Exotic Destination


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It was not long thereafter that the physical stimulation, his sense of power over her, and the knowledge of the pain and humiliation that she was enduring for him, ensured his release, depositing a massive load of cum deep in her bowels.

She felt the warm flood of his seed pervade her depths, in contrast to the cold water that had found its way into her distended bowels. She felt no release, no arousal, no satisfaction. Just degradation, pain and despair.

Once he had cum, he didn't delay and took the plug out of her mouth. As he slipped out of her asshole, he shoved the plug back to its resting place inside her ravished asshole.

"That was delightful." He gloated. "Let's go home."


Chapter 11 - Decisions

He drove pensively, contemplating the activities of the past couple of hours. She sat sullenly and silent, wrapped up in her own thoughts, trying to censure him with her occasional hateful glares, between staring out of the car window.

For him, taking her anal virginity in public, with her writhing helplessly between that rock and his hard cock, was exquisite and definitely something to be repeated. It ticked all of his sexual desires, from the sensation of the water and her asshole clenching so desperately for his cum, her pitiful pleading moans muffled by the butt-plug in her mouth, her palpable pain as her body shivered from his assault and the abrasion on her breasts, her futile attempts to resist his far superior strength, her innocent wriggling movements to avoid pain that increased his enjoyment, and her obvious humiliation at the public act, with the birdwatcher who had so obviously enjoyed their show.

Although she had struggled against his enveloping arms on the way back to the shore, his strength and her desire not to draw attention to their struggles, meant that he'd floated her back in the same way as they went to the rock. One of his hands still confidently mauling her tit and tweaking her nipple under the water.

She'd washed her face in an attempt to disguise her reddened teary eyes and flushed cheeks, before getting dressed, careful not to push too hard on the plug in her ass as she buttoned her shorts, nor let the tight top rub her chaffed chest as she pulled it over her head.

He took her hand firmly in the same lover's grip as when they had arrived, dragging her reluctant but yielding body along beside him in a parody of the walk they had taken to the pool. In her immaturity, she transparently showed the tumult of strong emotions coursing through her petite body but didn't know how to resist him.

She was clearly angry, disillusioned, devastated, mortified, disgusted with him, his desires and her failure to resist him. These emotions played over her face individually and in combination during their brisk walk back to the car, her short legs having to almost run to keep up with him.

He had some important decisions to make in the next 24 hours and was happy to have the time to think, although this sulky little girl act was getting on his nerves. When they reached the villa, he'd had enough of it.

"Stop being a baby. You're a sexy beautiful woman with amazing sensuality and grace." He lectured as they entered the front door. "Men want women like you - to possess, to enjoy and to nurture. I loved screwing you in the butt. And I loved doing it with all those people around. It was exhilarating, dangerous and depraved, all the things that make us feel fully alive, to share intense intimacy. With time you will also learn to love it. So, grow up and stop sulking."

"Hmmm!" She grunted, and then when he looked at her expectantly, waiting for a reply she grumbled. "I'll never like it. It hurt."

He smiled condescendingly. "Only the first few times. Most women learn to enjoy it." Bending the truth, but in her innocence not knowing what to think.

"You're an animal when you get like that. Why'd you have to be so cruel? I thought you liked me." She whined, but with her chin set combatively.

"Oh, little dove. I do so like you. You're everything I want in a woman." His suddenly candid words and caring tone caught her off guard, but before she could answer he said "I'm going for a quick surf. When I get back, I expect a better attitude and less pouting. We're going to do something really fun this afternoon."

"For you I bet." She retorted sarcastically, but when she saw a flash of anger in his eyes, she continued quickly. "Sorry. . ."

He just walked away. She followed him out onto the veranda like a lost and fearful puppy dog. As he picked up his surfboard, she timidly asked. "Can you check my flight for tomorrow, please?"

At that moment, all she could think about was getting back home, to her mother and her dreary uneventful life. She didn't think that she really wanted to endure what he thought it took to 'feel fully alive' or 'share intense intimacy'.

