Every Thing She Does is Magic


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They looked at each other, broke into huge smiles, and high-fived each other. "I only hope we have not created any monsters," he said, wittily. "Come on, my love. You don't need to see his papers. These are not the droids you're looking for. Move along." They walked, hands clasped, to his dorm and up the stairs to his room. "Would you like a Diet Dew?" he offered, pulling two out of the small refrigerator.

"Sure," she answered, and he graciously opened the can for her.

"What do you suppose Dawn is doing to poor John?" he inquired.

"She's probably already busted his crucial cherry, and now she's likely teaching him to enjoy the pleasure of giving her pleasure while she pleases him. She's a right randy bitch, as you well know. You did a fantastic job getting John transformed."

"He did most of the transformation himself. He only needed some guidance, like the shirt and the contacts. I helped a little with his confident attitude, though."

"And your contribution of the cologne shoved Dawn right off the cliff."

He chuckled at that. "Yeah, did you watch her face as she took in his changed appearance? If it works out, I will be so proud of both of us, Jules. I'm still quite proud of us, for a different reason: our joint commitment to waiting until you are as safe as medical technology will permit."

"But it's so HARD!!" she almost whined.

"No, not quite yet, but it's getting there," he leered.

"Oh, God, Tommy! I wanna taste you, now! When I'm done, you can taste me. Come on, drop those pants and shorts for me, now!!"

He sometimes enjoyed it when she took charge and directed the action. At their cores, they were both pleasers, focused on their partner's enjoyment. That she respected him enough to go along with only one of them out of their underwear at a time was so telling of her love for him. What was telling of his love for her?

Her need for his naked cock in her mouth could have been driven by her imagination about what Dawn was doing to and with John Wilson. Not that she was competitive -- there were so many areas where Dawn surpassed her and others where Julie shone brighter. She could tell by Dawn's words and actions how well she was going to get along with John. For his part, John was like a piece of straw in a tornado -- carried wherever the winds would take him and able to be driven into a telephone pole. He was all too happy to be where he was.

Tom pulled down his jeans and his boxer shorts, revealing a partial erection to her fascination and delight. She dove in and soon was licking, sucking, and slurping on his member. In his effort not to impede her progress and enjoyment, he interlaced his fingers behind his head and lay back to enjoy himself. He did not feel guilty in the slightest about enjoying her attention because his happiness was her goal. This gave him time to contemplate his question.

He could not come up with a definitive answer, though, because he kept losing track of his thoughts. Her skills kept getting better, as that's the purpose of repetitive training. She had found what got him hard, what kept him hard, and what pulled his trigger. She wanted the wonderful taste of his cum, and she focused her efforts on getting exactly that. As much as he wanted to extend this feeling, his body had had enough stimulation, and she was rewarded with her desired prize. He stopped thinking at that point. She had rendered him as brainless as Ray Bolger's Scarecrow. She was very pleased with the results of her efforts.

She took a big swig of her Diet Dew and waited. While he had no issue with tasting himself on her lips, she tried her best to be considerate. Besides, he was down for the count. She got up and went to his bathroom, returning after a couple of minutes with a warm, damp washcloth and a hand towel. He was starting to regain his senses when she carefully and lovingly cleaned off his private parts, including a swipe across his little starfish, which caused a small jump of his cock. She tugged up his boxers, removed his jeans, and kissed him. She started softly and slowly, but he soon escalated the passion level.

He pulled her down on top of him and it felt great to them both. This was where she belonged, forever held in his arms, protected from the cold, cruel world. He twisted to his right which rolled her towards the wall. He extricated himself and begged for her pardon. but he had an urgent need to address. On his way back from the bathroom, he thought to place one of the socks on the outside doorknob. They had neglected to do so when they had entered the room.

She simply lay there, sprawled on the covers, still dressed in her shirt and jeans. She had kicked off her sandals, though, to facilitate the jeans' ultimate removal. His return brought a smile to her lips and love for him surging up in her eyes.

"Now, Mistress Lawson, it is my turn to reciprocate. While we make you properly presentable for personalized pleasure, could you please answer a question for me? Your respect for my request that only one of us be out of our underwear at any given time tells me, without ANY doubt, how much you love me. What tells you how much I love you?"

