Every Thing She Does is Magic


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"Here you go, Jules. I brought these as extras from home." He handed her the four ill-fitting Class-B t-shirts. "These should fit you and Dawn better. Can I get my others back soon?"

She froze at his words. Her mind was racing to assimilate his words and the meanings behind them. One word kept flashing like a neon sign: BUSTED!

"At a loss for words?" He gently wrapped her in his arms and kissed the top of her head as tears began to form in her eyes. "You don't always have to tell everything you know, but honesty is always the best policy. The truth is always easier to remember than a lie or a falsehood."

"Oh, Tom," she sobbed into his shirt, dampening it. "I love you so very much!"

"And I love you too, Julia," he whispered, admitting to himself, finally, what he had come to know. He had wrestled with that revelation the whole way from Middleburg. Just as Jacob had wrestled with the angel, he grappled with his concerns for their relationship. Pastor John had preached on how Jacob's wrestling with the angel as noted in Genesis could also reflect our internal struggles with truth and falsehoods. Then the praise band came in with their song. "You shall know the truth, and love is the proof, that the truth shall set you free." These lyrics echoed between his ears for many miles of his return trip.

She froze yet again at his words. "Really?" she squeaked, softly.

Still whispering, he responded, "Yes, Julie. Really. I love you. My soul has been aching for you all the way back this afternoon. I know you're 'in'; I wanted to let you know that I'm 'in' as well".

He snagged a couple of tissues from his desk for her to dry her eyes while he gathered the four shirts from home and placed them in a plastic bag.

"Let's go get some supper and we'll go to your room."

They both opted for the salad bar while their eyes carried on the discussion. It was obvious to any observer that these two were destined for each other. He would pick out any tomatoes from her plate while giving her all the green peppers and black olives. If trading her tomatoes for his peppers and olives pleased her, so be it. Making her happy was quickly becoming a priority for him.

Unsurprisingly, they hurried through their meal and soon were traversing the campus to her and Dawn's dorm room. Along the way, she began the conversation.

"Tom, how did you know about Dawn and your shirts?"

"I didn't, for certain, until you froze and went silent on me. I had my suspicions, but the request was not harmful to me in any way, so why not? This is your third semester together as roommates. I would presume you would each support and encourage each other, unlike how my current assigned roommate acts towards me. You can only wear one shirt at a time."

"So, trapped by my avarice and greed?" she asked.

"If you want to call it that, sure. I might term it 'exposed' rather than 'trapped'. On the other hand, I have here four t-shirts that were not part of my collegiate wardrobe. They have been made available to you both in compensation for your affection and her understanding of our wants and desires."

"You don't need to compensate me for anything, Tom!"

"Of course, you're right, Julie. That was wrong of me to say. Please accept them as surrogates for my presence."

She digested his words in silence the rest of the way to her room. Dawn had indeed made herself scarce, so she took him by the hand and led him, quite willingly, to her bed. Asking him to make himself comfortable, she headed to the bathroom to make her preparations. Which consisted of removing her clothing and washing the places she expected his mouth to be visiting soon. She teased her clit and nipples briefly to make them stand out, and she stepped out. He reclined on her bed clad only in his underwear, fingers interlaced behind his head, and a big grin on his face as he gazed upon her essential beauty.

She slinked over to him and proffered her left breast for his oral review and worship. She was not disappointed that her instruction was well remembered and applied. When Ms. Left was happy, she turned to allow Ms. Right to receive her just desserts. Her pussy moistened quickly and thoroughly, and soon she was climbing up to allow him to give lip service to her sacred altar while she faced his rapidly stiffening cock. His lips and tongue performed their feats of magic upon her, and she was soon howling with ecstasy and delight. With him still lapping at her fountain of joy, she reached down and freed his turgid member through the slit in his shorts.

Keeping him busy with her pussy, she began to stroke, lick, and suck his cock, paying extra attention to the sensitive edges of his glans. She could not get over how soft yet firm his cockhead was, and she truly enjoyed the treats which emerged from the end of it.

They delighted in and were pleased by the other for nearly two hours. They had rolled onto their sides after a while so that the effects of gravity were evenly dispersed. After the first orgasm had been wrenched from their bodies, they settled in for a good time of pleasing and teasing one another.

