Extending the MILF List Ch. 22


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"Wait until you meet my cousin." D. Debra whispered. "She'll make me look plain as brown paper." She giggled then when I flinched, her mother's throat was pinching the end of my cock, but the idea of D. Debra being plain compared to any woman was so absurd it affected me too.

We turned off the water and dried and patted and caressed and kissed until I thought we'd couple again and need another shower but the two females kept me at bay because I'd given them away for the moment. They walked naked into the bedroom to find my sisters on hands and knees side by side and Jamie pumping Georgia's cunt from behind. As we watched he withdrew and mounted Dalia.

"Sonny, your phone has been ringing." That was Tawny. She growled and flexed her back as Jamie moved to slide into her. Her body squelched and accepted him. He panted over her. "Tell your friend he has to talk, like you do...we like his accent." Tawny said through gritted teeth. "Oh fuck that feels good!" She hissed.

Dori and D. Debra without a word, took up positions on either side of the bed. From Tawny's cunt, Jamie's cock slid into Dori's mouth. He then fucked his ways through my sisters to the other side of the bed and into D. Debra's mouth. My phone rang in my pants interrupting me, dragging me out of the midst of the erotic milieu.

I grunted and fished the phone out of my pants by the door. My dim recollection was that it had been ringing off and on all the time I was here but I had ignored it. I took the opportunity to look at it more to give Jamie the tacit assurance he could have his way with my bevy of beauties and I'd do without for the moment. I liked that feeling, of handing them all over to him after having fucked his mother and daughter for him, to say nothing of his lover and sister, Patricia and Mercy. By my count, I was three ahead if I counted Alissa and Ellen. But this wasn't a contest, was it?

My phone had blown up while I was fucking my sisters. I had calls from Portia, Lydia, Carol Lynn, Caroline and Lovely Kline. Oh, and Ellen Collier. The little Minx had the nerve to call me after skidaddling with mother and daughter St. Vincent? I recalled her and she answered on the first ring. On the bed, Jamie he repositioned my sisters onto their backs and was sinking into them. never to be heard from again.

"Sonny! About time you returned my call!" The voice in my ear tried to yank my eyes away from my fucking sisters. Jamie seemed oblivious to anything else but Tawny's deep cunt. And she seemed happy to have him planted between her open legs. "Sonny! Goddammit Sonny if this is a butt dial I'm going to butt fuck you with a menorah with all the candles lit."

I grunted.

"Butt speaking." I hissed, then stepped out of the room.

"Hey Asshole." Ellen responded. "Where are you?"

"Outside the bedroom." I whispered.

"Jesus, you still haven't gotten out of bed?" She snickered. "I'd have thought you were in better shape than that. Missus and Xavia didn't use you that much."

I snorted.

"You only know what you see." Oh wait, she had been with me with the Family Honeywell, so maybe she did know. "What do you want?" I bit my tongue then because I flinched realizing I had things I wanted to know and should be asking about that rather than being all polite and shit.

"You need to come here."

"Where's here?"

"Um...maybe here isn't that good an idea." Her voice got all fuzzy and drifty like, as though she were sniffing and snorting something that changed her opinion. "Okay, of course not."

"What?" She was not making sense but then it might have been me. I felt like an alligator chatting up a chicken when all I wanted was the white meat without the feathers.

"Shut up, Sonny."

"Hey, you called me."

"I didn't either you called me...hang on goddammit, put a finger in your drippy twat and accept that you are not the center of the fucking universe."

"I am too, for fuck sake." I said to no one but myself. I was the only one to think so I supposed. I registered I didn't have a twat...technically I had five. I waited. And waited. I waited so long I finally noticed I was waiting and remarked on my own patience. It was like someone kicked my transmission into neutral and it was such a relief to just coast, I made no move to re-mesh my gears.

"Sonny? Sorry. Is Jamie with you? You're still at the hotel?"

"Sort of and no?" I answered making it a question, which confused me. Ellen ignored me.

"Where are you? What are you doing?"

"Watching Jamie fuck my sisters." I muttered, not trying to be heard but Ellen had a dog's hearing even when standing up right.

"No shit. Really? I mean that's awfully...god, really, Sonny? Well good, then you can leave him to them...all of them? I mean you gave him all three sisters to fuck? My god, Sonny, do you think that's wise? He won't know how to deal with all three Duncans. So you can leave, they won't hurt him will they? I mean no spindle and mutilating the European import. I don't know if that's a good idea."

