Extenuating Circumstances Ch. 01A


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Suzanne's face heated, blushing from the man's lewd statement. She did not need to speak Spanish to know he had called her something derogatory.

To her dismay, although embarrassed, Suzanne also felt her pulse speeding up, her face reddening, not from humiliation, but from the carnal images his comment brought about in her head.

The game recommenced and two more 'freezes' were called as Cheryl first caught somebody, and then both Mary and Deborah. None of the women were able to identify their captives so their teams only earned points for catching the men, not the full ten points for identification.

Suzanne focused on the difficulty of swimming in a pool without any vision. Although she followed the men's voices, by the next response of "Polo" they immediately were behind or to the side of her, and it was completely disorienting. She realized unlike the men who had roamed the pool in packs, the women were too spread out. It placed her at a definite disadvantage, as the men had stayed together in groups of three or four to monopolize their exploration and entrapment of the women, while the women had all branched off into the pool solo, allowing the men to avoid them easily.

Remembering how she had caught Raimon, Suzanne once again stayed at one of edge of the pool and waited until she heard an answering "Polo" behind her. Immediately pushing back hard with her legs, she reached out blindly, pleased to make contact.

This time the man was closer to her than she thought, her whole body landing on the man's head and shoulders, causing both of them to go underwater in surprise.

Disoriented from being blindfolded and immersed underwater, Suzanne began to panic; however, she quickly forgot about her troubles when she suddenly felt her bikini bottoms being pulled down!

Startled, she opened her mouth to yell, instead taking a mouthful of water into her lungs as she broke the surface of the pool, coughing while whomever she had grabbed finished pulling her bikini bottoms off her legs and feet.

It took her a few moments to stop coughing, her mind more mortified to realize the man she had caught was holding her up by clutching her now bare ass!

Suzanne was completely discombobulated—not only disoriented from being blindfolded and having been underwater—but now being naked other than two small triangles of cloth covering her breasts, in a pool surrounded by neighbors.

Once she was finally able to regain her breath and composure—the unknown man still tightly grasping her bare ass in the palms of his hands—she heard her own husband yell out, "Freeze," and the infamous whistle blow.

Suzanne had momentarily forgotten about the game, preoccupied with her disbelief and alarm at being stripped of her bikini bottoms and held by her bare ass.

Trying to wiggle out of the man's grasp, her right leg wrapped around his waist to keep herself afloat, and she felt a brief moment of victory when one of the man's hands disappeared from clenching her left ass cheek. And then Suzanne went into completely shock, frozen as abruptly her captured victim's hand was between her legs.

Suzanne let out a loud grunt as the man's finger—larger than John Wall's—found her slit and forced his way inside her, then began fingering her rapidly beneath the surface of the pool.

Once again Suzanne was being fingered by a stranger, this time blindfolded, and to her shame, she felt her hips instinctively thrust forward, impaling herself further upon the man's digit.

The absence of sight intensified her sensations, making her already unbearable arousal rise like a nuclear explosion, and although Suzanne tried to maintain her composure, she could not help but groan as her unknown assailant plunged in and out of her pussy.

She knew the entire neighborhood was watching her in the pool, and although not aware of what was going on under the water, the concept of being so intimately violated directly before them turned her on even more, and to her mortification, she began gyrating her hips upon the hand between her loins, grunting as the finger slammed into her over and over.

Meanwhile her own husband—unaware another man's fingers where assailing and boring into his very own wife most intimate of places—asked if she knew who her assaulter was.

Barely aware of what she was doing, Suzanne's legs wrapped tightly around the mystery man's waist, holding herself up even as she gave her assailant's finger further room to plunge in and out of her. Unlike earlier with John Walls, whose rapid finger thrusts had gotten her off earlier, this man's strokes were slow and deliberate, as if he had all the time in the world to finger fuck the young wife in the middle of the pool, unconcerned they were in front of her husband and all their neighbors.

Only one man had such confidence and purpose she thought, practically moaning his name as she said, "James. James Price."

