Exotic Destination


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She naively thought he wanted her to keep it as a demonstration of his control, which she had largely given over to him by then. Little did she know his real intent, but she was going to find out that day.

"Stop being silly and lube it up." Holding it in front of her mouth, expecting her to take it in, his other hand encircling the back of her swanlike slender neck. She did what he wanted, looking at him with a mixture of anger and anguish, sucking it and generating as much spit as she could, from experience knowing how that would help her.

"Okay. That's enough." Turning her and pushing down on her neck. "Bend over. Back arched. Legs straight. . ." All business now, he hooked a finger into the top of her bottoms above her crack and pulled them down to just below her cheeks, exposing the target he sought. Not hesitating, he pushed the tip of the silver bulb against her tight anal ring. She instinctively clenched tight, resisting the penetration.

"Relax. . . You know how." And with that instruction the plug made gradual progress against the tight orifice, stretching it wider and wider, the burning sensation increasing, even as she fought the instinct to squeeze it out. She wriggled her bottom from side to side to try and make the pain go away or the plug to slip out, but all that she managed to do was to work it further in

As it got to the widest part, it was almost as if her sphincter couldn't stretch any further and she clamped down, trying to reject the invader. But he was not going to be thwarted and maintained the pressure so that her anal muscles only succeeded in sucking it into her ass, the skin stretched pale before regaining its colour as it collapsed back around the shaft. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed the shocked expression on her face looking at him over her shoulder, as she felt the large size penetrate her tightest hole.

"Oooooooh. It's so big. I can't walk with this in. Please take it out." Dismay filling her as he pulled the thong back up to pull taught over the plug, showing glimpses of the blue gem around the sides of the thin matching blue strap of material.

"It looks sexy. Get dressed and then we need to have a bite to eat before we go. You need to keep your strength up." He smiled smugly and slapped her backside, before striding out of the room without a backward glance.

She took a deep breath, considering whether to disobey him. She just wanted the fullness in her bowel to be gone but didn't want to anger him, having experienced what he was capable of. Her flight home was the next day. She decided she could manage this for today.

Sighing deeply, she picked up the shorts and slipped them up her legs. They were so short and tight that the crotch was just a thin strip of frayed cloth that slipped up into her crack, allowing her buttocks to peep out cheekily, even when she was standing. She didn't want to think about what it would look like if she bent over, because they fitted snugly against her pussy and pushed against up the plug in her ass.

The crop top was also a snug fit, supporting her breasts firmly while showing a faint raised outline of her nips and rings. Her exposed stomach showed her glittering new navel ring.

She looked at herself in the bedroom mirror, slightly embarrassed at the revealing nature of the clothes, but also conflicted by being pleased at how grown up and sexy she looked. And how much he'd like it, particularly with the thrust of her arse and arch of her back to accommodate the bulb filling her backside.

She walked carefully to the kitchen, trying to minimise the discomfort. He had served her juice and breakfast again and she ate standing up, not wanting to sit on the plug if she didn't have to.

"Is my flight arranged for tomorrow?" She asked, that being front of mind and having depended on him to arrange all the details for the trip. On the way there, he had just emailed her boarding pass and she arrived at the check-in with her false ID with everything arranged.

"I looked earlier and there seems to be a problem with the online site" He told the lie without hesitation. "Don't worry, we'll sort it out when we get back later."

"Okay. I hope it's fine." Hesitantly, wondering what could be wrong. "Maybe I should call my mother. To let her know I'm alright."

"That wouldn't be a good idea." He retorted. "You told her you were going on to visit a friend. She's not expecting you to call. Anyway, your old phone provider doesn't have coverage here and we can't risk you using the smartphone."

"I guess you're right." Accepting it all at face value. Then looking around the house. "Whose house is this? Is it yours? It's really beautiful."

"No. It's a friend's." Smiling reassuringly. "He lets me use it when I'm here. Come on. Eat up and let's get going. The walk is so gorgeous. Just like you. You'll light up the scenery looking like that."

"Please can I take it out. It's so uncomfortable." Glancing at him nervously. Then hoping to make a deal. "I'll put it in when we come back, if you want. Please."