Ellen was having a whole conversation with me without involving me at all. She paused, stuttered, then snarled.

"You didn't hang up on me now, did you bitch?"

"Who are you calling 'bitch', bitch." I snarled back in my best bitchy snarl.

"Good girl."

"You make that sound like an insult."

"Isn't it?"

"I am not gender flexible but a good girl is surely a treasure." I snickered, watching Jamie change rides, sinking into Georgia and seeing her rise up, kissing him. My sisters all on their backs, legs open like that made a perfect picture!

"Come here."

"I really can't, where the heck are you anyway?" The following silence stopped the cataract of thought fighting to get into my conscious mind. Lovely called? My cock got hard just thinking of her. After a few heartbeats, Ellen spoke.


That got my attention.

"Oh fuck me, Ellen, what happened?"

"You need to get down the The Bent Shepard, Sonny, it's Mrs. St. Vincent."

"Candice? What happened?" I was suddenly worried. "I'll get Jamie and be there in..." I had to stop and think where The Good Shepard Medical was. The bitch Ellen unGoogled my map with her suggestive misnomer.

"No! No, don't say a thing to Jamie...just get down here. Leave him with your fucking sisters."

"How do you propose that I do that?" I asked, genuinely puzzled. The idea of leaving Jamie with this clutch of pussy for the afternoon while I chased off to the hospital to see what happened to his mother unsettled me. "Is Xavia okay?" I asked, whispering.

"Sonny, just do as your told."

Now that may sound like a casual comment but the reaction in me was surprising. I suddenly had a terribly violent urge to turn the little minx over my knee and paddle her bony little ass until she cried tears of cum and vinegar squeezed out of my pickle. I was about to argue the point further when she produced the prima facie case I needed to shut up and do as I was told.

"If you bring Jamie here, they may not be able to stay. Don't ask me why but that is what Candy Cunt is saying. She says she wants your collar and of course, if you get mommy collared then she'll present you with her daughter as part of the deal. But if Jamie finds out what she's planning, she won't have the nerve to do it...she needs to have the matter settled first and then you can make her case for her. Left on her own, she'll take little daughter and head back to Jolly Ole England."

"I'll be right there." I respond to good logic with immediate action. I need a proper excuse that would allow me to leave the naughty knot of cunt and pickle on the bed undisturbed. Ellen clicked off and I turned back to the bed. Jamie was mounting Dalia and she was cumming. I only know because she said so, announcing it in the slurried tones of a dulcet female pleased to be penetrated.

D. Debra and her naked mother stood guard by the side of the bed, having sucked at Jamie's cock just enough to be teased...both were furiously rubbing their clits, bent and watching the foreign exchange of fluids on the bed. I swatted Dori on the ass.

"You two stop rubbing yourselves. I have to go...if Jamie asks where I am, tell him I think I found his mother and sister and have gone to get them."

"Oh my god, another family to fuck?" Dori whispered, eyes alight.

"Down girl. I don't know where I'll take them. They called from the hospital...Ellen had an accident and I have to go get her...not sure what is going on but I will find out and I'll call, so keep your phone out of your cunt where you can hear it."

I grabbed my clothes and went downstairs to dress. I can't say exactly why...but it may have had something to do with the belief that at least one of them would appear and try to discuss what I was doing and why and I was afraid of what I'd say, since I had not the slightest idea.

Turns out I am not the center of the universe. I dressed and sat staring at my coat for a minute before I realized I was waiting for my girlfriend to come kiss me good by or blow me or some such parting shot. My gun was nice and hard and for a moment I contemplated going back up stairs and coating it with D. Debra sauce...but feared that they would actually not notice I was gone or appreciate my return. That idea throbbed in me all the way to the hospital.

It also distracted me from thinking about what I was doing. I honestly was plotting how to introduce D. Debra to the Airtight Express all the way back downtown. I was parked as close to the Emergency Room as I could get before it occurred to me to wonder where I would find them. I ventured into the door of the hospital and texted Ellen. She replied that she would meet me at that entrance. I went inside the door. I saw her strolling down the hall towards me. She was dressed in a navy blue pinstriped outfit, a mid-thigh tight skirt, white blouse with ruffles under her chin and a jacket that matched the skirt, and shiny black "fuck-me" high heels which I stared at while my mind sorted out this image of her and that other image of her chock full of cock.

"Who are you supposed to be?" I asked with a smirk.