At the mention of his name, James' thrusts sped up, now moving rapidly, and Suzanne let out a moan as her body shamefully tensed in preparation for an orgasm.

Her only saving grace was being thankful the crowd was cheering loudly at her correct guess, so it was only James who could hear her long groan as her hips began to thrust rapidly.

And then, between one moment and the next, he was gone, his hand pulling away quickly and his body splashing away from her, leaving Suzanne whimpering in need as she automatically treaded water to keep herself afloat, surprised at his abrupt absence.

Suzanne was speechless. She had been so close to an orgasm—one more thrust would have done her in—and within the blink of a blindfolded eye he was gone. And not only was his hand gone from between her legs, her body aroused beyond belief, but he also had taken her bikini bottoms, leaving her half naked in the pool.

She was completely unbalanced between the abrupt cessation of her sexual assault and the loss of her swimsuit. She swam on autopilot, beginning to dog-paddle in order to not reveal her state of undress as she tried to wrap her mind around what had just happened.

Although the game once more commenced, she swam slowly, her mind in turmoil wondering what the hell she should do. Would James be giving her clothes back once the game was over? And worse yet, how could her body have betrayed her like that, yielding to a stranger's vulgar touch while her own husband asked her who was ravishing her?

She was a married woman for Christ's sake! How could she have not uttered or given any opposition, instead, not only yielding to James' touch, but wrapping her legs around him and giving him unobstructed access to her crotch like a wanton slut?

Suzanne felt her entire body heat with shame at how easily she had responded to his touch.

The shout of "Freeze" from Neal Meyers caused her to tread water while her mind continued traveling at the speed of light, thoughts bouncing within her skull like a pinball machine. In the periphery of her mind she realized Marilyn Mohr apparently caught somebody, hearing the crowd shout out their congratulations to her.

Unexpectedly, Suzanne suddenly felt a pair of hands grasp her bare waist, sliding down her hips to cup and squeeze her completely naked ass.

She was not even sure if the person was male or female, ashamed to realize somebody else was aware of her lower body nakedness.

Suzanne could not focus upon what was going on around her with the game, her sole focus centered upon the hands smoothly gliding across the curvature of her ass cheeks.

With sudden alarm, she realized the hands were moving closer and closer to the cleft between her legs.

Even expecting it, Suanne gasped in surprise as one of the hands slid between her legs and pushed upwards, the person's finger meeting no resistance as it slid easily between the wet folds of her labia, sliding abruptly into her core.

Suzanne had a sudden clarity of mind to realize she did not know how many people had felt her up today, but then her humiliation shifted back to the present as she tilted her hips back, giving the hand free access to her pussy as a second finger slowly inserted into her core.

As if flipping a light switch, Suzanne's previous state of lust rushed back to her immediately, and without second thought she began moving her hips, giving as much as she received to the fingers buried and stroking her sensitive flesh.

In the back of her mind she could not believe what was happing, being felt up in a public place, surrounded by friends and neighbors—not to mention her own husband—naked except for a small bikini top, while some stranger behind her slowly finger fucked her. But she no longer cared, her horniness reaching a peak unbeknownst to her as Suzanne became completely lost in her lust at the lewd touch, it becoming the lowest depraved moment of her life.

Without even understanding why, Suzanne tilted her body forward, moving her legs back to wrap around the waist of the person behind her as she suddenly realized in surprise the person behind her was a woman, feeling the distinct ties of a bikini bottom on the inside of her calves.

Her revelation was short-lived as her lust overwhelmed her, giving herself up completely to whomever was behind her as the hand between her legs moved faster and faster, the motions of the woman's hand churning up the water between them.

Her orgasm was once again one stroke away as she prepared herself to go over the edge.

And then the whistle blew, the game recommencing as the hand between her legs abruptly disappeared, the female body extricating itself from between her legs and swimming away in the blink of an eye, leaving her once again on the wrong side of her body's release.

Suzanne was mortified at her behavior, unable to believe how crass she had acted—or that her assailant this time had been a woman! In some ways that was even worse than the men's groping of her, the feeling more intimate from it being somebody she had possibly confided with over lunch or had chatted with during her life.

