Extenuating Circumstances Ch. 01A


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Suzanne no longer cared who was watching, or even thinking about her bikini bottoms any longer. As her intense arousal once more came to the forefront, her body tightened eagerly for release, her mind no longer worried about her shameless display.

She began panting, grunting as her fingers moved faster and faster within her, her desire building even greater. Her skin became almost too tight for her, her breasts and nipples almost too sensitive against the suit covering them as her fingers plunged in and out of her core, her thumb a blur as it flicked rapidly across her clit.

"Jesus Christ, she is so fucking hot," she heard somebody say again, but was too far gone to care who said it, or who was even watching.

Suddenly Suzanne let out an agonizing moan, her body exploding from deep within her core, her brain synapses shorting out simultaneously as the orgasm rushed through her like an electrical current. Suzanne let out a pitiful moan as she closed her eyes, riding the release, while her entire body quivered in the water

"Fuck, she's really cumming," somebody said in disbelief.

But Suzanne no longer cared about her audience, too relieve to finally let herself go as she continued riding her release. Although not as fulfilling as actually being fucked by her husband, it did ease the edge of tension and horniness that had been brought on from earlier.

Finally opening her eyes, Suzanne saw the men staring heatedly at her, all of them now having visible erections through their suits. James Price smile at her, and without a word tossed her bikini bottoms into the water with a loud 'splat,' and still smiling, turned and walked away with the other men, leaving her recovering from her orgasm at the pool side.

Suzanne's mind was in a complete state of shock. What the hell had she just done?

Well, she knew what she had done, but the why and wherefore and everything else about the circumstances left her dumbfounded.

She had just masturbated in public, in one of her neighbor's backyard, in front of people she passed by on a daily basis to and from work. Hell, one of the men actually worked at the same office as her!

Suzanne's mind could not even grasp an individual thought as the day's events flooded her head. First dressing in the bikini—not only her own husband, but her neighbor—then being felt up and groped through the games to the point where she had become horny as hell, her body's reactions to those very same men's looks, gropes, and touches setting her off like a cat in heat. And now her being fingered by two of those men, and made to masturbate in front of them.

Suzanne hastily pulled her legs through her suit, sliding it up and over her hips—a feat not easily performed in a swimming pool. Once she had the suit back on, she pulled herself out of the pool, noticing several men still watching her with knowing smiles.

Her entire body blushing, she walked to the area where her husband was waiting near their stuff.

"Honey, glad you decided to join us," her husband greeted her. "You're just in time for the next game to begin," her husband said.

At that very moment Henry her partner walked up, handing Suzanne another drink.

With sudden clarity and shame Suzanne realized she had just masturbated in front of this man—and others—as she took the drink. Once again she noted the drink was much stronger than earlier, but her nerves were so frazzled she drank half of the glass almost immediately to calm her nerves and growing embarrassment.

Meanwhile, Henry acted nonchalant, like nothing had happened, that she had not just moments earlier masturbated in front of him. It did not matter she had been underwater where nobody could have noticed, it had been obvious what she had been doing. Instead, Henry made small talk with David until Angeline's voice came over the loud speaker again.

"OK, we're ready for the next game, but I wanted to announce the winners of our Marco Polo game. We have a tie for first place," she said to everybody's cheers. "With twenty points, we have the Price Team and the team of Suzanne Carter and Henry Fuller," she said as everybody clapped.

Suzanne was surprised they had placed in the game, her having only caught one person and Henry nobody, but then again, she had properly guessed her catches while the other women had not as Angeline continued.

"Coming in second with fifteen points was a three-way tie with the Walls, Dorsey, and Mitchell Teams. Finally, tied for third place with ten points each were the Mohr Team and Tim Brown and Cassie Davis' team," she said to further applause.

As the clapping and cheering once again died down, Angeline continued.

