Eva's Choice


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"No, not even that. By then it was all dry anyway, it lost it's sweet fresh fragrance," teased Eva.

"Didn't housekeeping take it?" Matthew thought he'd throw her a curveball, poke a hole in the story.

"Oh no, I put it in my suitcase."

"Do you have it?"

"Nice try." Eva sipped more water.

"You put it in your suitcase!"

Eva again ignored him, "Okay, I'm almost finished. Then we have to get out of this tub. I'm going to sleep well tonight."

"Do you want to do it here?" Matthew motioning to the spa. "God I want to cum so bad."

"We can get out of here and go upstairs if you want." Eva said.

"Please," Matthew said. As expected, the night air was now cold. Matthew noticed the moon had shifted in the sky compared to when he'd come out. They collected their things, Matthew making two trips, his semi-hard member dangling and dripping as he moved the tray inside then got the wet towels to throw in the laundry room.

When he got to the master bedroom, Eva was already rinsing herself in the shower. He picked up her bikini bottom and threw it into the washing machine with the towels. Eva's tale had this crazy quality to it, and he wondered how it would end.

And the story had so many real elements. No actual sex, just flirting, heavy petting. Crazy details like taking walks and the love towel. The love towel. Matthew walked back to the room, pleased that Eva was still in the shower. He looked in the dresser drawers, hers first and then his but not with much hope as it didn't seem logical she'd store it there, but there was nothing.

He looked around the room and saw her traveling bag in the corner. His heart raced. He walked over, sensitive to his wife who might come out of the shower any time. Did he want to know? If she had it she'd show him, right? Did he want to ruin the surprise? Maybe it was all just made up. He walked over and examined the bag. From the outside he couldn't tell if it still contained anything. He leaned over and slowly unzipped it. He realized he was sweating, a combination of the heat of the jacuzzi still overwhelming his system, and his angst. He opened it and took a peek inside. He didn't see anything so he reached in and felt around. Nothing. There were a couple of old receipts, what looked like a boarding pass stub and a red zip up travel bag for toiletries. He did the same with the side pockets, but they were clearly empty of any towel.

It was probably just bullshit anyway, he said to himself, a big part of him disappointed. He walked into the bathroom and opened the shower door. Eva smiled at him, "Hop in, I'm done."

Matthew felt the warm water wash over his body. He even took the shower wand off the hook and gently massaged his cock and balls. It felt really good. He briefly considered jacking off but thought better of it, but still gave himself a couple nice wanks. His wife still had more to tell.

For the second time in a few minutes Matthew toweled off. Opening the door he saw Eva in bed under the comforter. "There's still more to the story, right?" he asked. She nodded.

He came hustling into the room, turning off the main lights as she turned on a light on the nightstand. "Le Grand Finale!" he cried and jumped in bed, did a little dance over her, his dick swinging around as she laughed, and he fell onto his side of the bed. "Oh wait," he said, "Do I need a love towel?"

He got up and went to the bathroom, grabbing one of the used towels, and strutted back into the room.

"Honey?" Eva said.

"Yes?" Matthew answered in his deep voice.

"Open the sliding glass door. There's a yellow plastic bag in there. Look inside."

Matthew paused. Could it be? He smiled at his wife who proceeded to hide her face behind the comforter. He walked over and slid the door open. There was the bag she mentioned, leaning against her shoe rack. He bent over and opened it.

There was a white towel folded up inside.

"You cannot be serious," Matthew gently picked it up and repeated himself. "You cannot be serious."

"I thought you'd like it." Eva grinned at him, her eyes wide and bright.

"You cannot be serious," Matthew unfolded it. There were splotches on it, stiff and Matthew looked at her and sniffed it quickly. It smelled vaguely of chlorine or bleach or ammonia, he couldn't quite peg it. But the scent was unmistakable.

"Do you like your naughty wife?" Eva said in something resembling a baby voice.

"Oh yeah. Fuck yeah." Matthew stumbled to the bed holding the towel, the towel with the dried cum of a different man, Ken, on it.

"I can't believe it," Matthew looked at his wife, at that moment he wanted to shake his fist at the world and scream in triumph. He settled for the next best thing and jumped on the bed.

"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you," he said and he proceeded to plant kisses on her lips, her cheeks, her nose, her forehead, the top of her hair, and she giggled almost as much as he did, laughing with something maybe like relief.

He straddled her, him on the sheets, her underneath, pinning her arms down with the comforter.

"You fucking went and did it. Well, you didn't do it, if you know what I mean, but you still did it. You actually did something this time. I cannot tell you how happy I am. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" He repeated.

"You're welcome." Eva responded happily.