He unsnapped her jeans and tugged them down from her luscious ass and sweet hips and off her bare feet. Her panties, a light-yellow pair tonight, were drenched and the delectable scent assailed his nose once again. He slipped his fingers into her waistband and pulled the panties inside out as he tugged them down her legs.

His tongue lightly lapped at her labial lips, savoring the sweet and salty tang of her juices. He rubbed his nose in her trimmed pubic hair to extend things a bit. She neither needed nor desired any additional foreplay. She took his head by his ears and thus directed him to where she needed him. When he poked his tongue into her, he was rewarded with more of the tangy secretion he sought. He alternated between her clit, her labia, and her vagina for nearly thirty minutes. He was not keeping count of her orgasms, although he was certain there had been more than one.

She was riding the waves of ecstasy he provided. He accepted her direction and correction so well. If he was getting off track, she could redirect him, and he didn't try to push his agenda. Actually, his agenda was to provide as much happiness and pleasure to her as she could tolerate. There it was! She stopped him, making him pause by tugging on his ears.

"Tom, Tommy, Thomas, my love! I think I have an answer to your question. What tells me how much you love me is this: your 'agenda' for when we are together is my total satisfaction and bliss. It is about everything that you are. Tell me the Scout Law, Tom."

"A scout is ... hold on, Jules." He crawled out from heaven and stood next to the bed. "Proper forms must be observed." He raised his right hand with the thumb holding down the pinkie finger, and stated, "A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent."

"That's exactly my point, Tommy. Because you are all of those things, you protect me; you care more about my happiness than your own; you are strong where I am weakest. Are you aware of the changes you have made since we first met? Sure, it has been a process that has taken nearly a month to reach this point, and I'm sure there will be more to come in future days. There is no force I know of which could ever pry or drag me away from you. I love you, in large part because you love me so much. Now, come back here and show me some more."

He was about to resume his belly-flopped, face-first position between her legs in their birthing position, but she stopped him. She directed him to lie down on his bed and she crawled atop him, facing his feet. Keeping his boxers still pulled up to his waist, she extracted his cock through the fly and cooed softly in pleasure. Wiggling her hips a little, she dropped her soon-to-be-happy twat upon his face and took his cock back into her mouth. The oral gratification continued unabated.

After a while, everything gets sore and so it was for them. She sat up, relinquishing her fleshy sucker, and dismounted his head. They shared a sticky, cummy kiss and she pulled him off the bed and into the bathroom.

She promised not to take advantage of him or the situation. They stripped down to share a loving, cramped, and quite necessary shower. She made sure his penis, scrotum, and anus were all cleansed while he made certain that her breasts had not suffered due to inattention on his part. They had a bit of fun drying each other off as well.

Looking at his alarm clock, it showed 11:45 PM and she decided Dawn had had enough room time and began to re-dress for her journey back to her dorm room. Reaching down for her panties, she realized they were unwearable, and pulled on her jeans over her naked butt. He was sitting on his bed, watching her get dressed, wondering to himself, 'How did I get here?'

"Come on, lover boy. Do you HONESTLY expect me to walk back to my dorm, ALONE, now that Bill Cosby's monsters are now out and about? It's after 10:00 PM, you know." She both asked and commanded with a smirk on her face. "Remember, frightened children are really difficult to get along with." She playfully, gently slapped his face to be sure he was listening to her and getting her message for him to get dressed.

He pulled on his boxers, sweatpants, and a sweatshirt. Slipping his feet into some Crocs, he made sure to have a small flashlight and his keys. Julie, dressed except for the panties in her hand, was also ready to go. He swapped the panties in the plastic bag from under his pillow for the ones in her hand, tucked the 'stale' ones in a pocket of his sweats, and they set out for her room.

John's sock no longer adorned the doorknob to her room, so she felt it would be safe to enter. Dawn was sitting in a chair with her laptop as she was hunting for something on the 'net. She looked up at Julie entering first and reaching back to pull Tom in behind her once the coast was clear. They entered the room and Dawn began to speak.

"Jules, Tom, I owe you both SO MUCH! Julie, for pushing me out the door and out of the known. Tom, whatever you did to help John was so far above and beyond any expectation."

"So, I take it we had a 'Love Connection' made tonight between you and John?" He surmised.