"Each team gets points awarded for their placement, so the current standings are..." she paused dramatically. "With a whopping fifty-five points, we have the team of Suzanne Carter and Henry Fuller," she announced as everybody cheered. "In second place, with thirty-five points, is the Price Team," she said, again waiting until the cheering died down. "And with thirty points currently in third place, we have the Wall Team," she said.

Suzanne barely listened to the hostess, having more personal and moral concerns on her mind, foremost being the fact she had masturbated in front of a group of neighbors—including the man standing next to her and being her partner amongst the neighborhood of revelers. She could not believe what she had done, taking exhibitionism to the extreme. It was her sister Jen, the stripper, who was the exhibitionist, not herself, she thought. Yet apparently the fruit had not fallen far from the tree. She had gone from zero to sixty, and Suzanne could not help but remain excited after having done such an illicit, carnal act in public. Even now she could feel her snatch yearning for more attention, the looks of the men around her causing yearnings she had never felt before.

And then there was her husband's new found fetish, wanting to watch his very own wife tease—and more alarmingly, please—other men. At first she had written it off as a male ego dominant alpha dog thing, brought on by his injury and feelings of inadequacy confined to a wheelchair. But the more she thought about it, she realized such feelings as his went deeper, recalling times when David had suggested she wear something sexier out in public, or remembering times when they had gone out when he had left her alone with guys who were known playboys under the pretense of going to the restroom. She had never recognized the signs of a darker fantasy. His recent injuries had only exacerbated his inner desires.

Then there was Henry. Suzanne did not know what to think about the man. Other than during the games, when they were in close contact and caught up in the game, the elderly man had remained a perfect gentleman. She did not doubt for one second the man found her attractive—Suzanne was not naïve to think the man's libido was any less than any other man's—but other than being spurred on by her husband David, personally requesting the older man feel her tits, he had not made any overt advances on her—particularly when compared to the other men of the neighborhood. Sure he had put his arm around her or felt her ass, but she could write those off as good-natured fun, him merely feeling comfortable with her.

Angeline's speech drew her back to the present, although her mind continued to swirl with her deep thoughts.

"Remember, nobody is out of the running, and the next two games are still up in the air," she announced, telling everybody to once again get into the pool.

As people made their way into the water, Angeline continued speaking.

"This next game you will pair up with your partner," Angeline told the contestants, as Suzanne swam to Henry, her mind still diverted and thinking about what had happened to her the last time she was in this pool.

When Henry grabbed her waist in the water, Suanne immediately felt a thrill course through her body, centering within her core, as her body heated up with sudden desire.

Without a second thought she wrapped her legs around her partner, her crotch pressing against Henry's. Although the maneuver was innocent enough—she was merely steadying herself against her partner in the pool—the intimacy of her position caused her heart to flutter rapidly.

She was surprised. How could she become so aroused at merely a touch, she wondered? It had to be residual effects of her shamefully disgracing herself during the end of the last game, masturbating in front of several of her neighbors, including the one currently against her.

And more surprisingly was how much her body was yearning, reacting like she had not had any type of release in ages. Suzanne could not recall ever being this horny before, knowing the combination of events had compounded her desires to an almost unbearable level.

Attempting to focus back upon the game, she heard Angeline announce the next game was Peel the Banana. "This is a simple game, but being the pool obviously makes it much more difficult," she laughed. "The males will stick a banana between their legs," she said, as several men shouted out they already had that part completed.

Once the crowd's laughter and comments died down she continued.

"The men will then hold their female team members' hands over their heads while the women will go underwater and peel the banana with their mouths, coming back up only to breath. When the banana is completely peeled, they will bring it up again with it in their mouths. Once again I want to remind everybody, the fastest team may not be the winner—not only must the banana be peeled, but you will also be judged on the most intact banana. Then we will repeat with the women having the banana and the men peeling it."

Several comments were made how the women should be better at this than the men, as Suzanne watched the bananas passed out to each team.

Suzanne knew this would be a difficult game, particularly in such a deep pool. The men would not be able to keep themselves above water while holding their female team member's hands, and having a banana between their legs while treading water meant even more difficultly for the women.