His hand shot out, quick as a rattlesnake, grabbing her throat in a pincer-like grip. Squeezing and pulling her up and towards him so that only her toes were touching the ground. Most of her weight held up by his powerful grip encircling her frail neck, compounding the pressure to her throat, making breathing difficult.

"Haven't I told you to do what I say?" He growled staring daggers into her eyes, terrifying the young vulnerable girl. She couldn't respond verbally with pressure on her larynx, so mouthed 'yes' with a hesitant nod.

"Then stop whining, otherwise I may be forced to discipline you. . . You don't want that. Do you?" His words receiving a faint shake of her head and a 'no'. Eyes huge in her petite face, as she struggled to pull air into her lungs.

"Good. Then let's go." His voice returning to normal, like he switched off a light. He let her down and loosened his grip but continued holding her to prevent her from collapsing. Sliding his hand around behind her neck, he walked her determinedly to the car and pushed her into the passenger seat.

As she sat, the plug burrowed deeper into her bowels, reminding her just how big it was and how full she felt. But she was not going to make another comment about it and sat there demurely biting her lower lip as it shifted uncomfortably with every bump in the road.

This time she was silent as he drove, listening to him tell her about the historical and spiritual significance of the area. Being fascinated by history, she absorbed all he was saying and almost forgot about the thing inside her.

He paid the entrance fee and they started the three-quarter mile walk up to the falls and the pool where they could swim. The forest and palm trees where stunning and he told her all about the historical buildings and vegetation, as he pulled her along, securely holding her hand, fingers intertwined like lovers.

As they walked past other people on the path, she noticed the lustful and jealous looks of the older men, similar to those she got back home when he made her dress sexy. It made her embarrassed that they suspected that he was not her father, but rather her lover. Seeing them ogling her also sent shivers up her spine and a tingling between her legs. The bulb in her accommodating backside making her feel so full yet rubbing deliciously inside her groin to add to those sensual sensations.

But it was the older women's disapproving glares that she felt the most, shaking their heads and even muttering under their breath, aimed mainly at him, because they just looked at her with pity. She wondered if they could see that she had a butt-plug, based on the way she was walking, bottom out and toes pointed slightly in to avoid the worst discomfort and limit the rubbing of the base and shaft on her skin. That thought made her blush with shame as they walked along.

The young people didn't seem to care, being wrapped up in their own business. She watched them with a degree of envy, wondering what it would be like to be normal. Whatever normal was. And that made her wonder whether she would actually like it, because as he had said 'normal was boring' and she always felt so intensely exhilarated and alive with him, even if it was horrible and painful sometimes.

As they walked, he pointed out different trees and the historic buildings, explaining their significance and distracting her from the lecherous and judgemental looks. The birds made a lovely symphony of chirping as backdrop to the walk. He excitedly showed her a rare night heron, perched on a branch overhead, which warmed her to this enigmatic man who could be so cruel and then care so much.

"Strip off. We're going to jump in and have a swim." He instructed her once they reached the pool, below the magnificent waterfall.

There were various people around the pool, making her feel extremely self-conscious about the swimsuit and the thing inside her that it hardly covered. She loved the metallic blue colour, but it was just to tiny and tight.

"Get on with it." He said sternly, stripping off his own shirt down to his boardshorts.

She said nothing as she removed her shoes and top, before carefully taking off her shorts, making sure to face way from the other people, so as not to not bend over and show anyone her shameful secret. She had to stand up straight and clench her buttocks as she quickly waded onto the water, ensuring that the glinting stone would not peep out, but at the same time causing it to be pulled further into her gut.

He enveloped her in a powerful hug once she was up to her neck in the water and floated her across to the far side of the pond, too deep for her to stand. She had never been comfortable in water where she couldn't stand, and this was no exception. She felt both anxious floating in the water and secure in his arms, the conflicting feelings causing butterflies to flutter in her gut.

