Every Thing She Does is Magic


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"Dawn, for all of us, you need to get in your bed and sleep this off. Use her vibrator if you don't have one of your own. I gotta get out of here right now. Goodnight, Dawn!"

With that, he bolted from the room, down the steps, and out of the building. His heart and head were pounding. 'What just happened?' he wondered. 'Why did it happen?' was an even harder question to answer.

Dawn slumped back onto her bed. 'Boy howdy, I have stepped in it, big time,' she thought. 'Was that juice worth the squeeze?' Removing all of her clothing, she placed his t-shirt on her pillow near her nose, and she got out her rabbit vibe. Spreading her knees with her legs cocked up, Dawn applied the toy as it was designed and intended, pulling his t-shirt to her nose. "Oh, Tonsured Tommy, do me! Do me! Do me, NOW!" she moaned, groaned, and demanded.

He returned to his vacant room. He stripped to a t-shirt and boxers and lay on his bed, thinking and remembering that evening's events. He thought he should have heard from her by now, so he pulled out his phone, which he had set to silent mode for the movie. Sure enough, forty-five minutes ago a text from her arrived, saying she was safe. He texted her back, saying that he had taken Dawn to the movie, and he was now alone in his dorm room. She called him immediately.

"Hi, my jewel. Safe trip home?"

"Oh, Tom! I love you, and I already miss you."

"Wow, that could go to a guy's head if he wasn't careful." Whispering yet again, he continued, "I love you, too, Julie."

They talked back and forth for about fifteen minutes and her tone became sinister.

"Pull down your shorts, Tom. Start stroking your cock for me, slowly. Up and down and up and down. Now add some wrist twists to your jacking. Feels good, doesn't it?"

"Why are you doing this, Jules?" he inquired.

"I'm taking care of my boyfriend. I know Dawn well enough to know she got you all hot and bothered, even if all she did was kiss you. She's a great kisser, I know!" she giggled. "All she did was kiss you, right?"

"Yes, to my surprise, she kissed me, soundly." He left it at that. "I suspect she is rather busy right now. Too busy to answer her phone if you were to call her," he chuckled. "And yes, she probably did want to take things further, but I bolted. I love you too much to even consider ..." His voice trailed off.

"Good! So, you're worked up and missing me like I'm missing you. Get out those panties I gave you. Got them? They were worn on Wednesday while I was in the lab with you, so they should smell like my wet pussy. I was totally dripping for you, Tom. These are silkier and softer than my cotton bikini panties, all the better to please your hard cock. Go on, sniff the gusset. Breathe me in, Tommy. Oh, yes, you're licking it now, aren't you? Keep stroking your cock. Keep it nice and hard for me. It makes me so happy when you do as I tell you, Tom. Taste me, my love, take me in. Now drag those panties down your body, slowly, down to your cock. Now, wrap your dick in my soft, silky, used panties, wishing you were plunging that inside of me. Stroke it, stroke it, now squeeze it. Draw it out, make the excitement last."

"Oh, God, Jules. I'm coming!!" he roared, and the pent-up and excitement-induced semen came shooting out, to be caught entirely by her underwear.

"You are SUCH a good boy, Tommy. Now, get up and clean yourself off. Be sure to rinse and wring out those panties. You'll need them tomorrow night," she promised. "I'm gonna hang up now. I love you and this is going to be the Halloween you'll never forget. Goodnight, my love."

"Goodnight, dearest one," he replied, and she disconnected their call.

He got up and washed out the panties, removing both his semen and her pussy scent. He sent Dawn a text, admonishing her for pushing the boundaries, but telling her that he had not said much to Julie about it. He would not be the one who ruined their friendship.

She got up early on Saturday and made a full pot of coffee for her and Rose. Toasting a couple of bagels, she prepared a breakfast tray to take to her mother's bedroom.

"Mom are you able to sit and talk a bit?" she inquired after rapping on her mom's bedroom door.

"Come in, Julia, but only if you are bearing coffee," came the reply.

"I'm way ahead of you on this, Mom," she responded, carrying the tray with its bounty evident. They sat on Rose's bed and enjoyed their breakfast together. "I hope your birthday was pleasant," she began. "I'm sorry I didn't come home for it last weekend."

"That's okay, honey. Your coming home this weekend is more important to Maggie. I would have appreciated a phone call, though." Rose was trying to be gentle in the guilt distribution.