"You could say so. I'd definitely say we had a 'Lust Connection'. Lordy, but that boy can fuck!"

"And with that, I will beat a hasty retreat. Here, Jules, these are yours." He handed her the 'stale' panties from his pocket. "I wish you two lovely ladies a pleasant remainder of your Friday night." He left, not running but definitely with purpose and intent.

"So, Dawnie, whatcha searching for?" she asked.

"I found some 'Business Man' cologne on eBay and I was going to buy two bottles: one for John and one for Tom. It has to come from Europe and it's not anything you could find at Wal-Mart, but ..." Dawn let her voice trail off as she enjoyed her memories of both guys and that scent.

"How much?" she asked.

"With shipping, a hundred bucks a bottle."


"What? Do you not think he's worth it? John sure as hell is."

"Yeah, but ... a hundred bucks?"

"You know my family's background, Jules. Even if this thing with John doesn't go anywhere, I would not trade the experience and memory for anything. Thank you, again."

They sat and talked for an hour longer, mostly Dawn relating the details of her evening. How John was so very good until Dawn did not want him to be good any longer. Then he was EXCELLENT!

Saturday, October 3

At breakfast, John caught up with Tom as he stood in line for food. The smile on John's face was completely telling. They got their food and John directed them to a quiet part of the eating area so they could talk without an audience.

"Tom, you are my hero! I don't know where to begin ..."

"How about when you came to my room?" he suggested.

"Okay. I had my doubts, seriously, about your directions to wear the pullover shirt and the contact lenses. Hindsight now shows in 20/20 that you were completely correct. What was that cologne you sprayed?"

"Its name is 'Business Man' and I got about 1/3 of a bottle from my grandfather before he passed on. I don't think they make it any longer, so I try to hold it for special occasions. My interviews at the career fair were why it was out, and your needs were worth the use. Besides, I knew Dawn liked that fragrance."

"Anyway, so we walked up to the girls' dorm, and they came out. I've seen Julie a couple of times, but Dawn's reality made the pic on your phone pale in comparison. Dawn hugged me and I seemed to zone out. I mean, her perfume knocked me for a loop. She took control and I was toast.

"About five minutes into the movie, she grabbed my hand and pulled, hard, and we ran back to her room. She pulled me in, slammed the door shut, and practically pinned me to her door. I don't want to say too much, but, um, I gave her something you can only give once. We finally broke things off around 11:30 and we're heading out in an hour to spend the day together to see if this is more than just lust. Either way, I don't care!"

"John, I'm very happy for you. I don't have a lot of words of wisdom, seeing as I've had Julie as my girlfriend for only a month, but I will say this: be genuine with Dawn. We know you're intelligent. Intelligence and humor will last much longer than youthful good looks. By the way, in your contacts, I'm confident you are more appealing to everybody. The glasses put up a barrier between you and others. Anyway, be truly John with Dawn. It's okay to disagree, just don't be disagreeable about it."

"Tom, I so owe you. I have to get ready now. Thank you so much for caring!" John crammed the rest of his breakfast in his mouth and quickly headed out the door.

He got out his phone and texted her.

"Jules, please ask Dawn to go easy on John. He's going to need tolerance and help from her, but he could be the guy she's been hoping for all along."

She agreed to pass along his message to her roommate.


Over the next few weeks, they kept reminding each other occasionally that their focus should be on their academics. They had mid-term exams to pass, and she had a project for her accounting class "formally" assigned with it being due before they went home on the week-long Thanksgiving break. They continued to eat supper together as much as possible. Holding hands as they walked together was now expected. They even double-dated with Dawn and John a couple of times. Their lives settled into a comfortable routine.

Monday, October 26

Tom did receive two requests for interviews; the first, the large bank based in Chicago, arranged for him to fly up on the Sunday night before Halloween and back on Monday afternoon, so he only had to miss one day of classes, which he had cleared his absence with the instructors beforehand. His interview lasted three hours plus lunch at a high-end restaurant with some upper-level executives. Julie had driven him to the airport and had returned to retrieve him.

"So, how did it go? What happened?" she demanded once he got in the car.

He related the details of his trip to the 'Windy City'. He wrapped up the recounting with, "They handed me this at the end of the meal." He pulled out an envelope from his coat pocket, but it was still sealed.