His hands wandered into her top, exposing one of her breasts under the water and fondling it possessively, reminding her of how much he had hurt it the day before. These were not the hands of a fumbling excited teenager, but rather the calm mature hands of an experienced man that squeezed them to the edge of pain, sending mixed signals through her body, possessing and controlling her response. Knowing how to tweak her nipples and twist her rings just right to make them instantly hard, like pebbles in the cool water. Spreading tingling sensations over her body, sensually mingling with the soft swirling and lapping of the water against her skin.

His other hand slipped into the front of her thong, casually fingering her slit and flicking her clit. She looked around desperately to see if anyone was watching. Fortunately, the family on the other side of the pond were self-absorbed, with the parents barbecuing and the young son and daughter playing in the shallows. The single man sitting on a bench was looking for birds in the trees, binoculars focusing his attention elsewhere.

There were a few other couples also floating in the water, one kissing and the other laughing at a private joke. None of that prevented her from feeling mortified as he had his way with her in public, without considering her wants, needs, opinions or sensibilities. Nor did it stop her treacherous pussy from warming and juicing up for him, despite her best efforts to resist. His cool fingers spread her warm folds, allowing the cold water into her sex, eddying around her sensitive lips and over her engorged clit, washing away her moisture, leaving her wet. Hot and cold at the same time, like her mixed emotions, internal arousal laced with public embarrassment.

They reached a large rock that just breached the surface of the water. It was partly covered in slimy moss, but the other parts were rough to the touch. He pushed her forward until she was sandwiched against the rock, feet not touching the bottom of the pool. Her disquiet about floating freely in the water, partially assuaged by holding onto the rock, but not enough to feel safe.

He had pulled her top up so now both breasts were hanging out below the water, squashed up with her stomach against the coarse rock, her sensitive pierced nipples cruelly grazed. Her legs had no traction on the slippery moss and her feet flailed trying to find purchase on the bottom that was just inches out of reach. She felt like a rag doll flopping around entirely at his mercy.

She tried to hold herself steady by gripping the flat surface above the water, but there were no handholds and her forearms and fingers held on by friction alone, causing miniscule grazes on her tender skin. Her wet hands just made the rock even more slippery, so they slid around ineffectively, not helping her state of mind nor her suppressed disquiet.

His forearm was firmly pressed into her back, hand around her small neck, pinning her like an insect on a display. Then she felt him pull the strap of her bathing suit to the side, exposing her ass crack and the butt plug to a whirl of cool water.

"What are you doing?" She whispered in shock and a bit of fear.

"I'm going to fuck you up the ass." He growled; the lust clear in his hoarse tone as the animal she had come to know was unleashed. He had pushed his shorts down so now she could feel his erection lined up in the crack of her butt

"Please, you can't. Not here. Not like this. Please take me home. I'll let you do it there. Please." She couldn't fathom how he could expect her to lose her anal virginity in public, up against a rock. She started struggling, but he was too strong, and she couldn't get any traction to push against him, with him standing strong on the sandy bottom. Her legs and arms just waving ineffectually, trying not to move too frantically and draw any attention from the other people scattered around the pond.

"Shut the fuck up and get ready. It's not what you'll let me do. It's what I want to do. Remember?" As he spoke, he pulled the plug out of her asshole, the stretching making it sting and allowing a shocking shot of cold water into her bowels. "You've been practicing with the dildo, so it should be easy."

She froze in horror, realising there was nothing she could do to stop him. Wondering why he wanted to degrade her and humiliate her all the time. Especially after he had been so caring and considerate. Her innocent, inexperienced brain not being able to reconcile the paradox.

"Open your mouth." He snarled as he placed the plug at her lips.

"Mmmmh mmmh." She didn't want it in there. Even though it was dripping with water the thought of where it had been repulsed her. He had made her lick her butt-plug off once on video, but it nauseated her, and she had refused thereafter.

He wasn't interested in her futile resistance, wasn't going to argue the point and had no desire to delay his lust any longer, so instead he stuck his hard cock at her tight puckered entrance and pushed hard.