"If you need air, just kick me or something," Henry told her as she nodded.

Suzanne could hold her breath for a while—not because she was a great swimmer, but to her shame, because she had continued practicing her blowjob techniques for David, discovering once an item got past a certain point in your throat, you were unable to take a breath. Again, not that David was well-endowed—her husband being only five or six inches erect—but to Suzanne size did not matter. No, she had practiced her technique merely for the sake of being curious as to how long an object she could 'deep throat.'

She blushed as the carnal thoughts went through her head, recalling her taking a foot long zucchini down her throat in the kitchen one time.

But then Angeline announced everybody should get ready and the game began.

Henry took hold and held up Suzanne's hands as, sure enough from her earlier thoughts, both of them sank underwater.

Henry assisted lowering her down to waist height with her arms extended over her head, and then she grabbed the banana in her mouth.

Having done this particular challenge before, she knew to quickly bite off the stem, and spitting it out into the water, moved her tongue to work its way beneath the peel of the banana.

This was easier said than done, as both she and Henry sank underwater and the chaos of swimming mixed with the inherent rush to beat the game was distracting.

She was startled when she felt a hard surface beneath her knees, realizing they had sunk to the bottom of the pool. Quickly looking around she saw several people similarly underwater.

The scene of a bunch of people underwater, the women's faces buried in their partner's crotch, was both obscene and absurd as her thoughts once again turned towards sex.

Moving her attention back to Henry and their banana, she eventually got the peel split, slowly taking the banana into her mouth, letting her lips peel the banana as she loosened her throat, literally deep throating the fruit into her mouth.

She was surprised how easy it was—her blow job practice actually paying off as she took the entire banana into her mouth, kicking up from the ground as Henry let her go. As they came up to the top she pulled the banana out of her throat and mouth.

Around her she saw several teams already surfaced as well, and they all waited for the rest of the teams to surface before Angeline called everybody to the side of the pool to show their bananas.

Her and Cheryl Price were the only two women with fully intact bananas, the other women having crushed or bitten parts of theirs of, and after factoring in how quickly the teams had surfaced, her and Henry were deemed to be in third place, Cheryl and James having surfaced first, followed by Marilyn and Ralph Mohr, who although their banana was partially crushed, had surfaced first ahead of everybody.

And then the roles were swapped. Suzanne wedging a banana between her legs for Henry's turn to make the attempt.

"Any hints?" Henry asked her as they swam to the middle of the pool.

"All I did was bite off the stem and then worked the peel initially with my tongue. Once it was started, I let my lips peel it. It wasn't much different than deep throating," she said without thinking.

Suddenly Suzanne's face turned bright red as she realized what she had said.

"Well, I would assume you're much better at that than I," Henry said with a laugh as he immediately submerged himself.

Suzanne was almost too shocked to grab his hands and take a breath as the game began.

As they again sank under water, Suzanne could not stop thinking about what she had said, as well as blocking out the odd sensation of having another man's face so close to her crotch. Although this was a game, the intimacy of where Henry was caused her body to again flood with desire.

Looking around under the water, Suzanne saw several teams surfacing, surprised when Henry push off from the bottom, swimming up as they both surfaced.

Unfortunately, their banana was almost completely crushed, Henry apologizing for mangling the fruit in his rush.

"Don't worry," she consoled him, unconsciously wrapping her legs around him as she inspected the banana, allowing him to hold her up. "It's just a game," she said.

Suddenly she became aware of Henry's arms wrapping around her, his hands cupping her ass.

Although she knew he was merely holding her steady, the sudden intimacy once again caused a flush throughout her body.

What the hell was happening, she thought for what must have been the thousandth time.

And then the sudden image of Henry watching her masturbate in the pool with a group of men earlier popped into her mind, and Suzanne could not suppress a shudder as her body heated once again in pent up desire, her breasts tightening uncomfortably while her nipples became even firmer than before.