"I did. Earlier. It seems it's been delayed. We'll phone again later." Abrupt, final, as if he didn't care. "Oh yes. And you can take the plug out if you want. Unless you'd like to keep it in for the rest of the day." The comment and a smirk thrown over his shoulder as he walked down the path.

She just stared despondently after his retreating back, before she slowly wandered into the house. She wasn't sure what to do, because this was the first time she'd been left alone and all she wanted to do was go home.

He returned an hour later, refreshed, invigorated and pleased with himself, having spent the time contemplating and centring himself in the waves. She was showered and changed into a casual light green dress and white sneakers, sans butt plug, having spent half an hour trying to scrub the feeling of filth and degradation from her body and her bottom.

After a quick shower, they were in the kitchen together, when he picked up his smartphone to check any messages or missed calls. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a concerned glance from her, which was confirmed when he saw a blocked call out to her home state. She'd obviously tried to call someone, without realising that while she could unlock the phone using his PIN, any outgoing calls were blocked without his fingerprint, as was the ability to delete any history.

She'd been exposed and wasn't sure if he knew. Fear gnawed at her stomach as she watched him scanning at his phone, but not saying anything. Maybe he didn't see. . .

He feigned that he had not noticed, smiling warmly, looking her straight in the eye and saying. "Because I'm so proud of you and what your let me do, I'm going to take you out on a sunset cruise on my yacht this afternoon. We're going to try and see dolphins or maybe even a whale."

The pent-up fear of discovery, the despair of not getting home, the ordeals of the past couple of days, were all suppressed with those words. Ever since she was a little girl, she'd loved dolphins and whales, watching documentaries and printing pictures of them for her walls. She dreamed of one day seeing them live in nature and maybe even swimming with them.

And he knew about this interest, from the various chats they had shared. His knowledge and experience of the ocean had been such an attraction for the young woman that she had often asked him questions and was a key source of her admiration for him.

"Oh really? I'd love to see that." She effused, almost as if everything else was forgotten, if not forgiven.

"We'll stop on the way and have some lunch at a place I know." He pulled something pink out of his pocket. It looked to her like two balls connected in an hourglass shape with a sting attached to one side.

She had never seen anything like it, but her heart sank when she heard him say. "But first you have to do something for me. Come here." She walked slowly over to him anxiety written all over her face. "Bend over."

"Please don't hurt me, again." Obeying, she bent over the counter, but looking troubled back over her shoulder at him.

"This is not going to hurt at all. Trust me." She didn't know what to think. He had never exactly lied to her. He had just bent the truth. And he had caused her extreme pain and humiliation. But right now, she didn't see any way out, other than to listen and hope he was being honest.

He flipped her short skirt up, admiring her taught thighs and her firm buttocks, pleased that she had selected a pretty green panties to match her dress. Putting the balls to her lips, he didn't say anything. She realised that this thing was going inside her, and she'd better lubricate it.

Just hoping that it wasn't going to be in her bottom. Angry that she was fearful, frustrated that she didn't know, anticipating the worst, realising that she had no say in the matter, not saying anything to anger him. Trying to just think about dolphins and whales.

While she was sucking on it - the thing invading her mouth with its rubbery taste and smell - he pulled her panties aside and pressed his finger against her sealed clam. He slowly parted her labia to gently rub inside, searching for any moisture.

She was dry and closed, not feeling any arousal in the past few hours, but that did not deter him. He just continued, almost tenderly sliding up and down her sensitive lips, probing her opening until he found traces of her unwanted response on the tip of his finger.

She hoped this meant the thing was going inside her vagina. And even though she knew it would help, she felt irritated that he had so much control over her treacherous body that he could make her juice up so quickly.

When the Ben Wa balls were slick with her saliva and her pussy was slick with her essence, he placed it at her opening and pushed them infuriatingly slowly into her passage, gradually filling her and causing her muscular walls to contract around the invasion.

Suddenly, with a final push, he slipped the panties back in place to trap the invader inside, gave her a pat on the backside and said matter-of-factly. "Let's go."