At last, she had had enough and got up. She warmed a washcloth in the bathroom and tossed it onto his chest with the admonition to clean himself up before Dawn returned. With that threat looming, he moved with alacrity and swiftly became presentable. She had been using a douche and had wiped off his saliva residue where he had left it on her skin. She quickly dressed in panties, shorts, and one of the four t-shirts she and Dawn had been gifted.

"That shirt looks so much better on you than it ever did on me," he remarked, noting how her bra-less breasts and nipples deformed the front. Much to his viewing pleasure, he could add.

"Mmmm, and it smells oh so wonderful," she replied, sniffing at a shoulder and upper arm sleeve. She continued to talk while changing the subject.

"I spoke with my mother this weekend while you were away," she mock pouted. "It was her birthday last Wednesday, and my sister's is this coming Thursday. Anyway, she definitely does not wish to become a grandmother yet."

"My dad didn't say anything explicitly about that, but I'm sure he shares that perspective. I believe his words were, 'I'm not saying that I want you to have sex outside of marriage. If you do, and we both know that it's likely 'when you do', be safe and considerate of your partner.'"

He chuckled as he recounted one of his father's favorite lines: "Be safe. And if you can't be safe, be careful. And if you can't be careful, name it after me."

She flushed a little at the boldness of that statement, not accustomed to male-to-male humor. It clarified everyone's perspective, though. Nobody wanted her to get pregnant yet and that was a definite possibility of having sex without protection. Especially during the wrong time of the month, like last weekend was. Her period was due to start by week's end and her cycles had always been quite regular and predictable. She needed to see a doctor about getting a prescription for birth control pills.

"Tom, may I get your opinion on something?" Not waiting for his response, she continued. "Should I go home this weekend to try to see my regular doctor, or should I go to the university clinic? There are plusses and minuses to each side."

"Okay, take me through the plusses and minuses, please."

"If I were to go home, I would see my doctor who I've had for so long. I have not yet been weaned from my pediatrician, although it may happen now that I'm 21. Special dispensation for my being in college allowed her to continue to see me. I would have to try to get in to see her on Saturday morning. We would be apart for yet another weekend. Although I'm due to start my period this week, so weekend fun might be out the window. If I go to the university clinic, God only knows who might see me and overhear why I'm there. I don't wish to be known as a slut for having to get birth control pills, although I don't mind being a slut for you. Either way, I can't start the regimen until "Aunt Flo" goes off to visit someone else."

"Assuming you wish to go home for a weekend before Thanksgiving, if you went home this weekend it would be one less 'lost' weekend for our playtime. As you said, weekend fun may be out the window. Besides, it's your sister's birthday and you can use the time to make it up to your mother for missing her birthday as well. I appreciate your concern for me, but I've lived almost 23 years without a regular girlfriend; I think I can survive yet another weekend without your wonderful company. My recommendation is to go home. Also, we have midterms coming up in the middle of October, and you don't want to be traveling before them and lose study time."

"Hmmm, you raise good points, sir. As I look at things in the cold light of day, I must admit that your steadfast and resolute position on our having intercourse is looking so wise. So, thank you for your wisdom. As much as I want to throw you on that bed and fuck you unconscious, I don't wish to become a collegiate mother of a newborn, any more than you wish to become a father at this time."

"Oh, pooh! I missed my chance," came Dawn's voice from behind them as she entered the room. "But I think you'd be a WONDERFUL father, Tom."

"Dawn! You promised! No poaching!" she growled. She broke into a grin and started to laugh, loudly. "Okay, Dawn, it looks like you may have the room for your nefarious purposes next weekend. I need to check with Mom, but I think I'm heading home to Centreville to see them."

"And with that, I'd like to accept back my shirts which I left in your custody on Friday, please. In exchange, I offer these four, now three shirts which do not fit me anymore." Julie pushed the two requested shirts into his arms and gently pushed him toward the door. Before she opened it for him, she demanded payment in the form of his luscious lips upon hers for a brief time. She opened the door and pushed him out, whispering, "I love you, Tom." She saw his lips move, repeating the phrase back to her, smiled secretively, and she closed and locked the door.