Trying to keep her mind off of her body's unwarranted response, she looked around the pool, seeing David wave at her with a smile.

The thought of what it must look like to him, her body pressed closely against Henry, her legs obviously wrapped around him, came to her mind, and even though he had spoken of his desires earlier, Suzanne was surprised at her husband's smile while she was intimately held up by their neighbor.

She once again thought about her husband condoning the way she had been acting, liking the other men's attention upon her. She wondered what he was thinking now, seeing her hanging on to Henry in what was blatantly an intimate position.

As they treaded water, Suzanne became aware of Henry's hands sliding along her exposed ass cheeks. At first she believed he was merely repositioning his hands for a better grip to hold her up, but as he continued stroking her wet skin, she realized he was actually feeling her up!

Even more surprising, instead of becoming indignant, Suzanne remained in place, a rush flowing through her body as she again glanced at her husband who continued smiling openly at her.

Once more she could not believe what was happening. Here she was, her legs wrapped intimately around one of her neighbors in front of everybody in their neighborhood. Meanwhile, he stroked her ass.

Suddenly Suzanne became aware of something else—the firm poking sensation of Henry's penis in her crotch. In surprise, Suzanne realized Henry had an erection.

And once again she could not suppress the rush of desire, flooding her body like a tidal wave as the now conspicuous hard-on pressed directly against the opening of her slit. With complete clarity she knew if it were not for the thin layers of clothing between their suits, her sixty-something-year-old neighbor's cock would be inside her. Even more frightening was the realization of a deep dark part of her WANTING it!

She was in a complete daze, confused as to why she was reacting in such a way even as the winners were announced—the Prices coming in first, followed by Walls, and then the Dorseys, Henry's crushed banana taking them out of the running.

Henry gave her ass a playful squeeze, pulling her even more tightly upon his evident hardness, before abruptly releasing her, leaving her to flounder in her confusion before swimming to the edge of the pool behind Henry.

Exiting the water, David immediately wheeled to them, greeting them happily.

Taking a look at Suzanne, it was obvious her husband was mistaking her thoughts as he said, "Cheer up, you and Henry are still five points in the lead even after the last two games. All you need to do is place second for the last game and even if the Price's win it, you'll both be tied for first place," he told her.

David had the mind for the numbers, so Suzanne took his word on it, again less concerned over winning the games as she was her body's reactions.

While Henry went to get them all a drink, David joked with her, asking if she enjoyed 'going down' on Henry.

Suzanne looked at her husband once again in shock, deciding he needed to hear everything that was happening.

"You know Henry felt my ass up, don't you?" she asked, seeing what her husband would say.

To her surprise he laughed.

"Too bad you had to put the bottoms of your suit back on from earlier, otherwise you both could have had a good time," he told her with a smirk and exaggerated wink.

"What?" Suzanne exclaimed in astonishment.

Seeing several people look at them, she lowered her voice as she asked, "You know what happened?" even as humiliation engulfed her body.

Once again her husband laughed, still surprising her at not being upset as he told her, "I saw James holding them up in front of you earlier," he grinned. "So what was it like being practically naked in front of those men?" he asked, a lecherous look appearing on his face.

Suzanne could not believe her husband was actually turned on by his wife in such a compromising position, being exposed and degraded in front of other men. What the hell was going on in their lives? Not only was she behaving like a wanton slut, masturbating in front of a group of her very own neighbors, but her very own husband was approving it, urging her on.

"We are going to talk about this when we get home," she told her husband sternly as he leered at her. "AFTER you sober up," she concluded.

Henry returned at that point with another drink, and Suzanne quickly gulped her drink, used to the sharp burn of the more potent version, but needing it after her husband's revelation as Henry handed her his drink as well.

What was happening to their marriage? First her husband wanted to show her body off in front of their friends and neighbors by approving her wearing such a miniscule bikini, and then confessing he enjoyed watching other men hit on her—even suggesting she let them go as far as they want.