"Shut up." She snarled back. I was a bit taken aback. If there was a master/slave dynamic going on, I was getting the collared end of the deal. She held out a white coat, glancing around. "Here is your coat, Doctor Duncan, please follow me to the patient."

I looked the direction of her surreptitious glance and saw a tall, austere woman regarding us with a microscopic stare.

"Um..." I began, reaching for the coat. I removed my overcoat and shrugged the white lab coat on, buttoning, trying not to stare back at the be-bunned woman whose gazed by now had degraded into a glare. Finally, I gave up on that effort and met her gaze with a flinty little number of my own and when her eyes finally dared to meet mine, they flinched away. She turned and walked off. "Just who are you supposed to be?" I asked Ellen again. "Better yet, who am I?"

"Shut up." Ellen hissed again, and then plucked at my newly acquired sleeve. "Follow me, I'll show you to the patient, Doctor."

Feeling well out of my depth and dog paddling like crazy, I padded along behind Ellen Collier with a growing sense of foreboding. She strutted along in front of me and I noticed that her tight little ass swished back and forth most alluringly and began to lag back to watch it with frank appreciation. She stopped and glared up at me.

"Sonny, er, Doctor Duncan!" She looked around. "For fuck sake act your age and not your IQ...or better, act my age and not your IQ, now that I think about it!" She hissed. She plucked at my sleeve again and didn't let me lag back behind her any more. Gosh! So touchy all of a sudden! I'd fucked her ass and cunt and, well, all her holes and now it was like she was a Nun who wanted none.

One moment I was being towed down a corridor and the next I was banging through a door into a poorly lit room. My eyes took a moment to adjust and when they did, I discovered a woman, tied to a set of obstetrician's stirrups with rubber hoses, her white legs glittering in the dull blue light. Her skirt was hiked up far beyond her waist and her cunt was open, pink and glittering like her skin but with a more silvery motif. Someone moved in the room and I swear all I could see was the most perfect set of tits dangling in front of a female as I'd ever seen.

"Xavia! What the hell?"

"Sonny shut up, a minute." Ellen interrupted.

"No. Who are you supposed..." At that moment, Mrs. Candice St. Vincent lifted up her head from the other side of the tits lying on the table and looked at me with something akin to longing. I felt like I was the one tied to something in a very compromising position, not her. How she managed that I don't know.

"Mrs. St. Vincent?" I whispered. Her legs were tied with lengths of rubber hose to the stirrups and her arms were stretched over her head and cuffed to a metal rail running along the head of the table. Then I could see clearly that her torso was bare also, covered only by the skirt.

"Sonny..." Ellen began.

I held up a hand. I took out my phone and scanned down to the unknown number and tapped it. It rang.

"Hello? Sonny?" Chilton St. Vincent answered.

"Mr. St. Vincent, I think I found your missing females." I said casually.

"Are they alright? Did my slag ex-wife buy a sports car or a genuine mink stole? Or some ghastly extravagance I shall have to be ashamed of?"

"Um," I stalled, staring at said ex-wife nicely exposed and conniving little daughter waving her tits at me inside and obscenely tight sweater. "No...as far as I can tell they haven't been shopping...more like sight seeing...in the adventure vacation sense of site seeing."

"Oh, well, very fine then. Thank you for the call." Click, the man hung up on me. I guess that was fine. I had nothing else to say to him and if I kept talking I would have discussed how wife and daughter compared to ex-wife and sister-in-law and that would not have been a proper conversation. So he's smarter than me, in oh so many ways.

"Uh Sonny..." Ellen interrupted my disturbing reverie.

"Doctor Sonny to you, bitch." I said with a smirk. She gave me a withering look but my cock, the stupid little fellow thought it was some sort of lurid invitation and snapped to attention. The silly little mug knew more than I did and he had only just arrived like I had. I needed to pay more attention!

Ellen glared then hitched up her tits and ignored me.

"Mr. Duncan, if you have something to say to Mrs. Vincent you will address it to me. I am her US counsel."

For a moment I thought Ellen Collier was fucking with me. I grinned, I hiccupped...I blinked but the fixed stony expression on her face did not alter one grain. Fuck me, the bitch was serious.

"Her counsel? Doctor Duncan? What the fuck did you have for breakfast?"

Ellen ignored me some more.

"Mr. Duncan, I have been retained to, among other things, arrange for your ownership of Mrs. St. Vincent. She has retained me to handle this negotiation. She insists however, that you only discuss this while your cock is inside her cunt." Now, here is where Ellen's true skill as an attorney shone brightly. She managed to speak that entire speech with nary a warble in her voice or a twitch in her lips. She looked sober as a judge. But no judge would remain sober if he (or she) heard that sort of pronouncement in the courtroom.