Monday, September 21 -- Thursday, September 24

They settled back into their weekly routines. Julie did not have a job while in class, so she would frequently find herself in the accounting lab doing her coursework while Tom put in his hours there. He was always helping others who showed up for aid. When he wasn't assisting others, he was working on his homework. They usually sat at opposite ends of the room and were happy to "breathe the same air" as the other.

Initially, she sat touching him, as that seemed to calm her anxiety. After a few less-than-pleased glares by other girls who had come in for help, he convinced her that it would be best if physical distance was applied. Her eyes started to fill with tears until he explained the need for any observers not to get the wrong impression. She still wasn't completely happy with this necessity, but she parlayed it into personal escorts back to her dorm room on those nights she was in the lab with him. Not that he would have allowed her to return alone when he was right there to escort her. There had been a few attacks on campus over the past few years, and he was being very protective.

Both of them were doing well, grade-wise. There had been no obvious slippage of marks, but midterm exams were only a couple of weeks away. They coordinated their suppers, alternating which cafeteria they patronized, sometimes even choosing to get a pizza to share.

She could not get an appointment with her primary care provider because that group had a hard limit on the age of its patients, and she was now "aged out" of her pediatrician's care. She resigned herself to going to the university clinic and was discussing it with him on Wednesday night.

"I'm going home on Friday after classes, Tom. Maggie's birthday is tomorrow, number 18, so we'll have some cake and ice cream on Saturday to celebrate."

"I have classes until 2:00 tomorrow. If you can go after that time, I'll come with you and comfort and support you," he offered.

"Would you? Really??" she practically squealed.

"Of course, Jules. You're doing this for us, not only for yourself. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I left you to do that all alone?" he scoffed. "When and where should I meet you?"

She got her prescription from the clinic with nothing more than a knowing gaze from the receptionist and the "this is to regulate your periods, right?" confirmation from the physician. Still, all the handholding and hugs from him made the experience worthwhile for her. She was sure to be extra effusive in her thanks to him, culminating in an impromptu blow job back in her room. Followed shortly after by a mad dash to her bathroom as her period began, right on time.

"I've got good news, Tom," she called out through the closed bathroom door. "I'm not pregnant." He slowly shook his head at her words.

Friday, September 25

Tom also made sure to see her off on Friday with a delaying kiss of his desire for her. "And please be sure to call or text me when you get there or if you have any issues," he requested.

"Use these well," she responded, tucking a slightly used pair of panties into his front pants pocket. "I love you, Tom, and I'll see you for supper on Sunday. At your 'place'."

"I love you too, Jules, my jewel." He closed her door and rapped on the car's top indicating he was good for her to start rolling. Except that she had to wipe away the tears. Only her father, who was no longer part of her life, had ever called her "my jewel". Which was odd to her. Why had no one else ever put "Jules" to "jewels"? Not that she had had any doubts or reservations, but every possible trace of reluctance she had towards him was instantly obliterated.

He had turned away and taken a couple of steps when he realized she had not moved her car yet. Turning back to look, he saw her wiping tears away, then a honk and she was rolling for Centreville.

When she stopped to fill her gas tank before getting on the expressway, she texted him.

"Why don't you take Dawn to see this week's movie?"

"Because she's not my girlfriend?"

"But she wears your shirt to bed every night. Do it because I want you to, please."

"I'll ask her, but no promises."

In a new thread, she texted her roommate.

"If Tom asks you to go to a movie tonight, please say yes."

"Why would he even ask?"

"Because I asked him to."

"But no-poaching, right?"

"Kisses are okay, but no feelies."


With her friends set up, she rolled for home, making the five-hour trip in four and a half.

"Baby!" Rose cried out as Julie entered the apartment.

"Mama!" Julie retorted. She generally used "Mom" or "Mother".

"You didn't say when you would be here. Any problems along the way?"

Her eyes widened as she remembered she needed to let him know she was safe. "Mom, I need the bathroom, now! Aunt Flo has stopped by once again."

"Go, baby, go!"

When she got the door closed and locked, she pulled out her phone to text him.

