy.

Esther tried to watch me, craning her neck to see what I would do—interested, but afraid.

I moved closer.

Cock in hand, I bent it down to Esther's ass, replacing my massaging fingers with the fat head of my cock. The underside of the tip came to rest against the taut, wrinkled skin.

I wasn't going to try to put it in there—in her ass. It wasn't what I wanted.

Well, that's not quite true. At the moment, I would have fucked any part of her—her ass, her armpit, I didn't care.

The reason I was softly rubbing her anus with the front of my cock was that I could. It was there, this part of her I hadn't ever seen or been given access to.

I glanced up at Esther, and she was trying to look back at me.

Enough. I drew back, spread my knees to lower myself, and placed the tip of my cock against her wet slit.

All those times, I thought, we had fucked before, I had never done it right for her. This time would be different.

It was already different. Taking Esther from behind had never been an option, and now I was about to do it.

I was gentle but steady and unrelenting. She had never been this wet before, and I sank home inside her tight pussy with ease.

It was very different. It was different because Esther's body was ready for me this time. It was different because I knew, as Star had taught me, how to read a woman's responses. Star had focused on kissing and touching, but I understood how her lessons applied equally to fucking.

Esther wanted this, but I could also sense that, even more, she wanted this to go well.

I drew us apart and brought us together firmly, but without the urgency and force I had always used in the past. I wanted her to feel both the strength of my desire and the care I felt for her satisfaction.

Esther's lips were pursed. She was looking to her left, and when my cock hilted inside her, she blew out a long "ooh."

I followed Esther's eyes and found Star, watching us on her tummy. Her legs were crossed behind her, and she rested her chin in her hands. She smiled at me, nodding with encouragement. Then, Star turned to Esther, and my wife smiled. A short burst of airy, joyful laughter erupted from Esther.

Star laughed, too, asking if it was good.

Esther's eyes pinched shut before she could respond. She muttered, "Ooh," and her arms seemed to give way. She nodded once and moaned as her chest sunk to the bed.

Star noticed that I ramped up my pace. She gave me a quick nod.

I mouthed the word "harder."

Star's eyes widened and, smiling, she mouthed the word "definitely" back to me.

I knew I had read it right.

I added power to my thrusts, thinking I would do it incrementally. None of it mattered.

Esther cried out my name. She told me "yes." She cried out my name again. "Yes!"

Suddenly Star was beside me, one hand on my ass the other on Esther's. She watched my cock drive home.

Esther hit her peak.

I had been thinking that I could go all day like this. I was wrong. The moment I heard Esther say my name, the upwelling of pleasure grew out of my control. When I felt Star's nipple on my left arm and when I saw her leer at my shining wet cock as it plowed into Esther, I knew I could not hold back.

Esther was finished, and as her ass sank, my cock sprang free. I was going to cum all over her back.

It didn't happen. With a suddenness that made the moment even more spectacular, Star bent to my cock and covered it with her mouth. The hand on my ass pulled, and I watched almost the entire length vanish between Star's lips.

Cum spilled from me. My brain romped. My body exploded with power.

Star took it all. Even when all was finished, her lips stretched out, clasped, and drew in. Her tongue coaxed.

When I released a long, sighing groan, Star loosened from my cock. She let her body down on top of Ether's back, wrapping my wife's slackened body her arms.

I remained on my knees, recovering.

I looked down at the two limp, naked, and beautiful bodies. They were like slain goddesses under me.


Sometime later, Esther asked, "How is this supposed to work—with three of us?"

"Ooh! I'm glad you asked!" Star shot up in bed, sitting cross-legged and waving for us to join her.

Esther sat up, and I did, too. We formed three corners of a triangle.

"I've been thinking about this," Star began. "So, first question: do we all love each other? Will we take care of one another, respect each other, forgive each other's mistakes, and be willing to compromise for the good of each other?"

"Yes," Esther said.

I nodded. "Me, too."

Star smiled. "And I love you both with all of my heart. Second, can we share one another without jealousy? We can all be together like just now, but can we handle it when it's just two of us. Can we do that?"



"And, me, yes," Star added. "And I promise to never get jealous. Third, there must be no others. We must promise to be faithful to one another—to never cheat and go outside of our—our trio."

"I promise."

"So do I."

Star said, "And I promise you both that I will be always faithful to you. My body belongs to the two of you and no other. Okay, next is money. I don't know about this one. It could be tough."

"I don't make much, but what I do make, I will share," Esther offered.

I said, "I—uh—I'm quitting the T, so I won't have a job when my leave expires."

They both turned to me.

I explained. "Yeah, I—uh—they cut me a deal. I get two months paid terminal leave if I go on 'Good Morning, America' wearing an MBTA shirt and tell my story."

"Are you going to do it?" Esther asked.

I nodded.

"What will you do after?" Star asked.

"Couple days ago I called the head coach at Boston College. He's going to give me a tryout."

Esther and Star stared.

I tried to clarify. "A football tryout. On July 28th, they're going to test me—weights, speed, football stuff, and—and academics. Coach says he'll let me walk-on if everything looks good, and he'll make sure I can enroll in classes."