"Thank you." Matthew said again.

"Are you ready for more?" Eva asked.

"Yes, please, go on!"

"The things I do for my husband," and she brushed her wet hair out of her eyes.

"Okay, so I wasn't kidding about what I said earlier. You are going to have to finish yourself off tonight, okay? I guess you can use that towel if you want."

"Oh fuck no, this is a museum piece. My sick twisted perverted museum piece," Matthew got up and folded it, putting it into his underwear drawer before grabbing his original choice for a towel and hopping back into bed.

Eva said, "Okay, so let's see. Yesterday. Right. So at the airport I had 'the talk' with Ken."

"The talk?"

"Yes, in the morning we packed up, went to the client site, worked a bit, nothing big happened, but we wrapped things up and then went to the airport. As we're going in the taxi, Ken tells me he wishes we were staying another day or two, that maybe we should change our tickets at the airport. He's being kind of vague because there's the driver, but I know what he means. So we get to the airport and we agree we need drinks. We walk off to one of those little bar and grill places and we hole up in a corner. I want privacy. I was very clear with him. I told him we had a fun time, but I can't keep doing it.. unless my husband gives me permission."

"Does he know I'd, you know, like it? Like that?"

"Can I tell you the truth? I mean, I'll tell you the truth, but don't hate me okay?"

"Okay," Matthew answered.

Eva said, "I told him I'd never done anything like this, but you might not mind if we dated."

"That's not so bad," Matthew said, his head propped up with his hand as he lied on his side.

"Good. I'm glad. So you remember my text to you right?

It dawned on Matthew. She had texted him and asked him If I went through with it with Ken, could you handle it?

Matthew had texted back, Of course.

She had responded Are your sure? Do I have your permission?

Matthew had texted back, Absolutely. Please. Fuck his brains out.

Matthew's voice shook, "Wait, you sent that with him? He saw that?"

Eva nodded.

"Oh my God. Holy shit." Now Matthew hid his face under the covers. "I don't know. It just feels so. I don't know. Crazy. Ken saw that?"

Eva nodded. "You know, I'm not lying when I say I want you around more. I love you. But I wouldn't mind going out with Ken on the side, kind of secretly."

Matthew thought about it. He had given his permission, but now it felt like it really mattered. "Do you promise to tell me everything? What do you mean secretly?"

"Well, I don't want it to be common knowledge amongst anybody else. He might blab though. So I mean we'll try to keep it a secret, but even at work I'm sure people have suspicions. What I do with him, sure, whatever you want, I'll tell you," Eva answered.

"I'm talking mostly about sex." Matthew had to choke out the word sex. No longer was he the hopeful prodder, coaxing his wife along, not quite believing it would happen. He felt something like shame as he said it.

Sex. His wife and Ken.

"Okay," Eva said. "Now for my final part of the story."

"There's more?" Matthew asked.

Eva got up. "There's kind of a reason I asked you to do it yourself this evening." She leaned over the side of the bed and reached for something, but decided it was too far and she slid out of bed, brushing her hair back again. She opened a drawer and pulled something out.

She turned and held her palm out. "Today Ken came by. I'm kind of sore." She showed him two condom wrappers, torn.


Friday had been pury misery at work, and Ken had court followed by a client engagement that evening.

Eva wanted the first time to be on her marital bed, in her own home, on her terms. Ken seemed a little surprised when she suggested he come to her house, but she assured him Matthew would be at work, and since he didn't mind anyway, what was the problem, even if he did show up?

Ken arrived precisely at noon. She answered the door in the hotel robe that she'd kept, just like that morning a few days earlier, no underwear.

"Oh my," Ken said, and again gave her a single red rose.

She smiled as she put it to her nose, enjoying the fragrance. "Do you want anything to drink? Some wine?"

He ignored her, embracing her and kissing her deeply, open, passionate, wonderful kisses.

"I've dreamed of this moment. You were such an incredible tease," Ken whispered in her ear, smelling her fresh, shampooed hair. "I love the way you smell."

"I just showered," she giggled. Her heart raced.

"I love the way you look," he whispered. "I love the way you looked at me, the morning in the hotel when you wore the robe, I thought about how your face was so perfect, your body, so perfect." He slid his hand between the flap of the robe, the inside of his hand brushing lightly against her wet slit.

"Let's go upstairs," she whimpered and kissed him some more. They skipped the drinks, her pulling by the hand.

In the bedroom they stood, face to face, kissing as Ken untied her robe, unveiling her nude body to him. The robe dropped to her feet. He marveled at her alabaster breasts, her pink nipples taut and inviting. He ran his hands down her hips and picked her up around the waist and kissed her right breast, his lips nibbling as Eva giggled and held him by the back of his head.