"I'm sorry, Mom. Changing the subject, what are the plans for Thanksgiving? Are we going away to visit Grandma and Grandpa Reynolds?"

"No, I have no plans for us to go anywhere. Why do you ask?"

"A friend may invite me home with them, to Middleburg, for the week. I'd tell them no if we were going somewhere."

"Nope. We may have turkey on Tuesday and order Chinese for Thursday. You could bring your friend here for Tuesday and return to her place on Wednesday. So, we'd see you at least once over that break."

"I'll mention it. I believe that could work out fairly well. Oh, and I need to get a new primary care physician as they have "aged me out" of Dr. Baker's practice. I had wanted to make an appointment to see her today, but the group's practice rules say our relationship is completed when I turned 21."

"Why would you want to see Dr. Baker?" Rose asked.

"I wanted a prescription for birth control pills, to 'even out my periods'," she explained.

"Uh-huh," Rose chuckled, and the lightbulb went on. "And did you get a prescription somewhere else? I won't pry but do try to bring 'her' home to meet us, please. Baby, be cautious and safe, please. I don't want to become a grandma yet."

"I will, Mom. I promise. Yeah, I got one at the university clinic."

Julie took Maggie shopping and Maggie got these cute low-rise boots which she swore would go well with more than one outfit. They had cake and ice cream after supper to celebrate Maggie turning 18, and then Julie disappeared into her bedroom. Maggie had hoped to talk about possibly going to State next fall, depending on her test scores.

Julie simply HAD to talk with Tom before it got too late, so she texted him.

"Hi, Tom. Do you have time to talk now?"

A minute later, her phone rings with the "Wild Thing" ringtone.

"Hi, honey," she squealed. "Is now an okay time to talk?"

"Yes, Jules, now is fine. I should warn you that I'm out walking around the parking lot."

"I understand. I wanted to hear your voice before it got too late. Maggie wants to talk tonight, and time evaporates sometimes when we get going. I love you, Tom."

Whispering, he responded, "And I love you, too, Julie."

"Why do you whisper that to me each time, Tom?"

"Because I'm afraid that if I say it aloud, I'll wake up and this will not have happened. Please, Jules, let me have it this way for now."

"Okay, Tom, keep whispering it, but this is real between us. Oh, my mom would like for us to come up here from Middleburg on the Tuesday of Thanksgiving week for the night. Do you think we could schedule an overnight trip during our break?"

"Yes, Jules, that's quite feasible. One of us needs to write it down, though."

"I'll put a reminder in my phone once we're done here."

"So, how was the cake and ice cream?"

"Yellow cake with chocolate frosting and Neapolitan ice cream. I've missed both of these while at school."

He made a mental note of that. If this relationship endured, he was sure to need that information. That was what you did if you were truly in love with someone. You remembered their preferences, you cared more about their happiness than your own. His parents had shown that, had modeled that, for him and his brother, time after time. Which was why he had been so hesitant to commit to anybody until she had come along. Old habits were hard to break, but they could be broken or changed. It simply required the desire and the time.

They talked for a couple of minutes longer and he ended with a soft, but not whispered, "I love you, Jules. Please return to me safely."

"I will, my love. Supper at your place? I love you, too." She disconnected the call.

"So, someone special is waiting for you at school?" her sister asked, pushing the bedroom door open further.

"Yeah, Mags. Come on in and have a seat. I'm sorry to have delayed our talk. What would you like to know about life at State?" The sisters ended up talking past 11:00 PM.

Saturday, September 26 -- Sunday, September 27

Tom focused on coursework on Saturday and Sunday, after going back to the nearby Methodist church yet again. He was trying hard to stay ahead of the instructor's lesson, to pick up in lecture the things that either did not make sense or were slightly confusing in the text. He had a reputation to uphold as well as his drive to be the best he could be. Maybe that was a reason why he did not get along with his current roommate -- he was not contented with doing the bare minimum, just enough to get by. He had long ago promised to "do his best" and that was so ingrained in him that he could not understand why anyone would do anything less.

On Sunday at 5:10 PM he received a text from Julie:

"Safely here at school. Supper at 5:45?"

He was waiting at the door for his girlfriend to come over. He was almost in tears as she strode up the walkway, and the embrace he wrapped her in nearly took her breath away. Their welcome kiss was sweet and lasted a few minutes. She thought she might have to be away a few more weekends if that was the reception she was likely to receive. The intensity behind this one was unmistakable.