"Holy shit," Star whispered.

Esther didn't say anything.

I finally added, "If I earn a starting spot, they'll put me on scholarship when one comes available."

"You're not kidding me, are you?" Star asked.


Star screamed with joy. She jumped to her feet and began bouncing on the bed like a kid. Her hair flopped all over her face.

"Star, wait," I said.

She stopped.

I turned to Esther. "I screwed up back in high school. I can't go back in time, but I can do this now. I can try to make something new. I want to get a college degree, and I want to play football. I know we can afford it if they put me on scholarship and..." I shrugged my shoulders, finishing. "I know I'm still good enough to play."

Esther said, "Really? You want this?"

I nodded.

She said, "Then you have to do it. I'll help you get ready for the academics if you want."

Star screamed, "Woo hoo!" Then, without warning, she backed up to the edge of the bed, put herself in a football lineman's three-point stance, and yelled, "Blue forty-two, blue forty-two, hut, hut, hike!"

She charged forward and tackled Esther into the mattress.

After a brief woman-on-woman battle (Star won) and much laughter, we decided that the money question would have to wait until we knew more, but the goal was to share. The same went for other questions related to finances—health and dental care, taxes, and so on.

Then, Star said, "Last, I think we should get a new apartment. There are three-bedroom ones on every other floor; I've seen them, and I know the landlady will let me switch when one opens."

"You think we should each have our own room?" Esther asked.

"Yes, I think this will work the best if we each have a bedroom," Star responded, "and have private space, knowing that we may not always be sleeping in our own bedroom."

"I'm okay with it," I said.

"But we have to promise," Esther asserted, "not to grow apart when we're in our own rooms. We have to sleep together a lot."

Star grinned.

I asked, "Are you thinking a schedule or a rotation?"

Esther nodded, "Yes, but a flexible one. Maybe we have to sleep with one of each other once per week and all together twice per week, and the rest of the days, we can do what we want."

"I'm in."

"Me, too."


On Monday, Star went back to work, and so for the first time in a while, I was alone with my wife.

We went to the Harvard Square Coop bookstore, and she found a bunch of books to help me prepare for Boston College.

I showed her where I had found the book that changed her life. There was one copy—the one I had read—still on the shelf. Esther grabbed it and added it to the stack in my hands. Then, she kissed me.

"Did you lose your copy or something?" I asked.

"No, it's for my Mom and my sister."

I must have looked surprised.

Esther smiled.

We went to a UPS store, wrapped and mailed the book, along with a short hand-written note from Esther.

Doing it—taking the risk and offering her family a chance at the same freedom she now enjoyed—excited her. She leaned against me on the subway ride home, secretly rubbing my stomach and leg. She whispered into my ear that she wanted me.

Back home, I could not thwart her advance upon my cock. Both of us fully clothed and barely inside the door of the apartment, she pushed me into Star's chair, pulled my cock out, and gave me a blowjob.

When she finished, I took her hand, leading her to my bedroom where I undressed her very slowly. Once completely nude, I kissed her softly, sensing her willingness.

Then, I began the tits-pussy-ass move.

Like Star, Esther had no idea what to think at first. Then, as if my set determination to play with her breasts won her over, she began to react in short hums and snatched gasps. In the end, with my finger in her ass, the palm of my hand mashing her clit, and half of her tit in my mouth, she exploded in a wild, writhing climax.

Unlike Star, Esther wasn't as sensitive afterward. So, I laid between her thighs and explored her pussy with my tongue. Not really trying to get her off—I just wanted to get to know my wife's pussy—she came, anyways.

In her afterglow, she asked me about Star—when we started doing sexual things together and how I felt about it.

I told her the truth, and then I asked how she felt about it.

"You and Star? I was shocked, and—and then I was...I don't know. It's hard for me to explain."

"But, try. Please, Esther."

She considered matters for a moment, and then said, "It wasn't something sick, you know? You imagine something like that, and you think, 'Oh, that's sick.' But, it wasn't because there was love. I could see her love for you and yours for her."

I nodded.

Esther finished, saying, "After that, I guess I thought it was sexy."

"Turned you on?"

She smiled. "Yes."

"I like seeing you and Star together, too."

"And I know she likes watching us."

"Should we practice for her?" I asked.

Esther nodded, but before I could kiss her, she held my cheek. She said, "I'll never take you for granted again. I promise."

"When our court date comes?"

"We cancel," she said, slowly enunciating each word. Her face was stone-serious.

After we fucked, Esther pulled up a set of interview questions to prepare me for Good Morning, America. I had to fly to New York on Thursday night for a Friday morning appearance.

Then, we started on the college math prep book she had found at the Coop.

She was a good person. Some day, I thought, I would want her to be a mother to my children.


Diane called on Saturday after I got back from New York. She thought I was terrific on television, and her manager wanted me to visit the bookstore. I told her how much I liked Count of Monte Cristo.

It really isn't a revenge story. Well, it is, but in the end, the Count chooses the future. He decides to forget his past sufferings and see what lies ahead. Diane didn't know it when she pulled it off the shelf for me, but it was the perfect book at the perfect moment.