"Safely home. No incidents. Did you ask Dawn?"

But there was no response aside from the little message sent indicator.

He had returned to his room to contemplate his plans for the weekend. He was sitting on the toilet when her first text came through, requesting that he take Dawn to the Friday Night Date Night movie. While he wasn't particularly keen on the idea, he trusted her not to put him in an untenable situation. He had begun to like Dawn, especially her accommodation of his and Julie's needs for occasional space and time together. When he had to drop off the shirts the previous Friday, he had added Dawn's number to his phone book. After he had completed his business, he called her. Texting the invitation would not be acceptable.

"Hi Dawn, it's Tom Harrison."

"Hiya, Tom. How can I do you?"

Not quite prepared for this, he paused for a couple of seconds, then came back with, "Bareback, silently, and dancing with the Devil in the pale moonlight."

Now it was Dawn's turn to accept the input and to parse out what was said. When she figured out what he'd said in answer, several things occurred. One, her face flushed with embarrassment. Two, her nipples went diamond-hard, and her pussy gushed enough to wet it thoroughly. Three, she said, "Jules told me, 'No poaching', so I'm gonna have to give that a hard pass. Nice 'Batman' quote, though."

"Well, in that case, would you like to accompany me to the Campus Life's free movie tonight? I believe tonight's RomCom sacrifice is 'The Wedding Date' with Debra Messing and Dermot Mulroney."

"Jules said you'd ask, but I did not think you'd actually do it. Sure. When and where?"

"I'll pick you up at the picnic table outside your dorm at 6:45 and we'll walk to the small auditorium."

"That works for me. See you there and then."

Figuring Dawn would not try to resist the temptation to mess with him some more, all under the guise of testing him for her sake, he changed into the one outfit he had at school for fancier events. Tight black polyester slacks, a white silk dress shirt, black dress shoes, and a couple of dabs of cologne completed the look and smell he was after. Daringly, he plucked a late-blooming flower from one of the school's flower beds on his way to meet Dawn.

Dawn went the other direction with her choices. She opted for the tightest fitting of the shirts he had gifted them with, some tight jeans and slip-on sandals to show off her latest pedicure. She snuck some of Julie's favorite perfume and put dabs behind her ears and between her breasts. Oh, and she wore neither bra nor panties.

He was a few minutes early and waiting when Dawn came bouncing out the doors. Her motion gave him no doubt as to her lack of breast support beneath the tight t-shirt she wore.

"Wow! You clean up quite well, Tom. I feel a bit underdressed now," Dawn remarked, giving him a quick hug and exchanging quick whiffs of each other's cologne or perfume.

"You are very pretty, Dawn. Screw what anyone else thinks. Shall we go?"

Per his custom, he left a $10 donation to Campus Life as they entered the auditorium. Dawn reached for his hand shortly after the lights went down, but he gently rebuffed her. There was one line in the movie he did commit to memory: "The hardest thing's loving someone and then having the courage to let them love you back." He needed to share that with her on Sunday.

"There's nothing like a good, sappy RomCom to validate your perspectives," Dawn stated once they had left the building and were walking back to the dorms. He grunted his assent. Dawn reached over to take his hand in hers, and he allowed this. When they reached her dorm, Dawn pulled on his hand saying, "Walk me in, please?"

They arrived at her room and once she got the door open, she tugged him inside. Spinning quickly, Dawn wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head down to hers. She gently pressed her lips to his in thanks for the opportunity to get out. She pressed harder, her tongue teasing his lips, her hips and groin pressing into him. Her perfume smacked into his olfactory system, and she rubbed her tits across his chest, further exciting her nipples.

He placed his hands on Dawn's shoulders, further validating her braless state, and gently but firmly pushed her two steps backward. He captured her eyes with his.

"Dawn, I don't know what you're thinking, or if you are even thinking at all, but this crosses the line, and you know it as well as I do. Stop it! Now!"

Dawn began to whine in her frustration. His kissing had spun her up like no one else ever had. He was her friend's boyfriend, but she wanted him to take her over that waterfall. She began to undo her jeans, pulling them down and exposing her panty-less state along with her glistening sex.