Eva delighted in how he lifted her up, almost effortlessly. He switched breasts and she laughed, telling him it tickled but he ignored her for the moment, drinking her body in.

He laid her on the bed, his eyes scanning down to her belly button, her soft stomach, and finally her moist pink slot, mostly shaven, her thin lips and puffy vulva hiding her precious and very married lady parts.

Ken leaned on top of her and they made out on the bed, him kissing her forehead, her closed eyes, her lips, her chin and finally her soft delicate neck, her smell intoxicating him. His hands roamed down her body, pausing to grip her bottom, to squeeze and hold it like a prized treasure.

As they kissed she reached down, unbuckling his belt, and pulled it out. She marveled at his cock, thick and hefty.

"Can I taste it?" She whimpered. "I want to taste it." The truth was she loved a nice hard penis. One of the little things she missed in married life was exploring a man.

He raised himself off of her and unbuttoned his shirt, kicking off his clothes as she admired his body. Naked he looked stronger than she imagined, solidly built and powerful. She loved the way his body was v-shaped, a thin waist, and an ass that stuck out, strong with almost ropy muscles going down his legs. She sat up and held him at the hips and kissed his stomach, then turned him as she ran her hands up and down his body while he smirked at her, pleased at her obvious satisfaction.

"Lie down," she asked and he did, next to her. She reached out and gently touched his penis like a delicate scientific specimen, scrunching her eyes in wonder as she lifted in, examining his shaft, his balls, and the big pink head. She tugged it a little bit, clear fluid appeared at the tip. She leaned in, open mouthed, her tongue out in anticipation, and licked the tip, tasting him. Her heart skipped a beat as she felt the taste permeate her mouth, the feel of his foreskin on her tongue. The smooth texture across her tongue, the best lubricant in the world, thrilled her.

She leaned in and took in a few inches, savoring the warm flesh, careful as her tongue slithered along his warm shaft, his spongy head at the back of her throat, more of his love juice, maker of strong babies, milked gently into her mouth.

Ken inhaled sharply, "I'm going to cum if you keep doing that," and he pulled her head off his manhood. "Mmm, please," she mewed, but he held her back and rolled over, grabbing one of her legs, spreading her.

"Fuck?" She asked. He rose off the bed and took condoms out of his front pants pocket. He'd come prepared. He tore the silver foil and pulled it out. She watched in a hypnotic state as he rolled it on, his hand calm and steady.

She leaned back and spread for him.

As he prepared to mount her, he realized how lucky he was that her husband wanted to share her with him. She was truly stunning, and he prepared to take her as his prize. With his right hand he palmed her vulva and gently rubbed her ass with his finger, probing. She exhaled, "Yes," drawing it out.

He removed his hand and tapped the head of his cock on her hidden clit as he moved into position. He spread her with the tip of his cock and his hand, and he saw it, her soft wrinkly pink folds, her warm and inviting hot pocket. He pressed between her lips and her pussy stretched open for him.

"Oh God yes," she cried, and Ken wondered if her husband had ever satisfied her recently. He suspected he knew the answer and enjoyed the thought.

Eva's breathing became heavy and regular. The head of his penis penetrated past her lips, and the powerful, animalistic stretched-out feeling satiated her hunger for him. Her married pussy was virgin no more. When it slid in, her spine shivered and she could feel the shaft deep inside and she felt something not unlike a person in the desert getting that first cool drink of water, an addict getting that first hit after falling off the wagon. In her case the wagon her marriage vow, the driver her husband who practically pushed her off.

She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of being penetrated, Ken's powerful arms leaning into her spread legs as he established a rhythm. The feeling she had in her tummy hypnotized her, a tuning fork dialing into his strokes that only improved as she gyrated, trying to force him deeper.

It didn't take long, this was a sprint, not a marathon.

He thrust in and out of her. "Harder," Eva cried and she bit her lip breathing heavily.

Using her feet she pressed him from behind, trying to get him to fuck her deeply. "Come on!" she begged. Ken was in heaven, his cock deep in the pink slit, the skin of the inside of her vagina gripping the latex of the condom.

He leaned into her, her legs now split wide, as he thrust hard.

Eva inhaled sharply knowing he was deep, her cervix being prodded, but she didn't mind. She felt like a real woman, bonded to the alpha male inside her, tears flowing from her eyes as she cried out, the biology of the situation working mother nature's natural, wonderful magic. Her body came alive with joy, again her pelvis shaking uncontrollably, like the night in the hotel room. Her orgasm the signature of her enslavement to his power. She could never give this up. Her husband could change his mind, but it was no longer his permission to give.