Ellen gestured between Mrs. St. Vincent's bound legs. She reached down to the table and flicked some lever and Mrs. St. Vincent's legs butterflied open and her cunt muttered and squelched. The woman was bubbling wet.

"Mrs. St. Vincent has always had a fantasy about being fucked in a hospital by a doctor so we arranged to make you a doctor for a day. If you would, please mount my client so we can settle some of the pending details with your newest acquisition."

I stared to take off the lab coat. Ellen snorted.

"Leave the coat on, dummy." What little dignity I carried with me evaporated in the face of her contempt. I wanted to spank her little behind but getting my suddenly very hard cock into Mrs. St. Vincent took precedence, and attorneys love precedence...when in Rome...

I unbuttoned my pants and wrestled them out of the way of my burgeoning cock. The khakis dropped to my ankles and I once again hadn't removed my shoes, so I had to shuffle forward toward the object of my delight...Mrs. St. Vincent's glittering cunt. I pushed into her and she groaned...I groaned, Ellen groaned, we all groaned. It was unanimous, whatever we were voting on.

I felt her legs tense...she wanted to wrap them around me and seal the deal with me as the signet ring and her cunt as the wax but tied as she was, spread open and cuffed, all she could do was rattle and moan. That was enough. Her cunt was warm, slick, smooth and empty so I filled her up, like a charity case in an empty soup kitchen.

"Oh my god, I love having his cock in me." Candice whimpered.

"She likes having your cock in her." Ellen intoned, like she was a Benedictine monk starting a Latin Mass.

"I can hear her, bitch." I muttered, drawing back to penetrate the restrained woman again. She burbled and her hips jerked, seeking to grind against me but I was in front of her cunt, not above it so she pulled me out part way. She squeaked and let her ass drop again where I could push into her. Her body relaxed and I slide into home, a grand slam on my mind. I withdrew again and slammed grandly into her again. Her cunt clinched. Her ass bucked up and she shivered and convulsed.

"Cumming!" She announced to the room.

"She's cumming for you, Sir." Ellen whispered, her Benedictine sobriety shattered finally. I ignored her this time and fucked the orgasming woman through two profound orgasms. When she finally flopped back and her tummy stopped rippling, I held still inside her, panting my own bad self.

"God, that's looks good enough to try myself." The old Ellen whispered. She shook herself and sucked at the drooling lust on her lips, hitched up her tits and looked up from where Mrs. St. Vincent and I were conjoined. "Mrs. St. Vincent wants you to properly own her. Because, if you don't. James or her ex-husband will find some way to drag her back to Bonny old England..."

"Don't you mean, Merry Old England?" I interrupted. It was her turn to ignore me which she duly did.

"...but she has some conditions. First, she offers her daughter as part of the package...so long as you own her, you own Xavia."

"Hmmm, two for the price? Two for one, as one? Okay, I don't get what's happening here." I didn't and I said so but again, Ellen ignored me. I felt ignored, because I was being ignored. She did not explain, well, if I had been listening instead of counting Candice's heartbeats I could feel around my cock, I might have understood what she was talking about. But I was supposed to be a doctor after all so I was taking her pulse, with my cock, in her cunt.

"She wanted to have this fantasy first, and I told her you would, fuck her like this, in a real honest to god hospital. Doing the negotiation with you buried in her cunt was my idea." Ellen finally smiled at me. It was a "motherfucker, you owe me big time now" sort of look. I had no idea.

"And a very fine idea it is." Candice whispered, her voice hoarse and rasping with a sort of erotic tension that I swear I felt around my cock. Her hips surged under me, her cunt gulping at my cock, swallowing I swear it, ripples of tension traveled along my cock like lust fueled transportation.

Ellen cleared her throat, making a thing out of it.

"Mrs. St. Vincent has some conditions." She whispered, her voice rasped like she was a long time smoker who needed oxygen.

I yanked back on my cock. Candice grunted. I jammed it back into her and she groaned, arching against my body and the bounds that held her in place. I buried myself inside of her and then went still. For a few moments she rippled, her body twitching and shifting as though pleading for me to fuck her hard and fast. Then, as though winning the battle for self-control, her body slowed and finally shimmied to a halt, still and at rest, though she panted heavily making her bare tits wobble and roll on her chest. She grunted and opened her eyes, turning to look at Ellen.