Once again she was barely aware of the game continuing as several more 'freezes' were called out, until Angeline's voice came across the loudspeaker at one point.

"OK, that's the end of the final round. Give us a moment to tally up the totals," she said as Suzanne took off the blindfold, blinking rapidly as her eyes adjusted to the light.

She saw several people getting out of the pool, immediately realizing in horror she could not leave the pool without revealing her lower nakedness to her neighbors.

And then she saw James Price.

The large black man was already out of the pool, standing off to the side by himself and staring directly at Suanne with a knowing smile. As she looked at him, she watched as he reached into the front of his bathing suit and pulled out a wad of pink and orange material she knew without a doubt were the bottoms of her bikini.

She was about to swim towards his end of the pool when an arm suddenly wrapped around her waist.

Suzanne let out a yelp of surprise, turning to see Henry her partner's face.

"Whoa, take it easy," he said in response. "I didn't mean to startle you," he told her, his hand still around her waist.

Suzanne did not know if her older neighbor and partner was aware of her lower nudity or not, but was thankful when his hand remained only upon her hip as they both treaded water in the mid-center of the pool.

"I was going to ask if you wanted me to get you a drink," he told her.

Not making any other move with his hand, Suzanne realized it was an innocent question, thanking him as she told him yes. It was with some relief when he released her and swam to the edge of the pool, pulling himself gracefully out of the water.

Once again she turned her attention to James Price, alarmed when she saw he was no longer where she had seen him. With some concern she looked around, finally catching sight of him by the drink table, getting his own drink and talking to several of the male neighbors.

To her shame, she saw he was holding her bikini bottoms, watching as the entire group of men began laughing. As if on cue, they all turned to look at her in the pool, and Suzanne felt her entire body turn crimson in shame, knowing they were all aware of her current state of undress.

Carefully—so as not to show off her bare bottom half of her body—Suzanne swam to the edge of the pool, treading water and hoping James would come to her, knowing he would only do so on his own terms, no matter how much she begged.

Thankfully she was not the only one in the pool, so remaining in the water after the game was not as noticeable if she were all alone; however, to her alarm David wheeled over to her, having seen her still in the water.

"Everything alright?" he asked upon reaching her.

Suzanne nodded, telling him she was merely resting, enjoying the nice and cool water.

"Yeah, I saw you moving out there, you probably got worked up pretty good," he husband said as Suzanne blushed, wondering if he really knew what had happened.

"I'm going to go get a drink, can I bring you back something?" her husband inquired.

At that moment she saw James Price walking towards them—followed by a group of guys, including Henry her partner—as she answered, "No, Henry's getting me something, so why don't you go and enjoy the party," she told him hastily. "I'll join you in a minute," she said, wanting to get him away from her before the group of men arrived, not wanting him to know her current state of undress.

Taking her at her word, her husband turned his wheelchair around and went to the drink stand, passing and saying hello to the group of guys walking towards her.

"Why Suzanne," James said as the group of men came near her at the edge of the pool, "why don't you come out of the pool and join the party?" he asked teasingly.

Attempting to hide her embarrassment, she opted for anger saying, "You know goddamned well why," she spat. "Now give me back my suit," she demanded.

Several of the men—including Henry her partner—laughed.

"Well, you could come out of the pool and get it," James chuckled as he held up the familiar cloth, dangling it above her as a few other men nodded in agreement.

"Ha-Ha," she said sarcastically. "Now, can I please have my suit back?" she asked as the men around her smiled. "Please?" she repeated, a little more plaintively.

Although Suzanne knew they could not see her naked body beneath the water, the very idea of being partially naked surrounded by a group of men caused her to feel indescribably vulnerable. She felt her heart race—embarrassed to realize it was less from shame and humiliation, than her already familiar arousal. Once again she realized her sister was not the only one in the family who seemed to get aroused at being an exhibitionist.

Attempting to force her body's unwelcomed reaction aside, her attention was diverted as Henry bent down and held out the drink he had gotten her, smiling as she accepted the cocktail, gulping it down completely before gasping as the alcohol burned its way to her stomach.