"Wow, Tom! Did you miss me, boy? Huh?" she crooned to him. "You're like a puppy who has been left at home all day and now their person has come back. If you had a tail, it would be thumping, side to side like a metronome. I swear, if you pee on me, I'll swat your nose with a rolled-up newspaper! At least your kisses are not full of slobber."

Going along with the joke, he began to pant and gave a little whine which got her laughing. "Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy? YES, you are! Yes, YOU are!" she said as if talking to her pet dog.

"Hey, you were the one who said I seemed trainable, and I'll have you know I have neither fleas nor ticks," he replied. He took her by the hand and led her to the cafeteria. Getting their salads, as that was why she liked to eat at his dorm's cafeteria, they sat facing each other and dug in. At least she did. He paused, his head looking at his lap for a few seconds, then he lifted his face and dug into his food.

"Yes, Jules, my beloved jewel, I missed you. I'm glad you had a safe trip home and back. Before I get into Friday night's happenings, is there anything you'd like to share with me?"

"Mom wasn't fooled for a second when I told her why I wanted to see my old doctor. She's relieved a little by my getting the prescription, but she still does not wish to become a grandmother yet. I did play the pronoun game a little, saying I had been invited to a friend's place in Middleburg for Thanksgiving week. She said, 'do try to bring "her" home to meet us, please' after I told her of getting the prescription here. She doesn't know anything else about you, yet."

"Aside from my wanting to get into your pants?"

"Yeah, I suppose so. I'm being responsible by getting on the pill, right?" She was seeking reassurance from him in addition to validation of her decisions.

"I believe we are being exceptionally responsible, especially given our relative youth. If it was possible, I would love you even more for insisting we wait for a whole cycle once you start taking the pill. For what it's worth, Jules, I intend to 'rubber up' for the part of maximum fertility in your cycle, but you have to help me by reminding me, please."

"Our parents have thoroughly put the fear of pregnancy into us, haven't they?" she asked.

"Do you blame them? How many of their friends and co-workers have kids who had to move back home and now they have three generations all under the same roof? No, ma'am. When I move out, hopefully next May or June, I have no intention of moving back home. Which means no children until A) I'm married, and B) I can support them."

"So, Tommy, how are you gonna do THAT?" she inquired with a smirk.

"Well, Jules, there happens to be a first-ever career fair being held on this campus this week. I'm pre-registered to interview with five of those firms. It's a start to the job search. My dad has me mentally prepared, if not emotionally, for nothing to come from this career fair. I expect my spring to be full of job searches. Hopefully, my course load will be much easier."

"But there's always hope, right? The one thing from Pandora's box that did not escape into the wild? You could end up with a job offer from this first-ever career fair. Think about it: 'Poster Boy For Business Department Walks Away With Job Offer'. Makes for a cute headline, don't you think?"

He chuckled, "Yeah, it might make for a nice story in the school paper if anyone reads it anymore."

"I've heard it's good for rolling up and swatting naughty puppies on the nose with," she riposted. They both laughed at that.

"Now," he began his spiel, "about Friday night. What, exactly, did you tell Dawn? I need to know if any lines were crossed."

"Let me pull up the conversation... here we are." She showed him her conversation with Dawn. "So, question number one is answered. Now it's my turn. What happened?"

He recounted the details about the asking and the meetup to go to the movie. He continued with, "She tried to hold my hand during the movie, but I did not think that would be acceptable. We did hold hands as we came back, though. I did it only to keep her close enough to keep her safe, though. I walked her up to the room, and she pulled me in and started to kiss me. I went with it for a little bit, then she started to get intense about it, rubbing her tits on me and such. She had a little bit of your perfume on, but it wasn't quite the same as when you wear it.

"She started whining about how horny I had gotten her, and she dropped her jeans. She was commando and dripping wet. I rebuffed her yet again and bolted for the door. I swear, nothing happened although she'd have taken me there and then."

"That slut!" she hissed. "She went too far!"

"I think she knows that, Jules. She has not communicated with me since. Please don't let this ruin anything. I can stay strong and prevent any further mischief, as long as I know I have you. You two should talk about this. Get her story, her version of the truth. We can 'compare and contrast' if you like. Please don't ask me to take her out again."

With their meal consumed, they set off for her dorm, once again hand-in-hand. They parked themselves on the picnic table and enjoyed some profound make-out time. Nothing beyond a good bit of PDA, but the passers-by were few and far between, and everyone smiled at their restrained enthusiasm for the other. Finally, she had to press on his shoulders to push him back. "Come on, walk me up to my room, please."