Ken quickened the pace and she felt him twitch and shake and he came, pushing hard against her, the sperm squirting harmlessly into the latex reservoir.

Ken pulled out, his cock long and thick, the latex wet with her juices and he laid next to her, kissing her as he softened. He tugged at the condom, pulling it off messily.

She asked to see it and he handed it to her, slippery and warm. She examined it, the bubbles of fluid within. Ken gazed at her face as she marveled at it, playing with the latex, testing out the slipperiness of his seed.

Eva tilted the condom, dangerously close to pouring the contents out, "What are you doing?" Ken whispered.

"I don't know," and she laughed lightly, squeezing some of the contents onto her stomach. It was gooey, a little warm, and smooth and silky as she traced little circles on her stomach. She giggled as it turned sticky. She wanted it inside her.

"You know," she said softly, "back at the hotel I took your towel and I took a little bit," she looked at him, holding a wet finger up, "and I put it on my clit, I moved it around."

Ken, speechless, watched as she raised her hand, moving the finger toward his lips.

"Go ahead," she whispered, "taste it."

He licked her finger, tasting himself on her, and it wasn't particularly unpleasant. He'd certainly tasted himself and he'd let a couple of guys suck his cock over the years and he theirs. But the way she offered it to him, it mesmerized him.

"What would you think about having a menage a trois?" She asked.

"With who?"

"My husband," she again wetted her finger and put it in Ken's mouth, deeper this time, the insinuation unmistakable.

"Is he into guys?" Ken asked. He imagined Matthew might be, especially the kind of man who would allow his wife to fuck other men for kicks. He imagined being on the bed, feeding Matthew his cock, with Eva watching. Squirting into his mouth, making Ken eat it for Eva. It might even make things easier for him and Eva, if he could tell her husband how it was going to be.

"Would you do it with him?" She asked.

"It's more like I'd do it to him," Ken grinned.

"Oh gawd," she said laughing. "I'd like to see that."

Ken was already getting hard again. He picked up another foiled packet and tore it.

"No," she said, "I want to feel you inside me."

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Your writing is unusually engaging. I personally think if her story was intended to seduce her, otherwise unwilling, husband into letting her play just once it would have been exponentially more popular. Without an antagonist, it feels more like someone just recounting a long fantasy. Regardless, its a 5 Star story for the tags you used. Thanks for sharing

lc69hunterlc69hunterabout 2 years ago

I loved the story, but...

After decades in the lifestyle, and a de-facto marriage counselor for alternative relationships, this marriage will come to a sad end. Why?

No matter the relationship, whether it be traditional, open, swinging, sharing or cuckold, one offs can be survived, and in many cases can enhance the relationship, both in and out of the bedroom.

However, in the case of an affair, or a boyfriend or girlfriend, feelings and emotions start happening, taking away from the bond between husband and wife. Eventually the wife will start seeing her husband as a lesser man (whether true or not, which is a totally different conversation), and will eventually choose the lover over the husband.

My second wife and I wrote our own vows (non exclusive, open relationship) the weekend we got engaged. Almost anything was allowed, except for affairs, or boyfriends or girlfriends. In fact, we deliberately tried to avoid hooking up with the same person twice, because we knew the potential danger.

lc69hunterlc69hunterabout 2 years ago

Could have been a really good story, but you started going off the rails near the end.

DexMandrakeDexMandrakeabout 2 years ago

I love dialogue-based stories...and you are stellar at the artform!

bwiley60bwiley60over 5 years ago
Well Written!

The anticipation of her actions were drawn out enough to keep you wondering. Her husbands needed approval, until the end, added to the story.

This could easily be the beginning of another story or two.

The end where she told him to not use a condom was a turning point. Now whether it was good or bad can only be told in Chapter 2!.............

OOAAOOAAabout 8 years ago
GREAT story!!!

Congrats! ;)

crickettecricketteabout 9 years ago
Well Done

Great job describing all the action.

SoleBrotherJeffSoleBrotherJeffabout 9 years ago

Wonderful story.

I love stories like this.

Literotica needs to add a new category: 'The Tease.'

Or maybe: 'Cuckold Lite.'

I think I prefer the 'Tease' idea.

Here all parties are equals. No domination, no submission; all parties all in!!

indysubmaleindysubmaleabout 9 years ago

This was one of the most erotic and well written stories that I have ever read. I certainly hope that you will continue to share more of their adventures.

mrwidehorizonsmrwidehorizonsabout 9 years ago
Interesting indeed!

Bring on the trio!

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