Half an hour later they were sitting at a window seat in a small bistro overlooking the ocean. Walking had been a new and peculiar sensation for her, the stimulation of her sex from within being incredibly distracting. But as usual he was not interested in dawdling and pulled her along, ensuring that the balls did their work and she was oozing moisture into her underwear by the time they sat down.

Again, he ordered for them and began to tell her about the rules aboard the yacht. While he was talking, he took out his phone, smiled enigmatically and activated an app.

Her eyes widened, with a silent 'Oh' forming on her lips. She crunched over, as if she was in pain. But it was not pain, rather the thing started a throbbing vibration deep inside her. It felt so strange, but yet so good. Not willing to trust her voice, she silently mouthed "What?"

"Yes. They're Ben Wa balls and they'll give you great pleasure. I'm going to play with them while we eat. And you're going to act like nothing is going on.' He paused and then whispered faux conspiratorially with a sardonic smile. "Unless you want to explain anything to the waiter."

Throughout the wait for the meal and eating it, he played with her, talking nonchalantly all the time. He would ramp up the intensity until all she could think about was the pleasure and the direct stimulation of her g-spot, squirming and breathing shallowly, feeling like she was about to reach a crescendo. Before she did, he would switch it off, letting her arousal subside, as he told her about mundane marine safety issues.

When he saw she had settled, he'd begin again, distracting her so that her chewing slowed down and she couldn't concentrate on his words. That happened numerous times, so much that she felt both wrung out and horny, not having been able to find release.

At one point she surreptitiously tried to put her hands between her legs, but he shook his head and called the waiter over under false pretence. She became increasingly frustrated with herself and her responsive body that she didn't seem to have any control over. Why couldn't she resist when he wanted to abuse her, either physically or mentally?

That made her infuriated with him for continually doing this to her, but she couldn't stop the flood that was gushing out of her over-stimulated pussy. Realising that she was likely wetting the back of her dress made her even more mortified and incensed.

Eventually she threatened "Stop it. Please. . . I'm going to the bathroom to take this out."

Pressing the control to the highest vibration he stared at her with a deadpan expression and quietly responded. "Then I may not be here when you get back."

Her bluff called, her shoulders slumped, and she rode out the next cycle of arousal and suppression without comment. It was only with her last mouthful of a delicious crème brulee, that he eventually allowed her to go over the edge and into a mind-shattering orgasm.

Face scrunched in ecstasy and eyes rolled back, she made no sound except for a soft squeak deep in her throat. To anyone watching, it would look like the desert was truly special, in a 'When Harry met Sally' way.

When they got up from the table, he intentionally walked close behind her to shield the wet patch on the back of her dress. The balls were still and silent within her, but not the sensations they caused when walking.

Not long thereafter, they boarded his 54-foot ocean-going yacht and he showed her what she needed to do to help him cast off. The boat was equipped with everything electronic allowing him to sail single-handedly, but he wanted her engaged and distracted until they were underway.

Despite everything the little excited girl within her couldn't be suppressed and she commented on everything she was seeing, as they powered out of the yacht club marina and into the deep blue sea. She loved helping raise the mainsail and stand in the bow looking for shallow outcrops.

Her eyes sparkled and she couldn't stop her girlish wonder when three dolphins joined them to ride the bow wave for a few minutes. She felt like her heart would burst with happiness, the events of the day, her frustrations and anxieties washed away with the swimming sea creatures.

Once they were under sail and a couple of miles offshore, he instructed her. "Go below and change into a bikini. They'll be in the front cabin."

"Really? You have spare bikinis onboard?" She was surprised and wondered whose they actually were.

"Go on. You'll see." He replied cryptically, standing tall at the helm and staring towards the horizon.

A couple of minutes later she returned in a red bikini, a multi-coloured sarong tied around her waist, and a puzzled expression on her face.

"All my clothes are packed in the cabin. What's going on?"


Epilogue 1 - The Darkness of Obsession

"All my clothes are packed in the cabin. What's going on?"

"I don't have to pretend anymore." He growled. "You tried to phone your mother, you stupid little slut. That was irresponsible."