The drink was much stronger than the previous ones—practically pure alcohol. Suzanne did not know if the drink was made strong for her, or if it was merely so late into the party nobody was paying attention.

Finishing the drink, she turned her focus back upon James Price.

"I'll tell you what," James said with a wide smile as Suzanne felt her heart race, "I'll give you back this small piece of cloth if you get off," he grinned.

"What?" she exclaimed in surprise and confusion, not completely understanding his demand.

"You heard me," the tall black man said with a knowing smile. "We all know how aroused you are," he said as several men nodded and a few others laughed. "So it shouldn't take you long to get off again," he smiled. "So the deal is you get yourself off, and I'll give you your bottoms back," he laughed.

Suzanne felt her face heat up in shame as she said, "No way!"

Shrugging, James turned around and started walking way, several of the men following.

"Wait! James!" she called out to him, watching as he turned around and slowly came back to the edge of the pool.

"Yes?" he asked in mock curiosity. "Is there something I can do for your Sexy Suzie Q?" he asked, her face again reddening at him mentioning her high school nickname, wondering how he had learned it.

Suzanne bowed her head in shame. She knew they would keep her suit unless she complied, and although she could easily ask her husband to bring her a blanket, having the entire party know she had lost her bikini—whether she incriminated James or not—would be even more humiliating.

Completely mortified at what she was about to agree to, she bowed her head and said, "OK," quietly. "I'll...I'll do it," she said.

"Excuse me?" James said teasingly. "Do what?" he asked with mock confusion.

She looked up at him in anger now, knowing he and the other men were enjoying her submission as she told him, "I'll get myself off."

"You'll finger fuck yourself until you cum," the large black man corrected her as Suzanne nodded. "And no faking it," he told her. "We both know how turned on you are right now," he laughed, "so consider it a service to tide you over until one of us can get you alone and fuck you properly," he told her crudely.

Suzanne felt her entire body flush with shame. There was some truth to his words, getting off would appease some of her body's desire, but she also knew it would cause her to become even more easily aroused afterwards.

She felt complete humiliation and fear at the second part of his comment, knowing all of these men were looking at her with lecherous emotions, each one of them wanting to fuck her.

That thought sparked both fear and arousal from her.

"Well, we're waiting," James said to her as the men around her chuckled.

With complete and utter shame and disgrace, Suzanne slid her right hand off the pool edge and moved it underwater, sliding it down her stomach, then lower.

Her lips parted as she sucked in a gasp of air when her finger slid across her clit, sliding it between the folds of her mons. Pushing against her clitoris, she looked up in surrender at the men above her as she slowly sang her finger into her pussy.

"Holy fuck, she' really going to do it," she heard Tim Brown say, to her complete abasement and depravity.

"Go on Suzanne, you know you need this release," Henry Fuller said to her disgrace. "Even David knows how aroused you are," he smiled to her encouragingly.

The mention of her husband's name once again brought back their earlier conversation, him telling her he wanted her to be as sexually open as she could.

Well, he was getting his wish, she thought resignedly as she began sliding her finger up and down her slit under the water, rubbing her clitoris as her breath became shallow, her shuddered gasps barely audible.

The men stared fascinated, barely breathing as she floated on the side of the pool, one arm on the edge to keep her afloat while the other moved between her legs, candidly masturbating before them. Although they could not actually see what she was doing beneath the water, her actions were obviously honest as she stared up at them, her lids half-closed as her body tensed.

Looking at the men standing around her at the edge of the pool, Suzanne noticed several men tenting in their swim suits, their arousal obvious and she let out a moan, their excitement turning her on even more as she began moving her hand faster and faster across her slit and clit. The knowledge these men were aroused at her, as she masturbated in front of them, was a tremendous turn on, and as Suzanne rested her thumb upon her clit, she sank her middle finger fully into her core.

The feeling was so intense, Suzanne tilted her head back, letting out an unrestrained loud moan, barely hearing somebody say quietly, "This is so fucking hot," to several male agreements.