I thanked her and told her I would be visiting soon for a new book. Maybe, I suggested, the manager could see me then.

"I work Tuesdays," she offered.

"I'll see you on Tuesday, Diane."

A knock on the door of the apartment got me up from the couch. I found a note on the door; a package had arrived for me.

I knew it had to be the item I purchased on eBay arrived. I picked it up from our building's mailroom and, back in our apartment, called Star over and handed the item to her.

"What's this?" Star asked with an expectant grin.

I tilted my head toward the package—just fucking open it.

She did, ripping away the brown paper wrapping and digging her finger into the tube. She pulled the thick, rolled paper out and began to unveil it.

A new rainbow unicorn poster began to unfurl.

Star gasped, and her eyes darted to mine, wide, thrilled. Excited. She said, "I love you, Hatrick Farthands."

Laughing, I said, "I love you, too, Stella."

She giggled, smiling beautifully. Then, Star's tongue wet her lips, and she led me into her bedroom.


End Note: All of my thanks to you, the readers, and especially those of you who took the time to consider, debate, and argue your points over this story in the comments. I have appreciated every word you wrote. Thank you. I hope this ending strikes the delicate balance between satisfying resolution and exciting uncertainty for the future of our once suffering, now reforged narrator. -FS

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weddressweddress5 months ago

Dear fsqueeze

I thought E&S was amazing, especially the way Star explained female sexuality and sensuality, and the emotional turmoil you exposed in the mc as he learned to listen better and begin

to express his own desires. His process around the violent reactions, which I always find challenging in stories, was brilliant. And that he could learn to forgive both E&S after

working through his anger was awesome. Not very realistic, but hey, this is fantasy.

Am amazed at your ability to show this depth of feeling in mc in the other stories I read, bent & broken and 20 cups.

Amazed again at your ability to come up with story lines, especially 20 cups.

Pay no attention to the haters.

love to live and live to live

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

The 2 women were shit characters that backstabbed and took the mc for granted. The ending was ok but the 2 cunts never got any punishment for cheating on mc.

AspernEsslingAspernEssling12 months ago

Wonderful. You should be very proud of this work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

WOW, JUST WOW! When I was sure where this , along comes the bookstore woman! Then I thought it was going to be he & her with the sister staying with the ex, I like this direction much better! I do see another possible chapter where the mother & sister blossom, but that's just my quirk talking...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

You have good premises and start your stories off good but like in this story the male Main character has no backbone nor developes a backbone in the story. I’m not going to say “meh all you right is sow beta cuck males “ but you twist and break the. grind male characters to shreds and the reward at the end is faint recognition from the people who wrecked the dudes life to begin with . Like I said I’m not expecting the main character to go all gym bro sigma male and be life “f you btb time “ for example in this story I feel like the Mc should have told Ester and star “ I’m sorry but I can’t get back together with you because you cheated on me with my sister ,and I’ve found someone who wants all of me not just a part of me “ then rode off into the sun set with Diane. Star would finally have consequences for her actions she used her brother and took his wife, I just don’t see a reality where a person can simple bear that kind of trauma and instantly say yeah I’ll lets move past that. Over time like 10 years time skip character development or desperate situation then yeah I can see it but just because star the source of all the mc’s problems ask her can you share me I don’t think enough for the Mc even in the midst of dick think to kiss and make up

deblackbusterdeblackbusterover 1 year ago

I didn't like this one. Saw where it was heading and stopped at chapter 4, couldn't take anymore. Esther so readily running to star hurts. Also we don't get to see Esther grow at all. We just see it at the end, but her journey is non existent. She's just hiding off in Star's room and then is magically cured.

Would've liked to see him get with literally anyone else besides Esther. The sex problems were kind of her fault. Granted the sex problems were both of theirs fault, she didn't really give him any room to do anything to make it better.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

In the end, he still allowed himself to be manipulated by Star and by Esther. By staying with Star and Esther in a polyamorous relationship he's still holding on to his past, which by the way both had caused him pain and took advantage of him. The only real winner in the current relationship is Star as she gets what SHE wanted by manipulating the other two into the relationship with sex and telling them what each wanted to hear. Outside of his one time sexual encounter with Diane the main character never took time to explore a relationship outside of Star and Esther so he's limiting his future based only on the past which he was manipulated into accepting. He's going back to college for football and obtain an education. My guess is that he'll eventually out grow Star and Esther, both intellectually and emotionally and in the future will want a relationship more inline with who he becomes as he grows into adulthood. Esther's only chance of staying with him in the future is if she convinces him that they need to be a couple without Star in the middle of their relationship controlling and directing their lives according to what best for Star and not what's best for them.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

if you read this from ch 1- ch 5 it is clear what an egoistical bitch the sister is and how gullible the other two are written

the only winner is that homewrecker even if this oh so loving pair of cucks does not realize it yet

Texasmale_2016Texasmale_2016almost 2 years ago

Best story I’ve read on here. It was about sex but wasn’t ONLY about sex. Congrats on an amazingly crafted story!

Followed author and cannot wait to dig o to another one. (May go pick up Count of Monte Cristo as well. -been a while). 😜

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