As he spoke, he grabbed her and a spare rope that was coiled in the cockpit, ready for his use. Withing seconds, her hands were bound behind her back and she was on her knees as he attached her wrists to her ankles. Immobilised, the lines chafing her, she looked up at him in terror.

"I.. I.. didn't. . . I didn't try to. . . to phone her." She stuttered in shock and fear at his change in mood. "I. . . I. . . tried to phone my. . . my friend. To. . . to. . . to tell her. . . to cover for me. Because the flight's delayed."

"I don't care who you tried to phone. You never phone without my permission." As he spoke, he ripped the dress down the front and pulled it off her shoulders, to pool around her bound wrists and over her hips.

"From now on, your mouth is only used for what I tell you to use it for. And to learn that lesson, I'm going to use it to fuck your throat. Long and hard." He had pulled his angry dick through the fly of his shorts, not bothering to even unbuckle the belt.

"Open you fucking mouth. Now." His voice sounded frenzied. "You'd better try to please me, otherwise the rest of your punishment, when I whip your tits and your ass, will be ten times worse."

He grabbed her head in two hands and plunged his hard member into her mouth and straight down her throat, setting off the worst gagging fit she had ever experienced. He carried on hammering her throat, not considering her need to breath nor her muffled protests. Her small hands wriggling helplessly in desperation.

Eventually, he was satisfied the lesson had been learned and he had earned his reward. He ground her lips to his crotch, belt buckle imprinted on her forehead, until he felt the tightening of his balls. Pulling out, and with four short strokes, he jetted multiple loads all over her face. She was covered with dripping cum, across her forehead and into her hair, over her lips and cheek, one going up her nose that set off, her sniffing and sneezing.

She knelt there, crunched over, retching and sobbing in despair, wondering how everything had gone so wrong. When he was done, he held her up by her hair, regarding at her with cold pitiless eyes.

"The reason your things are in the cabin is that you are not going back home." His voice as emotionless as his eyes. "I'm taking you with me into the Pacific Islands. To be my slut, to do what ever I want, whenever I want, however I want. For as long as I want. And then I'll decide what to do with you." There was a malevolence in his tone that she had never heard before.

He paused and then finished with a cold humourless laugh. "I've only been playing along to decide whether you have potential as a good little sex slave. Now let's start with your punishment. Think of it as the start of your training."

His words twisted her heart and shattered her soul. This man she had come here to be with had turned into the beast she feared, not the caring lover she had hoped for. He was Mr Hyde all along.

The End


Epilogue 2 - The Lightness of Being

"All my clothes are packed in the cabin. What's going on?"

"I saw you tried to call home. That was very silly, little dove." His voice was tinged with supressed anger, ignoring her question, shifting the focus.

"I. . . I didn't try. . . try to phone her." She stuttered with the anxiety of being caught and his possible rage. "I tried to phone my. . . my friend. To tell her to cover for me. Because the flight's delayed."

"That's not the point. It means I can't trust you." His words sent a knife into her chest. "It means I need to accelerate things a little. I'll deal with your punishment later, but first I'll give you a choice, between two very different futures."

He towered over her threateningly, causing her to shy away, but not look away from his piercing eyes. She thought she saw a kindness in them, despite their wrathful fire, but she wasn't sure. She wisely said nothing, wondering what he was talking about.

"You're an amazing girl, as I've told you. You'll become a wonderful woman. I'd like to be part of that journey, to guide it and to enjoy it. But to do that, I must have your complete obedience. You will need to do whatever I want, whenever I want, wherever I want, possibly even with who I want. You'll explore your deepest sexual fantasies and your deepest fears with me as your guide. My decisions, your submission."

She looked at him aghast, thinking he was going to abduct her, whether she wanted to or not. That's why he had her bags. How could she have been so stupid, to trust him, to come here alone.

He continued in a serious manner. "In exchange, I will ensure you have the best education. Through correspondence for the next few years, as we sail the Pacific Islands. And then when if you want, I will pay for any university in the world that you are accepted at. But you must commit yourself fully, completely, entirely to me. Mind, body, heart and soul. You can send one email to your mother, telling her that you have run away and are alright. You'll be able to send her one every six months, so she knows you're safe."