"Aaaaaahhhgggg..." Her groan was stifled as he plugged her mouth with the horrid silver bulb, while the bulb of his glans penetrated her tight hole. The indignation of being simultaneously penetrated from both ends, in such as filthy disgusting way, but with no way of preventing it crushed the young woman. She collapsed, pinned against the rock, small tears dripping down her cheeks as he pushed further into her and held the plug deep in her mouth.

She was sure she could taste the bitter tanginess of her ass as the plug pushed her tongue down and pressed against her palate, probing towards her throat, uncomfortably filling her oral cavity like it had filled her rectal cavity just moments before. That mixed with the dank earthy organic odour of the pondwater, permeating her nostrils, particularly as a splash of water from his thrust covered her face and went up her nose, causing her to cough and splutter around the thing in her mouth.

"It'll help you keep quiet as I screw you." He said with no remorse. "You better keep it in and keep quiet, because I'm sure you don't want those people to know what you're doing." He chuckled at the last statement, but seemingly without mirth as he continued to thrust up into her bowels.

His turgid rock-hard member stretched her anal ring, so she thought that she could feel every vein and bump on his organ, even though the taught skin burned with pain. She relaxed in self-defence, trying to reduce the awful pain and stuffed sensation, but all that allowed was for him to breach the orifice until he was balls-deep in her rectum.

She felt every inch of penetration as his cock scraped the tender walls of her bowels, where nothing like this was meant to go or had gone before. Tears of frustration were streaming down her cheeks, silently crying but no less traumatic that if she was sobbing her heart out. Even her tears meant nothing to him nor the pond, as they were washed away by the splashes of water on her face when he positioned her for his use. Using her buoyancy in the water, her inability to hold anything and not stand on the bottom, to his advantage.

Repulsed at the horror of her ordeal, pinned against the rock, tangy tasting plug in her mouth, nauseated bile in her throat, stinking pondwater in her nose, rough cock up her bottom, she couldn't do anything to stop him. He started pounding away at her, her stomach, breasts and arms being scratched against the rough rock, not achieving anything useful in her defence.

At first it was just uncomfortable, but as he continued, the multiple small abrasions started burning and hurting more and more. Her nipple and naval rings snagged on the rock, feeling like they were being intentionally pulled, sending sharp jabs of pain to add to her general torment.

She noticed that her fingernails were gripping the rock like a climber trying to ascend El Capitain, looking for any grip on the granite face, almost like in slow motion. Everything had gone silent, her entire consciousness reduced to the pain of a pole in her ass and the scraping of her skin. Enduring the hard man meat plunging into her depths, lubricated by the surrounding water and feeling every vein and bump sliding against her stretched anal ring and walls.

Then suddenly looking up, with the sounds and smells of the world crashing back into her senses: birds chirping, children laughing, leaves rustling, the dank odour of the pond and the fragrance of the flowers. Making her believe that she was insignificant in the greater cosmic order and her ordeal was irrelevant in the greater scheme of things.

As if even things as inert as the rock and the water, conspired against her, enabling his abuse of her, his use of her. Allowing him to drive into her secret place a thousand times over, with her not having any say, nor control. In fact, removing any control she may have had on dry land, so that she was a helpless puppet dangling on a string, or more accurately dancing on a pole.

All she could do was take what he gave, hoping that he would finish quickly and let it be over. She started clenching her bottom on his cock on the out stroke, hoping that would stimulate him and make him cum. And while she grunted with every thrust, she managed to keep her anguished sounds low enough that no one else could hear.

Cold water seeped into her backside with every thrust, her dilating sphincter not ensuring a tight enough fit with his rough fucking. It felt weird and unpleasant, contrasting to the heat of his prick, merging with the physical and emotional agony from his uncaring exploitation of her limited strength and lack of will to resist. She perched there hating him for his cruelty and despising herself for her weakness, but it made no difference to the outcome.

The family and lovers carried on blissfully unaware, bound up in their own joy, as she was abused and devastated mere yards away. However, the man on the bench had noticed them and began to watch them through his binoculars, which just added to her desolation. The smile on his face made it clear that he knew exactly what they were doing and obviously approved, particularly when he slipped his hand into his pocket seemingly to rub himself to her ravishment.