"What is that?" she asked, returning her attention to the highway.

"I believe it's a formal letter offering me employment once I complete my degree in May. Much like the one that arrived the week after the career fair from the regional consultancy. I'll open it up when we get back to school, okay?"

She slowly shook her head with a rueful smile on her face. She was NOT looking forward to life after he graduated, but she could not legitimately stand in his way.

"So, your 'Aunt Flo' is visiting now, right? Are we still on for this weekend?"

"Yes, I still have my period and I'm not pregnant, and you had better bet every last dollar on you we're still on for Halloween. I know you wanted to get a hotel room, but Dawn's taking John home to meet her folks this weekend, so we have the room to ourselves." She dropped her voice so it was raspy and gravelly, and she said, "And you will be mine, Mr. Harrison!" To top it all off, she did her best to give an evil, "Muuuhahaha" laugh, which caused him to smile broadly.

She continued in a normal voice. "It was silly, but I missed you so much last night. Here it is, we've been together for about two months, and I'm worried about losing you for my last year of school. It's hard enough with us being in separate dorms. I don't think I could function well if I only got to see you on weekends. You've corrupted me, Thomas Richard Harrison. You've turned me into a weepy, wimpy version of myself. I depend on you for my happiness. Your little overnight trip brought all that home to roost, and while I don't like it, I'd be even worse without you." He reached over with his left hand and clasped her right hand, trying to give her strength and confidence.

"Jules, my jewel, my love, my life. Please don't borrow trouble that doesn't exist. We still have to complete this semester plus the spring semester. Maybe we can live together for the summer, and maybe you can get a student teaching gig in a town near where I'll end up. That's the thing, Jules. I don't know where I'll end up yet. This is only job offer # 2. I have another interview, with the big consultancy firm in Atlanta, in two weeks.

"And I depend on you for MY happiness, Julia Ann Lawson. I've never depended on anybody else the way I need you. You will make an excellent Early Childhood educator. I've seen you nodding in affirmation when I fall into teacher mode while tutoring in the lab. You know what good teaching looks like. If you know what it looks like, you know how to do it. Besides, being a teacher doesn't limit you to any one place, not like being an oilfield worker or a Nuclear Engineer. Good teachers are needed everywhere, Jules."


The remainder of the week simply dragged by for them. You know how it is when you have an important event scheduled. Unless you have something to distract you, your focus is on that future event and time slows to a crawl. Such was the case for the two in the week leading up to Halloween.

He did open the envelope from the bank, and the content was the expected formal offer of employment. The specifications included a start date of June 1st in the Chicago, Illinois HQ at a salary of $7,000 per year more than the regional consultancy's offer. The rest of the offer was more or less the same as the first one. The bank's offer was contingent upon the satisfactory completion of his degree and would require a formal acceptance by February 1st. He placed this offer letter in a folder with the one from the regional consultancy firms.

The intensity level of the sexual teasing between the two escalated with each passing day. She would be sure to stand, wiggle her jeans-clad rump nearly in his face, and give a little smirk as she stepped beyond his reach. She would gently stroke his face with her fingertips, saying, "This had better be as smooth as a baby's bottom when you get down between my legs next. I'm not putting up with a scruffy-looking nerf herder." She would cross her arms beneath her breasts causing them to bulge upward, creating a more pronounced amount of cleavage. He could give as well as receive, though. He would trail his fingers over her ass when he could and nobody was looking at them. When they were in line for food, he would bump his hard cock against her, whispering, "It's waiting, impatiently, for you."

Friday, October 30

By the time Friday night rolled around, both of them were at fever pitch. Tom showed up at the picnic table at 6:45, freshly shaven and prepared to escort his girlfriend to the last of the free Friday night movies when she came bouncing out of the dorm. Bouncing, literally, as she was not wearing a bra. Placing her fingers across his lips, she silenced his questions, took him by the hand, and led him inside. He finally noticed she had dressed in a short skirt, tight-fitting t-shirt, and flip-flops; not her usual to-be-seen-in-public wardrobe choices. As she led him up the stairwell, he could see two distinct things. One, she did not have any panties on and two, there was a distinct wetness between her thighs. His cock reacted quite predictably.