He enjoyed another five minutes of necking outside her door but declined to enter the room until she had cleared the air with Dawn. Rubbing noses and light kisses on the lips accompanied their soft "good nights" to each other, and he was back on his way to his room.

She had hidden it from him, but she was PISSED at her longtime roommate. Since she had returned from home, she had not seen Dawn. Now, Dawn was sitting on her bed, her face a mask of misery. Her eyes were red and puffy, and her face was blotchy. Her hardened heart crumbled into dust at this sight. Tentatively, she stepped up to Dawn who reached out with both arms. Taking Dawn into her arms, tears flowed from both girls.

"I'm so, so sorry!"

"I know, sweetie. I know."

"Nothing happened, you know."

"I know. Tell me anyway."

Dawn told her everything including her desire for him. Of using a little of Julie's favorite perfume to going commando for the movie to scrubbing her tits through the shirt against him.

"So, if Tom had succumbed, you'd have taken his virginity?" she asked, and Dawn's hands flew to her face in horror.

"He's still a virgin?"

"As, technically, am I. You helped me bust my hymen last fall and thank you so much for being so gentle. His cock will be the first to broach my sacred portal once my next period ends."

"So, he truly was living like a monk?" Dawn was incredulous that such a good-looking guy would be untapped for so long.

"Sadly, yes, but as long as he doesn't trick me, he'll have his treat on Halloween. In a back-handed way, I should probably thank you for testing him. I shouldn't test him, and I hope he never tests me. I don't think I could pass it like he did."

"But now you know, Jules. He has both his mind and his heart set on you. I wish I had acted first. I need to find my own guy who will look at me the way he looks at you, especially when you're not watching him."

"Dawn, I don't think it would have mattered. I was able to get my foot in the door because I look a bit like his mother, may God rest her soul. We do need to find you a guy so you'll leave my guy for me." She softened these words with a smile and a hug for Dawn.

With things smoothed over between the girls, Dawn got up, washed her face, and returned to her bed to talk some more.

"So, when Tom bolted, his words by the way, from here on Friday night, what did you do about your 'itch'?" she inquired.

"I got out my new toy, the rabbit vibe, and applied it as designed and intended," Dawn answered. She opened the bottom drawer on her nightstand and withdrew the purple vibrator with the strange appendage to stimulate a clitoris. Julie's eyes grew wide at the sight of the toy, but she only said, "Would you please show me how it works? I still have my period, but I'd love to see it in action and its impact on you."

Dawn reached under her pillow for her Tom-shirt and wiggled out of her shorts and panties. Sniffing the shirt, inhaling deeply, she applied the buzzing toy to her sensitive area, allowing the rabbit's "ears" to tease, torment, and thrill her clit. Dawn did not last long with all that stimulation. Julie thought, 'I have GOT to get one of those!'

Once Dawn had reset herself and cleaned and stowed the toy, she sat on Dawn's bed and hugged her friend again, assuring both that things were okay between them. "Don't worry, sweetie," she said. "We'll find a guy to keep your itches scratched."

After Dawn had gone to sleep, she was texting him.

"Dawn and I have 'kissed and made up', FYI."

"Glad to hear it. Any lasting damage?"

"No damage to report, Cap'n."

"Very good. Get some rest now, my jewel. ILY."


Monday, September 28

Monday morning, Tom realized that he had not shared the memorable line from 'The Wedding Date' with Julie. He had little desire to watch the movie again, even in her company. He wanted to share that little bit of dialogue with her as relationship philosophy. It was still too early for her, so he sent the text.

"There was a line from 'The Wedding Date' I wanted to share with you.

The hardest thing's loving someone and then having the courage to let them love you back.

That pretty much describes where I'm at, Jules. Have a good day. ILY."

After his 8:00 AM class, he checked in with the lead admin in the business department to reconfirm dates and times for his interviews, double-checking that they did not impact his class schedule. He had three interviews set for Tuesday and two for Wednesday. He made certain to have six copies of his resume, including one for him to reference, as well as having the resume uploaded to his new LinkedIn profile and the URL included in his resume. At the bottom, below his lead tutor position, he cited his Eagle Scout rank and the year (2013) it was earned. The admin looked over his resume and nodded and smiled her approval. He was her favorite student after all. He was asked a couple of times by his instructors if he was ready for tomorrow's career fair. He assured them all that he was ready.
